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Contents of /rpms/smeserver-email-management/contribs9/smeserver-email-management.spec

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Revision 1.3 - (show annotations) (download)
Sat Feb 2 17:31:05 2019 UTC (6 years ago) by jpp
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: smeserver-email-management-1_3-3_el6_sme, HEAD
Changes since 1.2: +6 -2 lines
* Sat Feb 02 2019 Jean-Philipe Pialasse <tests@pialasse.com> 1.3-3.sme
- fix not able to display log and config files for users  [SME: 10731]

1 # $Id: smeserver-email-management.spec,v 1.2 2016/03/09 08:52:32 unnilennium Exp $
2 # Authority: dungog
3 # Name: Stephen Noble
5 Summary: modify and monitor maildelivery for all users
6 %define name smeserver-email-management
7 Name: %{name}
8 %define version 1.3
9 %define release 3
10 Version: %{version}
11 Release: %{release}%{?dist}
12 License: GPL
13 URL: http://www.dungog.net/sme
14 Group: SMEserver/addon
15 Source: %{name}-%{version}.tgz
16 Patch0: smeserver-email-management-1.3.bz9737.handleAdmin.patch
17 Patch1: smeserver-email-management-1.3.bz10731.user-log-display.patch
18 BuildArchitectures: noarch
19 BuildRoot: /var/tmp/%{name}-%{version}
20 Provides: dungog-email = %{version}-%{release}
21 Requires: e-smith-release >= 9.0,
22 Requires: smeserver-vacation
23 Requires: smeserver-mailsorting
24 #Requires: smeserver-userpanel, userpanel causes endless problems
25 BuildRequires: e-smith-devtools >= 1.13.1-03
26 AutoReqProv: no
28 %description
29 SME Server panel to allow admin to enable and configure procmail,
30 maildrop, vacation or forwarding for users,
31 see all users mail delivery methods in a table.
32 Admin can add global rules and apply them to all users,
33 set advanced mail properties.
34 Original work of Stephen Noble dungog.net.
36 %prep
37 %setup
38 %patch0 -p1
39 %patch1 -p1
41 %build
42 perl createlinks
44 #LEXICONS=$(find root/etc/e-smith/{locale/,web/functions/} -type f )
45 #for lexicon in $LEXICONS
46 #do
47 # /sbin/e-smith/validate-lexicon $lexicon
48 #done
50 %install
51 rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
52 (cd root ; find . -depth -print | cpio -dump $RPM_BUILD_ROOT)
53 rm -f %{name}-%{version}-filelist
54 /sbin/e-smith/genfilelist $RPM_BUILD_ROOT > %{name}-%{version}-filelist
55 echo "%doc COPYING" >> %{name}-%{version}-filelist
57 %clean
58 %pre
59 %preun
60 %post
61 %postun
63 %files -f %{name}-%{version}-filelist
64 %defattr(-,root,root)
66 %changelog
67 * Sat Feb 02 2019 Jean-Philipe Pialasse <tests@pialasse.com> 1.3-3.sme
68 - fix not able to display log and config files for users [SME: 10731]
70 * Mon May 29 2017 Jean-Philipe Pialasse <tests@pialasse.com> 1.3-2.sme
71 - add support for admin account [SME: 9737]
73 * Mon Aug 08 2016 Jean-Philipe Pialasse <tests@pialasse.com> 1.3-1.sme
74 - initial import to SME 9
76 * Wed Jul 21 2010 Stephen Noble <support@dungog.net> 1.2-12
77 - fix remember destination when modifying
79 * Tue Jun 09 2009 Stephen Noble <support@dungog.net> 1.2-11
80 - fix path for ssl template expansion
82 * Sat Mar 07 2009 Stephen Noble <support@dungog.net> 1.2-10
83 - Configure user settings for zarafa
85 * Tue Oct 31 2006 Stephen Noble <support@dungog.net> 1.2-9
86 - MaxScannerSize added
88 * Tue Oct 31 2006 Stephen Noble <support@dungog.net> 1.2-8
89 - qmail settings added
91 * Mon Oct 30 2006 Stephen Noble <support@dungog.net>
92 - qpsmtpd settings available in globals page
93 - [1.2-7]
95 * Sat Oct 28 2006 Stephen Noble <support@dungog.net>
96 - review domain mailserver delegation
97 - review group Visible property
98 - set qpsmtpd Bcc setting for mail archiving
99 - [1.2-6]
101 * Wed Aug 23 2006 Stephen Noble <support@dungog.net>
102 - remove strict check on mailrule criterion
103 - [1.2-5]
105 * Thu May 04 2006 Stephen Noble <support@dungog.net>
106 - TMDA support added
107 - [1.2-4]
109 * Wed Apr 05 2006 Stephen Noble <support@dungog.net>
110 - cosmetic, comment fixed
111 - [1.2-3]
113 * Fri Mar 24 2006 Stephen Noble <support@dungog.net>
114 - maildrop forwarding note added
115 - vacation system call changed to actions/qmail-update-user
116 - spamboss note added
117 - [1.2-2]
119 * Thu Sep 22 2005 Stephen Noble <support@dungog.net>
120 - simplified and updated for sme7
121 - [1.2-1]
123 * Fri Jul 01 2005 Stephen Noble <support@dungog.net>
124 - removed requirement for perl-Unicode-IMAPUtf7
125 - [1.0-6]
127 * Tue Apr 26 2005 Stephen Noble <support@dungog.net>
128 - removed junkfilter option for simplification
129 - corrected messages due to changes in other rpms
130 - mailblocking and pattern matching msg removed
131 - [1.0-5]
133 * Sat Jan 29 2005 Stephen Noble <support@dungog.net>
134 - supports spamassassin ver.3 / sme-spamfilter
135 - fixed global systemdefault spam sorting
136 - modify user TMDA usage
137 - [1.0-4]
139 * Tue Dec 07 2004 Stephen Noble <support@dungog.net>
