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Contents of /rpms/trean/contribs7/trean.spec

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Revision 1.1 - (show annotations) (download)
Tue Mar 25 14:14:46 2008 UTC (16 years, 10 months ago) by slords
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: trean-0_1-0_el4_sme
Import on branch contribs7 of package trean-0.1-0.el4.sme.src.rpm

1 %define apachedir /etc/httpd
2 %define apacheuser www
3 %define apachegroup www
4 %define contentdir /home/httpd
6 Summary: A bookmark application for use under the horde framework.
7 Name: trean
8 Version: 0.1
9 Release: 0%{?dist}
10 License: LGPL
11 Group: Applications/Horde
12 Source: ftp://ftp.horde.org/pub/trean/tarballs/trean-%{version}.tar.gz
13 Vendor: The Horde Project
14 URL: http://www.horde.org/
15 BuildArchitectures: noarch
16 BuildRoot: /tmp/horde-root
17 AutoReq: no
18 Requires: horde >= 3.0
19 Requires: php >= 4.3.0
20 Requires: httpd >= 2.0.46
21 Prereq: /usr/bin/perl
23 %description
24 The Trean (Bookmarks) application allows you to store, organize and manage,
25 and most importantly access your web browser bookmarks on-line and in one
26 central place accessible from any web browser.
28 The Horde Project writes web applications in PHP and releases them under
29 Open Source licenses. For more information (including help with Horde
30 and its modules) please visit http://www.horde.org/.
32 This package contains customizations for SME Server
33 and will probably not work properly on other Linux systems.
35 %prep
37 %setup -q -n %{name}-%{version}
39 %build
41 %install
42 [ "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" != "/" ] && rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
43 mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{apachedir}/conf
44 mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{contentdir}/html/horde/trean
45 cp -pR * $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{contentdir}/html/horde/trean
46 cd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{contentdir}/html/horde/trean/config
49 for d in *.dist; do
50 d0=`basename $d .dist`
51 if [ ! -f "$d0" ]; then
52 cp -p $d $d0
53 fi
54 done
56 %clean
57 [ "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" != "/" ] && rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
59 %post
61 %postun
63 %files
64 %defattr(-,root,root)
65 # Include top level with %dir so not all files are sucked in
66 %dir %{contentdir}/html/horde/trean
67 # Include top-level files by hand
68 %{contentdir}/html/horde/trean/*.php
69 # Include these dirs so that all files _will_ get sucked in
70 %{contentdir}/html/horde/trean/lib
71 %{contentdir}/html/horde/trean/locale
72 %{contentdir}/html/horde/trean/po
73 %{contentdir}/html/horde/trean/templates
74 %{contentdir}/html/horde/trean/themes
75 %{contentdir}/html/horde/trean/scripts
76 # Mark documentation files with %doc and %docdir
77 #%doc %{contentdir}/html/horde/trean/COPYING
78 %doc %{contentdir}/html/horde/trean/LICENSE
79 %doc %{contentdir}/html/horde/trean/README
80 %docdir %{contentdir}/html/horde/trean/docs
81 %{contentdir}/html/horde/trean/docs
82 # Mark configuration files with %config and use secure permissions
83 # (note that .dist files are considered software; don't mark %config)
84 %attr(750,root,%{apachegroup}) %dir %{contentdir}/html/horde/trean/config
85 %defattr(640,root,%{apachegroup})
86 %{contentdir}/html/horde/trean/config/.htaccess
87 %{contentdir}/html/horde/trean/config/*.dist
88 %config %{contentdir}/html/horde/trean/config/*.php
89 %config %{contentdir}/html/horde/trean/config/*.xml
90 #%config %{contentdir}/html/horde/trean/config/*.txt
92 %changelog
93 * Sun Jun 04 2006 John H. Bennett III <bennettj@johnbennettservices.com>
94 - [0.0.1-1sme01]
95 - Initial Release from CVS 2006-06-04

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