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Contents of /rpms/smeserver-ezmlm-web/contribs10/smeserver-ezmlm-web-1.1.3-bz6978-bz9468-bz11910-sme10next.patch

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Revision 1.2 - (show annotations) (download)
Mon Aug 1 02:17:26 2022 UTC (2 years, 6 months ago) by jpp
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: smeserver-ezmlm-web-1_1_3-13_el7_sme, smeserver-ezmlm-web-1_1_3-12_el7_sme, HEAD
Changes since 1.1: +0 -105 lines
Error occurred while calculating annotation data.
* Fri Jul 22 2022 Jean-Philippe Pialasse <tests@pialasse.com> 1.1.3-12.sme
- update to httpd 2.4 syntax [SME: 12045]

1 diff -Nur --no-dereference smeserver-ezmlm-web-1.1.3.old/createlinks smeserver-ezmlm-web-1.1.3/createlinks
2 --- smeserver-ezmlm-web-1.1.3.old/createlinks 2022-03-20 02:09:58.724000000 -0400
3 +++ smeserver-ezmlm-web-1.1.3/createlinks 2022-03-20 02:19:44.859000000 -0400
4 @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
5 console-save
6 email-update
7 mailinglist-create
8 - mailinglist-update
9 + mailinglist-modify
10 mailinglist-assign
11 ));
12 templates2events("/home/e-smith/files/ezmlm/lists/webusers",
13 @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
14 console-save
15 email-update
16 mailinglist-create
17 - mailinglist-update
18 + mailinglist-modify
19 mailinglist-assign
20 ));
21 my $event="smeserver-ezmlm-web-update";
22 diff -Nur --no-dereference smeserver-ezmlm-web-1.1.3.old/root/etc/e-smith/events/actions/ezmlm-update smeserver-ezmlm-web-1.1.3/root/etc/e-smith/events/actions/ezmlm-update
23 --- smeserver-ezmlm-web-1.1.3.old/root/etc/e-smith/events/actions/ezmlm-update 2014-06-16 11:54:25.000000000 -0400
24 +++ smeserver-ezmlm-web-1.1.3/root/etc/e-smith/events/actions/ezmlm-update 2022-03-20 02:11:36.623000000 -0400
25 @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
26 die "event argument missing." unless defined ($event);
28 my $listName = $ARGV[1];
29 -die "listName argument missing." unless defined ($listName);
30 +die "listName argument missing." unless defined ($listName) || $event eq "smeserver-ezmlm-web-update";
32 # We really want to do all ezmlm functions as the user ezmlm - saves
33 # lots of permissions fixups later on
34 @@ -63,6 +63,47 @@
35 # XXX The permissions should be in the RPM spec file - just fix it for now
36 esmith::util::chownFile("ezmlm", "ezmlm", $ownerHome);
38 +
39 +if ( $event eq "smeserver-ezmlm-web-update" )
40 +{
41 + my $ezmlm = new Mail::Ezmlm;
42 + # check default hostname
43 + my $thisdomain = $ezmlm->_getdefaultdomain;
44 + # fix perms
45 + my $listHomeBase="$ownerHome/lists";
46 + opendir(DIR, $listHomeBase)|| die "can't opendir $listHomeBase: $!";
47 + foreach my $listName ( grep { not /^\./ and -d "$listHomeBase/$_" } readdir(DIR) )
