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Contents of /rpms/smeserver-sme8admin/contribs8/smeserver-sme8admin-1.3-newsql.patch

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Revision 1.1 - (show annotations) (download)
Mon Dec 30 06:47:01 2013 UTC (11 years, 2 months ago) by unnilennium
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: smeserver-sme8admin-1_3-4_el5_sme, HEAD
* Sun Dec 15 2013 JP Pialasse <test@pialasse.com> 1.3-4.sme
- fix obsolete missing [SME: 7109]
- fix pppoe and vpn loging [SME: 8061]
- added monthly ppoe log
- fix stop on mysql error too many connections [SME: 7683]

1 diff -up smeserver-sme8admin-1.3/root/etc/e-smith/web/functions/sme8admin.newsql smeserver-sme8admin-1.3/root/etc/e-smith/web/functions/sme8admin
2 --- smeserver-sme8admin-1.3/root/etc/e-smith/web/functions/sme8admin.newsql 2012-06-16 13:05:55.000000000 -0400
3 +++ smeserver-sme8admin-1.3/root/etc/e-smith/web/functions/sme8admin 2013-12-30 00:27:53.000000000 -0500
4 @@ -1044,6 +1044,106 @@ sub showDhcpd
5 #details du service pppoe
6 sub showPppoe
7 {
8 +# get first db entry
9 +my $requete="SELECT substr(debut,1,4), substr(debut,6,2) FROM pppoe ORDER BY debut ASC LIMIT 1";
10 +
11 + #connexion a la base de donnees mySQL
12 + connectBD();
13 + #recuperation des donnees
14 + my $rq=$bd->prepare($requete) or print $q->p(sprintf(gettext("MySQL error : Impossible to prepare SQL query \"%s\" : %s\n"),$requete,$bd->errstr));
15 + $rq->execute or print $q->p(sprintf(gettext("MySQL error : Can't execute query : %s\n"),$rq->errstr));
16 +
17 + my @debut = $rq->fetchrow_array();
18 +# get first db entry
19 +my $requete="SELECT substr(fin,1,4), substr(fin,6,2) FROM pppoe ORDER BY debut DESC LIMIT 1";
20 +
21 + #connexion a la base de donnees mySQL
22 + connectBD();
23 + #recuperation des donnees
24 + my $rq=$bd->prepare($requete) or print $q->p(sprintf(gettext("MySQL error : Impossible to prepare SQL query \"%s\" : %s\n"),$requete,$bd->errstr));
25 + $rq->execute or print $q->p(sprintf(gettext("MySQL error : Can't execute query : %s\n"),$rq->errstr));
26 +
27 + my @fin = $rq->fetchrow_array();
28 +
29 + my $end_yymm = $debut[0].$debut[1];
30 + my $yymm = $fin[0].$fin[1];
31 + my $startMonth = $debut[1];
32 + my $startYear = $debut[0];
33 + my $endMonth;
34 + my $endYear;
35 + my $preMonth;
36 + my $preYear;
37 + my $i=0;
38 +
39 +print $q->p(gettext("Traffic by Month"));
40 + print $q->start_table({-border=>'1'}),
41 + $q->start_Tr;
42 + print $q->th(gettext("year-month"));
43 + print $q->th(gettext("IN (GB)"));
44 + print $q->th(gettext("OUT (GB)"));
45 + print $q->th(gettext("TOTAL (GB)"));
46 + $q->end_Tr;
47 +
48 + while ($end_yymm < $yymm) {
49 +
50 + if ($startMonth eq '12') {
51 + $endMonth = 1;
52 + $endYear = $startYear + 1;
53 + } else {
54 + $endMonth = $startMonth + 1;
55 + $endYear = $startYear;
56 + }
57 + ## Now that you have the end year and month incremented setup the end_yymm variable again to be picked up in the while statement:
58 + $end_yymm = $startYear . ${\(length($startMonth) == 1 ? '0' : '')} . $startMonth;
59 +
60 + if ($startMonth eq '1') {
