%define name smeserver-egroupware %define version 1.4.002 %define release 3 %define rpmver 4.0.4 Summary: eGroupware web application for SME >7 Name: %{name} Version: %{version} Release: %{release}%{?dist} License: GPL Group: Web/Application Source: %{name}-%{version}.tar.gz URL: http://www.egroupware.org BuildRoot: /var/tmp/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-buildroot BuildArchitectures: noarch Requires: e-smith-base, e-smith-release >= 7 %description This RPM is an unofficial addon for the SME Server 7.x and above. eGroupWare is a free enterprise ready groupware software for your network. It enables you to manage contacts, appointments, todos and many more for your whole business. eGroupWare is a groupware server. It comes with a native web-interface which allowes to access your data from any platform all over the planet. Moreover you also have the choice to access the eGroupWare server with your favorite groupware client (Kontact, Evolution, Outlook) and also with your mobile or PDA via SyncML. eGroupWare is international. At the time, it supports more than 25 languages including rtl support. eGroupWare is platform independent. The server runs on Linux, Mac, Windows and many more other operating systems. On the client side, all you need is a internetbrowser such as Firefox, Konqueror, Internet Explorer and many more. https://yourdomain.com/egroupware %changelog * Fri Oct 26 2007 Sylvain Gomez - 1.4.002-3] Improving SME integration MySQL init templates added - Events added for DomainName changes - MySQL importation method changed - Security is now improved on header.inc.php after an update - Gallery2 added (but not installed by default) - Type changed from service to url - Fudforum obsolete lines commented in Apache template * Sun Oct 21 2007 Sylvain Gomez - [1.4.002-2] Improving upgradability&MySQL DataBase MySQL DataBase rebuilt in utf-8 (new installations only!) - Fixed Spanish lang in login page (new installations only!) - Fixed MySQL rights after when updating from older version - Fixed files not upgrading from v1.4.001 to v1.4.002 - Security is now reset when updating - phpSysInfo security improved in Apache template - Generating shorter passwords (new installations only!) - Description text updated - More comments at the install stage * Sat Oct 20 2007 Sylvain Gomez - [1.4.002-1] Improving upgradability&RPM structure BETA VERSION - RPM renamed to smeserver-egroupware-1.4.002 - Fixed RPM structure - Fixed iCal bug installing old version 1.4.001 - Improved Sitemgr (create link instead of moving the folder - new installations only!) - MySQL database rebuilt from scratch - Updating the RPM is now possible - Security improved on header.inc.php (new installations only!) - Some useless items are now deleted - phpSysInfo default configuration review (config.php+SME styled icon) * Wed Oct 17 2007 Dietmar Berteld - [1.4-10] Fixing little bugs and better languages support - Fixed Apache not restarting correctly when uninstalling - Fixed security on Header.inc.php * Mon Oct 15 2007 Dietmar Berteld - [1.4-9] Changing to new version 1.4.002 Fixed HTTPS redirection (Thanks to Sylvain Gomez) - Improved Apache template for better security - Improved integration in SME (https option; PublicAccess local/global - global&https is default) - Cron job added * Tue Jul 10 2007 Dietmar Berteld - [1.4-8] Preparing xmlrpc for synctools; integrate php5 as cgi-bin moduls * Fri Jun 29 2007 Dietmar Berteld - [1.4-7] Changing to utf-8 * Thu Jun 19 2007 Dietmar Berteld - [1.4-6] Fixing MySQL errors * Thu Jun 17 2007 Dietmar Berteld - [1.4-5] Fixing max_allowed_packet issue * Thu Jun 14 2007 Dietmar Berteld - [1.4-4] New basis eGW 1.4, delete php5-based sync-tool * Wed May 30 2007 Dietmar Berteld - [1.2.106-3] Automatic domain configuration and integrate php5-based sync-tool * Tue May 29 2007 Dietmar Berteld - [1.2.106-2] Change MySQL-creating method to SME and fixing bugs * Thu Jan 23 2007 Dietmar Berteld - [1.2.106-1] Initial version %prep %setup %build # Creating templates2adjust perl createlinks # Default DB parameters DEFAULTS1=root/etc/e-smith/db/configuration/defaults/egroupware DEFAULTS2=root/etc/e-smith/db/accounts/defaults/egroupware mkdir -p $DEFAULTS1 mkdir -p $DEFAULTS2 echo "egroupware" > $DEFAULTS1/DbName echo "egwuser" > $DEFAULTS1/DbUser echo "on" > $DEFAULTS1/HTTPS echo "eGroupWare" > $DEFAULTS1/Name echo "global" > $DEFAULTS1/PublicAccess echo "url" > $DEFAULTS1/type echo "reserved" > $DEFAULTS2/type %install rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT (cd root ; find . -depth -print | cpio -dump $RPM_BUILD_ROOT) rm -f %{name}-%{version}-filelist /sbin/e-smith/genfilelist $RPM_BUILD_ROOT > %{name}-%{version}-filelist %clean rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %pre # Checking if eGW files are present before updating # If present, installation files + MySQL DB are saved UPDATE=$(ls /opt | grep -c egroupware) case $UPDATE in 0) echo "Installing eGroupware... Please wait!" ;; *) echo "Updating eGroupware... Please wait!" echo "Backup folder: /opt/eGW_RPM_BACKUP" mkdir -p /opt/eGW_RPM_BACKUP cd /opt echo "Backing up installation files..." tar -czf /opt/eGW_RPM_BACKUP/egroupware.tar.gz egroupware echo "Backing up MySQL database..." mysqldump egroupware > /opt/eGW_RPM_BACKUP/egroupware.sql /sbin/e-smith/db configuration show egroupware > /opt/eGW_RPM_BACKUP/config.txt ;; esac %post # Initializing SME DB /etc/e-smith/events/actions/initialize-default-databases # Variables DOMAIN=$(/sbin/e-smith/db configuration get DomainName) EGPASS=$(/sbin/e-smith/db configuration getprop egroupware DbPassword) UPDATE=$(ls /opt | grep -c egroupware) echo "Decompressing files..." mkdir -p /opt/egroupware/{files/g2data,backup,tmp} tar xzf /usr/share/doc/eGroupWare-1.4.002/Sources/eGroupWare-1.4.002.tar.gz -C /opt/egroupware tar xzf /usr/share/doc/eGroupWare-1.4.002/Sources/eGroupWare-egw-pear-1.4.002.tar.gz -C /opt/egroupware tar xzf /usr/share/doc/eGroupWare-1.4.002/Sources/eGroupWare-gallery-1.4.002.tar.gz -C /opt/egroupware cp -f /usr/share/doc/eGroupWare-1.4.002/Sources/phpSysInfo/config.php /opt/egroupware/html/phpsysinfo/ cp -f /usr/share/doc/eGroupWare-1.4.002/Sources/phpSysInfo/Redhat.png /opt/egroupware/html/phpsysinfo/images/ echo "Cleaning Install..." rm -rf /opt/egroupware/egroupware rm -rf /opt/egroupware/html/debian rm -f /opt/egroupware/html/.htaccess echo "Setting file access rules:" cd /opt/egroupware echo " - Changing owner recursivly..." chown -R root:root /opt/egroupware/html echo " - Recursive CHMOD 755 on folders..." find html -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \; echo " - Recursive CHMOD 644 on files..." find html -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \; echo " - Customization of CHMOD for a few folders..." chmod 770 /opt/egroupware/backup chmod 770 /opt/egroupware/files chmod 770 /opt/egroupware/files/g2data chmod 770 /opt/egroupware/tmp chown www:www /opt/egroupware/backup chown www:www /opt/egroupware/files chown www:www /opt/egroupware/files/g2data chown www:www /opt/egroupware/tmp if [ "$UPDATE" = "0" ] ; then echo "Preparing Site-Mgr..." cd /opt/egroupware/html ln -s sitemgr/sitemgr-link fi echo "Preparing header.inc.php..." case $UPDATE in 0) sed 's.egwpass.'