48 + {
49 + next unless $accounts->get($listName);
50 + my $listHost=$accounts->get($listName)->prop("Domain");
51 + my $listHome="$listHomeBase/$listName";
52 + my $dotQmail = ".qmail-${listName}";
53 + my $listAlias = "${ownerHome}/${dotQmail}";
54 + # fix file perms
55 + fixperms($listHost,$thisdomain,$listHome,$listName);
56 + # fix list version
57 + if (-f "$listHome/flags")
58 + {
59 + $ezmlm->setlist("$listHome");
60 + my $flags = $ezmlm->_getconfig_idx5();
61 + $flags =~ s/[CV]//ig;
62 + print "$flags\n";
63 + $ezmlm->update($flags);# or die $ezmlm->error();
64 + }
65 + }
66 + # delete broken .qmail links
67 + opendir(DIR, $ownerHome)|| die "can't opendir $ownerHome: $!";
68 + foreach my $link (readdir DIR) {
69 + next unless -l "$ownerHome/$link" and not -e readlink("$ownerHome/$link");
70 + print "Removing broken link $link\n";
71 + unlink "$ownerHome/$link" or die "Can't delete '$link': $!";;
72 + closedir(DIR);
73 + }
74 +
75 + exit 0
76 +}
77 +
78 +
79 $> = $pw->uid;
80 $) = $pw->gid;
82 @@ -104,32 +145,85 @@
83 elsif ( $event eq "mailinglist-delete" )
84 {
85 # Remove the .qmail files for this list
86 - find(\&deleteWanted, $ownerHome);
87 -
88 + #$> = 0;
89 + #$) = 0;
90 + for ( readdir(DIR) )
91 + {
92 + unlink "$ownerHome/$_" if /^$dotQmail$/ ||
93 + /^$dotQmail-accept-default$/ ||
94 + /^$dotQmail-default$/ ||
95 + /^$dotQmail-digest-owner$/ ||
96 + /^$dotQmail-digest-return-default$/ ||
97 + /^$dotQmail-owner$/ ||
98 + /^$dotQmail-reject-default$/ ||
99 + /^$dotQmail-return-default$/;
100 + }
101 + closedir(DIR);
102 # And the list management directory
103 system( '/bin/rm', '-rf', $listHome ) ==0 or
104 die "Couldn't remove list directory $listHome";
105 }
106 +elsif ( $event eq "mailinglist-modify" )
107 +{
108 + my $ezmlm = new Mail::Ezmlm;
109 + # check default hostname
110 + my $thisdomain = $ezmlm->_getdefaultdomain;
111 + # update /create inlocal if needed.
112 + $> = 0;
113 + $) = 0;
114 + fixperms($listHost,$thisdomain,$listHome,$listName);
115 +
116 +}
117 else
118 {
119 die "Couldn't work out function to call for $0";
120 }
122 -#----------------------------------------------------------------------
123 -# Called by File::Find
124 -#----------------------------------------------------------------------
125 -sub deleteWanted
126 +#==============================================================
127 +# fix ml perms and needed files
128 +#==============================================================
129 +our @content;
130 +our $search="";
131 +sub fixperms
132 {
133 - return unless
134 - /^$dotQmail$/ ||
135 - /^$dotQmail-accept-default$/ ||
136 - /^$dotQmail-default$/ ||
137 - /^$dotQmail-digest-owner$/ ||
138 - /^$dotQmail-digest-return-default$/ ||
139 - /^$dotQmail-owner$/ ||
