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Contents of /rpms/anaconda/sme10/anaconda.spec

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Revision 1.3 - (show annotations) (download)
Wed Jun 10 04:05:21 2020 UTC (4 years, 8 months ago) by jpp
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.2: +12 -1 lines
* Wed Jun 10 2020 Jean-Philipe Pialasse <tests@pialasse.com>
- patch for product.img branding of anaconda

1 %define livearches %{ix86} x86_64 ppc ppc64 ppc64le
3 Summary: Graphical system installer
4 Name: anaconda
5 Version:
6 Release: 2%{?dist}
7 License: GPLv2+ and MIT
8 Group: Applications/System
9 URL: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Anaconda
11 # To generate Source0 do:
12 # git clone http://git.fedorahosted.org/git/anaconda.git
13 # git checkout -b archive-branch anaconda-%%{version}-%%{release}
14 # ./autogen.sh
15 # make dist
16 Source0: %{name}-%{version}.tar.bz2
17 Patch1: anaconda-centos-add-centos-install-class.patch
18 Patch2: anaconda-centos-set-right-eula-location.patch
19 Patch4: anaconda-centos-disable-mirrors.patch
20 Patch5: anaconda-centos-bootfs-default-to-xfs.patch
21 Patch6: anaconda-centos-help-text.patch
22 Patch7: anaconda-centos-skip-retry-if-not-connected.patch
23 Patch8: 9800-rpmostreepayload-Rework-remote-add-handling.patch
24 Patch9: yumpayload-dont-verify-disabled-repos.patch
25 Patch10: anaconda-centos-armhfp-extloader.patch
26 Patch11: anaconda-centos-really-add-centos-install-class.patch
29 Patch101: 001-anaconda-koozali-product.patch
32 # Versions of required components (done so we make sure the buildrequires
33 # match the requires versions of things).
34 %define dbusver 1.2.3
35 %define dracutver 033-240
36 %define fcoeutilsver 1.0.12-3.20100323git
37 %define firewalldver 0.3.5-1
38 %define gettextver 0.18.1
39 %define gtk3ver 3.22.10
40 %define helpver 1:7.5.3-1
41 %define intltoolver 0.31.2-3
42 %define iscsiver
43 %define isomd5sum 1.0.10
44 %define langtablever 0.0.31-3
45 %define libarchivever 3.0.4
46 %define libtimezonemapver 0.4.1-2
47 %define libxklavierver 5.4
48 %define mehver 0.23-1
49 %define nmver 1.0.0-6.git20150107
50 %define partedver 1.8.1
51 %define pykickstartver
52 %define pypartedver 2.5-2
53 %define pythonpyblockver 0.45
54 %define pythonurlgrabberver 3.9.1-5
55 %define rpmver 4.10.0
56 %define sckeyboardver 1.3.1
57 %define utillinuxver 2.15.1
58 %define yumutilsver 1.1.11-3
59 %define yumver 3.4.3-91
61 BuildRequires: audit-libs-devel
62 BuildRequires: gettext >= %{gettextver}
63 BuildRequires: gtk3-devel >= %{gtk3ver}
64 BuildRequires: gtk-doc
65 BuildRequires: gtk3-devel-docs >= %{gtk3ver}
66 BuildRequires: glib2-doc
67 BuildRequires: gobject-introspection-devel
68 BuildRequires: glade-devel
69 BuildRequires: pygobject3
70 BuildRequires: intltool >= %{intltoolver}
71 BuildRequires: libgnomekbd-devel
72 BuildRequires: libxklavier-devel >= %{libxklavierver}
73 BuildRequires: pango-devel
74 BuildRequires: pykickstart >= %{pykickstartver}
75 %if ! 0%{?rhel}
76 BuildRequires: python-bugzilla
77 %endif
78 BuildRequires: python-devel
79 BuildRequires: python-urlgrabber >= %{pythonurlgrabberver}
80 BuildRequires: python-nose
81 BuildRequires: systemd
82 BuildRequires: yum >= %{yumver}
83 BuildRequires: NetworkManager-devel >= %{nmver}
84 BuildRequires: NetworkManager-glib-devel >= %{nmver}
85 BuildRequires: dbus-devel >= %{dbusver}
86 BuildRequires: dbus-python
87 BuildRequires: rpm-devel >= %{rpmver}
88 BuildRequires: libarchive-devel >= %{libarchivever}
89 %ifarch %livearches
90 BuildRequires: desktop-file-utils
91 %endif
92 %ifarch s390 s390x
93 BuildRequires: s390utils-devel
94 %endif
95 BuildRequires: libtimezonemap-devel >= %{libtimezonemapver}
97 Requires: anaconda-core = %{version}-%{release}
98 Requires: anaconda-gui = %{version}-%{release}
99 Requires: anaconda-tui = %{version}-%{release}
101 %description
102 The anaconda package is a metapackage for the Anaconda installer.
104 %package core
105 Summary: Core of the Anaconda installer
106 Requires: python-blivet >= 1:
107 Requires: python-meh >= %{mehver}
108 Requires: libreport-anaconda >= 2.0.21-1
109 Requires: libreport-rhel-anaconda-bugzilla >= 2.1.11-1
110 Requires: libselinux-python
111 Requires: rpm-python >= %{rpmver}
112 Requires: parted >= %{partedver}
113 Requires: pyparted >= %{pypartedver}
114 Requires: yum >= %{yumver}
115 Requires: python-urlgrabber >= %{pythonurlgrabberver}
116 Requires: pykickstart >= %{pykickstartver}
117 Requires: langtable-data >= %{langtablever}
118 Requires: langtable-python >= %{langtablever}
119 Requires: libuser-python
120 Requires: authconfig
121 Requires: firewalld >= %{firewalldver}
122 Requires: util-linux >= %{utillinuxver}
123 Requires: dbus-python
124 Requires: python-subprocess32
125 Requires: python-pwquality
126 Requires: python-IPy
127 Requires: python-nss
128 Requires: pytz
129 Requires: realmd
130 Requires: teamd
131 %ifarch %livearches
132 Requires: usermode
133 %endif
134 %ifarch s390 s390x
135 Requires: openssh
136 %endif
137 Requires: isomd5sum >= %{isomd5sum}
138 Requires: yum-utils >= %{yumutilsver}
139 Requires: createrepo
140 Requires: NetworkManager >= %{nmver}
141 Requires: NetworkManager-team
142 Requires: NetworkManager-glib >= %{nmver}
143 Requires: dhclient
144 Requires: kbd
145 Requires: chrony
146 Requires: python-ntplib
147 Requires: rsync
148 Requires: systemd
149 %ifarch %{ix86} x86_64
150 Requires: fcoe-utils >= %{fcoeutilsver}
151 Requires: libblockdev-nvdimm
152 %endif
153 Requires: iscsi-initiator-utils >= %{iscsiver}
154 %ifarch %{ix86} x86_64 ia64
155 Requires: dmidecode
156 %if ! 0%{?rhel}
157 Requires: hfsplus-tools
158 %endif
159 %endif
160 Requires: kexec-tools
162 Requires: python-coverage
164 # required because of the rescue mode and VNC question
165 Requires: anaconda-tui = %{version}-%{release}
167 Obsoletes: anaconda-images <= 10
168 Provides: anaconda-images = %{version}-%{release}
169 Obsoletes: anaconda-runtime < %{version}-%{release}
170 Provides: anaconda-runtime = %{version}-%{release}
171 Obsoletes: booty <= 0.107-1
173 %description core
174 The anaconda-core package contains the program which was used to install your
175 system.
177 %package gui
178 Summary: Graphical user interface for the Anaconda installer
179 Requires: anaconda-core = %{version}-%{release}
180 Requires: anaconda-widgets = %{version}-%{release}
181 Requires: python-meh-gui >= %{mehver}
182 Requires: adwaita-icon-theme
183 Requires: system-logos
184 Requires: tigervnc-server-minimal
185 Requires: libxklavier >= %{libxklavierver}
186 Requires: libgnomekbd
187 Requires: libtimezonemap >= %{libtimezonemapver}
188 Requires: nm-connection-editor
189 %ifarch %livearches
190 Requires: zenity
191 %endif
192 Requires: keybinder3
193 %ifnarch s390 s390x
194 Requires: NetworkManager-wifi
195 %endif
196 Requires: yelp
197 #Requires: anaconda-user-help >= %{helpver}
199 # Needed to compile the gsettings files
200 BuildRequires: gsettings-desktop-schemas
202 %description gui
203 This package contains graphical user interface for the Anaconda installer.
205 %package tui
206 Summary: Textual user interface for the Anaconda installer
207 Requires: anaconda-core = %{version}-%{release}
209 %description tui
210 This package contains textual user interface for the Anaconda installer.
212 %package widgets
213 Summary: A set of custom GTK+ widgets for use with anaconda
214 Group: System Environment/Libraries
215 Requires: pygobject3
216 Requires: python
218 %description widgets
219 This package contains a set of custom GTK+ widgets used by the anaconda installer.
221 %package widgets-devel
222 Summary: Development files for anaconda-widgets
223 Group: Development/Libraries
224 Requires: glade
225 Requires: %{name}-widgets%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
227 %description widgets-devel
228 This package contains libraries and header files needed for writing the anaconda
229 installer. It also contains Python and Glade support files, as well as
230 documentation for working with this library.
232 %package dracut
233 Summary: The anaconda dracut module
234 Requires: dracut >= %{dracutver}
235 Requires: dracut-network
236 Requires: xz
237 Requires: pykickstart
239 %description dracut
240 The 'anaconda' dracut module handles installer-specific boot tasks and
241 options. This includes driver disks, kickstarts, and finding the anaconda
242 runtime on NFS/HTTP/FTP servers or local disks.
