1 |
snetram |
1.1 |
--- smeserver-subversion-1.4/root/etc/e-smith/locale/pt/etc/e-smith/web/functions/subversion 1969-12-31 17:00:00.000000000 -0700 |
2 |
+++ smeserver-subversion-1.4.update/root/etc/e-smith/locale/pt/etc/e-smith/web/functions/subversion 2008-08-09 00:27:46.000000000 -0600 |
3 |
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@ |
4 |
+<lexicon lang="pt" params="getExtraParams()"> |
5 |
+ <entry> |
6 |
7 |
+ <trans>Repositórios Subversion</trans> |
8 |
+ </entry> |
9 |
+ <entry> |
10 |
+ <base>CONFIG_CHANGE_SUCCESS</base> |
11 |
+ <trans>Subversion foi reconfigurado com sucesso</trans> |
12 |
+ </entry> |
13 |
+ <entry> |
14 |
+ <base>CONFIG_CHANGE_ERROR</base> |
15 |
+ <trans>Um erro ocorreu enquanto configurando Subversion</trans> |
16 |
+ </entry> |
17 |
+ <entry> |
18 |
+ <base>FORM_TITLE</base> |
19 |
+ <trans>Criar, modificar ou remover repositórios</trans> |
20 |
+ </entry> |
21 |
+ <entry> |
22 |
23 |
+ <trans><![CDATA[ <p>Este painel permite a configuração do. Subversion é o substituto do CVS. Mais detalhes podem ser obtidos em seu site: <a href="http://subversion.tigris.org" target="_blank">http://subversion.tigris.org</a>.</p> ]]></trans> |
24 |
+ </entry> |
25 |
+ <entry> |
26 |
+ <base>ADD_REPOSITORY</base> |
27 |
+ <trans><![CDATA[ <p> Você pode remover qualquer repositório ou modificar suas configurações clicando nos comandos próximos ao nome do repositório. </p> <p> <a class="button-like" href="subversion?page=0&page_stack=&Next=Next&wherenext=CreateModify">Add repository</a><br /><br /> </p> ]]></trans> |
28 |
+ </entry> |
29 |
+ |
30 |
+ <entry> |
31 |
+ <base>ADD_TITLE</base> |
32 |
+ <trans>Criar ou modificar repositórios</trans> |
33 |
+ </entry> |
34 |
+ <entry> |
35 |
+ <base>NAME_FIELD_DESC</base> |
36 |
+ <trans>O nome do repositório deve conter apenas letras minúsculas, números, hifens e sublinhados E deve começar com uma letra minúscula. Por exemplo "joao", "intra" e "cust3.prj12" são todos nomes válidos. Porém "3associados", "Joao da Silva" e "Negocios!Parceiros" não o são. O nome é limitado a {$maxLength} caracteres.</trans> |
37 |
+ </entry> |
38 |
+ <entry> |
39 |
+ <base>REMOVE_TITLE</base> |
40 |
+ <trans>Remover repositório</trans> |
41 |
+ </entry> |
42 |
+ <entry> |
43 |
+ <base>REMOVE_DESC</base> |
44 |
+ <trans><![CDATA[ <p> Você está a ponto de remover o repositório "{$name}" ({$description}). </p> <p> Todos arquivos pertencentes a este repositório serão apagados.</p> <p> Você tem certeza de que deseja remover este repositório? </p> ]]></trans> |
45 |
+ </entry> |
46 |
+ <entry> |
47 |
+ <base>BUTTON_LABEL_SERVICE_0</base> |
48 |
+ <trans>Habilita</trans> |
49 |
+ </entry> |
50 |
+ <entry> |
51 |
+ <base>BUTTON_LABEL_SERVICE_1</base> |
52 |
+ <trans>Desabilita</trans> |
53 |
+ </entry> |
54 |
+ <entry> |
55 |
+ <base>SERVICE_MODSSL_0</base> |
56 |
+ <trans>modSSL está desabilitado</trans> |
57 |
+ </entry> |
58 |
+ <entry> |
59 |
+ <base>SERVICE_MODSSL_1</base> |
60 |
+ <trans>modSSL está habilitado</trans> |
61 |
+ </entry> |
62 |