61 + $preMonth=12;
62 + $preYear=$startYear-1;
63 + }
64 + else {
65 + $preMonth=$startMonth-1;
66 + $preYear= $startYear;
67 + }
68 + # ...... carry on with the rest of your code
69 +# print "**$end_yymm<br>\n";
70 +
71 + $requete="SELECT substring(`fin`,1,7) as 'month',
72 +round(SUM(`volume_in`)/1024/1024/1024,3) as 'In (Go)' ,
73 +round(SUM(`volume_out`) /1024/1024/1024,3) as 'Out (Go)' ,
74 +round(SUM(`volume_in` + `volume_out`)/1024/1024/1024,3) as 'Total (Go)' ,
75 +SUM(TIME_TO_SEC(`duree`))/3600/24 as 'duree'
76 +FROM `pppoe` WHERE
77 +# mois
78 +(`debut`> '$startYear-$startMonth-01 00:00:00' and `fin`< '$endYear-$endMonth-01 00:00:00')
79 +# bordure
80 +or ( `debut`> '$preYear-$preMonth-01 00:00:00' and `debut`< '$startYear-$startMonth-01 00:00:00' and `fin`> '$startYear-$startMonth-01 00:00:00')
81 +or ( `debut`< '$endYear-$endMonth-01 00:00:00' and `fin`> '$endYear-$endMonth-01 00:00:00' and `fin`< '$endYear-$endMonth-28 00:00:00')";
82 +
83 + my $rq=$bd->prepare($requete) or print $q->p(sprintf(gettext("MySQL error : Impossible to prepare SQL query \"%s\" : %s\n"),$requete,$bd->errstr));
84 + $rq->execute or print $q->p(sprintf(gettext("MySQL error : Can't execute query : %s\n"),$rq->errstr));
85 +
86 +my @ligne = $rq->fetchrow_array();
87 +print $q->start_Tr;
88 + print $q->td("$startYear-". ${\(length($startMonth) == 1 ? '0' : '')} ."$startMonth");
89 + print $q->td($ligne[1]);
90 + print $q->td($ligne[2]);
91 + print $q->td($ligne[3]);
92 + print $q->end_Tr;
93 +
94 + # get ready for next loop
95 + if ($startMonth eq '12') {
96 + $startMonth = 1;
97 + $startYear++;
98 + } else {
99 + $startMonth++
100 + }
101 +
102 + } # end the while loop
103 +print $q->end_table;
104 +
105 +deconnectBD();
106 +
107 +
108 showDbData( [
109 [gettext("Start"),],
110 [gettext("End"),],
111 @@ -1147,7 +1247,7 @@ sub showDbData
112 print $q->table($q->Tr($q->td(gettext("Connections which lasted ")),
113 $q->td({bgcolor=>"#FF4444"},sprintf(gettext("more than %s hours are highlighted.\n"),$params{'LimitVpnDuration'}))));
114 }
115 - elsif ($q->param('service') eq 'pppoe')
116 + elsif ($q->param('service') eq 'wan'|| $q->param('service') eq 'pppoe' )
117 {
118 print $q->table($q->Tr($q->td(gettext("Connections which lasted ")),
119 $q->td({bgcolor=>"#FF4444"},sprintf(gettext("less than %s hours are highlighted.\n"),$params{'LimitPppoeDuration'})))),
120 @@ -1185,7 +1285,7 @@ sub showDbData
121 #si le nb d'heure > limite, surbrillance
122 print $q->start_Tr({bgcolor=>(($1 >= $params{'LimitVpnDuration'})?"#FF4444":"#FFFFFF")});
123 }
124 - elsif ($q->param('service') eq 'pppoe')
125 + elsif ($q->param('service') eq 'wan' || $q->param('service') eq 'pppoe')
126 {
127 #on interroge la bd pour voir si il y a eu une longue deconnexion
128 #(beaucoup plus simple que de parser les 2 dates et faire une difference, la on utilise la possibilite de calcul de diff de dates de MySQL)
129 diff -up smeserver-sme8admin-1.3/root/usr/bin/sme8admind.newsql smeserver-sme8admin-1.3/root/usr/bin/sme8admind
130 --- smeserver-sme8admin-1.3/root/usr/bin/sme8admind.newsql 2013-12-30 00:21:28.000000000 -0500