140 - shows TMDA usage
141 - [1.0-3]
143 * Mon Oct 18 2004 Stephen Noble <support@dungog.net>
144 - cosmetic changes, refreshes correctly, log filter rblsd changed to rbls
145 - [1.0-2]
147 * Thu Aug 12 2004 Stephen Noble <support@dungog.net>
148 - rpm renamed dungog-email
149 - function processmail renamed dungog-email, will affect any userpanel delegations
150 - display users MailDomains & MailLocal settings from dungog-mailblocking
151 - display each users pseudonyms, option to hide . and _ versions
152 - display 'virtual domain' pseudonyms and domain delegations from dungog-vdomain
153 - display admin in user table
154 - antivirus and filtering status consolidated into one sub panel
155 - make admin aware of the pattern matching rpms
156 - junkfilter userpanel removed
157 - [1.0-1]
159 * Wed Jul 28 2004 Stephen Noble <support@dungog.net>
160 - removed tmda
161 - you now modify junkfilter rules from the command line
162 - [0.2-11]
164 * Wed Jul 28 2004 Stephen Noble <support@dungog.net>
165 - cosmetic, altered comment about spamassassin
166 - [0.2-10]
168 * Wed Apr 07 2004 Stephen Noble <support@dungog.net>
169 - smtp/rbls settings saved correctly
170 - individual email forwarding address shown on summary page
171 - [0.2-9]
173 * Sun Mar 28 2004 Stephen Noble <support@dungog.net>
174 - requires sme 6.0
175 - smtp settings added
176 rbls, max message size
177 - updates userpanel panel links on install and uninstall
178 - [0.2-8]
180 * Fri Mar 05 2004 Stephen Noble <support@dungog.net>
181 - procmail forward to user fixed
182 - procmail says folder not in correct format fixed
183 - userpanel-procmail-pro moved to GPL userpanel
184 - [0.2-7]
186 * Thu Dec 04 2003 Stephen Noble <support@dungog.net>
187 - individual setting = systemdefault unless set otherwise
188 - dovecoat imap folders fixed in procmail dropdown lists
189 - rbls only works on 5.6, custom fragments added
190 requires e-smith-mailfront-1.0.0-02rbl.noarch.rpm
191 - spamassasin sme5/sme6 differences added
193 - [0.2-7]
195 * Thu Dec 04 2003 Stephen Noble <support@dungog.net>
196 - individual setting = systemdefault unless set otherwise
197 - dovecoat imap folders fixed in procmail dropdown lists
198 - rbls only works on 5.6, custom fragments added
199 requires e-smith-mailfront-1.0.0-02rbl.noarch.rpm
200 - spamassasin sme5/sme6 differences added
201 - [0.2-6]
203 * Mon Sep 08 2003 Stephen Noble <support@dungog.net>
204 - larger text field for rbls entry
205 - logic improved deciding between individual and global delivery
206 will use individual setting until individual setting is systemdefault
207 - logic improved in creating .procmailrc
208 if you have both junkfilter and spamassassin installed
209 - [0.2-5]
211 * Thu Aug 21 2003 Stephen Noble <support@dungog.net>
212 - SME 6.0 support, servermanager navigation & shows tables correctly
213 - minor bug fixes
214 - [0.2-4]
216 * Sun Aug 03 2003 Stephen Noble <support@dungog.net>
217 - mail sent with offline dialup server with rbls installed but off is not delayed
218 - new delivery action option, tag spam but leave for mail client to sort
219 - [0.2-3]
221 * Mon Jun 02 2003 Stephen Noble <support@dungog.net>
222 - added notes, where to get spamassassin, contibs.org
223 - a filtering spamboss needs this procmail rule 'custom headers' "spamboss@" > 'spamfolder'
224 - [0.2-2]
226 * Thu May 29 2003 Stephen Noble <support@dungog.net>
227 - lots of changes, test before using on production machine
228 - improved display on dungog > emailfiltering panel
229 shows individual override on spamfilter
230 shows which global spamfilter and the sort/delete/fwd action
231 - uses tmda-0.78,
232 and tmda-cgi-0.9 for user interface, NB tmda-cgi-0.9 is later than 0.71
233 www.servername/tmda, authenticates against users system password
234 admin or user still has to enable tmda with panels
235 - adds userpanel-procmail-pro,
236 adds second test for procmail, if x & if y then...
237 restricts characters in criterion to avoid broken rules, it may be too strict
238 email characters you want added to the allowed list
239 - incorporates better notification and seperate control of spamassassin
240 deliver tagged spamassassin spam to folder/spammboss/delete it
241 junkfilter spam folder changed to junkmail to be consistant with spamassassin
242 - server-manager > emailfiltering > global > filters
243 choose between junkfilter or spammassassin or use both
244 tmda runs before/without procmail and stops 99.9%%
245 function added to reset individual overrides to null
246 the default in now 'null' but was 'disabled'
247 this was a bug as the individual setting overrides the global setting
248 userpanel-procmail-pro is fixed, userpanel-procmail will be in userpanel.v12
249 - [0.2-1]
251 * Tue Jul 23 2002 Stephen Noble <support@dungog.net>
252 - initial release
253 - [0.1-1]

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