+ <entry> |
63 |
+ <base>SERVICE_MODDAV_0</base> |
64 |
+ <trans>modDAV está desabilitado</trans> |
65 |
+ </entry> |
66 |
+ <entry> |
67 |
+ <base>SERVICE_MODDAV_1</base> |
68 |
+ <trans>modDAV está habilitado</trans> |
69 |
+ </entry> |
70 |
+ <entry> |
71 |
+ <base>SERVICE_MODDAVSVN_0</base> |
72 |
+ <trans>modDAVSVN está desabilitado</trans> |
73 |
+ </entry> |
74 |
+ <entry> |
75 |
+ <base>SERVICE_MODDAVSVN_1</base> |
76 |
+ <trans>modDAVSVN está habilitado</trans> |
77 |
+ </entry> |
78 |
+ <entry> |
79 |
+ <base>FORCE_SSL</base> |
80 |
+ <trans>Forçar HTTP sobre SSL</trans> |
81 |
+ </entry> |
82 |
+ <entry> |
83 |
84 |
+ <trans><![CDATA[ Autenticação necessária <br/> (habilita HTTP sobre SSL automaticamente) ]]></trans> |
85 |
+ </entry> |
86 |
+ <entry> |
87 |
+ <base>SVN_AUTOVERSIONING</base> |
88 |
+ <trans>Habilita auto-versionamento</trans> |
89 |
+ </entry> |
90 |
+ <entry> |
91 |
+ <base>MOD_MIME_USE_PATH_INFO</base> |
92 |
+ <trans>Determina tipo MIME automaticamente</trans> |
93 |
+ </entry> |
94 |
+ <entry> |
95 |
+ <base>GROUPS_READ</base> |
96 |
+ <trans>Grupos (acesso apenas de leitura)</trans> |
97 |
+ </entry> |
98 |
+ <entry> |
99 |
+ <base>GROUPS_WRITE</base> |
100 |
+ <trans>Grupos (acesso completo)</trans> |
101 |
+ </entry> |
102 |
+ <entry> |
103 |
+ <base>USERS_READ</base> |
104 |
+ <trans>Usuários (acesso apenas de leitura)</trans> |
105 |
+ </entry> |
106 |
+ <entry> |
107 |
+ <base>USERS_WRITE</base> |
108 |
+ <trans>Usuários (acesso completo)</trans> |
109 |
+ </entry> |
110 |
+ <entry> |
111 |
112 |
+ <trans>Um erro ocorreu enquanto criando o repositório.</trans> |
113 |
+ </entry> |
114 |
+ <entry> |
115 |
116 |
+ <trans>Repositório criado com sucesso.</trans> |
117 |
+ </entry> |
118 |
+ <entry> |
119 |
+ <base>NO_REPOSITORIES</base> |
120 |
+ <trans>Atualmente não há repositórios configurados.</trans> |
121 |
+ </entry> |
122 |
+ <entry> |
123 |
+ <base>CANT_FIND_REPOSITORY</base> |
124 |
+ <trans>Não encontrei a conta "{$name}" (ela existe?)</trans> |
125 |
+ </entry> |
126 |
+ <entry> |
127 |
128 |
+ <trans>Não posso criar uma nova conta para "{$name}" (ela já existe?)</trans> |
129 |
+ </entry> |
130 |
+ <entry> |
131 |
132 |
+ <trans>Ocorreu um erro enquanto modificando o repositório.</trans> |
133 |
+ </entry> |
134 |
+ <entry> |
135 |
136 |
+ <trans>Repositório modificado com sucesso.</trans> |
137 |
+ </entry> |
138 |
+ <entry> |
139 |
+ <base>VIRTUAL_HOST_MESSAGE</base> |
140 |
+ <trans>Os seguinte domínios virtuais estavam usando este compartilhamento como seu conteúdo e serão mudados para o web site primário (você pode mudá-los para outro local mais tarde).</trans> |
141 |
+ </entry> |
142 |
+ <entry> |
143 |
144 |
+ <trans>Repositório apagado com sucesso.</trans> |
145 |
+ </entry> |
146 |
+ <entry> |
147 |
148 |
+ <trans>Ocorreu um erro enquanto apagando o repositório.</trans> |
149 |
+ </entry> |
150 |
+ <entry> |
151 |
152 |
+ <trans>O nome de repositório "{$acctName}" contém caracteres inválidos.Nomes de repositório devem começar com uma letra minúscula e conter apenas letras minúsculas, números e hifens.</trans> |