$EGPASS'.g' /usr/share/doc/eGroupWare-1.4.002/Sources/header.inc.php > /opt/egroupware/header.inc.php ;; *) mv -f /opt/egroupware/html/header.inc.php /opt/egroupware/ 2>/dev/null ;; esac chown www:www /opt/egroupware/header.inc.php chmod 640 /opt/egroupware/header.inc.php cd /opt/egroupware/html ln -s ../header.inc.php 2>/dev/null echo "Preparing Gallery2..." if [ -f /opt/egroupware/html/gallery/gallery2/config.php ] ; then touch /opt/egroupware/html/gallery/gallery2/config.php else sed 's.egwpass.'$EGPASS'.g' /usr/share/doc/eGroupWare-1.4.002/Sources/Gallery2/config.php > /opt/egroupware/html/gallery/gallery2/config.php fi chmod 640 /opt/egroupware/html/gallery/gallery2/config.php chown www:www /opt/egroupware/html/gallery/gallery2/config.php echo " " echo "MySQL installation:" if [ "$UPDATE" = "0" ] ; then cp /usr/share/doc/eGroupWare-1.4.002/Sources/81egw_database.sql /etc/e-smith/sql/init/ fi /sbin/e-smith/expand-template /etc/e-smith/sql/init/80egw_mysql.sql /sbin/e-smith/expand-template /etc/e-smith/sql/init/81egw_domain.sql /etc/rc.d/init.d/mysql.init start echo " " echo "Applying modifications to services..." /sbin/e-smith/expand-template /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf /etc/rc7.d/S86httpd-e-smith sigusr1 /etc/rc.d/init.d/crond restart echo " " echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------" case $UPDATE in 0) echo "eGroupWare Installation completed, you must finish the installation!" ;; *) echo "eGroupWare update completed, you must finish the update!" ;; esac echo "Please go to https://$DOMAIN/egroupware/setup" echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "For more details, see http://wiki.contribs.org/Egroupware" echo " " case $UPDATE in 0) echo "Reminder:" echo " - Website open globally" echo " - https mode enabled with automatic redirection" echo " - Header-Admin-Login = header-admin, pw = 'admin'" echo " - Config-Admin-Login = config-admin, pw = 'admin'" echo " - SME users can login with their user and password (mail auth. method)" echo " " echo "Start https://$DOMAIN/egroupware/setup" echo "Login with the Config-Admin (user=config-admin, pw=admin)" echo "ToDo's:" echo " - Create eGroupWare's admin account with an existing SME account/password" echo " - Configure Gallery2 if needed" ;; *) echo "Reminder:" echo " - The old install was backed up and can be found in /opt/eGW_RPM_BACKUP" echo " PLEASE MOVE THIS DIRECTORY TO A SAFE PLACE!!!" echo " - Start https://$DOMAIN/egroupware/setup" echo " - Login with your existing 'Config-Admin' creditentials" echo " - Finish the upgrade if needed" echo " - Configure Gallery2 if needed" ;; esac echo " " echo " " echo "Current configuration:" /sbin/e-smith/config show egroupware echo " " echo "Following DB parameters are allowed:" echo " # config setprop egroupware HTTPS on/off" echo " # config setprop egroupware PublicAccess local/global" echo " " echo "Don't forget to apply modifications with following commands:" echo " # expand-template /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf" echo " # service httpd-e-smith restart" echo " " echo "For more details, see http://wiki.contribs.org/Egroupware" echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------" %preun if [ $1 = 0 ] ; then mv /usr/share/doc/eGroupWare-1.4.002/Sources/DO_NOT_USE_OR_DELETE/eGW-Full-Uninstall.sh /root/ fi %postun if [ $1 = 0 ] ; then echo "Restarting services..." /sbin/e-smith/expand-template /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf /etc/rc7.d/S86httpd-e-smith sigusr1 /etc/rc.d/init.d/crond restart echo " " echo " " echo "Uninstallation finished!" echo " " echo "If you want to completly remove eGroupWare" echo "(installation files and MySQL user+database)" echo "please issue the following command at the prompt:" echo "# sh /root/eGW-Full-Uninstall.sh" fi %files -f %{name}-%{version}-filelist %defattr(-,root,root)