131 +++ smeserver-sme8admin-1.3/root/usr/bin/sme8admind 2013-12-30 00:22:54.000000000 -0500
132 @@ -292,8 +292,11 @@ sub connectBD
133 #DBI:mysql, deconnecte MOI
134 sub deconnectBD
135 {
136 - $bd->disconnect;
137 - if (!defined ($bd)) {print "MYSQL error $DBI::errstr\n";}
138 + if (defined ($bd)) {
139 + $bd->disconnect or
140 + warn "MYSQL error $DBI::errstr\n";}
141 + else
142 + { print "mysql : nothing to disconnect";}
143 }
145 #----------------------------------------------------------------
146 @@ -424,6 +427,47 @@ sub tell_log {
148 sub parse_logs {
149 connectBD();
150 + # ici on met a jour volume connexion meme si pas fini si pppoe et si pas trouvé de fin dans log
151 + my $smedb=esmith::ConfigDB->open;
152 + my $ppoeif = $smedb->get("ExternalInterface")->prop('Name');
153 + my $recBytes=`cat /proc/net/dev|grep $ppoeif|cut -d ':' -f2|tr -s ' '| sed -e 's/^[ \t]*//'|cut -d ' ' -f1`;
154 + my $senBytes=`cat /proc/net/dev|grep $ppoeif|tr -s ' '| sed -e 's/^[ \t]*//'|cut -d " " -f9`;
155 +
156 + #my $requete="SELECT pid_pppd FROM pppoe WHERE ORDER DESC LIMIT 1";
157 + #my $rq=$bd->prepare($requete) or print $q->p(sprintf(gettext("MySQL error : Impossible to prepare SQL query \"%s\" : %s\n"),$requete,$bd->errstr));
158 + #$rq->execute or print $q->p(sprintf(gettext("MySQL error : Can't execute query : %s\n"),$rq->errstr));
159 + #my $pidPppd = $rq->fetchrow_array();
160 + my $pidPppd=`cat /var/run/$ppoeif.pid`;
161 + print "the current pid for pppd is $pidPppd \n";
162 +
163 + my $reslt1=execute_sql_query("SELECT * FROM pppoe WHERE pid_pppd='$pidPppd'");
164 + #si on a trouve une ligne ==> update dans pppoe
165 + if ($reslt1 != "0E0") {
166 + my $requete1="UPDATE pppoe SET volume_out=$senBytes, volume_in=$recBytes, fin=now() where pid_pppd=$pidPppd ORDER BY debut DESC LIMIT 1;";
167 + #print "requete a executer : $requete1 \n";
168 + execute_sql_query($requete1);
169 + }
170 + # on fait de même pour les conenxions VPN
171 + foreach my $mypid (`ls /var/run/ppp[0-9]*.pid`){
172 + $mypid =~ /\/var\/run\/(ppp[0-9]*).pid/;
173 + my $vpnif = $1;
174 + $mypid = `cat $mypid`;
175 + if ($vpnif ne $ppoeif ) {
176 + my $recBytes=`cat /proc/net/dev|grep $vpnif|cut -d ':' -f2|tr -s ' '| sed -e 's/^[ \t]*//'|cut -d ' ' -f1`;
177 + my $senBytes=`cat /proc/net/dev|grep $vpnif|tr -s ' '| sed -e 's/^[ \t]*//'|cut -d " " -f9`;
178 +
179 + my $reslt1=execute_sql_query("SELECT * FROM vpn WHERE pid_pppd='$mypid'");
180 +
181 + if ($reslt1 != "0E0") {
182 + my $requete1="UPDATE vpn SET volume_out=$senBytes, volume_in=$recBytes, fin=now() where pid_pppd=$mypid ORDER BY debut DESC LIMIT 1;";
183 + #print "requete a executer : $requete1 \n";
184 + execute_sql_query($requete1);
185 + }
186 + }
187 + }
188 +
189 +
190 +
192 ($net_dhcp,$net_mail_in,$net_mail_out,$net_spam,$net_virus)=(0,0,0,0,0);
193 foreach my $nom (@logs) {
194 @@ -631,7 +675,7 @@ sub parse_logs {
195 if($l =~ /(\w{3}\s{1,2}\d{1,2} [0-9:]{8}) $SystemName afpd\[(\d+)\]: login (\w+) \(uid \d+/o) {
196 #$1: date $2:pid $3:login
197 my $debut=mkmysqldate($1);
198 - #pourquoi cette bidouille sur la date ??