153 |
+ </entry> |
154 |
+ <entry> |
155 |
156 |
+ <trans>A descrição de repositório "{$repoDescription}" contém caracteres inválidos. Descrições de repositório devem começar com uma letra minúscula e conter apenas letras minúsculas, números e hifens.</trans> |
157 |
+ </entry> |
158 |
+ <entry> |
159 |
160 |
+ <trans>O nome de repositório "{$name}" é muito longo. O máximo é {$maxIbayNameLength} caracteres.</trans> |
161 |
+ </entry> |
162 |
+ <entry> |
163 |
164 |
+ <trans><![CDATA[ A conta "{$acctName}" conflita com detalhes do apelido para a conta "{$acct}" do tipo {$acctType}. <p>{$acctName} é um apelido para {$acct}.</p> ]]></trans> |
165 |
+ </entry> |
166 |
+ <entry> |
167 |
+ <base>ACCOUNT_EXISTS</base> |
168 |
+ <trans>A conta "{$acctName}" é uma conta do tipo {$acctType} já existente.</trans> |
169 |
+ </entry> |
170 |
+ <entry> |
171 |
+ <base>ERR_NO_MODDAV_RECORD</base> |
172 |
+ <trans>Entrada para o banco de dados faltando para o serviço modDAV</trans> |
173 |
+ </entry> |
174 |
+ <entry> |
175 |
+ <base>ERR_NO_MODDAVSVN_RECORD</base> |
176 |
+ <trans>Entrada para o banco de dados faltando para o serviço modDAVSVN</trans> |
177 |
+ </entry> |
178 |
+ <entry> |
179 |
+ <base>ERR_NO_MODSSL_RECORD</base> |
180 |
+ <trans>Entrada para o banco de dados faltando para o serviço modSSL</trans> |
181 |
+ </entry> |
182 |
+ <entry> |
183 |
184 |
+ <trans>Entrada para o banco de dados faltando para o serviço modAuthzSVN</trans> |
185 |
+ </entry> |
186 |
+</lexicon> |
187 |
--- smeserver-subversion-1.4/root/etc/e-smith/locale/tr/etc/e-smith/web/functions/subversion 1969-12-31 17:00:00.000000000 -0700 |
188 |
+++ smeserver-subversion-1.4.update/root/etc/e-smith/locale/tr/etc/e-smith/web/functions/subversion 2008-08-09 00:27:49.000000000 -0600 |
189 |
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@ |
190 |
+<lexicon lang="tr" params="getExtraParams()"> |
191 |
+ <entry> |
192 |
193 |
+ <trans>Subversion repositories</trans> |
194 |
+ </entry> |
195 |
+ <entry> |
196 |
+ <base>CONFIG_CHANGE_SUCCESS</base> |
197 |
+ <trans>Subversion was succesfully reconfigured</trans> |
198 |
+ </entry> |
199 |
+ <entry> |
200 |
+ <base>CONFIG_CHANGE_ERROR</base> |
201 |
+ <trans>An error occurred while configuring Subversion</trans> |
202 |
+ </entry> |
203 |
+ <entry> |
204 |
+ <base>FORM_TITLE</base> |
205 |
+ <trans>Create, modify, or remove repositories</trans> |
206 |
+ </entry> |
207 |
+ <entry> |
208 |
209 |
+ <trans><![CDATA[ <p>This panel allows configuration of Subversion. Subversion is the replacement of CVS. More details can be found on their site: <a href="http://subversion.tigris.org" target="_blank">http://subversion.tigris.org</a>.</p> ]]></trans> |
210 |
+ </entry> |
211 |
+ <entry> |
212 |
+ <base>ADD_REPOSITORY</base> |
213 |
+ <trans><![CDATA[ <p>You can remove any repository or modify its settings by clicking on the corresponding command next to the repository.</p><p><a class="button-like" href="subversion?page=0&page_stack=&Next=Next&wherenext=CreateModify">Add repository</a><br /><br /></p> ]]></trans> |
