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Contents of /rpms/smeserver-bugzilla/contribs7/smeserver-bugzilla.spec

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Revision 1.4 - (show annotations) (download)
Sat Mar 6 09:04:45 2010 UTC (15 years ago) by snetram
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: smeserver-bugzilla-0_1-5_el4_sme, HEAD
Changes since 1.3: +12 -5 lines
* Sat Mar 6 2010 Jonathan Martens <smeserver-contribs@snetram.nl>
- Fix date in previous changelog entry
- Fix SPEC header to generate proper version and release data

1 # $Id: smeserver-bugzilla.spec,v 1.3 2010/03/05 18:02:42 snetram Exp $
2 # Authority: snetram
3 # Name: Jonathan Martens
5 Summary: Set up bugzilla for SME Server.
6 %define name smeserver-bugzilla
7 %define version 0.1
8 %define release 5
9 Name: %{name}
10 Version: %{version}
11 Release: %{release}%{?dist}
12 License: GNU GPL version 2
13 URL: http://www.contribs.org
14 Group: SMEserver/addon
15 Source: %{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
16 Patch0: smeserver-bugzilla-0.1-createlinks.patch
17 Patch1: smeserver-bugzilla-0.1-database.patch
18 Patch2: smeserver-bugzilla-0.1-httpd.conf.patch
19 Patch3: smeserver-bugzilla-0.1-bugzilla.conf.patch
20 Patch4: smeserver-bugzilla-0.1-localconfig.patch
21 Patch5: smeserver-bugzilla-0.1-actionscript.patch
22 Patch6: smeserver-bugzilla-0.1-passwordwarning.patch
23 Patch7: smeserver-bugzilla-0.1-bugzilla-setup.patch
24 Patch8: smeserver-bugzilla-0.1-strong-pwd.patch
25 BuildRoot: /var/tmp/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-buildroot
26 BuildArchitectures: noarch
27 BuildRequires: e-smith-devtools >= 1.13.1-03
28 Requires: e-smith-release >= 7.0
29 Requires: bugzilla >= 3.0
30 Requires: perl-CGI >= 3.21
31 Requires: perl(Digest::SHA)
32 Requires: perl-TimeDate
33 Requires: perl(DateTime) >= 0.28
34 Requires: perl(DateTime::TimeZone) >= 0.71
35 Requires: perl(DBI) >= 1.41
36 Requires: perl(DBD::mysql) >= 4.00
37 Requires: perl-Template-Toolkit >= 2.22
38 Requires: perl(Email::Send) >= 2.00
39 Requires: perl(Email::MIME) >= 1.861
40 Requires: perl(Email::MIME::Encodings) >= 1.313
41 Requires: perl(Email::MIME::Modifier) >= 1.442
42 Requires: perl(URI)
44 Requires: e-smith-base
45 AutoReqProv: no
47 %description
48 rpm to setup bugzilla
50 %changelog
51 * Sat Mar 6 2010 Jonathan Martens <smeserver-contribs@snetram.nl>
52 - Fix date in previous changelog entry
53 - Fix SPEC header to generate proper version and release data
55 * Fri Mar 5 2010 Jonathan Martens <smeserver-contribs@snetram.nl>
56 - Create strong password
58 * Mon Dec 7 2009 Jonathan Martens <smeserver-contribs@snetram.nl>
59 - Apply a more restricted set of privileges to the bugzilla database user
61 * Mon Dec 7 2009 Jonathan Martens <smeserver-contribs@snetram.nl>
62 - Update minimal requirements to match at least bugzilla 3.4.2
63 - Reserve the /bugzilla URL namespace in the configuration database
64 - Simplify webserver configuration fragment and rely on .htaccess files
65 generated by checksetup.pl
66 - Generate localconfig and populate it with the database settings
67 - Create default input configuration file (/etc/bugzilla.conf) for
68 checksetup.pl so it can be executed unattended
69 - Add a custom template so the initial welcome page will remind the admin to
70 change the password for the admin account
71 - Enable InnoDB as this is required for Bugzilla
73 * Tue Aug 14 2007 Greg Swallow <greg@runlevle7.ca> - 0.1-1
74 - initial release
76 %prep
77 %setup
78 %patch0 -p1
79 %patch1 -p1
80 %patch2 -p1
81 %patch3 -p1
82 %patch4 -p1
83 %patch5 -p1
84 %patch6 -p1
85 %patch7 -p1
86 %patch8 -p1
88 %build
89 perl createlinks
91 %install
92 rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
93 (cd root ; find . -depth -print | cpio -dump $RPM_BUILD_ROOT)
94 rm -f %{name}-%{version}-filelist
95 /sbin/e-smith/genfilelist $RPM_BUILD_ROOT \
96 > %{name}-%{version}-filelist
97 echo "%doc COPYING" >> %{name}-%{version}-filelist
99 %clean
100 rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
102 %files -f %{name}-%{version}-filelist
103 %defattr(-,root,root)

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