199 + #pourquoi cette bidouille sur la date ??
200 #pour retrouver la bonne cnx=>pid et la date du open session
201 #il doit avoir eu lieu au plus 10sec avant le login
202 execute_sql_query("UPDATE afp SET login='$3' where pid_afpd=$2 and debut > '$debut' - interval 10 second");
203 @@ -665,7 +709,7 @@ sub parse_logs {
204 #Jul 14 12:49:58 sas pppd[1878]: rcvd [IPCP ConfAck id=0x2 <addr>]
205 #Match: date hostname pppd[pid]: rcvd [IPCP ConfAck id=0xxx? <addr ip>]
206 #if($l =~ /(\w{3}\s{1,2}\d{1,2} [0-9:]{8}) $SystemName pppd\[(\d+)\]: rcvd \[IPCP ConfAck id=0x\w+ <addr (\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})>\]/o)
207 - if($l =~ /(\w{3}\s{1,2}\d{1,2} [0-9:]{8}) $SystemName pppd\[(\d+)\]: local IP address (\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})/o) {
208 + if($l =~ /(\w{3}\s{1,2}\d{1,2} [0-9:]{8}) $SystemName pppd\[(\d+)\]: rcvd \[IPCP ConfAck id=0x\w+ <addr (\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})>\]/o) {
209 #$1: date $2:pid $3.$4.$5.$6:ip
210 my $date=mkmysqldate($1);
211 my $ip=ipdot2ipnum($3,$4,$5,$6);
212 @@ -674,65 +718,107 @@ sub parse_logs {
213 }
215 #PPPOE ip peer
216 - #Jul 14 12:49:58 sas pppd[1878]: sent [IPCP ConfAck id=0x1 <addr>]
217 + #Jul 14 12:49:58 sas pppd[1878]: sent [IPCP ConfAck id=0x1 <addr>]
218 #Match: date hostname pppd[pid]: sent [IPCP ConfAck id=0xxx? <addr ip>]
219 #if($l =~ /(\w{3}\s{1,2}\d{1,2} [0-9:]{8}) $SystemName pppd\[(\d+)\]: sent \[IPCP ConfAck id=0x\w+ <addr (\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})>\]/o)
220 if($l =~ /(\w{3}\s{1,2}\d{1,2} [0-9:]{8}) $SystemName pppd\[(\d+)\]: remote IP address (\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})/o) {
221 #$1: date $2:pid $3.$4.$5.$6:ip
222 my $date=mkmysqldate($1);
223 my $ip=ipdot2ipnum($3,$4,$5,$6);
224 - execute_sql_query("UPDATE pppoe SET peer='$ip' where pid_pppd=$2 and debut > '$date' - interval 5 second");
225 + #faut faire un update, mais soit dans pppoe, soit dans vpn
226 + my $reslt=execute_sql_query("SELECT * FROM pppoe WHERE pid_pppd='$2' ORDER BY debut DESC LIMIT 1");
227 + my $requete="UPDATE ";
228 + #si on a trouve une ligne ==> update dans pppoe
229 + if ($reslt != "0E0") { $requete.="pppoe SET peer='$ip' where pid_pppd=$2 and debut > '$date' - interval 5 second ORDER BY debut DESC LIMIT 1";}
230 + #sinon c une fin de cnx vpn; on fait un guess que deux connexions vpn ont pas eu lieu dans les memes 5 secondes...