244 %prep
245 %setup -q
246 %patch1 -p1
247 %patch2 -p1
248 %patch4 -p1
249 %patch5 -p1
250 %patch6 -p1
251 %patch7 -p1
252 %patch8 -p1
253 %patch9 -p1
254 %ifarch %{arm}
255 %patch10 -p1
256 %endif
259 %patch101 -p1
262 pushd pyanaconda/installclasses/
263 cp -f rhel.py centos.py
264 popd
266 %patch11 -p1
268 %build
269 %configure --disable-static \
270 --enable-introspection \
271 --enable-gtk-doc
272 %{__make} %{?_smp_mflags}
274 %install
275 %{make_install}
276 find %{buildroot} -type f -name "*.la" | xargs %{__rm}
278 %ifarch %livearches
279 desktop-file-install ---dir=%{buildroot}%{_datadir}/applications %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/applications/liveinst.desktop
281 # Add a sitecustomize.py to be loaded by liveinst
282 mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/anaconda/site-python
283 install -m 0644 pyanaconda/sitecustomize.py %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/anaconda/site-python/
284 %endif
285 # NOTE: If you see "error: Installed (but unpackaged) file(s) found" that include liveinst files,
286 # check the IS_LIVEINST_ARCH in configure.ac to make sure your architecture is properly defined
288 %find_lang %{name}
290 %post widgets -p /sbin/ldconfig
291 %postun widgets -p /sbin/ldconfig
294 %ifarch %livearches
295 %post
296 update-desktop-database &> /dev/null || :
297 %endif
299 %ifarch %livearches
300 %postun
301 update-desktop-database &> /dev/null || :
302 %endif
304 %files
305 %doc COPYING
307 %files core -f %{name}.lang
308 %doc COPYING
309 %{_unitdir}/*
310 %{_prefix}/lib/systemd/system-generators/*
311 %{_bindir}/instperf
312 %{_bindir}/anaconda-disable-nm-ibft-plugin
313 %{_sbindir}/anaconda
314 %{_sbindir}/handle-sshpw
315 %{_datadir}/anaconda
316 %{_datadir}/anaconda/help/*
317 %exclude %{_datadir}/anaconda/tzmapdata
318 %{_prefix}/libexec/anaconda
319 %{_libdir}/python*/site-packages/pyanaconda/*
320 %exclude %{_libdir}/python*/site-packages/pyanaconda/rescue.py*
321 %exclude %{_libdir}/python*/site-packages/pyanaconda/ui/gui/*
322 %exclude %{_libdir}/python*/site-packages/pyanaconda/ui/tui/*
323 %{_bindir}/analog
324 %{_bindir}/anaconda-cleanup
325 %ifarch %livearches
326 %{_bindir}/liveinst
327 %{_sbindir}/liveinst
328 %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/pam.d/*
329 %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/security/console.apps/*
330 %{_sysconfdir}/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/*
331 %{_datadir}/applications/*.desktop
332 %endif
334 %files gui
335 %{_libdir}/python*/site-packages/pyanaconda/ui/gui/*
336 %{_datadir}/themes/Anaconda/*
338 %files tui
339 %{_libdir}/python*/site-packages/pyanaconda/rescue.py
340 %{_libdir}/python*/site-packages/pyanaconda/ui/tui/*
342 %files widgets
343 %{_libdir}/libAnacondaWidgets.so.*
344 %{_libdir}/girepository*/AnacondaWidgets*typelib
345 %{_libdir}/python*/site-packages/gi/overrides/*
347 %files widgets-devel
348 %{_libdir}/libAnacondaWidgets.so
349 %{_includedir}/*
350 %{_datadir}/glade/catalogs/AnacondaWidgets.xml
351 %{_datadir}/gtk-doc
353 %files dracut
354 %dir %{_prefix}/lib/dracut/modules.d/80%{name}
355 %{_prefix}/lib/dracut/modules.d/80%{name}/*
356 %{_prefix}/libexec/anaconda/dd_*
358 %changelog
359 * Wed Jun 10 2020 Jean-Philipe Pialasse <tests@pialasse.com>
360 - patch for product.img branding of anaconda
362 * Tue Mar 31 2020 CentOS Sources <bugs@centos.org> -
363 - Add CentOS install class as default
364 - use the right path for the EULA string (issue 7165, bstinson)
365 - use efi_dir = centos
366 - disable the mirrorlist options
367 - make boot part fs default to xfs
369 * Tue Sep 10 2019 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
370 - network: use DEVICETYPE for team when updating virtual slaves ifcfgs
371 (rvykydal)
372 Resolves: rhbz#1680606
373 - dracut/parse-kickstart: Set DEVICETYPE instead of TYPE in a team master ifcfg file
374 (ptalbert)
375 Resolves: rhbz#1680606
377 * Tue Sep 03 2019 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
378 - Handle exceptions without GTK (vponcova)
379 Resolves: rhbz#1712987
381 * Fri Jun 14 2019 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
382 - Pass nosmt boot option to installed system (rvykydal)
383 Resolves: rhbz#1718838
385 * Tue Jun 04 2019 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
386 - Pull in new translations (rvykydal)
387 Related: rhbz#1688213
389 * Tue May 14 2019 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
390 - Fix the installation from NFS (vponcova)
391 Resolves: rhbz#1708070
393 * Tue May 07 2019 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
394 - Fix tests and add new tests (jkonecny)
395 Related: rhbz#1701032
396 - Do not calculate hash for disabled repos (jkonecny)
397 Related: rhbz#1701032
398 - Test proxy only if set (jkonecny)
399 Related: rhbz#1701032
400 - Add certificate to the repo files (jkonecny)
401 Resolves: rhbz#1701032
402 - Use SSLOptions for RepoMDMetaHash object (jkonecny)
403 Related: rhbz#1701032
404 - Use SSLOptions for YUM calls (jkonecny)
405 Related: rhbz#1701032
406 - Use SSLOptions for Base repository (jkonecny)
407 Related: rhbz#1701032
408 - Use new ssl certificate KS option for .treeinfo (lars)
409 Related: rhbz#1701032
411 * Wed Apr 24 2019 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
412 - Change the overflow color (vponcova)
413 Resolves: rhbz#1700471
415 * Tue Apr 16 2019 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
416 - Support setting network default onboot in rhv installclass (qiyuan)
417 Resolves: rhbz#1690336
419 * Mon Mar 25 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> -
420 - Detect and warn if SMT is enabled (vponcova)
421 Resolves: rhbz#1678353
423 * Tue Mar 05 2019 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
424 - Offer only supported sector sizes in NVDIMM reconfiguration dialog (rvykydal)
425 Resolves: rhbz#1614049
427 * Thu Feb 07 2019 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
428 - Change Skylake Spectre_V2 default to Retpolines (vponcova)
429 Resolves: rhbz#1659626
430 - nvdimm: update ks data for actions in UI (rvykydal)
431 Resolves: rhbz#1620109
432 - nvdimm: use pykickstart constant for setting reconfigure mode (rvykydal)
433 Related: rhbz#1620109
434 - Skip version when processing kernel boot args (jkonecny)
435 Resolves: rhbz#1637112
436 - Make save button insensitive in LUKS dialog with no input (mkolman)
437 Resolves: rhbz#1489713
439 * Wed Sep 26 2018 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
440 - Pull in new translations (rvykydal)
441 Related: rhbz#1569416
443 * Wed Sep 19 2018 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
444 - Revert "If someone really wants to eject the cdrom, then do it. (jkonecny)"
445 Resolves: rhbz#1618408
447 * Tue Aug 28 2018 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
448 - Pull in new translations (rvykydal)
449 Resolves: rhbz#1569416
451 * Fri Jul 27 2018 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
452 - Don't allow unlocking and using of LUKS2 devices (vponcova)
453 Resolves: rhbz#1608251
454 - Fix glade accelerator conflicts (rvykydal)
455 Related: rhbz#1602436
456 - Add nvdimm files to POTFILES.in (rvykydal)
457 Related: rhbz#1602436
458 - Support nvdimm only on x86_64 (rvykydal)
459 Resolves: rhbz#1602436
461 * Fri Jun 22 2018 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
462 - Add data loss warning to nvdimm reconfigure dialog. (rvykydal)
463 Resolves: rhbz#1280500
464 - Add UI feedback for disk repopulating after nvdimm reconfiguration.
465 (rvykydal)
466 Resolves: rhbz#1280500
467 - Use only devices specified by nvdimm command for installation. (rvykydal)
468 Resolves: rhbz#1280500
469 - Add option to reconfigure nvdimm devices into sector mode. (rvykydal)
470 Resolves: rhbz#1280500
471 - Allow only devices in sector mode to be selected. (rvykydal)
472 Resolves: rhbz#1280500
473 - Add nvdimm devices to Advanced Storage spoke. (rvykydal)
474 Resolves: rhbz#1280500
475 - Add kickstart support for nvdimm reconfiguration to sector mode. (rvykydal)
476 Resolves: rhbz#1280500
478 * Tue Jun 05 2018 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
479 - If someone really wants to eject the cdrom, then do it. (sbueno)
480 Resolves: rhbz#1499792
482 * Wed May 30 2018 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
483 - Use subprocess32 to prevent concurrency issues. (rvykydal)
484 Resolves: rhbz#1581200
486 * Wed May 23 2018 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
487 - Preserve the boot option zfcp.allow_lun_scan (vponcova)
488 Resolves: rhbz#1561662
489 - Don't display "Alternate Architectures" in product name (rvykydal)
490 Resolves: rhbz#1488558
492 * Wed May 16 2018 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
493 - installclasses/rhelah: Allow LVM thin and dm-crypt (walters)
494 Resolves: rhbz#1546252
495 - Ask for a default passphrase if required (vponcova)
496 Resolves: rhbz#1436304
497 - Add support for setting different types of passwords in TUI (vponcova)
498 Related: rhbz#1436304
500 * Thu May 10 2018 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
501 - Fix crash on inst.noverifyssl with non-url method (rvykydal)
502 Resolves: rhbz#1515678
504 * Wed May 02 2018 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
505 - Improve UI feedback for invalid boot on non-iBFT iSCSI devices. (rvykydal)
506 Related: rhbz#1562301
507 - Add inst.nonibftiscsiboot boot option. (rvykydal)
508 Resolves: rhbz#1562301
510 * Wed Apr 25 2018 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
511 - Once again fix cmdline error handling. (sbueno+anaconda)
512 Resolves: rhbz#1360223
513 - Extend the timeout period to 180s in the case of cmdline error.
514 (sbueno+anaconda)
515 Resolves: rhbz#1360223
516 - kickstart: "clearpart --list" does not work (marcel)
517 Resolves: rhbz#1561930
519 * Mon Apr 16 2018 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
520 - Clear errors when a user updates partitioning settings (vponcova)
521 Resolves: rhbz#1535781
522 - Don't try to create required partitions if there are none (vponcova)
523 Resolves: rhbz#1557485
524 - Fix parsing of hostname from cmdline for ipv6. (rvykydal)
525 Resolves: rhbz#1554271
527 * Mon Feb 19 2018 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
528 - Revert "UI support for configuring certain mitigations (mkolman)"
529 Resolves: rhbz#1546267
530 - Revert "Performance spoke related CI fixes" (mkolman)
531 Related: rhbz#1546267
532 - Revert "Fix mitigation toggling with kickstart" (mkolman)
533 Related: rhbz#1546267
535 * Wed Feb 14 2018 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
536 - Fix mitigation toggling with kickstart (mkolman)
537 Related: rhbz#1534833
539 * Mon Feb 12 2018 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
540 - Performance spoke related CI fixes (mkolman)
541 Related: rhbz#1534833
543 * Wed Feb 07 2018 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
544 - UI support for configuring certain mitigations (mkolman)
545 Resolves: rhbz#1534833
547 * Mon Jan 08 2018 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
548 - kickstart: use RHEL7_Firewall instead of F28_Firewall (dusty)
549 Related: rhbz#1526450
550 - kickstart: support firewall --use-system-defaults (dusty)
551 Resolves: rhbz#1526450
552 - Check payload is set before accessing its data (mkolman)
553 Resolves: rhbz#1524785
554 - Fix bad bash '*' expansion when loading kernel modules (jkonecny)
555 Resolves: rhbz#1519220
557 * Fri Dec 08 2017 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
558 - Update translations (ljanda)
559 Resolves: rhbz#1480523
561 * Wed Nov 15 2017 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
562 - Add support for the new 'mount' kickstart command (vpodzime)
563 Resolves: rhbz#1450922
565 * Tue Nov 07 2017 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
566 - Enable SE/HMC file access to repo (vponcova)
567 Resolves: rhbz#1289918
568 - Support timeout and retries options in %%packages section (vponcova)
569 Resolves: rhbz#1448459
571 * Thu Oct 12 2017 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
572 - Add support for the RHV branded help content variant (mkolman)
573 Resolves: rhbz#1378010
575 * Thu Oct 05 2017 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
