%define major 0 %define libname %{name}-lib %define develname %{name}-devel %define release 1 Name: seafile Version: 5.1.3 Release: %{release} Summary: Open source cloud storage system with features on privacy protection and teamwork License: GPLv3+ Group: Networking/File transfer URL: https://github.com/haiwen/seafile Source0: https://github.com/haiwen/seafile/archive/v%{version}/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz #Source0: https://github.com/haiwen/seafile-server/archive/v%{version}-server.tar.gz Patch0: seafile-5.1.1-evhtp.patch Patch1: seafile-5.1.3.libarchive.patch #seafile-server-6.1.1-server.libarchive.patch BuildRequires: intltool BuildRequires: pkgconfig(glib-2.0) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(jansson) #BuildRequires: pkgconfig(sqlite3) BuildRequires: sqlite-devel >= 3.7.17 BuildRequires: pkgconfig(openssl) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libevent) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(uuid) >= 2.0 BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libcurl) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libsearpc) #BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libccnet) BuildRequires: ccnet-devel ##BuildRequires: pkgconfig(python) BuildRequires: python-devel #BuildRequires: vala >= 0.26 BuildRequires: vala # server requirements BuildRequires: pkgconfig(zdb) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(evhtp) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libarchive) #add jpp epel BuildRequires: libedit BuildRequires: libtool BuildRequires: fuse-devel fuse Requires: fuse Requires: sqlite >= 3.7.17 #fin add jpp Requires: ccnet >= %{version} Requires: pythonegg(2)(seafile) = %{version}-%{release} %description Seafile is an open source cloud storage system with features on privacy protection and teamwork. Collections of files are called libraries, and each library can be synced separately. A library can also be encrypted with a user chosen password. Seafile also allows users to create groups and easily sharing files into groups. #---------------------------------------------------- %package server Summary: Seafile server Group: Networking/File transfer Requires: ccnet-server #>= %{version} #Requires: ccnet >= %{version} Requires: pythonegg(2)(seaserv) = %{version}-%{release} %description server Seafile is an open source cloud storage system with features on privacy protection and teamwork. Collections of files are called libraries, and each library can be synced separately. A library can also be encrypted with a user chosen password. Seafile also allows users to create groups and easily sharing files into groups. This package contains the server part for %{name}. #---------------------------------------------------- %package -n %{libname} Summary: Library for %{name} Group: System/Libraries %description -n %{libname} Seafile is an open source cloud storage system with features on privacy protection and teamwork. Collections of files are called libraries, and each library can be synced separately. A library can also be encrypted with a user chosen password. Seafile also allows users to create groups and easily sharing files into groups. This package contains library files for %{name}. #---------------------------------------------------- %package -n %{develname} Summary: Development files for %{name} Group: Development/C Requires: %{libname} = %{version}-%{release} Provides: %{name}-devel = %{version}-%{release} Provides: lib%{name}-devel = %{version}-%{release} %description -n %{develname} The %{develname} package contains libraries and header files for developing applications that use %{name}. #---------------------------------------------------- %package -n python-%{name} Summary: Python 2 bindings for %{name} Group: Development/Python BuildArch: noarch Provides: pythonegg(2)(seafile) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: pythonegg(2)(seaserv) = %{version}-%{release} %description -n python-%{name} Seafile is an open source cloud storage system with features on privacy protection and teamwork. Collections of files are called libraries, and each library can be synced separately. A library can also be encrypted with a user chosen password. Seafile also allows users to create groups and easily sharing files into groups. This package contains the python 2 bindings for %{name}. #---------------------------------------------------- %prep %setup -q %patch0 -p1 %patch1 -p1 sed -i -e /\(DESTDIR\)/d lib/libseafile.pc.in NOCONFIGURE=1 ./autogen.sh %build %configure \ --disable-static \ --with-mysql \ --enable-server \ --enable-client \ make %install make install DESTDIR=%{buildroot} # we don't want these find %{buildroot} -name '*.la' -delete %files %doc README.markdown %doc LICENSE.txt %{_bindir}/seaf-cli %{_bindir}/seaf-daemon %{_mandir}/man1/*.1.* %files server %doc README.markdown %doc LICENSE.txt %{_bindir}/seaf-fsck %{_bindir}/seaf-fuse %{_bindir}/seaf-migrate %{_bindir}/seaf-server %{_bindir}/seaf-server-init %{_bindir}/seafserv-gc %{_bindir}/%{name}-admin %{_bindir}/%{name}-controller %files -n %{libname} %{_libdir}/lib%{name}.so.%{major} %{_libdir}/lib%{name}.so.%{major}.* %files -n %{develname} %doc README.markdown %{_includedir}/* %{_libdir}/lib%{name}.so %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/lib%{name}.pc %files -n python-%{name} %doc README.markdown %{python_sitearch}/%{name}/ %{python_sitearch}/seaserv/ %changelog * Mon Feb 19 2018 Jean-Philippe Pialasse - 5.1.3-1.sme - First import to SME Server - test with vala < 0.26 : vala-0.10.4-1.el6 * Tue Nov 01 2016 daviddavid 5.1.3-1.mga5 + Revision: 1064503 - new version: 5.1.3 + neoclust - Use version 5.1.2 on backports - Add to backports * Thu Jun 30 2016 daviddavid 5.1.3-1.mga6 + Revision: 1038172 - new version: 5.1.3 * Thu May 12 2016 daviddavid 5.1.1-4.mga6 + Revision: 1014279 - add the server part of seafile * Sat May 07 2016 daviddavid 5.1.1-3.mga6 + Revision: 1010167 - add another missing requires on ccnet * Sat May 07 2016 daviddavid 5.1.1-2.mga6 + Revision: 1010149 - add missing requires on python-seafile * Fri May 06 2016 daviddavid 5.1.1-1.mga6 + Revision: 1009890 - initial package seafile