231 + else { $requete.="vpn SET vpn_clt='$ip' where pid_pppd=$2 and debut > '$date' - interval 5 second ORDER BY debut DESC LIMIT 1";}
232 + # $requete.="SET peer='$ip' where pid_pppd=$2 and debut > '$date' - interval 5 second ORDER BY debut DESC LIMIT 1";
233 + execute_sql_query($requete);
234 next;
235 }
237 - #VPN ip vpn_srv & pid_pptpd
238 - #Jun 25 15:43:31 test pptpd[636]: CTRL: local address =
239 - if($l =~ /(\w{3}\s{1,2}\d{1,2} [0-9:]{8}) $SystemName pptpd\[(\d+)\]: CTRL: local address = (\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})/o) {
240 - #$1: date $2:pid $3.$4.$5.$6:ip
241 - my $date=mkmysqldate($1);
242 - my $ip=ipdot2ipnum($3,$4,$5,$6);
243 - execute_sql_query("INSERT INTO vpn VALUES ('$date',null,null,null,null,$ip,null,null,null,$2,null)");
244 - next;
245 - }
246 + if($l =~ /(\w{3}\s{1,2}\d{1,2} [0-9:]{8}) $SystemName pppd\[(\d+)\]: local IP address (\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})/o) {
247 + #$1: date $2:pid $3.$4.$5.$6:ip
248 + my $date=mkmysqldate($1);
249 + my $ip=ipdot2ipnum($3,$4,$5,$6);
250 + #faut faire un update, mais soit dans pppoe, soit dans vpn
251 + my $reslt=execute_sql_query("SELECT * FROM vpn WHERE debut > '$date' - interval 5 second ORDER BY debut DESC LIMIT 1");
252 + my $requete="UPDATE ";
253 + #si on a trouve une ligne ==> update dans vpn
254 + my $smedb=esmith::ConfigDB->open;
255 + my $localif = $smedb->get("LocalIP")->prop('type');
256 + print "IP IF local $localif - IP $3.$4.$5.$6 \n";
257 + if ($reslt != "0E0" && "$3.$4.$5.$6" eq $localif )
258 + { $requete.="vpn SET vpn_srv='$ip', pid_pppd=$2 WHERE pid_pppd IS NULL and debut > '$date' - interval 5 second ORDER BY debut DESC LIMIT 1";
259 + execute_sql_query($requete);}
260 + next;
261 + }
263 - #VPN ip vpn_clt
264 - #Jun 25 15:43:31 test pptpd[636]: CTRL: remote address =
265 - if($l =~ /(\w{3}\s{1,2}\d{1,2} [0-9:]{8}) $SystemName pptpd\[(\d+)\]: CTRL: remote address = (\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})/o) {
266 - #$1: date $2:pid $3.$4.$5.$6:ip
267 - my $date=mkmysqldate($1);
268 - my $ip=ipdot2ipnum($3,$4,$5,$6);
269 - execute_sql_query("UPDATE vpn SET vpn_clt=$ip where pid_pptpd=$2 and debut > '$date' - interval 5 second");
270 - next;
271 - }
272 - #VPN ip client
273 - #Jun 25 15:43:31 test pptpd[636]: CTRL: Client control connection started
274 - if($l =~ /(\w{3}\s{1,2}\d{1,2} [0-9:]{8}) $SystemName pptpd\[(\d+)\]: CTRL: Client (\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3}) control connection started/o) {
275 - #$1: date $2:pid $3.$4.$5.$6:ip
276 - my $date=mkmysqldate($1);
277 - my $ip=ipdot2ipnum($3,$4,$5,$6);
278 - execute_sql_query("UPDATE vpn SET ip=$ip where pid_pptpd=$2 and debut > '$date' - interval 5 second");
279 - next;
280 - }
282 - #VPN checkip pid_pppd
283 - #Jun 25 15:43:33 test pptpd[637]: CTRL (PPPD Launcher): local address =
284 - if($l =~ /(\w{3}\s{1,2}\d{1,2} [0-9:]{8}) $SystemName pptpd\[(\d+)\]: CTRL \(PPPD Launcher\): local address = (\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})/o) {
285 - #$1: date $2:pid !!! PPPD !!! $3.$4.$5.$6:ip
286 + #VPN ip vpn_srv & pid_pptpd
287 + #old # Jun 25 15:43:31 test pptpd[636]: CTRL: local address =
288 + #old: #if($l =~ /(\w{3}\s{1,2}\d{1,2} [0-9:]{8}) $SystemName pptpd\[(\d+)\]: CTRL: local address = (\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})/o) {
289 + #Dec 15 15:59:13 atlas pptpd[19918]: CTRL: Client control connection started
290 + #Dec 15 15:59:13 atlas pptpd[19918]: CTRL: Starting call (launching pppd, opening GRE)
291 + #Dec 15 15:59:13 atlas pppd[19919]: Plugin radius.so loaded.