576 - Fix storage spoke completeness checking (rvykydal)
577 Resolves: rhbz#1496416
578 - Missing dot in testing availability message (jkonecny)
579 Related: rhbz#1478970
581 * Thu Sep 07 2017 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
582 - network: add support for kickstart --bindto=mac for virtual devices
583 (rvykydal)
584 Resolves: rhbz#1328576
585 - network: support mac bound network settings as first class (rvykydal)
586 Related: rhbz#1328576
587 - network: add support for kickstart --bindto=mac for wired devices (rvykydal)
588 Resolves: rhbz#1328576
590 * Mon Sep 04 2017 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
591 - Skip temporarily unavailable checks in the source spoke (mkolman)
592 Resolves: rhbz#1365416
593 - Fix restart payload thread in Network spoke GUI (jkonecny)
594 Related: rhbz#1478970
595 - Add the boot option inst.xtimeout (vponcova)
596 Resolves: rhbz#1462035
597 - Add missing gtk3 required version to spec file (jkonecny)
598 Resolves: rhbz#1445648
599 - Sort spec required versions alphabetically (jkonecny)
600 Related: rhbz#1445648
601 - Fix testing of the kickstart version (vponcova)
602 Related: rhbz#1412159
603 - Add tests for the install class factory and the installclass command
604 (vponcova)
605 Related: rhbz#1412159
606 - Support for the installclass kickstart command (vponcova)
607 Resolves: rhbz#1412159
608 - Modules with install classes should define __all__ (vponcova)
609 Related: rhbz#1412159
610 - Refactorization of the installclass.py (vponcova)
611 Related: rhbz#1412159
612 - timezone: for kickstart allow also timezones not offered by GUI (rvykydal)
613 Resolves: rhbz#1452873
615 * Tue Aug 22 2017 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
616 - Network spoke freeze when testing availability (jkonecny)
617 Related: rhbz#1478970
618 - Fix proxy settings badly used when testing repos (jkonecny)
619 Resolves: rhbz#1478970
620 - installclasses/rhelah: Bump default / to 15GB max (walters)
621 Resolves: rhbz#1481768
622 - Prevent crash in GUI with incomplete IMSM array (mkolman)
623 Resolves: rhbz#1465944
624 - Show IDs of DASDs to be formatted in TUI (vponcova)
625 Resolves: rhbz#1269174
626 - rpmostreepayload: Rollup backport of Fedora patches (walters)
627 Resolves: rhbz#1459623
628 - Use SHA256 instead of MD5 for repoMDHash (bcl)
629 Related: rhbz#1341280
630 - Refactor imports in kickstart.py (jkonecny)
631 Related: rhbz#1463118
632 - Use context manager to check KickstartError (jkonecny)
633 Resolves: rhbz#1463118
634 - Use KickstartError instead of KickstartParseError (jkonecny)
635 Related: rhbz#1463118
637 * Wed Jun 21 2017 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
638 - rpmostreepayload: Stub out payload methods which use `import rpm` (walters)
639 Related: rhbz#1462979
641 * Tue Jun 13 2017 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
642 - Update translations (ljanda)
643 Related: rhbz#1383911
645 * Mon Jun 12 2017 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
646 - Delete file systems used only by a given installation (vponcova)
647 Resolves: rhbz#1453097
649 * Thu Jun 08 2017 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
650 - rpmostreepayload: [rhel7only] Move tmpfiles to after mount setup (walters)
651 Resolves: rhbz#1459623
652 - rpmostreepayload: Handle /var as a user-specified mountpoint (walters)
653 Resolves: rhbz#1459623
655 * Tue May 30 2017 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
656 - Root checking fixes password for password from kickstart (mkolman)
657 Related: rhbz#1356966
658 - Improve the GUI password checker (mkolman)
659 Related: rhbz#1356966
660 - Respect changesok policy on root password spoke (mkolman)
661 Resolves: rhbz#1356966
662 - Update translations of password checking strings (rvykydal)
663 Resolves: rhbz#1383911
665 * Mon May 29 2017 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
666 - Allow nonstrict behaviour for all passwords in tui (vponcova)
667 Resolves: rhbz#1450326
668 - Fix setting errors and warnings in the StorageCheckHandler (vponcova)
669 Resolves: rhbz#1453130
670 - Mark post inst tools as disabled only if firstboot --disable is used
671 (mkolman)
672 Resolves: rhbz#1448940
673 - Set the default filesystem type from a kickstart file (vponcova)
674 Resolves: rhbz#1449099
676 * Wed May 24 2017 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
677 - Show a no network warning for network installation source. (vponcova)
678 Related: rhbz#1418604
679 - Show warnings about enabling the network time (vponcova)
680 Resolves: rhbz#1418604
681 - Fix generating UUID even for pre snapshots (jkonecny)
682 Related: rhbz#1113207
684 * Mon May 15 2017 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
685 - Show the text of completions in the datetime spoke. (vponcova)
686 Related: rhbz#1447984
687 - Look higher for the combobox associated with an entry (dshea)
688 Resolves: rhbz#1447984
689 - Fix the addon handlers for the checkbox (vponcova)
690 Resolves: rhbz#1448187
692 * Thu May 11 2017 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
693 - network: handle multiple connections for one device better (rvykydal)
694 Resolves: rhbz#1444887
695 - network: catch exception when reading in-memory connection being removed
696 (rvykydal)
697 Related: rhbz#1444887
698 - Compare empty confirmation field against input (mkolman)
699 Resolves: rhbz#1438832
701 * Tue May 09 2017 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
702 - Properly iterate over kickstart locations in a job (vponcova)
703 Resolves: rhbz#1443485
704 - Onlyuse devices of the ignoredisk command should be only disks (vponcova)
705 Related: rhbz#1327439
706 - Fix device_name_is_disk to fully support raid devices (vponcova)
707 Resolves: rhbz#1327439
709 * Thu Apr 27 2017 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
710 - Adapt to treeinfo addon section format change (rvykydal)
711 Related: rhbz#1437510
712 - Make geolocation with kickstart possible (mkolman)
713 Resolves: rhbz#1358331
714 - Show or hide the content of the expander (vponcova)
715 Resolves: rhbz#1441733
716 - Fix a typo in anaconda-pre.service (mkolman)
717 Resolves: rhbz#1421246
719 * Thu Apr 20 2017 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
720 - Adapt to treeinfo format change (variants -> addons) (rvykydal)
721 Resolves: rhbz#1437510
722 - network: fix setting hostname via boot options (rvykydal)
723 Resolves: rhbz#1441337
724 - Bump version of Pykickstart and Blivet (jkonecny)
725 Related: rhbz#1113207
726 - Add XFS uuid changer (jkonecny)
727 Related: rhbz#1113207
728 - Support --when parameter in snapshot (jkonecny)
729 Related: rhbz#1113207
730 - Add snapshot support (jkonecny)
731 Resolves: rhbz#1113207
733 * Wed Apr 12 2017 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
734 - Update 64bit grub2 support to reflect packages as they actually landed
735 (pjones)
736 Related: rhbz#1310779
737 - Fix potential bugs reported by Pylint 1.6 (mkolman)
738 Related: rhbz#1440190
739 - Fix unused variables and imports (mkolman)
740 Related: rhbz#1440190
741 - Disable Pylint false positives (mkolman)
742 Related: rhbz#1440190
743 - Fix Pylint LoggingChecker usage (mkolman)
744 Resolves: rhbz#1440190
745 - Call subprocess.Popen with absolute path to a binary (rvykydal)
746 Resolves: rhbz#1411407
748 * Mon Apr 10 2017 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
749 - Gtk: Fix css selectors. (vponcova)
750 Resolves: rhbz#1439766
751 - Gtk: Set CSS names on all of the anaconda classes. (dshea)
752 Resolves: rhbz#1439766
753 - Gtk: Fix deprecated pseudo-classes. (vponcova)
754 Resolves: rhbz#1433943
755 - Gtk: Fix warnings in anaconda widgets. (dshea)
756 Resolves: rhbz#1433943
757 - Gtk: Calculate the preferred size of the image. (vponcova)
758 Resolves: rhbz#1433943
760 * Tue Apr 04 2017 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
761 - Gtk: Add gi.require_version to specify versions. (vponcova)
762 Resolves: rhbz#1433943
763 - Use the function we already have for applying disk selection (rvykydal)
764 Related: rhbz#1412022
765 - Ignore disks labeled OEMDRV (rvykydal)
766 Resolves: rhbz#1412022
768 * Mon Apr 03 2017 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
769 - Pylint fixes (rvykydal)
770 Related: rhbz#1429576
771 - Make 64-bit kernel on 32-bit firmware work for x86 efi machines (pjones)
772 Resolves: rhbz#1310779
774 * Wed Mar 29 2017 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
775 - gui: show supported locales on Atomic Host installs (jlebon)
776 Resolves: rhbz#1429576
777 - Specify unit for reserved space in VG (vpodzime)
778 Resolves: rhbz#1260887
779 - Add support for --chunksize raid kickstart option (vtrefny)
780 Resolves: rhbz#1332316
782 * Thu Mar 23 2017 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
783 - util: Add script to capture logs (riehecky)
784 Resolves: rhbz#1431313
786 * Mon Mar 20 2017 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
787 - network tui: fix changing ipv4 config from static to dhcp (rvykydal)
788 Resolves: rhbz#1432886
790 * Thu Mar 16 2017 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
791 - Add support for kickstart %%onerror scripts (clumens)
792 Resolves: rhbz#1412538
793 - Fix partial kickstart software selection in GUI (jkonecny)
794 Related: rhbz#1404158
795 - Show the network spoke in Initial Setup TUI (mkolman)
796 Resolves: rhbz#1302165
797 - yum: Always release payload and catch raised exceptions. (vponcova)
798 Related: rhbz#979307
799 - tui: Treat dependency errors as errors in the software spoke (vponcova)
800 Resolves: rhbz#979307
801 - tui: Properly initialize the software spoke. (vponcova)
802 Related: rhbz#1371229
803 - Propagate firstboot --disable to Screen Access Manager (mkolman)
804 Related: rhbz#1422867
805 - Use Screen Access Manager (mkolman)
806 Related: rhbz#1422867
807 - Add screen entry/exit callbacks (mkolman)
808 Related: rhbz#1422867
809 - Add screen access manager (mkolman)
810 Resolves: rhbz#1422867
811 - Removed unused code in the Software spoke (jkonecny)
812 Related: rhbz#1404158
813 - Fix selection logic in Software spoke (jkonecny)
814 Resolves: rhbz#1404158
815 - Support --nohome option in the autopartitioning (vponcova)
816 Resolves: rhbz#663099
817 - tui: Remember the custom software selection (vponcova)
818 Resolves: rhbz#1371229
820 * Mon Mar 13 2017 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
821 - Mock can now be set more easily by CI (jkonecny)
822 Resolves: rhbz#1430728
824 * Mon Mar 06 2017 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
825 - Fix Driver Disc documentation (jkonecny)
826 Related: rhbz#1377233
827 - Support DD rpm loading from local disk device (jkonecny)
828 Resolves: rhbz#1377233
829 - Fix a Pylint warning (mkolman)
830 Related: rhbz#1425760
831 - Remove redundant help content generation code (mkolman)
832 Resolves: rhbz#1428787
833 - network: create dracut arguments for iSCSI root accessed via vlan (rvykydal)
834 Resolves: rhbz#1374003
835 - Add support for RHVH custom storage checking (vponcova)
836 Related: rhbz#1412151
837 - Enable the install class to customize the storage checking (vponcova)
838 Resolves: rhbz#1412151
839 - Replace sanity check with more advanced storage checker (vponcova)
840 Related: rhbz#1412151
841 - Rename StorageChecker to StorageCheckHandler (vponcova)
842 Related: rhbz#1412151
843 - Perform recursive copying of driver disk RPM repo contents (esyr)
844 Resolves: rhbz#1425760
845 - Fix a typo in an error message (esyr)
846 Related: rhbz#1425760
847 - Don't block gui during dasd formating (vponcova)
848 Resolves: rhbz#1335465
849 - rhev: add /home /tmp /var/log /var/log/audit (dougsland)
850 Resolves: rhbz#1422952
851 - Increase verbosity of lvmdump in pre logging script (jkonecny)
852 Related: rhbz#1255659
854 * Mon Feb 27 2017 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
855 - Improved password quality checking (mkolman)
856 Resolves: rhbz#1380277
857 Resolves: rhbz#1383718
858 Resolves: rhbz#1356975
859 - Use correct default password quality value (mkolman)
860 Related: rhbz#1380277
861 Related: rhbz#1383718
862 - Use initialization controller for spoke initialization (mkolman)
863 Related: rhbz#1380224
864 - Add module initialization controller (mkolman)
865 Resolves: rhbz#1380224
866 - Add the synchronized decorator (mkolman)