140 - /^$dotQmail-reject-default$/ ||
141 - /^$dotQmail-return-default$/;
142 -
143 - unlink($_) || die "Couldn't unlink($_)";
144 + my $listHost = shift;
145 + my $thisdomain = shift;
146 + my $listHome = shift;
147 + my $listName = shift;
148 +
149 + if ( "$listHost" ne "$thisdomain")
150 + {
151 + open(INLOCAL, ">$listHome/inlocal");
152 + print INLOCAL "$listName\n";
153 + close INLOCAL;
154 + }
155 + # check all file in folder are "ezmlm", "admin"
156 + my @readread= qw(archnum inlocal mimeremove num prefix webnames);
157 + opendir(DIR, $listHome) || die "can't opendir $listHome: $!";
158 + for $a ( grep { not /^\./ } readdir(DIR) )
159 + {
160 + esmith::util::chownFile("ezmlm", "admin", "$listHome/$a");
161 + if ( -d "$listHome/$a" )
162 + {
163 + chmod 0700, "$listHome/$a";
164 + }
165 + elsif ( $a ~~ @readread)
166 + {
167 + chmod 0644, "$listHome/$a";
168 + }
169 + else
170 + {
171 + chmod 0600, "$listHome/$a";
172 + }
173 + }
174 + closedir DIR;
175 + # all archives subfolder and files "ezmlm", "ezmlm"
176 + @content=();
177 + $search="$listHome/archive"; find( \&wanted, $search);
178 + $search="$listHome/bounce"; find( \&wanted, $search);
179 + map {esmith::util::chownFile("ezmlm","ezmlm",$_) } @content;
180 +}
181 +sub wanted {
182 + push @content, $File::Find::name unless $File::Find::name eq $search;
183 + return;
184 }
185 -
186 diff -Nur --no-dereference smeserver-ezmlm-web-1.1.3.old/root/etc/e-smith/web/functions/mailinglists smeserver-ezmlm-web-1.1.3/root/etc/e-smith/web/functions/mailinglists
187 --- smeserver-ezmlm-web-1.1.3.old/root/etc/e-smith/web/functions/mailinglists 2022-03-20 02:09:58.725000000 -0400
188 +++ smeserver-ezmlm-web-1.1.3/root/etc/e-smith/web/functions/mailinglists 2022-03-20 02:20:41.660000000 -0400
189 @@ -49,6 +49,8 @@
190 sub performDeleteList ($);
191 sub performWebusersList ($);
192 sub webusersList ($);
193 +sub archivesConfig ($);
194 +sub performArchiveModify ($);
197 {
198 @@ -117,6 +119,15 @@
199 webusersList ($q);
200 }
202 +elsif ($q->param ('state') eq "archives")
203 +{
204 + archivesConfig ($q);
205 +}
206 +
207 +elsif ($q->param ('state') eq "performArchiveModify")
208 +{
209 + performArchiveModify ($q)
210 +}
212 elsif ($q->param ('state') eq "performWebusers")
213 {
214 @@ -186,6 +197,7 @@
215 esmith::cgi::genSmallCell ($q, $q->b ('Description')),
216 $q->td ('&nbsp;'),
217 $q->td ('&nbsp;'),
218 + $q->td ('&nbsp;'),
219 $q->td ('&nbsp;')
220 );
222 @@ -210,6 +222,12 @@
223 'Webusers...')),
225 esmith::cgi::genSmallCell ($q,
226 + $q->a ( { href => $q->url (-absolute => 1) .
227 + "?state=archives&list=" .
228 + $list->key },
229 + 'Archives...')),
230 +
231 + esmith::cgi::genSmallCell ($q,
232 $q->a ({href => $q->url (-absolute => 1)
233 . "?state=delete&list="
234 . $list->key}, 'Remove...'))