292 + #Dec 15 15:59:13 atlas pppd[19919]: RADIUS plugin initialized.
293 + #Dec 15 15:59:13 atlas pppd[19919]: pppd 2.4.4 started by root, uid 0
294 + #Dec 15 15:59:13 atlas pppd[19919]: Using interface ppp1
295 + #Dec 15 15:59:13 atlas pppd[19919]: Connect: ppp1 <--> /dev/pts/5
296 + #Dec 15 15:59:17 atlas pppd[19919]: MPPE 128-bit stateless compression enabled
297 + #Dec 15 15:59:18 atlas pppd[19919]: found interface br0 for proxy arp
298 + #Dec 15 15:59:18 atlas pppd[19919]: local IP address
299 + #Dec 15 15:59:18 atlas pppd[19919]: remote IP address
300 + #Dec 15 15:59:18 atlas esmith::event[19939]: Processing event: ip-up.pptpd ppp1 /dev/pts/5 460800 pptpd
301 + if($l =~ /(\w{3}\s{1,2}\d{1,2} [0-9:]{8}) $SystemName pptpd\[(\d+)\]: CTRL: Client (\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3}) control connection started/o) {
302 + #$1: date $2:pid $3.$4.$5.$6:ip
303 my $date=mkmysqldate($1);
304 my $ip=ipdot2ipnum($3,$4,$5,$6);
305 - execute_sql_query("UPDATE vpn SET pid_pppd=$2 where vpn_srv=$ip and debut > '$date' - interval 5 second");
306 + execute_sql_query("INSERT INTO vpn VALUES ('$date',null,null,$ip,null,0,null,null,null,$2,null)");
307 next;
308 }
310 - #Deprecated !!! Dans sme7, l'auth se fait via Radius, qui ne loggue rien par défaut => pas moyen de connaitre simplement le login
311 - #VPN login
312 - #Jun 25 15:43:36 test pppd[637]: CHAP peer authentication succeeded for rv
313 - if($l =~ /(\w{3}\s{1,2}\d{1,2} [0-9:]{8}) $SystemName pppd\[(\d+)\]: CHAP peer authentication succeeded for ([0-9a-z-]+)/o) {
314 - #$1: date $2:pid $3:login
315 - my $date=mkmysqldate($1);
316 - execute_sql_query("UPDATE vpn SET login='$3' where pid_pppd=$2 and debut > '$date' - interval 20 second");
317 - next;
318 - }
319 + ##VPN ip vpn_clt
320 + ##Jun 25 15:43:31 test pptpd[636]: CTRL: remote address =
321 + ##Dec 15 15:27:33 atlas pppd[15747]: remote IP address
322 + ##if($l =~ /(\w{3}\s{1,2}\d{1,2} [0-9:]{8}) $SystemName pptpd\[(\d+)\]: CTRL: remote address = (\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})/o) {
323 + # #$1: date $2:pid $3.$4.$5.$6:ip
324 + # my $date=mkmysqldate($1);
325 + # my $ip=ipdot2ipnum($3,$4,$5,$6);
326 + # execute_sql_query("UPDATE vpn SET vpn_clt=$ip where pid_pptpd=$2 and debut > '$date' - interval 5 second ORDER BY debut DESC LIMIT 1");
327 + # next;
328 + #}
329 +
330 + ##VPN ip client
331 + ##Jun 25 15:43:31 test pptpd[636]: CTRL: Client control connection started
332 + #if($l =~ /(\w{3}\s{1,2}\d{1,2} [0-9:]{8}) $SystemName pptpd\[(\d+)\]: CTRL: Client (\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3}) control connection started/o) {
333 + # #$1: date $2:pid $3.$4.$5.$6:ip