867 Related: rhbz#1380224
868 - Add a signal/slot implementation (mkolman)
869 Related: rhbz#1380224
871 * Mon Feb 20 2017 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
872 - Lock empty root password during kickstart installation (mkolman)
873 Resolves: rhbz#1383656
874 - Enable multiple inst.stage2 urls (vponcova)
875 Resolves: rhbz#1391724
876 - Enable multiple inst.ks urls (vponcova)
877 Resolves: rhbz#1391724
878 - tui: AutoPartSpoke should not be discovered by a hub (vponcova)
879 Related: rhbz#1380767
880 - Enable to define the autopart type in an install class (vponcova)
881 Resolves: rhbz#1380767
882 - Always set the default partitioning (vponcova)
883 Resolves: rhbz#1380767
885 * Mon Feb 13 2017 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
886 - Add inst.waitfornet option (rvykydal)
887 Resolves: rhbz#1315160
888 - Add support for IPoIB in tui (rvykydal)
889 Resolves: rhbz#1366935
891 * Tue Feb 07 2017 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
892 - Add unit test for RepoMDMetaHash object (jkonecny)
893 Related: rhbz#1373449
894 - Make the comments in payload and yumpayload consistent (jkonecny)
895 Related: rhbz#1373449
896 - Fix Anaconda forces payload restart when network (not)change (jkonecny)
897 Resolves: rhbz#1358778
898 Resolves: rhbz#1373449
899 - network: index team slave connection names starting with 1 (rvykydal)
900 Resolves: rhbz#1401403
901 - network: fix --noipv4 via %%pre (rvykydal)
902 Resolves: rhbz#1418289
904 * Thu Feb 02 2017 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
905 - Close connections to the yum database (vponcova)
906 Resolves: rhbz#1362427
907 - network: fix --activate for bridge slaves configured via %%pre ks (rvykydal)
908 Resolves: rhbz#1416655
909 - network: activate bridge for first network command in ks via %%pre (rvykydal)
910 Resolves: rhbz#1416655
911 - network: unify slave connection names for ks %%pre with ks and gui (rvykydal)
912 Resolves: rhbz#1416655
913 - network: respect --activate value for bridge from kickstart (rvykydal)
914 Resolves: rhbz#1416687
916 * Mon Jan 30 2017 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
917 - network: bind slave connections to DEVICE, not HWADDR (rvykydal)
918 Related: rhbz#1373360
919 - Catch race-condition error reading from in-memory connection being removed
920 (rvykydal)
921 Related: rhbz#1373360
922 - Allow setting up bridge for fetching isntaller image from kickstart
923 (rvykydal)
924 Resolves: rhbz#1373360
926 * Mon Sep 26 2016 Samantha N. Bueno <sbueno+anaconda@redhat.com> -
927 - Accept any non-empty password in non-strict mode (mkolman)
928 Resolves: rhbz#1379323
929 - Disable the potfile check on the password quality tests (mkolman)
930 Related: rhbz#1365112
931 Related: rhbz#1365032
932 - Fix two trivial typos in the password checking code (mkolman)
933 Related: rhbz#1365112
934 Related: rhbz#1365032
935 - Tweak lambda use in Dracut test (jkonecny)
936 Related: rhbz#1101653
937 - Add Dracut test for reloading mod dependencies (jkonecny)
938 Related: rhbz#1101653
940 * Tue Sep 20 2016 Samantha N. Bueno <sbueno+anaconda@redhat.com> -
941 - Check /var/tmp directory before creating it (rvykydal)
942 Resolves: rhbz#1377761
944 * Thu Sep 15 2016 Samantha N. Bueno <sbueno+anaconda@redhat.com> -
945 - Fix password length in the password policy (mkolman)
946 Related: rhbz#1365112
947 Related: rhbz#1365032
948 - network: avoid registering GTypes from multiple threads (lkundrak)
949 Resolves: rhbz#1366271
950 - Fix traceback when payload have None as url (jkonecny)
951 Resolves: rhbz#1371494
952 - Add new Dracut test and fix another ones (jkonecny)
953 Related: rhbz#1101653
954 - Fix bug when we add set to list (jkonecny)
955 Related: rhbz#1101653
956 - Add new helper script files to build system (jkonecny)
957 Related: rhbz#1101653
958 - Add new helper scripts to the README-dd documentation (jkonecny)
959 Related: rhbz#1101653
960 - Fix driver unload is disabling network settings (jkonecny)
961 Related: rhbz#1101653
963 * Mon Sep 12 2016 Samantha N. Bueno <sbueno+anaconda@redhat.com> -
964 - rhv: Adding rhv for installclasses (dougsland)
965 Resolves: rhbz#1337595
967 * Mon Sep 12 2016 Samantha N. Bueno <sbueno+anaconda@redhat.com> -
968 - Default policy should not allow empty passwords (mkolman)
969 Related: rhbz#1365112
970 Related: rhbz#1365032
971 - Add unit tests for password quality checking (mkolman)
972 Related: rhbz#1365112
973 Related: rhbz#1365032
974 - Fix password quality checking (mkolman)
975 Resolves: rhbz#1365112
976 Resolves: rhbz#1365032
977 - dud: fix multiple inst.dd=http:// instances stalling in dracut (rvykydal)
978 Related: rhbz#1268792
980 * Thu Sep 08 2016 Samantha N. Bueno <sbueno+anaconda@redhat.com> -
981 - Revert "Show network spoke in the TUI reconfig mode (mkolman)"
982 Resolves: rhbz#1302165
983 - Improved driver disk copying (mkolman)
984 Related: rhbz#1269915
985 - network: adapt to ibft plugin being enabled by default in NM (rvykydal)
986 Resolves: rhbz#1371188
988 * Mon Sep 05 2016 Samantha N. Bueno <sbueno+anaconda@redhat.com> -
989 - Drop T from cp command flags when copying driver disk RPMs (mkolman)
990 Resolves: rhbz#1269915
991 - network: set onboot correctly for vlan on bond device in ks (rvykydal)
992 Related: rhbz#1234849
993 - network: don't show ibft configured devices in UI (rvykydal)
994 Resolves: rhbz#1309661
995 - Translate press-c-to-continue correctly in TUI (mkolman)
996 Resolves: rhbz#1364539
997 - network: don't set empty team slave config for NM (rvykydal)
998 Related: rhbz#1254929
1000 * Thu Aug 25 2016 Samantha N. Bueno <sbueno+anaconda@redhat.com> -
1001 - network: don't stumble upon new Device.Statistics NM dbus iface (rvykydal)
1002 Resolves: rhbz#1370099
1004 * Wed Aug 24 2016 Samantha N. Bueno <sbueno+anaconda@redhat.com> -
1005 - Check before removing repo specific caches (bcl)
1006 Resolves: rhbz#1369698
1008 * Tue Aug 23 2016 Samantha N. Bueno <sbueno+anaconda@redhat.com> -
1009 - Ensure LDL DASDs formatted in text ks. (sbueno+anaconda)
1010 Resolves: rhbz#1259437
1011 - Run cache hack after moving cache to mounted storage (bcl)
1012 Resolves: rhbz#1287438
1013 - Fix reset payload only on network change (jkonecny)
1014 Resolves: rhbz#1364367
1015 - Disable strict password quality checking for partial kickstart installations
1016 (mkolman)
1017 Related: rhbz#1360263
1018 - Fix anaconda-pre.service wasn't properly installed (jkonecny)
1019 Related: rhbz#1255659
1021 * Thu Aug 11 2016 Samantha N. Bueno <sbueno+anaconda@redhat.com> -
1022 - Fix PropertyNotFoundError PermHwAddress (jkonecny)
1023 Resolves: rhbz#1364977
1024 - Fix screenshot taking logic (mkolman)
1025 Resolves: rhbz#1327456
1026 - network: don't require gateway for static ipv4 config in TUI (rvykydal)
1027 Resolves: rhbz#1365532
1029 * Tue Aug 09 2016 Samantha N. Bueno <sbueno+anaconda@redhat.com> -
1030 - Fix needsNetwork() to test only enabled repositories (jkonecny)
1031 Resolves: rhbz#1361213
1032 Related: rhbz#1358788
1033 - Make sure unformatted DASDs are dasdfmted in ks. (sbueno+anaconda)
1034 Resolves: rhbz#1359865
1035 - Fix architecutre selection for help content (mkolman)
1036 Related: rhbz#1260880
1037 - Fix needsNetwork testing only additional repositories (jkonecny)
1038 Related: rhbz#1358788
1039 - Fix retry to download local treeinfo file (jkonecny)
1040 Related: rhbz#1270354
1041 - Rename function for better consistency (rvykydal)
1042 Related: rhbz#1259284
1043 - Update error message for consistency (rvykydal)
1044 Related: rhbz#1259284
1045 - Add more specific username check messages also to gui (rvykydal)
1046 Related: rhbz#1259284
1047 Resolves: rhbz#1360334
1048 - Fix restart payload only when repo needs network (jkonecny)
1049 Resolves: rhbz#1358788
1051 * Wed Jul 27 2016 <> -
1052 - network: don't activate bond/team devices regardless of --activate (rvykydal)
1053 Resolves: rhbz#1358795
1054 - iscsi: fix getting iscsi target iface of bound target (rvykydal)
1055 Resolves: rhbz#1359739
1056 - Clarify a nosave related log message (mkolman)
1057 Related: rhbz#1285519
1058 - network: fix ksdata generating for for non-active virtual devices (rvykydal)
1059 Related: rhbz#1321288
1060 - network: update kickstart data also with bond bridge slaves (rvykydal)
1061 Related: rhbz#1321288
1062 - network: add support for bridge bond slaves (rvykydal)
1063 Resolves: rhbz#1321288
1064 - Fix bootDrive driveorder fallback (jkonecny)
1065 Related: rhbz#1355795
1066 - Fix bootloader when re-using existing /boot part (jkonecny)
1067 Related: rhbz#1355795
1068 - fix style guide test false positive on username variable (rvykydal)
1069 Related: rhbz#1350375
1070 - Store logs before anaconda starts (japokorn)
1071 Resolves: rhbz#1255659
1072 - DD can now replace existing drivers (japokorn)
1073 Related: rhbz#1101653
1074 - tui: use functions instead of fake REs for checking values (rvykydal)
1075 Related: rhbz#1350375
1076 - tui: get proper index of entry we are handling in input (rvykydal)
1077 Related: rhbz#1331054
1078 - tui: fix user name validity checking (rvykydal)
1079 Related: rhbz#1259284
1080 Resolves: rhbz#1350375
1081 - Change bootloader boot drive fallback (jkonecny)
1082 Resolves: rhbz#1355795
1083 - Make it possible to disable sshd service from running. (sbueno+anaconda)
1084 Resolves: rhbz#1262707
1085 - Attempt to unload modules updated by a driver disk (dshea)
1086 Resolves: rhbz#1101653
1087 - Fix the processing of device nodes as driver disks (dshea)
1088 Related: rhbz#1269915
1090 * Fri Jul 08 2016 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> -
1091 - Allow kickstart users to ignore the free space error (dshea)
1092 Resolves: rhbz#1287308
1093 - Fix dhcpclass to work both via kickstart and the boot cmdline. (clumens)
1094 Resolves: rhbz#1293051
1095 - Add support for device specification variants (mkolman)
1096 Resolves: rhbz#1200833
1097 - Add NTP server configuration to the TUI (mkolman)
1098 Resolves: rhbz#1269399
1099 - Move the NTP server checking constants to constants.py (mkolman)
1100 Related: rhbz#1269399
1101 - Use a constant for the NTP check thread name prefix (mkolman)
1102 Related: rhbz#1269399
1104 * Fri Jun 24 2016 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> -
1105 - Fix adding new VG in Custom spoke can't be applied (jkonecny)
1106 Resolves: rhbz#1263715
1107 - Fix pylint errors in Timezone. (dshea)
1108 Related: rhbz#1312135
1109 - hostname: don't set installer env hostname to localhost.localdomain
1110 (rvykydal)
1111 Related: rhbz#1290858
1112 - Add the nosave option to the boot option docs file (mkolman)
1113 Related: rhbz#1285519
1115 * Fri Jun 17 2016 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> -
1116 - Use the RHEL 7 timezone kickstart command version (mkolman)
1117 Resolves: rhbz#1312135
1118 - Use the signal handlers to set initial widget sensitivies (dshea)
1119 Resolves: rhbz#1259742
1120 - Fix the name sensitivity in the custom spoke. (dshea)
1121 Resolves: rhbz#1316269
1122 - Require network for network-based driver disks (dshea)
1123 Resolves: rhbz#1261024
1125 * Fri Jun 10 2016 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> -
1126 - Add wordwrap to text mode and use it by default (rvykydal)
1127 Resolves: rhbz#1267881
1128 - Display storage errors that cause no disks to be selected (bcl)
1129 Related: rhbz#1340240
1130 - Overwrite network files when using ks liveimg (bcl)
1131 Resolves: rhbz#1342639
1133 * Wed Jun 08 2016 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> -
1134 - Fix a covscan warning about fetch-driver-net (bcl)
1135 Related: rhbz#1269915
1136 - network: handle also ifcfg files of not activated virtual devices (rvykydal)
1137 Resolves: rhbz#1313173
1138 - network: check onboot value in ksdata, not NM connections (rvykydal)
1139 Related: rhbz#1341636
1140 Resolves: rhbz#1313173
1141 - network: do not activate device on kickstart --onboot="yes" (rvykydal)
1142 Resolves: rhbz#1341636
1143 - Use the LUKS device for encrypted swap on RAID (dshea)
1144 Related: rhbz#1302747
1145 - Use the LUKS device for swap in fstab (vpodzime)
1146 Resolves: rhbz#1302747
1147 - Keep the subdir in driver disk update paths (dshea)
1148 Resolves: rhbz#1296306
1149 - Warn about broken keyboard layout switching in VNC (jkonecny)
1150 Resolves: rhbz#1274228