214 |
+ </entry> |
215 |
+ |
216 |
+ <entry> |
217 |
+ <base>ADD_TITLE</base> |
218 |
+ <trans>Create or modify a repository</trans> |
219 |
+ </entry> |
220 |
+ <entry> |
221 |
+ <base>NAME_FIELD_DESC</base> |
222 |
+ <trans>The repository name should contain only lower-case letters, numbers, periods, hyphens and underscores, and should start with a lower-case letter. For example "johnson", "intra", and "cust3.prj12" are all valid names, but "3associates", "John Smith" and "Bus!Partner" are not. The name is limited to {$maxLength} characters.</trans> |
223 |
+ </entry> |
224 |
+ <entry> |
225 |
+ <base>REMOVE_TITLE</base> |
226 |
+ <trans>Remove repository</trans> |
227 |
+ </entry> |
228 |
+ <entry> |
229 |
+ <base>REMOVE_DESC</base> |
230 |
+ <trans><![CDATA[ <p> You are about to remove the repository "{$name}" ({$description}). </p> <p> All files belonging to this repository will be deleted. </p> <p> Are you sure you wish to remove this repository? </p> ]]></trans> |
231 |
+ </entry> |
232 |
+ <entry> |
233 |
+ <base>BUTTON_LABEL_SERVICE_0</base> |
234 |
+ <trans>Enable</trans> |
235 |
+ </entry> |
236 |
+ <entry> |
237 |
+ <base>BUTTON_LABEL_SERVICE_1</base> |
238 |
+ <trans>Disable</trans> |
239 |
+ </entry> |
240 |
+ <entry> |
241 |
+ <base>SERVICE_MODSSL_0</base> |
242 |
+ <trans>modSSL is disabled</trans> |
243 |
+ </entry> |
244 |
+ <entry> |
245 |
+ <base>SERVICE_MODSSL_1</base> |
246 |
+ <trans>modSSL is enabled</trans> |
247 |
+ </entry> |
248 |
+ <entry> |
249 |
+ <base>SERVICE_MODDAV_0</base> |
250 |
+ <trans>modDAV is disabled</trans> |
251 |
+ </entry> |
252 |
+ <entry> |
253 |
+ <base>SERVICE_MODDAV_1</base> |
254 |
+ <trans>modDAV is enabled</trans> |
255 |
+ </entry> |
256 |
+ <entry> |
257 |
+ <base>SERVICE_MODDAVSVN_0</base> |
258 |
+ <trans>modDAVSVN is disabled</trans> |
259 |
+ </entry> |
260 |
+ <entry> |
261 |
+ <base>SERVICE_MODDAVSVN_1</base> |
262 |
+ <trans>modDAVSVN is enabled</trans> |
263 |
+ </entry> |
264 |
+ <entry> |
265 |
+ <base>FORCE_SSL</base> |
266 |
+ <trans>Force HTTP over SSL</trans> |
267 |
+ </entry> |
268 |
+ <entry> |
269 |
270 |
+ <trans><![CDATA[ Authentification required <br /> (enables HTTP over SSL automatically) ]]></trans> |
271 |
+ </entry> |
272 |
+ <entry> |
273 |
+ <base>SVN_AUTOVERSIONING</base> |
274 |
+ <trans>Enable auto-versioning</trans> |
275 |
+ </entry> |
276 |
+ <entry> |
277 |
+ <base>MOD_MIME_USE_PATH_INFO</base> |
278 |
+ <trans>Automatically determine MIME type</trans> |
279 |
+ </entry> |
280 |
+ <entry> |
281 |
+ <base>GROUPS_READ</base> |
282 |
+ <trans>Groups (read-only access)</trans> |
283 |
+ </entry> |
284 |
+ <entry> |
285 |
+ <base>GROUPS_WRITE</base> |
286 |
+ <trans>Groups (full access)</trans> |
287 |
+ </entry> |
288 |
+ <entry> |
289 |
+ <base>USERS_READ</base> |
290 |
+ <trans>Users (read only access)</trans> |
291 |
+ </entry> |
292 |
+ <entry> |
293 |
+ <base>USERS_WRITE</base> |
294 |