334 + # my $date=mkmysqldate($1);
335 + # my $ip=ipdot2ipnum($3,$4,$5,$6);
336 + # execute_sql_query("UPDATE vpn SET ip=$ip where pid_pptpd=$2 and debut > '$date' - interval 5 second ORDER BY debut DESC LIMIT 1");
337 + # next;
338 + #}
339 +
340 + ##VPN checkip pid_pppd
341 + ##Jun 25 15:43:33 test pptpd[637]: CTRL (PPPD Launcher): local address =
342 + ## does not exist anymore
343 + #if($l =~ /(\w{3}\s{1,2}\d{1,2} [0-9:]{8}) $SystemName pptpd\[(\d+)\]: CTRL \(PPPD Launcher\): local address = (\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})/o) {
344 + # #$1: date $2:pid !!! PPPD !!! $3.$4.$5.$6:ip
345 + # my $date=mkmysqldate($1);
346 + # my $ip=ipdot2ipnum($3,$4,$5,$6);
347 + # execute_sql_query("UPDATE vpn SET pid_pppd=$2 where vpn_srv=$ip and debut > '$date' - interval 5 second ORDER BY debut DESC LIMIT 1");
348 + # next;
349 + #}
350 +
351 + ##Deprecated !!! Dans sme7, l'auth se fait via Radius, qui ne loggue rien par défaut => pas moyen de connaitre simplement le login
352 + ##VPN login
353 + ##Jun 25 15:43:36 test pppd[637]: CHAP peer authentication succeeded for rv
354 + #if($l =~ /(\w{3}\s{1,2}\d{1,2} [0-9:]{8}) $SystemName pppd\[(\d+)\]: CHAP peer authentication succeeded for ([0-9a-z-]+)/o) {
355 + # #$1: date $2:pid $3:login
356 + # my $date=mkmysqldate($1);
357 + # execute_sql_query("UPDATE vpn SET login='$3' where pid_pppd=$2 and debut > '$date' - interval 20 second ORDER BY debut DESC LIMIT 1");
358 + # next;
359 + #}
361 #PPPOE && VPN !!! temps de connexion
362 #Jul 15 12:49:58 sas pppd[1878]: Connect time 1440.0 minutes.
363 @@ -746,7 +832,7 @@ sub parse_logs {
364 if ($reslt != "0E0") { $requete.="pppoe ";}
365 #sinon c une fin de cnx vpn
366 else { $requete.="vpn ";}
367 - $requete.="SET duree=sec_to_time($3*60), fin='$date' where pid_pppd=$2";
368 + $requete.="SET duree=sec_to_time($3*60), fin='$date' where pid_pppd=$2 ORDER BY debut DESC LIMIT 1";
369 execute_sql_query($requete);
370 next;
371 }
372 @@ -764,8 +850,8 @@ sub parse_logs {
373 if ($reslt != "0E0") { $requete.="pppoe ";}
374 #sinon c une fin de cnx vpn
375 else { $requete.="vpn ";}
376 - $requete.="SET volume_out=$3, volume_in=$4 where pid_pppd=$2 and fin > '$date' - interval 5 second";
377 - execute_sql_query($requete);
378 + $requete.="SET volume_out=$3, volume_in=$4 where pid_pppd=$2 and fin > '$date' - interval 5 second ORDER BY debut DESC LIMIT 1";
379 +
380 next;
381 }
382 }
383 @@ -773,6 +859,8 @@ sub parse_logs {
384 # libération du fichier de log courant, enregistrement de la position
385 tell_log("$logdir$nom", $fh);
386 }
387 +
388 +
389 deconnectBD();
390 }

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