1151 - Make the anaconda-generator exit early outside of the installation
1152 environment (mkolman)
1153 Resolves: rhbz#1289179
1155 * Fri Jun 03 2016 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> -
1156 - Add a button to refresh the disk list. (dlehman)
1157 Resolves: rhbz#1191305
1158 - Fix some residual issues of dasdfmt in text-mode. (sbueno+anaconda)
1159 Resolves: rhbz#1259437
1160 - Only try to restart payload in the Anaconda environment (mkolman)
1161 Related: rhbz#1270354
1162 - Make current runtime environment identifiers available via flags (mkolman)
1163 Related: rhbz#1270354
1164 - network tui: do not activate device when setting its onboot value (rvykydal)
1165 Resolves: rhbz#1261864
1166 - network tui: edit persistent configuration, not active connection (rvykydal)
1167 Related: rhbz#1261864
1168 - network: add support for --no-activate kickstart opton (rvykydal)
1169 Resolves: rhbz#1277975
1170 - More descriptive message on invalid username (kvalek)
1171 Resolves: rhbz#1259284
1172 - Don't mark an empty string for translation. (clumens)
1173 Related: rhbz#1255094
1174 - Update the disk summary on Ctrl-A (dshea)
1175 Resolves: rhbz#1264958
1176 - Added PROGRESS_REPORT for retry messages (kvalek)
1177 Resolves: rhbz#1255094
1178 - Handle unsupported disklabels. (dlehman)
1179 Related: rhbz#1266199
1180 Related: rhbz#1294081
1181 - network: fix filtering of libvirt devices (check for None values) (rvykydal)
1182 Related: rhbz#1298444
1183 - NFS DDs installation now works correctly (japokorn)
1184 Resolves: rhbz#1269915
1186 * Fri May 27 2016 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> -
1187 - Print an error when the kickstart file is missing (bcl)
1188 Resolves: rhbz#1297380
1189 - Adapt the pwpolicy defaults to the old behavior (vpodzime)
1190 Related: rhbz#1240303
1191 - Ignore addon and anaconda sections in handle-sshpw (bcl)
1192 Related: rhbz#1240303
1193 - Ignore %%anaconda section in parse-kickstart (bcl)
1194 Related: rhbz#1240303
1195 - Add documentation on %%anaconda kickstart command (bcl)
1196 Related: rhbz#1240303
1197 - TUI pwpolicy setup was supposed to be in __init__ not refresh (bcl)
1198 Related: rhbz#1240303
1199 - Fix pylint/translation issues from the pwpolicy patches. (clumens)
1200 Related: rhbz#1240303
1201 - Implement %%anaconda kickstart section for pwpolicy (bcl)
1202 Resolves: rhbz#1240303
1203 - Add pwpolicy support to TUI interface (bcl)
1204 Related: rhbz#1240303
1205 - Add pwpolicy for the LUKS passphrase dialog. (bcl)
1206 Related: rhbz#1240303
1207 - Add pwpolicy for the user spoke. (bcl)
1208 Related: rhbz#1240303
1209 - Use pwpolicy for the root password spoke. (bcl)
1210 Related: rhbz#1240303
1211 - hostname: add tooltip to Apply button (rvykydal)
1212 Related: rhbz#1290858
1213 - hostname: fix accelerator collision (rvykydal)
1214 Related: rhbz#1290858
1215 - hostname: don't set hostname in initrafms of target system (rvykydal)
1216 Related: rhbz#1290858
1217 - hostname: set current hostname from target system hostname on demand
1218 (rvykydal)
1219 Related: rhbz#1290858
1220 - hostname: suggest current hostname for storage containers (rvykydal)
1221 Related: rhbz#1290858
1222 - hostname: don't set target system static hostname to current hostname
1223 (rvykydal)
1224 Resolves: rhbz#1290858
1226 * Wed May 25 2016 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> -
1227 - network: don't crash on devices with zero MAC address (rvykydal)
1228 Resolves: rhbz#1334632
1229 - network: fix regression in network tui device configuration (rvykydal)
1230 Resolves: rhbz#1338620
1231 - Fix TUI ErrorDialog processing (bcl)
1232 Resolves: rhbz#1337427
1233 - Fix a pylint error in the source switch handler mixin (mkolman)
1234 Related: rhbz#1275771
1235 - Don't crash when selecting the same hdd ISO again (mkolman)
1236 Resolves: rhbz#1275771
1237 - Protect extended partition when ISO file is on logical partition (vtrefny)
1238 Resolves: rhbz#1255237
1239 - Fix error handling for s390 bootloader errors (sbueno+anaconda)
1240 Resolves: rhbz#1260934
1241 - Move yum.cache to disk after partitioning (bcl)
1242 Resolves: rhbz#1287438
1244 * Fri May 13 2016 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> -
1245 - Lower required squashfs ram to 350M (bcl)
1246 Resolves: rhbz#1333113
1247 - Add epoch for anaconda-user-help & bump version (mkolman)
1248 Related: rhbz#1275285
1249 - Specify string format arguments as logging function parameters (mkolman)
1250 Related: rhbz#1235726
1252 * Wed May 11 2016 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> -
1253 - Do not override StorageChecker.errors in StorageSpoke (vtrefny)
1254 Resolves: rhbz#1269195
1255 - Add single language mode (mkolman)
1256 Resolves: rhbz#1235726
1257 - Move default X keyboard setting out of the Welcome spoke (mkolman)
1258 Related: rhbz#1235726
1259 - bootloader: Use shim on Aarch64. (pjones)
1260 Resolves: rhbz#1256942
1261 - Fix bad indentation (rvykydal)
1262 Related: rhbz#1265593
1263 - network: don't show libvirt virtual devices (rvykydal)
1264 Related: rhbz#1298444
1265 - network: don't crash when adding device without connection to list (rvykydal)
1266 Related: rhbz#1265593
1267 - Use a different ipmi command to log events. (clumens)
1268 Resolves: rhbz#1268195
1269 - Add missing glib schema dependencies (dshea)
1270 Related: rhbz#1324889
1271 - Compile glib schema overrides with --strict. (dshea)
1272 Related: rhbz#1324889
1274 * Fri May 06 2016 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> -
1275 - Don't join two absolute paths (mkolman)
1276 Related: rhbz#1249598
1277 - Switch to the new Initial Setup unit name (mkolman)
1278 Related: rhbz#1249598
1279 - Don't crash when taking a screenshot on the hub (mkolman)
1280 Resolves: rhbz#1327456
1281 - network: validate netmask in tui (rvykydal)
1282 Resolves: rhbz#1331054
1284 * Fri Apr 29 2016 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> -
1285 - Check minimal memory requirements properly (jstodola)
1286 Resolves: rhbz#1267673
1287 - Check that cache PVs (if any) are in the VG the LV belongs to (vpodzime)
1288 Resolves: rhbz#1263258
1289 - Move settings_changed from NCB to Network Spoke (jkonecny)
1290 Related: rhbz#1270354
1291 - Changes in network state revalidate sources rhbz#1270354 (riehecky)
1292 Resolves: rhbz#1270354
1294 * Wed Apr 27 2016 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> -
1295 - Update storage snapshot after running dasdfmt. (sbueno+anaconda)
1296 Resolves: rhbz#1266151
1297 - Add access to the payload from addons (jkonecny)
1298 Resolves: rhbz#1288636
1299 - Update the on-disk snapshot of storage when adv. disks are added (vpodzime)
1300 Resolves: rhbz#1267944
1302 * Thu Apr 21 2016 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> -
1303 - Combine formatting of LDL and unformatted DASDs. (sbueno+anaconda)
1304 Resolves: rhbz#1316088
1305 - Move metacity settings into anaconda. (dshea)
1306 Resolves: rhbz#1324889
1308 * Fri Apr 15 2016 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> -
1309 - Check software selection in tui kickstart (bcl)
1310 Resolves: rhbz#1320436
1311 - Run the checkSoftwareSelection even when no environment is selected (bcl)
1312 Resolves: rhbz#1320436
1313 - Stop kickstart when space check fails (bcl)
1314 Resolves: rhbz#1320436
1315 - Fix problem of DASDs not being formatted in text ks. (sbueno+anaconda)
1316 Resolves: rhbz#1259437
1318 * Thu Apr 14 2016 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> -
1319 - Move the pykickstart version test into a different subdirectory. (clumens)
1320 Resolves: rhbz#1263367
1321 - Show network spoke in the TUI reconfig mode (mkolman)
1322 Resolves: rhbz#1302165
1323 - iscsi: don't generate kickstart iscsi commands for offload devices (rvykydal)
1324 Related: rhbz#1252879
1325 - iscsi: allow installing bootloader on offload iscsi disks (qla4xxx)
1326 (rvykydal)
1327 Resolves: rhbz#1325134
1328 - Fix iSCSI kickstart options aren't generated (jkonecny)
1329 Resolves: rhbz#1252879
1330 - Fix adding offload iSCSI devices (vtrefny)
1331 Resolves: rhbz#1255280
1333 * Fri Apr 08 2016 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> -
1334 - Exclude software raid block devices from list-harddrives output (mkolman)
1335 Resolves: rhbz#1311512
1337 * Tue Apr 05 2016 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> -
1338 - network: don't set 803-3-ethernet.name setting (rvykydal)
1339 Resolves: rhbz#1323589
1340 - Add retry when downloading .treeinfo (jkonecny)
1341 Resolves: rhbz#1292613
1342 - Make it possible to skip saving of kickstarts and logs (mkolman)
1343 Resolves: rhbz#1285519
1344 - Add a function for empty file creation (mkolman)
1345 Related: rhbz#1285519
1346 - Run actions for argparse arguments (mkolman)
1347 Related: rhbz#1285519
1349 * Fri Apr 01 2016 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> -
1350 - Reset invalid disk selection before proceeding. (dlehman)
1351 Resolves: rhbz#1265330
1352 - Fix bad sensitivity on boxes in source spoke (jkonecny)
1353 Resolves: rhbz#1262833
1354 - Fix only one address is shown in anaconda (jkonecny)
1355 Resolves: rhbz#1264400
1356 - network: copy static routes configured in installer to system (rvykydal)
1357 Resolves: rhbz#1255801
1358 - network: fix kickstart --noipv4 option in %%pre section (rvykydal)
1359 Related: rhbz#1291333
1360 - network: fix kickstart --noipv4 option (rvykydal)
1361 Resolves: rhbz#1291333
1363 * Thu Mar 24 2016 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> -
1364 - Fix crash when new device appear in Welcome screen (jkonecny)
1365 Resolves: rhbz#1216926
1366 - Add reason when logging invalid repository (jkonecny)
1367 Resolves: rhbz#1240379
1368 - network: fix vlan over bond in kickstart (rvykydal)
1369 Resolves: rhbz#1234849
1371 * Fri Mar 18 2016 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> -
1372 - Remove unused import in storage_utils (sbueno+anaconda)
1373 Related: rhbz#1268025
1374 - Remove the last instance of singlePV (sbueno+anaconda)
1375 Resolves: rhbz#1268025
1376 - Remove duplicate informational message from rescue mode. (sbueno+anaconda)
1377 Resolves: rhbz#1249082
1378 - If doing dirinstall on s390x, don't prompt to login via ssh to begin install.
1379 (sbueno+anaconda)
1380 Resolves: rhbz#1269207
1381 - Fix a problem introduced by a cherry-pick (dshea)
1382 Resolves: rhbz#1317558
1383 Related: rhbz#1274855
1384 - Fix duplicate network settings in dracut (jkonecny)
1385 Related: rhbz#1293539
1386 - Fix create device with bad name when parsing KS (jkonecny)
1387 Resolves: rhbz#1293539
1388 - network: don't traceback when trying to turn off misconfigured team
1389 connection (rvykydal)
1390 Resolves: rhbz#1263971
1391 - network: don't set NM_CONTROLLED=no for root on SAN (rvykydal)
1392 Resolves: rhbz#1273323
1393 - Use a lock for repoStore access (bcl)
1394 Resolves: rhbz#1315414
1395 - network: use NAME to find ifcfg on s390 with net.ifnames=0 (rvykydal)
1396 Resolves: rhbz#1249750
1397 - fix multiple inst.dd=<path> args (rhbz#1268792) (wwoods)
1398 Resolves: rhbz#1268792
1399 - network: fix configuring team in kickstart pre (rvykydal)
1400 Resolves: rhbz#1254929
1401 - network: Don't set --device link default for hostname only network cmd
1402 (rvykydal)
1403 Resolves: rhbz#1272274
1404 - Make the No Space dialog look less terrible. (clumens)
1405 Resolves: rhbz#1264328
1407 * Thu Mar 10 2016 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> -
1408 - Fix a DBus InvalidProperty handling (jkonecny)
1409 Resolves: rhbz#1315843
1410 - Fix a bad usage of execWithRedirect (dshea)
1411 Resolves: rhbz#1270319
1412 - Use an icon that exists in Adwaita for the dasd confirmation (dshea)
1413 Related: rhbz#1259016
1414 - Translate the help button. (dshea)
1415 Resolves: rhbz#1314451
1416 - Translate the required space labes in resize.py (dshea)
1417 Resolves: rhbz#1314451
1418 - Increase yum debug logging level from 3 to 6 (jkonecny)
1419 Resolves: rhbz#1254368
1421 * Fri Mar 04 2016 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> -
1422 - Add device id to dasdfmt screen. (sbueno+anaconda)
1423 Resolves: rhbz#1269174
1424 - Unify displayed columns in custom spoke dialogs. (sbueno+anaconda)
1425 Resolves: rhbz#1289577
1426 - Show some confirmation to users if adding a DASD was successful.
