Koozali SME Server 10.alpha1 Release Notes =========================================== 18 May 2016 The Koozali SME Server (SME Server) development team is pleased to announce the release of SME Server 10.apha1 which is based on CentOS 7.2.1511 SME 10.alpha1 incorporates the very first packages for the 10 version TEST PURPOSE ONLY. DO NOT USE ON PRODUCTION SERVER ! CentOS 7.# has an EOL of 30 June 2024. Bug reports and reports of potential bugs should be raised in the bug tracker (and only there, please); http://bugs.contribs.org/ Download ======== You can download SME Server 10 from http://mirror.contribs.org/smeserver/releases/testing/10/ or for other methods see http://wiki.contribs.org/SME_Server:Download Please note it may take up to 48 hours for mirrors to finish syncing, during this time you may experience problems. About SME Server ================ SME Server is the leading Linux distribution for small and medium enterprises. SME Server is brought to you by Koozali Foundation, Inc., a non-profit corporation that exists to provide marketing and legal support for SME Server. SME Server is freely available under the GNU General Public License and is only possible through the efforts of the SME Server community. However, the availability and quality of SME Server is dependent on meeting our expenses, such as hosting costs, server hardware, etc. As such, we ask for a donation to offset costs and fund further development. a) If you are a school, a church, a non-profit organisation or an individual using SME Server for private purposes, we would appreciate you to contribute within your means toward the costs associated with hosting, maintenance and development. b) If you are a company or an integrator and you are deploying SME Server in the course of your work to generate revenue, we expect you to make a donation commensurate with the level of revenue you generate and the number of servers your have in the field. Please, help the project Please visit http://wiki.contribs.org/Donate to donate. Koozali Inc is happy to supply an invoice for any donations received, simply email treasurer@koozali.org Notes ===== In-place upgrades are not supported. It is necessary to backup and then restore. /boot partition is always RAID 1. The spare handling for RAID arrays is not implemented. USB installs are now supported, see: http://wiki.contribs.org/Install_From_USB#SME_Server_9 Minimal changes have been made from SME9.1rc1 Major changes in this release ============================= Changes in this release ======================= General features ================ - Based on CentOS 7.2.1511 and all available updates On behalf of the SME Server development team