235 @@ -255,6 +273,170 @@
236 #------------------------------------------------------------
237 #
238 #------------------------------------------------------------
239 +sub archivesConfig ($)
240 +{
241 + my ($q) = @_;
242 + my $members = "";
243 + my $listName = $q->param ('list');
244 + esmith::cgi::genHeaderNonCacheable
245 + ($q, undef, 'Manage Archives Display for ezmlm-www for the following mailinglist: '. $listName );
246 +
247 + print $q->startform (-method => 'POST',
248 + -action => $q->url (-absolute => 1));
249 +
250 + if ($listName eq "ALL") {
251 + return 0
252 + }
253 + elsif ($listName eq "ALLOW_CREATE") {
254 + return 0
255 + }
256 + return unless $accounts->get($listName);
257 + my $DisplayArchives = $accounts->get($listName)->prop('DisplayArchives') || 'disabled';
258 + my $conceal_senders = $accounts->get($listName)->prop('conceal_senders') || 'enabled';
259 + my $Description = $accounts->get($listName)->prop('Description') || '';
260 + my $default_sorting = $accounts->get($listName)->prop('default_sorting') || 'thread';
261 + my $show_html = $accounts->get($listName)->prop('show_html') || 'enabled';
262 + my $highlight = $accounts->get($listName)->prop('highlight') || 'enabled';
263 + my $show_inline_images = $accounts->get($listName)->prop('show_inline_images') || 'enabled';
264 + my $subscription_info = $accounts->get($listName)->prop('subscription_info') || 'disabled';
265 + my $descending_by_default = $accounts->get($listName)->prop('descending_by_default') || 'enabled';
266 + my $search = $accounts->get($listName)->prop('search') || 'disabled';
267 + my @sorting = qw(thread date subject);
268 + my @yesno = qw(enabled disabled);
269 +
270 + print $q->table ({border => 0, cellspacing => 0, cellpadding => 4},
271 +
272 + esmith::cgi::genTextRow ($q,
273 +
274 + $q->p ('The list name should contain only lower-case',
275 + 'letters, numbers, and hyphens and must start with ',
276 + 'a lower-case',
277 + 'letter. For example "betty", "hjohnson", and "abc-12" are',
278 + 'all valid account names, but "3friends", "John Smith"',
279 + 'and "Henry-Miller" are not.') . ' ' ),
280 +
281 + esmith::cgi::genWidgetRow ($q,
282 + "Display archives",
283 + $q->popup_menu (-name => 'DisplayArchives',
284 + -values => \@yesno,
285 + -default => $DisplayArchives)),
286 + esmith::cgi::genNameValueRow ($q,
287 + "Brief description",
288 + "Description",
289 + "$Description"),
290 + esmith::cgi::genWidgetRow ($q,
291 + "Conceal senders",
292 + $q->popup_menu (-name => 'conceal_senders',
293 + -values => \@yesno,
294 + -default => $conceal_senders)),
295 + esmith::cgi::genWidgetRow ($q,
296 + "Show HTML",
297 + $q->popup_menu (-name => 'show_html',
298 + -values => \@yesno,
299 + -default => $show_html)),
300 + esmith::cgi::genWidgetRow ($q,
301 + "Highlight parts of messages such as replies, signatures, URLs",
302 + $q->popup_menu (-name => 'highlight',
303 + -values => \@yesno,
304 + -default => $highlight)),
305 + esmith::cgi::genWidgetRow ($q,
306 + "Display inline images",
307 + $q->popup_menu (-name => 'show_inline_images',
308 + -values => \@yesno,
309 + -default => $show_inline_images)),
310 + esmith::cgi::genWidgetRow ($q,
311 + "Display subscription information",
312 + $q->popup_menu (-name => 'subscription_info',
313 + -values => \@yesno,
314 + -default => $subscription_info)),
315 + esmith::cgi::genWidgetRow ($q,
316 + "Default sorting of list",
317 + $q->popup_menu (-name => 'default_sorting',
318 + -values => \@sorting,
319 + -default => $default_sorting)),
320 + esmith::cgi::genWidgetRow ($q,
321 + "Sorting descending by default",
322 + $q->popup_menu (-name => 'descending_by_default',
323 + -values => \@yesno,
324 + -default => $descending_by_default)),
325 +
326 + esmith::cgi::genWidgetRow ($q,
327 + "Display search box (need search indexing)",
328 + $q->popup_menu (-name => 'search',
329 + -values => \@yesno,
330 + -default => $search)),
331 +
332 +
333 +
334 + esmith::cgi::genButtonRow ($q,