1427 (sbueno+anaconda)
1428 Resolves: rhbz#1259016
1429 - Fix dasdfmt during graphical kickstart. (sbueno+anaconda)
1430 Resolves: rhbz#1269863
1431 - Improve password salt creation (bcl)
1432 Resolves: rhbz#1229474
1433 - Display a fatal error if unable to encrypt a password. (dshea)
1434 Related: rhbz#1229474
1435 - NTP should have better behavior (jkonecny)
1436 Resolves: rhbz#1260725
1438 * Tue Mar 01 2016 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> -
1439 - Make sure pluginconf.d exists (bcl)
1440 Resolves: rhbz#1271766
1441 - Check to see if DD repo is already in addOn list (bcl)
1442 Resolves: rhbz#1268357
1443 - Add --sshkey to kickstart sshpw command (bcl)
1444 Resolves: rhbz#1240410
1445 - Add sshkey kickstart command (bcl)
1446 Resolves: rhbz#1311755
1447 - Fix nfs source crash when options change (bcl)
1448 Resolves: rhbz#1264071
1449 - Fix pre-install script execution (bcl)
1450 Related: rhbz#1311184
1451 - Add kickstart %%pre-install section support (bcl)
1452 Resolves: rhbz#1311184
1453 - Fix a race between a window continuing and the next starting (dshea)
1454 Resolves: rhbz#1255858
1455 - Don't process continue-clicked events for windows that aren't shown.
1456 (clumens)
1457 Related: rhbz#1255858
1458 - Generate resources.h before compiling widgets-common.c (dshea)
1459 Related: rhbz#1243929
1460 - Use CSS to style the internal widgets. (dshea)
1461 Resolves: rhbz#1243929
1462 - Lookup IPv6 address without brackets (bcl)
1463 Resolves: rhbz#1267872
1464 - Copy rhsm logs to target system (bcl)
1465 Resolves: rhbz#1130268
1466 - Add specific error string to TUI user dialog (bcl)
1467 Resolves: rhbz#1248421
1468 - Make EditTUIDialog error generic (bcl)
1469 Related: rhbz#1248421
1470 - Don't clear the _currentIsoFile if another iso was selected (bcl)
1471 Related: rhbz#1274855
1472 - Fix problems with the hdiso method (clumens)
1473 Resolves: rhbz#1274855
1474 - Always quote values in ifcfg- files (bcl)
1475 Resolves: rhbz#1279131
1476 - Include original kickstart in /root/original-ks.cfg (bcl)
1477 Resolves: rhbz#1227939
1478 - Manually set clock shifts on UI idle (rmarshall)
1479 Resolves: rhbz#1251044
1480 - Import iutil earlier so we can use ipmi_report from check_for_ssh. (clumens)
1481 Resolves: rhbz#1267658
1482 - In tui cmdline mode skip showError and log message (bcl)
1483 Resolves: rhbz#1280371
1484 - Fix a typo in the hardware error message. (clumens)
1485 Resolves: rhbz#1284165
1486 - Make reclaim work with small screens and big labels (dshea)
1487 Resolves: rhbz#1262778
1488 - Use GtkResponseType values in the iso chooser dialog (dshea)
1489 Resolves: rhbz#1265060
1491 * Thu Oct 29 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> -
1492 - Ignore interfaces with invalid VLAN IDs. (dshea)
1493 Resolves: rhbz#1274893
1495 * Fri Oct 09 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> -
1496 - network: create ifcfg files in tui if needed (rvykydal)
1497 Resolves: rhbz#1268155
1498 - Do not limit ONBOOT default setting to url and nfs installation methods
1499 (rvykydal)
1500 Resolves: rhbz#1269264
1502 * Wed Oct 07 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> -
1503 - ibft: fix setting dracut boot args for static ibft nic configuration
1504 (rvykydal)
1505 Resolves: rhbz#1267526
1506 - dracut: accept inst.dd=[file:]/dd.iso (wwoods)
1507 Resolves: rhbz#1268792
1508 - Fix issues with the date&time not being updated on timezone changes
1509 (vpodzime)
1510 Resolves: rhbz#1267450
1512 * Tue Sep 29 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> -
1513 - Use otps.display_mode during early startup (mkolman)
1514 Resolves: rhbz#1267140
1516 * Mon Sep 28 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> -
1517 - Mount stage2 cdrom after running driver-updates (bcl)
1518 Resolves: rhbz#1266478
1520 * Fri Sep 25 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> -
1521 - Pull in new translations
1522 Related: rhbz#1047457
1524 * Wed Sep 23 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> -
1525 - Fix a pylint problem with the ostree patch. (clumens)
1526 Related: rhbz#1253527
1527 - Update storage config after running dasdfmt. (sbueno+anaconda)
1528 Resolves: rhbz#1264411
1529 - rpmostreepayload: Forcibly unmount everything in sysroot (walters)
1530 Resolves: rhbz#1253527
1532 * Tue Sep 22 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> -
1533 - Use correct installclass for RHEL Atomic Host (rvykydal)
1534 Resolves: rhbz#1265213
1535 - Catch blkid failure in driver-updates (bcl)
1536 Resolves: rhbz#1262963
1537 - Maximize anaconda instead of running fullscreen (dshea)
1538 Related: rhbz#1231856
1539 - Do not display markup in showDetailedError. (dshea)
1540 Resolves: rhbz#1263963
1542 * Fri Sep 18 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> -
1543 - Skip setting up env and groups in software spoke for ks (bcl)
1544 Resolves: rhbz#1263493
1546 * Tue Sep 15 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> -
1547 - Show correct status for no %%packages with selected environment (mkolman)
1548 Related: rhbz#1261393
1549 - Keep environment selection when reentering the software spoke (mkolman)
1550 Resolves: rhbz#1261393
1551 - Remove an unused import. (clumens)
1552 Related: rhbz#1253672
1553 - Only show the user spoke if no users are specified in kickstart (mkolman)
1554 Resolves: rhbz#1253672
1556 * Fri Sep 11 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> -
1557 - Handle driver rpms retrieved via network (bcl)
1558 Resolves: rhbz#1257916
1559 - Use getDiskDescription for disk description strings (bcl)
1560 Resolves: rhbz#1247861
1561 - Add getDiskDescription helper function (bcl)
1562 Related: rhbz#1247861
1563 - Make sure anaconda reads in ks file from OEMDRV device. (sbueno+anaconda)
1564 Resolves: rhbz#1057271
1565 - Try to deal with expected errors from devicetree.populate (vpodzime)
1566 Resolves: rhbz#1257648
1568 * Thu Sep 10 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> -
1569 - Fix 'cat: /tmp/dd_disk: No such file or directory' (jkonecny)
1570 Resolves: rhbz#1251394
1572 * Wed Sep 09 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> -
1573 - Fix another bash syntax problem in kickstart-genrules.sh (sbueno+anaconda)
1574 Resolves: rhbz#1057271
1575 - Install all required packages. (dshea)
1576 Resolves: rhbz#1260624
1578 * Tue Sep 08 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> -
1579 - Quit in askvnc should not reboot image and dirinstall (bcl)
1580 Resolves: rhbz#1255069
1581 - network: assume --device=link as default also for ks on hd (rvykydal)
1582 Related: rhbz#1085310
1583 - Don't try to concatenate a list with a string (mkolman)
1584 Related: rhbz#1252444
1585 - Always show the Network spoke in Initial Setup (mkolman)
1586 Resolves: rhbz#1259801
1587 - Fix hiding curl 404 errors outside debug mode (vtrefny)
1588 Resolves: rhbz#1182776
1590 * Thu Sep 03 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> -
1591 - Remove a call to execute in storage thread to avoid a threading disaster.
1592 (sbueno+anaconda)
1593 Resolves: rhbz#1245268
1594 - Remove a rogue reference to self.back_clicked. (clumens)
1595 Related: rhbz#1254548
1596 - Fix a typo in service enablement in kickstart.py. (clumens)
1597 Related: rhbz#1252444
1598 - Verify Initial Setup services are present before turning them ON/OFF
1599 (mkolman)
1600 Resolves: rhbz#1252444
1601 - Set both .format's and .originalFormat's passphrase on unlock (vpodzime)
1602 Resolves: rhbz#1255679
1603 - Make the Encrypt checkbox insensitive for encrypted non-BTRFS devices
1604 (vpodzime)
1605 Related: rhbz#1255679
1606 - Make the default screen height yet one line shorter (vpodzime)
1607 Resolves: rhbz#1184378
1608 - Don't crash if the Japanese PC-98 keyboard is selected (mkolman)
1609 Resolves: rhbz#1190589
1611 * Wed Sep 02 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> -
1612 - Enforce sane disk selections. (dlehman)
1613 Resolves: rhbz#1254548
1615 * Tue Sep 01 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> -
1616 - Skip OEMDRV if interactive DD is requested (bcl)
1617 Related: rhbz#1254270
1618 - Copy updated driver ko to correct directory (bcl)
1619 Related: rhbz#1254270
1620 - addRepo takes a repo object not a string (bcl)
1621 Related: rhbz#1254270
1622 - Drivers are simply under /run/install/DD-x/ (bcl)
1623 Related: rhbz#1254270
1624 - Fix a bash error in kickstart-genrules.sh (sbueno+anaconda)
1625 Resolves: rhbz#1057271
1626 - Run nm-connection-editor with the --keep-above flag (mkolman)
1627 Resolves: rhbz#1231856
1629 * Mon Aug 31 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> -
1630 - Disallow /boot on lvm until grub2 fully supports it. (dlehman)
1631 Resolves: rhbz#1252466
1632 - Force an encoding of utf-8 on liveinst installs (dshea)
1633 Resolves: rhbz#1257060
1634 - Ignore zram block devices in the list-harddrives script output (mkolman)
1635 Resolves: rhbz#1247886
1636 Resolves: rhbz#1253184
1638 * Fri Aug 28 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> -
1639 - Run AnacondaExceptionHandler in cmdline mode (bcl)
1640 Resolves: rhbz#1256385
1641 - anaconda.target: Wants systemd-logind.service (awilliam)
1642 Resolves: rhbz#1257311
1644 * Wed Aug 26 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> -
1645 - Process excludedGroupList after packages and groups. (clumens)
1646 Resolves: rhbz#1249036
1647 - Fix the help button mnemonic display on spokes (dshea)
1648 Resolves: rhbz#1250918
1650 * Mon Aug 24 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> -
1651 - Don't write nfs repos to the target system (bcl)
1652 Resolves: rhbz#1246212
1653 - Fix nfs mountpoint removal (bcl)
1654 Related: rhbz#1246212
1655 - Fix the handling of nfs:// URLs. (dshea)
1656 Related: rhbz#1246212
1657 - Start hubs with the buttons insensitive. (dshea)
1658 Resolves: rhbz#1255752
1659 - Move locale environment logic into localization.py (dshea)
1660 Related: rhbz#1198642
1662 * Mon Aug 17 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> -
1663 - Skip source url checks when network is off (bcl)
1664 Resolves: rhbz#1251130
1665 - Don't set net.device to link if there is no ksdevice (bcl)
1666 Resolves: rhbz#1085310
1667 - Reading carrier while link is down raises IOError (bcl)
1668 Related: rhbz#1085310
1669 - Make sure username entered in TUI if create a user chosen. (sbueno+anaconda)
1670 Resolves: rhbz#1249660
1672 * Sun Aug 16 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> -
1673 - Network protocols don't list Closest mirror first (vpodzime)
1674 Resolves: rhbz#1253196
1675 - Make sure proper installclass selected for RHEL installs. (sbueno+anaconda)
1676 Related: rhbz#1196721
1677 - Fix traceback on tz spoke in text mode (sbueno+anaconda)
1678 Resolves: rhbz#1252025
1680 * Thu Aug 13 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> -
1681 - Re-enable addons as additional repositories. (clumens)
1682 Resolves: rhbz#1248323
1684 * Wed Aug 12 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> -
1685 - product.img buildstamp should override distribution buildstamp (bcl)
1686 Resolves: rhbz#1240238
1687 - Tell libreport if it is a final release or not (vpodzime)
1688 Resolves: rhbz#1252036
1689 - On incomplete ks, don't automatically proceed with install. (sbueno+anaconda)
1690 Resolves: rhbz#1251978
1691 - Add the "make ci" target. (clumens)
1692 Related: rhbz#1196721
1693 - Tweak tmux configuration file (jkonecny)
1694 Resolves: rhbz#1238799
1696 * Fri Aug 07 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> -
1697 - Only pass DASDs to is_ldl_dasd function. (sbueno+anaconda)
1698 Resolves: rhbz#1248666
1700 * Wed Aug 05 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> -
1701 - Add the anaconda-user-help package as dependency (mkolman)
1702 Resolves: rhbz#1247779
1704 * Tue Aug 04 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> -
1705 - Fix a line that still treated the fstype as a GtkComboBoxText (dshea)
1706 Resolves: rhbz#1248885
1707 - Fix fastestmirror plugin check (bcl)
1708 Resolves: rhbz#1249569
1710 * Fri Jul 31 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> -
1711 - Display a EULA-related warning on progress hub at end of installation.
