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Contents of /rpms/smeserver-coova-chilli/contribs7/smeserver-coova-chilli.spec

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Revision 1.12 - (show annotations) (download)
Thu Aug 28 13:14:07 2008 UTC (16 years, 5 months ago) by vip-ire
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: smeserver-coova-chilli-0_1-6_el4_sme
Changes since 1.11: +39 -2 lines
Config Fixes

1 # $Id: smeserver-coova-chilli.spec,v 1.11 2008/08/28 10:12:16 snetram Exp $
2 # Authority: vip-ire
3 # Name: Daniel Berteaud
5 Summary: Coova-Chilli, a captive portal based on ChilliSpot configured for SME server
6 %define name smeserver-coova-chilli
7 Name: %{name}
8 %define version 0.1
9 %define release 6
10 Version: %{version}
11 Release: %{release}%{?dist}
12 License: GPL
13 Group: Networking/Remote access
14 Source: %{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
15 URL: http://sme.firewall-services.com
16 BuildRoot: /var/tmp/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-buildroot
17 BuildArchitectures: noarch
18 BuildRequires: e-smith-devtools
19 Requires: e-smith-release >= 7.0
20 Requires: openssl
21 Requires: coova-chilli
22 Requires: e-smith-radiusd >= 1.0.0-18
24 Patch1: smeserver-coova-chilli-0.1-bypass_auth_with_squid_fix.patch
25 Patch2: smeserver-coova-chilli-0.1-expand_masq_fix.patch
26 Patch3: smeserver-coova-chilli-0.1-firewall2db.patch
27 Patch4: smeserver-coova-chilli-0.1-loginPageDir.patch
28 Patch5: smeserver-coova-chilli-0.1-authTemplate.patch
29 Patch6: smeserver-coova-chilli-0.1-fixOUTreset.patch
30 Patch7: smeserver-coova-chilli-0.1-uamallowed.patch
31 Patch8: smeserver-coova-chilli-0.1-dnsparano.patch
32 Patch9: smeserver-coova-chilli-0.1-cmdsock.patch
34 %description
35 This package allow you to configure a third interface
36 (eth2). Just plug a WiFi AP on it, and you'll have
37 a secured captive portal. Users will be redirected
38 on a logon page and they'll have to enter credentials
39 (sme accounts) before the server allows them. By default,
40 they'll only have web access if they are members of the group "chilli"
41 This contrib will only work in server&gateway mode
43 %changelog
44 *Thu Aug 28 2008 Daniel B. <daniel@firewall-services.com> 0.1-6
45 - split uamallowed (one per line)
46 - Add dnsparanoia directive
47 - correct cmdsock directive
48 - initialise default configuration db in the spec file
50 * Thu Aug 28 2008 Jonathan Martens <smeserver-contribs@snetram.nl> 0.1-5
51 - Remove the reset of $OUT from the template
53 * Thu Aug 28 2008 Daniel B. <daniel@firewall-services.com> 0.1-4
54 - Add template to enable auth module unix (replace the template-custom)
55 - Copy images to /opt/chilli/template before removing .rpmnew directory
56 - Correct dependency (e-smith-radiusd not esmith-radiusd)
58 * Wed Aug 27 2008 Jonathan Martens <smeserver-contribs@snetram.nl> 0.1-3
59 - Split requirements to one per line
60 - Removed .rpmnew directory from package
61 - Removed the need for templates-custom as package now requires e-smith-radiusd >= 1.0.0-18
63 * Tue Aug 26 2008 Daniel B. <daniel@firewall-services.com>
64 - [0.1-2]
65 - Most firewall customizations (for incomming and forwarded traffic from
66 chilli network only) can be set through db commands (Patch3)
67 - Outgoing DNS is allowed only for the two DNS servers configured
68 - Clean spec file, and put php files in /opt/chilli (Patch4)
70 * Tue Apr 15 2008 Daniel Berteaud <daniel@firewall-services.com>
71 - [0.1-1]
72 - security fixe: auth bypass with squid (patch1)
73 - masq template not expanded (patch2)
75 * Fri Apr 04 2008 Daniel Berteaud <daniel@firewall-services.com>
76 - [0.1]
77 - initiale release
79 %prep
80 %setup
81 %patch1 -p1
82 %patch2 -p1
83 %patch3 -p1
84 %patch4 -p1
85 %patch5 -p1
86 %patch6 -p1
87 %patch7 -p1
88 %patch8 -p1
89 %patch9 -p1
91 mv root/opt/chilli.rpmnew/template/images root/opt/chilli/template
92 rm -rf root/opt/chilli.rpmnew/
93 rm -rf root/etc/e-smith/templates-custom/
94 rm -rf root/etc/e-smith/db/configuration/defaults
96 %build
97 /usr/bin/perl createlinks
99 # Initialise db fragment
100 DEFAULT=root/etc/e-smith/db/configuration/defaults/chilli
101 mkdir -p $DEFAULT
102 echo 'service' > $DEFAULT/type
103 echo 'disabled' > $DEFAULT/status
104 echo 'private' > $DEFAULT/access
105 echo '900' > $DEFAULT/defidletimeout
106 echo '7200' > $DEFAULT/defsessiontimeout
107 echo 'eth2' > $DEFAULT/dhcpif
108 echo '' > $DEFAULT/dns1
109 echo '' > $DEFAULT/dns2
110 echo '' > $DEFAULT/net
111 echo '3990' > $DEFAULT/TCPPort
112 echo 'tun0' > $DEFAULT/tundev
113 echo 'tcp:www.firewall-services.com:80,\
114 tcp:coova.org:80,\
115 tcp:smeserver.org:80,\
116 tcp:sourceforge.net:80' > $DEFAULT/uamallowed
117 echo '' > $DEFAULT/RedirectToChilli
118 echo '' > $DEFAULT/AllowedServices
119 echo '' > $DEFAULT/AllowedOutgoing
122 %install
123 /bin/rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
124 (cd root ; /usr/bin/find . -depth -print | /bin/cpio -dump $RPM_BUILD_ROOT)
125 /bin/rm -f %{name}-%{version}-filelist
126 /sbin/e-smith/genfilelist $RPM_BUILD_ROOT \
127 --file /etc/chilli/conup.sh 'attr(0750,root,root)' \
128 --file /etc/chilli/condown.sh 'attr(0750,root,root)' \
129 --file /opt/chilli/hotspotlogin-loginform.php 'config(noreplace)' \
130 --file /opt/chilli/hotspotlogin-nonchilli.php 'config(noreplace)' \
131 --file /opt/chilli/hotspotlogin-nonssl.php 'config(noreplace)' \
132 --file /opt/chilli/hotspotlogin.php 'config(noreplace)' \
133 --file /opt/chilli/lang/en.php 'config(noreplace)' \
134 --file /opt/chilli/lang/fr.php 'config(noreplace)' \
135 --file /opt/chilli/lang/main.php 'config(noreplace)' \
136 --file /opt/chilli/template/loggingin.php 'config(noreplace)' \
137 --file /opt/chilli/template/loginform-footer.php 'config(noreplace)' \
138 --file /opt/chilli/template/loginform-header.php 'config(noreplace)' \
139 > %{name}-%{version}-filelist
141 %files -f %{name}-%{version}-filelist
142 %defattr(-,root,root)
144 %clean
145 rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
147 %preun
149 if [ $1 == 0 ]; then
150 /sbin/e-smith/db configuration setprop chilli status disabled
151 /etc/rc.d/init.d/chilli stop >& /dev/null || :
152 fi

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