+ <trans>Users (full access)</trans> |
295 |
+ </entry> |
296 |
+ <entry> |
297 |
298 |
+ <trans>An error occurred while creating the repository.</trans> |
299 |
+ </entry> |
300 |
+ <entry> |
301 |
302 |
+ <trans>Successfully created repository.</trans> |
303 |
+ </entry> |
304 |
+ <entry> |
305 |
+ <base>NO_REPOSITORIES</base> |
306 |
+ <trans>There are currently no repositories configured.</trans> |
307 |
+ </entry> |
308 |
+ <entry> |
309 |
+ <base>CANT_FIND_REPOSITORY</base> |
310 |
+ <trans>Can't find account for "{$name}" (does it exist?)</trans> |
311 |
+ </entry> |
312 |
+ <entry> |
313 |
314 |
+ <trans>Can't create new account for "{$name}" (does it already exist?)</trans> |
315 |
+ </entry> |
316 |
+ <entry> |
317 |
318 |
+ <trans>An error occurred while modifying the repository.</trans> |
319 |
+ </entry> |
320 |
+ <entry> |
321 |
322 |
+ <trans>Successfully modified repository.</trans> |
323 |
+ </entry> |
324 |
+ <entry> |
325 |
+ <base>VIRTUAL_HOST_MESSAGE</base> |
326 |
+ <trans>The following virtual domains were using this information bay as their content and will be changed to the primary web site (you can change them to something else afterward).</trans> |
327 |
+ </entry> |
328 |
+ <entry> |
329 |
330 |
+ <trans>Successfully deleted repository.</trans> |
331 |
+ </entry> |
332 |
+ <entry> |
333 |
334 |
+ <trans>An error occurred while deleting the repository.</trans> |
335 |
+ </entry> |
336 |
+ <entry> |
337 |
338 |
+ <trans>The repository name "{$acctName}" contains invalid characters. Repository names must start with a lower case letter and contain only lower case letters, numbers, and hyphens.</trans> |
339 |
+ </entry> |
340 |
+ <entry> |
341 |
342 |
+ <trans>The repository description "{$repoDescription}" contains invalid characters. Repository descriptions must start with a lower case letter and contain only lower case letters, numbers, and hyphens.</trans> |
343 |
+ </entry> |
344 |
+ <entry> |
345 |
346 |
+ <trans>The repository name "{$name}" is too long. The maximum is {$maxIbayNameLength} characters.</trans> |
347 |
+ </entry> |
348 |
+ <entry> |
349 |
350 |
+ <trans><![CDATA[ The account "{$acctName}" clashes with pseudonym details for {$acctType} account "{$acct}". <p>{$acctName} is a pseudonym for {$acct}.</p> ]]></trans> |
351 |
+ </entry> |
352 |
+ <entry> |
353 |
+ <base>ACCOUNT_EXISTS</base> |
354 |
+ <trans>The account "{$acctName}" is an existing {$acctType} account.</trans> |
355 |
+ </entry> |
356 |
+ <entry> |
357 |
+ <base>ERR_NO_MODDAV_RECORD</base> |
358 |
+ <trans>Missing database entry for modDAV service</trans> |
359 |
+ </entry> |
360 |
+ <entry> |
361 |
+ <base>ERR_NO_MODDAVSVN_RECORD</base> |
362 |
+ <trans>Missing database entry for modDAVSVN service</trans> |
363 |
+ </entry> |
364 |
+ <entry> |
365 |
+ <base>ERR_NO_MODSSL_RECORD</base> |
366 |
+ <trans>Missing database entry for modSSL service</trans> |
367 |
+ </entry> |
368 |
+ <entry> |
369 |
370 |
+ <trans>Missing database entry for modAuthzSVN service</trans> |
371 |
+ </entry> |
372 |
+</lexicon> |