1712 (sbueno+anaconda)
1713 Resolves: rhbz#1249185
1714 Resolves: rhbz#1248432
1716 * Thu Jul 30 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> -
1717 - Fix error with OEMDRV ks auto-load check. (sbueno+anaconda)
1718 Related: rhbz#1057271
1720 * Wed Jul 29 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> -
1721 - Prevent incomplete translations from making the TUI unusable (mkolman)
1722 Resolves: rhbz#1235617
1723 - Disable a Pylint false-positive (mkolman)
1724 Related: rhbz#1234896
1726 * Tue Jul 28 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> -
1727 - Add support for autostep and --autoscreenshot (mkolman)
1728 Resolves: rhbz#1234896
1729 - Really fix unexpected exits in execReadlines (dshea)
1730 Related: rhbz#1188287
1731 - iscsi: display portal (address:port) of node in node list (rvykydal)
1732 Related: rhbz#1195570
1734 * Fri Jul 24 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> -
1735 - Add parentheses around the IPV6 regex fragment. (dshea)
1736 Resolves: rhbz#1246133
1737 - Add tests for IPv6 literals in URLs (dshea)
1738 Related: rhbz#1246133
1739 - Do not set user home to / in advanced user dialog (bcl)
1740 Resolves: rhbz#1245837
1741 - Fix Initial PPC PReP Boot Selector Name (rmarshall)
1742 Resolves: rhbz#1172755
1744 * Thu Jul 23 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> -
1745 - Handle missing environment without traceback (bcl)
1746 Resolves: rhbz#1245296
1747 - Disable a Pylint false-positive (mkolman)
1748 Related: rhbz#1182562
1749 - Make sure TUI is readable for non-latin languages (mkolman)
1750 Resolves: rhbz#1182562
1751 - Auto-load ks.cfg if OEMDRV volume available. (sbueno+anaconda)
1752 Resolves: rhbz#1057271
1753 - dracut: minor cleanup (wwoods)
1754 Related: rhbz#1168902
1755 - dracut: fix missing messages for inst.ks=cdrom (wwoods)
1756 Related: rhbz#1168902
1757 - Wait forever for kickstarts on CDROM (wwoods)
1758 Resolves: rhbz#1168902
1759 - Allow cdrom-swapping when doing "inst.ks=cdrom[:...]" (wwoods)
1760 Resolves: rhbz#1168902
1761 - anaconda-lib.sh: add tell_user() and dev_is_cdrom() (wwoods)
1762 Related: rhbz#1168902
1764 * Wed Jul 22 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> -
1765 - Fix various pylint problems caused by the new rescue mode. (clumens)
1766 Related: rhbz#965985
1767 - network: use ibftx interface for iSCSI from iBFT in dracut (rvykydal)
1768 Resolves: rhbz#1077291
1769 - Remove text.py from spec file (bcl)
1770 Related: rhbz#965985
1772 * Mon Jul 20 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> -
1773 - Remove the last usage of newt and get rid of it as a dependency
1774 (sbueno+anaconda)
1775 Related: rhbz#965985
1776 - Enable anaconda to use the new rescue mode. (sbueno+anaconda)
1777 Resolves: rhbz#965985
1778 - Get rid of unnecessary constants in constants_text. (sbueno+anaconda)
1779 Related: rhbz#965985
1780 - Get rid of some unnecessary files. (sbueno+anaconda)
1781 Related: rhbz#965985
1783 * Fri Jul 17 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> -
1784 - Add support for architecture suffixes in help files (mkolman)
1785 Related: rhbz#1196721
1786 Related: rhbz#1072033
1787 - network: add s390 options to default ifcfg files (rvykydal)
1788 Resolves: rhbz#1074570
1790 * Wed Jul 15 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> -
1791 - Don't ask to start vnc if user specifies text mode. (sbueno+anaconda)
1792 Resolves: rhbz#1241425
1793 Related: rhbz#1196721
1794 - Fix pylint errors in the new driver disk code. (clumens)
1795 Related: rhbz#1084197
1796 - Restore RHEL-specific stylesheet data. (dshea)
1797 Related: rhbz#1196721
1799 * Fri Jul 10 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> -
1800 - Start the network before the display (dshea)
1801 Resolves: rhbz#1240732
1802 - Bump pykickstart version required. (sbueno+anaconda)
1803 Resolves: rhbz#1241413
1804 - Set the no network error in refresh() (dshea)
1805 Resolves: rhbz#1238797
1806 - Show the event box immediately when setting infobar messages. (dshea)
1807 Related: rhbz#1238797
1808 - dracut: fix boot failure waiting for finished/dd.sh (wwoods)
1809 Related: rhbz#1084197
1810 - driver_updates: fixes from patch review (wwoods)
1811 Related: rhbz#1084197
1812 - dd-refactor: dracut + build bits (wwoods)
1813 Resolves: rhbz#1084197
1814 Resolves: rhbz#1164131
1815 Related: rhbz#1213546
1816 - parse-kickstart: just emit 'inst.dd=XXX' for driverdisk (wwoods)
1817 Related: rhbz#1084197
1818 - parse-kickstart: pylint fixes (wwoods)
1819 Related: rhbz#1084197
1820 - dd-refactor: new driver_updates.py + tests (wwoods)
1821 Related: rhbz#1084197
1822 - payload: fix driverdisk repos (wwoods)
1823 Related: rhbz#1084197
1824 - Always write NTP servers to config files (wwoods)
1825 Resolves: rhbz#1197575
1826 - dracut: fix boot with inst.ks and no inst.{repo,stage2} (wwoods)
1827 Resolves: rhbz#1238987
1829 * Thu Jul 09 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> -
1830 - Check for Gtk before importing escape_markup (bcl)
1831 Related: rhbz#1236995
1832 - Add handling for unusable storage configurations. (dlehman)
1833 Resolves: rhbz#1236995
1834 - Allow markup in the label/message of DetailedErrorDialog. (dlehman)
1835 Related: rhbz#1236995
1836 - Allow passing an optional button list to showDetailedError. (dlehman)
1837 Related: rhbz#1236995
1838 - Allow kwargs with gtk_action_wait, gtk_action_nowait decorators. (dlehman)
1839 Related: rhbz#1236995
1841 * Tue Jul 07 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> -
1842 - Ellipsize the file system type combo box (dshea)
1843 Resolves: rhbz#1212615
1844 - Shorten the mount point entry to match the capacity entry (dshea)
1845 Resolves: rhbz#1212615
1846 - Re-save custom.glade (dshea)
1847 Resolves: rhbz#1212615
1848 - Ellipsize comboboxes (dshea)
1849 Resolves: rhbz#1212615
1850 - Wrap device labels earlier (dshea)
1851 Resolves: rhbz#1212615
1852 - Change text shown to users about the need to dasdfmt. (sbueno+anaconda)
1853 Related: rhbz#1170653
1854 - Fix a typo in the dasdfmt dialog box. (sbueno+anaconda)
1855 Related: rhbz#1170653
1856 - Enable anaconda to use the new cdl ks option, and detect ldl dasds.
1857 (sbueno+anaconda)
1858 Resolves: rhbz#1170656
1859 Resolves: rhbz#1170653
1860 - Fix GRUB2 Password Update Scope (rmarshall)
1861 Related: rhbz#985962
1862 - Enable Custom GRUB2 Password Utility (rmarshall)
1863 Related: rhbz#985962
1865 * Tue Jul 07 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> -
1866 - Explicitly try fetching netroot after network kickstart fetch (vpodzime)
1867 Resolves: rhbz#1238987
1868 - Refresh advanced disks after disk summary dialog (bcl)
1869 Resolves: rhbz#1226354
1870 - Show an alternative prompt if a hub contains only a single spoke (mkolman)
1871 Resolves: rhbz#1199234
1872 - Don't crash if incorrect environment is set in kickstart (mkolman)
1873 Resolves: rhbz#1234890
1874 - Allow /boot partition on iscsi with ibft (jkonecny)
1875 Related: rhbz#1164195
1876 - Make sure we work with fresh data when trying to do netroot (vpodzime)
1877 Related: rhbz#1082500
1878 - Make our manual triggering on network in dracut work (vpodzime)
1879 Resolves: rhbz#1082500
1880 - Fix broken test by infiniband patch (jkonecny)
1881 Related: rhbz#1177032
1883 * Thu Jul 02 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> -
1884 - Add RAID swaps to /etc/fstab (bcl)
1885 Resolves: rhbz#1234469
1886 - Fix kickstart install with infiniband (jkonecny)
1887 Resolves: rhbz#1177032
1888 - Disable Label Entry for PPC PReP Boot (rmarshall)
1889 Resolves: rhbz#1172773
1890 - Correctly propagate --ipv6gateway to ifcfg files(mkolman)
1891 Resolves: rhbz#1170845
1892 - Ask for encryption passphrase when not specified in ks (vtrefny)
1893 Resolves: rhbz#1185466
1894 - Connect scroll adjustments in the right class (dshea)
1895 Related: rhbz#1189899
1897 * Wed Jul 01 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> -
1898 - Cancel Container Edit Sensitizes Update (rmarshall)
1899 Resolves: rhbz#1168656
1900 - Add support for specifying arbitrary mkfs options. (clumens)
1901 Resolves: rhbz#1217110
1902 - Do not display curl 404 errors that can be safely ignored (vtrefny)
1903 Resolves: rhbz#1182776
1904 - Fix the line counting when printing long widgets (vpodzime)
1905 Related: rhbz#1184378
1906 - Improve how we set the default screen height in text mode (vpodzime)
1907 Resolves: rhbz#1184378
1909 * Tue Jun 30 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> -
1910 - dd: drop unnecessary archive_read_data_skip (Will Woods)
1911 Related: rhbz#1222056
1912 - dd_extract: -l should not extract modules+firmware (Will Woods)
1913 Related: rhbz#1222056
1914 - dd: fix permissions on extracted files (wwoods)
1915 Resolves: rhbz#1222056
1916 - Create and use snapshot of on-disk storage with no modifications (vpodzime)
1917 Resolves: rhbz#1160862
1918 Resolves: rhbz#1187644
1919 - Implement the class for storage snapshots (vpodzime)
1920 Related: rhbz#1187644
1921 Related: rhbz#1160862
1922 - Prevent any changes in the StorageSpoke if just going back (vpodzime)
1923 Related: rhbz#1187644
1924 Related: rhbz#1160862
1925 - fix inst.ks.sendmac for static ip=XXX (wwoods)
1926 Resolves: rhbz#1190115
1928 * Fri Jun 26 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> -
1929 - network: catch another race when calling dbus methods on invalid devices
1930 (rvykydal)
1931 Related: rhbz#1179276
1932 - network: GUI, add connection even when virtual device activation failed
1933 (rvykydal)
1934 Resolves: rhbz#1179276
1935 - Remove an extra '>' in the betanag warning (vpodzime)
1936 Related: rhbz#1196721
1937 - Do not mix two lists of fields when applying changes in text mode (vpodzime)
1938 Resolves: rhbz#1231149
1940 * Thu Jun 25 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> -
1941 - Eliminate some false test results when running glade tests. (atodorov)
1942 Related: rhbz#1196721
1943 - Fix adding 'boot=' option in FIPS mode (vtrefny)
1944 Resolves: rhbz#1190146
1945 - Use the index in grubenv (bcl)
1946 Resolves: rhbz#1209678
1947 - Make colon optional while adding iSCSI Initiator Name (sujithpshankar)
1948 Resolves: rhbz#1177573
1949 - Add basic support for LVM cache creation in kickstart (vpodzime)
1950 Resolves: rhbz#1120421
1951 - Change the betanag wording (back) to be better for RHEL (vpodzime)
1952 Related: rhbz#1196721
1953 - Set sensitivity of the "Encrypt" checkbox together with its label (vpodzime)
1954 Resolves: rhbz#1181468
1955 - Use Size, not int, for size (amulhern)
1956 Related: rhbz#1076055
1957 Related: rhbz#1196721
1958 - Changes for scheduling size change on an existing device (amulhern)
1959 Related: rhbz#1076055
1960 Related: rhbz#1196721
1961 - Remove too strict condition for changing size (amulhern)
1962 Related: rhbz#1076055
1963 Related: rhbz#1196721
1965 * Mon Jun 22 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> -
1966 - Enable Anaconda to configure NTP (jkonecny)
1967 Resolves: rhbz#1085013
1968 - Retry package repository metadata downloads (mkolman)
