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Contents of /cdrom.image/updates/checkbootloader.py

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Revision 1.2 - (show annotations) (download) (as text)
Wed Apr 5 01:20:27 2006 UTC (18 years, 8 months ago) by slords
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.1: +34 -3 lines
Content type: text/x-python
Update anaconda to be in sync with 4.3 and FC4

1 #!/usr/bin/python
2 #
3 # Check to see whether it looks like GRUB or LILO is the boot loader
4 # being used on the system.
5 #
6 # Jeremy Katz <katzj@redhat.com>
7 # Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
8 #
9 # Copyright 2001,2005 Red Hat, Inc.
10 #
11 # This software may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU
12 # library public license.
13 #
14 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Library Public License
15 # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
16 # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
18 import os
19 import string
21 grubConfigFile = "/boot/grub/grub.conf"
22 liloConfigFile = "/etc/lilo.conf"
23 yabootConfigFile = "/etc/yaboot.conf"
24 siloConfigFile = "/etc/silo.conf"
27 # XXX: this is cut and pasted directly from booty/bootloaderInfo.py
28 # should eventually just go from there
29 def getDiskPart(dev):
30 """Return (disk, partition number) tuple for dev"""
31 cut = len(dev)
32 if (dev[:3] == "rd/" or dev[:4] == "ida/" or
33 dev[:6] == "cciss/"):
34 if dev[-2] == 'p':
35 cut = -1
36 elif dev[-3] == 'p':
37 cut = -2
38 else:
39 if dev[-2] in string.digits:
40 cut = -2
41 elif dev[-1] in string.digits:
42 cut = -1
44 name = dev[:cut]
46 # hack off the trailing 'p' from /dev/cciss/*, for example
47 if name[-1] == 'p':
48 for letter in name:
49 if letter not in string.letters and letter != "/":
50 name = name[:-1]
51 break
53 if cut < 0:
54 partNum = int(dev[cut:]) - 1
55 else:
56 partNum = None
58 return (name, partNum)
61 def getRaidDisks(raidDevice, raidLevel=None, stripPart=1):
62 rc = []
63 if raidLevel is not None:
64 try:
65 raidLevel = "raid%d" % (int(raidLevel),)
66 except ValueError:
67 pass
69 try:
70 f = open("/proc/mdstat", "r")
71 lines = f.readlines()
72 f.close()
73 except:
74 return rc
76 for line in lines:
77 fields = string.split(line, ' ')
78 if fields[0] == raidDevice:
79 if raidLevel is not None and fields[3] != raidLevel:
80 continue
81 for field in fields[4:]:
82 if string.find(field, "[") == -1:
83 continue
84 dev = string.split(field, '[')[0]
85 if len(dev) == 0:
86 continue
87 if stripPart:
88 disk = getDiskPart(dev)[0]
89 rc.append(disk)
90 else:
91 rc.append(dev)
93 return rc
96 def getBootBlock(bootDev, instRoot, seekBlocks=0):
97 """Get the boot block from bootDev. Return a 512 byte string."""
98 block = " " * 512
99 if bootDev is None:
100 return block
102 # get the devices in the raid device
103 if bootDev[5:7] == "md":
104 bootDevs = getRaidDisks(bootDev[5:])
105 bootDevs.sort()
106 else:
107 bootDevs = [ bootDev[5:] ]
109 # FIXME: this is kind of a hack
110 # look at all of the devs in the raid device until we can read the
111 # boot block for one of them. should do this better at some point
112 # by looking at all of the drives properly
113 for dev in bootDevs:
114 try:
115 fd = os.open("%s/dev/%s" % (instRoot, dev), os.O_RDONLY)
116 if seekBlocks > 0:
117 os.lseek(fd, seekBlocks * 512, 0)
118 block = os.read(fd, 512)
119 os.close(fd)
120 return block
121 except:
122 pass
123 return block
125 # takes a line like #boot=/dev/hda and returns /dev/hda
126 # also handles cases like quoted versions and other nonsense
127 def getBootDevString(line):
128 dev = string.split(line, '=')[1]
129 dev = string.strip(dev)
130 dev = string.replace(dev, '"', '')
131 dev = string.replace(dev, "'", "")
132 return dev
134 def getBootloaderTypeAndBoot(instRoot = "/"):
135 haveGrubConf = 1
136 haveLiloConf = 1
137 haveYabootConf = 1
138 haveSiloConf = 1
140 bootDev = None
142 # make sure they have the config file, otherwise we definitely can't
143 # use that bootloader
144 if not os.access(instRoot + grubConfigFile, os.R_OK):
145 haveGrubConf = 0
146 if not os.access(instRoot + liloConfigFile, os.R_OK):
147 haveLiloConf = 0
148 if not os.access(instRoot + yabootConfigFile, os.R_OK):
149 haveYabootConf = 0
150 if not os.access(instRoot + siloConfigFile, os.R_OK):
151 haveSiloConf = 0
153 if haveGrubConf:
154 bootDev = None
155 for (fn, stanza) in [ ("/etc/sysconfig/grub", "boot="),
156 (grubConfigFile, "#boot=") ]:
157 try:
158 f = open(instRoot + fn, "r")
159 except:
160 continue
162 # the following bits of code are straight from checkbootloader.py
163 lines = f.readlines()
164 f.close()
165 for line in lines:
166 if line.startswith(stanza):
167 bootDev = getBootDevString(line)
168 break
169 if bootDev is not None:
170 break
172 if bootDev is not None:
173 block = getBootBlock(bootDev, instRoot)
174 # XXX I don't like this, but it's what the maintainer suggested :(
175 if string.find(block, "GRUB") >= 0:
176 return ("GRUB", bootDev)
178 if haveLiloConf:
179 f = open(instRoot + liloConfigFile, "r")
180 lines = f.readlines()
181 for line in lines:
182 if line[0:5] == "boot=":
183 bootDev = getBootDevString(line)
184 break
186 block = getBootBlock(bootDev, instRoot)
187 # this at least is well-defined
188 if block[6:10] == "LILO":
189 return ("LILO", bootDev)
191 if haveYabootConf:
192 f = open(instRoot + yabootConfigFile, "r")
193 lines = f.readlines()
194 for line in lines:
195 if line[0:5] == "boot=":
196 bootDev = getBootDevString(line)
198 if bootDev:
199 return ("YABOOT", bootDev)
201 if haveSiloConf:
202 bootDev = None
203 # We've never done the /etc/sysconfig/silo thing, but maybe
204 # we should start...
205 for (fn, stanza) in [ ("/etc/sysconfig/silo", "boot="),
206 (grubConfigFile, "#boot=") ]:
207 try:
208 f = open(instRoot + fn, "r")
209 except:
210 continue
212 lines = f.readlines()
213 f.close()
214 for line in lines:
215 if line.startswith(stanza):
216 bootDev = getBootDevString(line)
217 break
218 if bootDev is not None:
219 break
221 if bootDev is not None:
222 # XXX SILO sucks just like grub.
223 if getDiskPart(bootDev)[1] != 3:
224 block = getBootBlock(bootDev, instRoot, 1)
225 if block[24:28] == "SILO":
226 return ("SILO", bootDev)
228 return (None, None)
230 def whichBootLoader(instRoot = "/"):
231 ret = getBootloaderTypeAndBoot(instRoot)
232 if not ret:
233 return None
234 else:
235 return ret[0]
237 if __name__ == "__main__":
238 bootloader = whichBootLoader()
239 if bootloader:
240 print "Found %s." % (bootloader)
241 else:
242 print "Unable to determine boot loader."

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