335 + $q->submit (-name => 'action',
336 + -value => 'Create')));
337 +
338 + print '</table>';
339 +
340 + print $q->hidden (-name => 'list',
341 + -override => 1,
342 + -default => $listName);
343 +
344 + print $q->hidden (-name => 'state',
345 + -override => 1,
346 + -default => 'performArchiveModify');
347 +
348 + print $q->endform;
349 +
350 + esmith::cgi::genFooter ($q);
351 + return;
352 +
353 +}
354 +
355 +#------------------------------------------------------------
356 +#
357 +#------------------------------------------------------------
358 +sub performArchiveModify ($)
359 +{
360 + my $q = shift;
361 +
362 + my $listName = $q->param('list');
363 + # Untaint groupName before use in system()
364 + ($listName) = ($listName =~ /^([a-zA-Z][\-\_\.a-zA-Z0-9]*)$/);
365 + my %sorting = qw(thread thread
366 + date date
367 + subject subject);
368 + my %yesno = qw(enabled enabled
369 + disabled disabled);
370 +
371 + my $DisplayArchives = $yesno{$q->param('DisplayArchives')}||""; #;
372 + $accounts->get($listName)->set_prop('DisplayArchives', $DisplayArchives) unless $DisplayArchives eq "";
373 + my $conceal_senders = $yesno{$q->param('conceal_senders')}||"";
374 + $accounts->get($listName)->set_prop('conceal_senders',$conceal_senders) unless $conceal_senders eq "";
375 + my $Description = $q->param('Description')||"";
376 + ($Description) = ($Description=~ /^([a-zA-Z][\-_.a-zA-Z0-9 ]*)$/);
377 + $accounts->get($listName)->set_prop('Description',$Description) unless $Description eq "";
378 + my $default_sorting = $sorting{$q->param('default_sorting')}||"";
379 + $accounts->get($listName)->set_prop('default_sorting',$default_sorting) unless $default_sorting eq "";;
380 + my $show_html = $yesno{$q->param('show_html')}||"";
381 + $accounts->get($listName)->set_prop('show_html', $show_html) unless $show_html eq "";
382 + my $highlight = $yesno{$q->param('highlight')}||"";
383 + $accounts->get($listName)->set_prop('highlight',$highlight ) unless $highlight eq "";
384 + my $show_inline_images = $yesno{$q->param('show_inline_images')}||"";
385 + $accounts->get($listName)->set_prop('show_inline_images', $show_inline_images) unless $show_inline_images eq "";
386 + my $subscription_info = $yesno{$q->param('subscription_info')}||"";
387 + $accounts->get($listName)->set_prop('subscription_info', $subscription_info) unless $subscription_info eq "";
388 + my $descending_by_default = $yesno{$q->param('descending_by_default')}||"";
389 + $accounts->get($listName)->set_prop('descending_by_default',$descending_by_default ) unless $descending_by_default eq "";
390 + my $search = $yesno{$q->param('search')}||"";
391 + $accounts->get($listName)->set_prop('search', $search ) unless $search eq "";
392 +
393 + return ( system ('/sbin/e-smith/signal-event', 'mailinglist-modify', $listName) == 0 ) ?
394 + showInitial ($q, "Error: updating Archive for $listName") : showInitial ($q, "Successfully updated Archive for $listName.");
395 + #return;
396 +
397 +
398 +}
399 +
400 +#------------------------------------------------------------
401 +#
402 +#------------------------------------------------------------
403 sub webusersList ($)
404 {
405 my ($q) = @_;
406 @@ -474,8 +656,7 @@
408 my $listOwner = $q->param ('listOwner');
409 $listOwner = "admin" if ($listOwner eq "Administrator");
410 - my @users = sort { $a->key() cmp $b->key() } ( $accounts->users() , $accounts->get('admin') );
411 -
412 + my $webusers = ($listOwner eq "admin") ? $listOwner : "admin,$listOwner";
413 #------------------------------------------------------------
414 # Looks good. Find out if this account has been taken
415 #------------------------------------------------------------
416 @@ -499,7 +680,7 @@
417 Domain => $listDomain,
418 Description => $listDescription,
419 Owner => $listOwner,
420 - webusers => $webusers,
421 + webusers => $webusers,
422 } );
424 system ('/sbin/e-smith/signal-event', 'mailinglist-create', $listName) == 0

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