1969 Resolves: rhbz#1177366
1970 - Use UEFI VFAT ESP when kickstarting Intel Macs (jan.kundrat)
1971 Resolves: rhbz#1219196
1972 - If using pre-existing, no size needs to be specified in ksdata (amulhern)
1973 Resolves: rhbz#1169783
1974 Related: rhbz#1196721
1975 - Use the RHEL7 versions of certain partitioning commands. (clumens)
1976 Related: rhbz#1217110
1977 - Fix set size to partition in custom spoke (jkonecny)
1978 Related: rhbz#1196721
1979 - Expect addons to have categories for both GUI and TUI (vpodzime)
1980 Related: rhbz#1128616
1982 * Thu Jun 18 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> -
1983 - Fix nfs4 stage2 and repo handling (bcl)
1984 Resolves: rhbz#1230329
1985 - Add support for reboot --kexec kickstart command (bcl)
1986 Related: rhbz#1207747
1987 - Add inst.kexec and --kexec support to reboot with kexec (bcl)
1988 Resolves: rhbz#1207747
1989 - Add setup_kexec method to prepare the system for a reboot with kexec (bcl)
1990 Related: rhbz#1207747
1991 - Include NetworkManager-glib in anaconda-core (bcl)
1992 Related: rhbz#1196721
1993 - Use simple_replace to edit langpacks.conf (bcl)
1994 Resolves: rhbz#1165980
1995 - Add simple_replace config file function (bcl)
1996 Related: rhbz#1165980
1997 - Keyboard Scroll Fails in Viewports (dshea)
1998 Resolves: rhbz#1189899
1999 - Fix Issue with Spaces in Network IPs and Bad Input(jkonecny)
2000 Resolves: rhbz#1174451
2001 - network: fix a typo in condition for installing teamd (rvykydal)
2002 Resolves: rhbz#1199185
2003 - Fix IP / hostname mismatches when showing VNC server address (rvykydal)
2004 Resolves: rhbz#1186726
2005 - Check also ipv6 default routes when looking for onboot=yes device (rvykydal)
2006 Resolves: rhbz#1185280
2008 * Mon Jun 15 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> -
2009 - Update upd-kernel so that it actually works (bcl)
2010 Resolves: rhbz#1166535
2011 - Fix passing ,nfsvers=3 to dracut (bcl)
2012 Resolves: rhbz#1161820
2013 - Extract xattrs from tar payload (bcl)
2014 Resolves: rhbz#1196021
2015 - rpmostreepayload: write storage config after shared var is mounted (rvykydal)
2016 Resolves: rhbz#1203608
2017 - Do not log Xorg output to tty5 (dshea)
2018 Related: rhbz#1188287
2019 - Fix for "Kickstart installation fails..." (jkonecny)
2020 Resolves: rhbz#1197960
2022 * Wed Jun 10 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> -
2023 - Modify Proxy Label in Installation Source Spoke (rmarshall)
2024 Resolves: rhbz#1168554
2025 - Add error checks to liveimg mount code (bcl)
2026 Related: rhbz#1178703
2027 - If the network is disabled, also disable the network part of the source
2028 spoke. (clumens)
2029 Related: rhbz#1196721
2030 - Grubby no longer needs to be explicitly included (dmarlin)
2031 Resolves: rhbz#1176705
2032 - Don't allow /boot on iSCSI. (sbueno+anaconda)
2033 Resolves: rhbz#1164195
2034 - Fix building docs when running under "make distcheck". (clumens)
2035 Related: rhbz#1196721
2036 - Fix problems discovered by the glade tests. (clumens)
2037 Related: rhbz#1196721
2038 - Include .glade.h files in the distribution. (clumens)
2039 Related: rhbz#1196721
2041 * Mon Jun 08 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> -
2042 - Actually distribute the clickable message test (dshea)
2043 Related: rhbz#1125145
2044 - Get rid of the find button in the filter spoke. (dshea)
2045 Related: rhbz#1168950
2046 - Rearrange filter.glade (dshea)
2047 Related: rhbz#1168950
2048 - Fix errors in the vendor column renderers. (dshea)
2049 Related: rhbz#1168950
2050 - Fix some minor inconsistencies in filter.glade (dshea)
2051 Related: rhbz#1168950
2052 - Fix issues with advanced storage searching. (dshea)
2053 Resolves: rhbz#1168950
2054 - Remove duplicate entries from search combo boxes (dshea)
2055 Resolves: rhbz#1168950
2056 - Use named IDs for the filter type combo boxes. (dshea)
2057 Related: rhbz#1168950
2058 - Rearrange filter.glade the way glade wants it now (dshea)
2059 Related: rhbz#1168950
2060 - Pass the pylint test. (clumens)
2061 Related: rhbz#1196721
2063 * Fri Jun 05 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> -
2064 - network: on rhel don't assume autoconnections created by NM (rvykydal)
2065 Related: rhbz#1196721
2066 - Start vncconfig for cut/paste (hamzy)
2067 Resolves: rhbz#1169991
2068 - Don't unconditionally set ksdata.lang.seen to True (mkolman)
2069 Related: rhbz#1198642
2070 - Make sure LANG is always set to something (dshea)
2071 Resolves: rhbz#1198642
2072 - Add links to clickable warning and error messages. (dshea)
2073 Resolves: rhbz#1125145
2074 - Add a test to look for clickable messages that aren't clickable enough.
2075 (dshea)
2076 Related: rhbz#1125145
2077 - Allow markup and links in the info bar. (dshea)
2078 Related: rhbz#1125145
2079 - Update the FCOE command to use the RHEL7 base class. (clumens)
2080 Related: rhbz#1196721
2081 - Fix RHEL Atomic installclass test (bcl)
2082 Related: rhbz#1196721
2083 - Use a rhel7.2 mock chroot for rc-release (bcl)
2084 Related: rhbz#1196721
2085 - Build documentation during build instead of dist (dshea)
2086 Related: rhbz#1196721
2087 - Clean out the mock chroot before attempting to run the rest of the test.
2088 (clumens)
2089 Related: rhbz#1196721
2090 - Put all mock results into the top-level source dir. (clumens)
2091 Related: rhbz#1196721
2092 - Change dracut requires to the RHEL7 version. (bcl)
2093 Related: rhbz#1196721
2094 - dnf is not supported in RHEL7 (bcl)
2095 Related: rhbz#1196721
2096 - Use createrepo, createrepo_c isn't available in RHEL7 (bcl)
2097 Related: rhbz#1196721
2098 - Change F21 pykickstart commands to RHEL7 (jkonecny)
2099 Related: rhbz#1196721
2100 - Add an option to startProgram to not reset the locale (dshea)
2101 Related: rhbz#1188287
2102 - Set $LIBUSER_CONF early (dshea)
2103 Related: rhbz#1188287
2104 - Assume UTC if setting the system time without a timezone (dshea)
2105 Related: rhbz#1188287
2106 - Do not set $TZ (dshea)
2107 Related: rhbz#1188287
2108 - Beware of 0 being the same bool value as None when setting time (vpodzime)
2109 Related: rhbz#1188287
2110 - Fix the last member of the struct_time struct (vpodzime)
2111 Related: rhbz#1188287
2112 - Remove timestamp-based version support. (dshea)
2113 Related: rhbz#1188287
2114 - Avoid setting $LANG and $LANGUAGE, except where we can't (dshea)
2115 Resolves: rhbz#1188287
2116 - Add a parameter to iutil.startProgram to extend the environment (dshea)
2117 Related: rhbz#1188287
2118 - Add a method to set environment variables for child processes (dshea)
2119 Related: rhbz#1188287
2120 - Set $DISPLAY before threads are started. (dshea)
2121 Related: rhbz#1188287
2122 - Handle the simple cases of environment modification. (dshea)
2123 Related: rhbz#1188287
2124 - Always use iutil to start processes. (dshea)
2125 Related: rhbz#1188287
2126 - Move the X startup logic to iutil (dshea)
2127 Related: rhbz#1188287
2128 - Move process watching to iutil. (dshea)
2129 Related: rhbz#1188287
2130 - Close file descriptors while daemonizing auditd (dshea)
2131 Related: rhbz#1188287
2132 - Add an option to only capture stdout with execWithCapture (dshea)
2133 Related: rhbz#1188287
2134 - Simplify iutil.execReadlines. (dshea)
2135 Related: rhbz#1188287
2136 - Add close_fds to the Popen call. (dshea)
2137 Related: rhbz#1188287
2138 - Add an option to startProgram to reset signal handlers. (dshea)
2139 Related: rhbz#1188287
2140 - Add a method startProgram to handle process starting (dshea)
2141 Related: rhbz#1188287
2142 - Lock program_log_lock closer to where the log is written. (dshea)
2143 Related: rhbz#1188287
2144 - Add missing files to po/POTFILES.in, after fixing the test for them.
2145 (clumens)
2146 Related: rhbz#1196721
2147 - Backport iutil_test.py updates from master (atodorov). (clumens)
2148 Related: rhbz#1196721
2149 - Backport pylint updates from master (atodorov). (clumens)
2150 Related: rhbz#1196721
2151 - Fix strings with style problems. (clumens)
2152 Related: rhbz#1196721
2153 - Backport gettext updates from master (atodorov). (clumens)
2154 Related: rhbz#1196721
2155 - Remove the automated GUI tests. (clumens)
2156 Related: rhbz#1196721
2157 - Fix Kickstart installation without default gateway errors out (jkonecny)
2158 Resolves: rhbz#1147181
2159 - rescue: find root partition of ostree (atomic) installations (rvykydal)
2160 Resolves: rhbz#1152041
2161 - Identify Atomic install class by correct product name (rvykydal)
2162 Resolves: rhbz#1193268
2163 - rpmostreepayload: Avoid shutil.copytree in favor of cp -r to fix symlinks
2164 (walters)
2165 Resolves: rhbz#1199127
2166 - atomic: set up atomic specific partitioning defaults (rvykydal)
2167 Resolves: rhbz#1155452
2168 - A couple updates to installclasses. (clumens)
2169 Related: rhbz#1155452
2170 - rpmostreepayload: Rework remote add handling (walters)
2171 Resolves: rhbz#1199127
2172 - Use RHEL7 Bootloader command in parse-kickstart (rvykydal)
2173 Related: rhbz#1196721
2174 - Use RHEL7 Network command in parse-kickstart (rvykydal)
2175 Related: rhbz#1196721
2177 * Wed Jun 03 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> -
2178 - Revert "Select http source if there is no mirror enabled." (bcl)
2179 Related: rhbz#1196721
2180 - Make sure /boot is not LVM LV if we're on s390x (sbueno+anaconda)
2181 Resolves: rhbz#873135
2182 Related: rhbz#1196721
2183 - Preserve kickstart url behavior for mirrorlist (bcl)
2184 Related: rhbz#1196721
2185 Related: rhbz#1109933
2186 - Use a backslash to escape nfs spaces instead of x20 (bcl)
2187 Related: rhbz#1196721
2188 Related: rhbz#1109933
2189 - Create missing parent directories for user's home directory (bcl)
2190 Resolves: rhbz#1163775
2191 Related: rhbz#1196721
2192 - custom: Clearing errors should also clear Done clicked state (bcl)
2193 Related: rhbz#1196721
2194 Resolves: rhbz#1158609
2195 - Clear errors when downloading new MD in text (bcl)
2196 Related: rhbz#1196721
2197 Related: rhbz#1125927
2198 - Return result of default key handling in text summary hub (bcl)
2199 Related: rhbz#1196721
2200 Related: rhbz#997405
2201 - Protect protected devices in custom spoke (bcl)
2202 Related: rhbz#1196721
2203 Resolves: rhbz#1052883
2204 - Don't call storage.write for dirinstall (bcl)
2205 Related: rhbz#1196721
2206 Related: rhbz#1120206
2207 - Don't call BusyCursor before Gdk is setup (bcl)
2208 Resolves: rhbz#1078868
2209 Related: rhbz#1196721
2210 - Handle spaces in inst.repo, kickstart nfs, and url commands (bcl)
2211 Resolves: rhbz#1109933
2212 Related: rhbz#1196721
2213 - Exclude hfsplus-tools from rhel (bcl)
2214 Related: rhbz#1196721
2215 Resolves: rhbz#1119305
2216 - Skip nvram update on ppc64 image/dir installations (bcl)
2217 Resolves: rhbz#1136486
2218 Related: rhbz#1196721
2219 - CmdlineError should exit with a 1 (bcl)
2220 Related: rhbz#1196721
2221 Related: rhbz#1102318
2222 - Remove logging to tty3 and tty5 (bcl)
2223 Resolves: rhbz#1073336
2224 Related: rhbz#1196721
2225 - Only install liveinst symlink on supported arches (bcl)
2226 Related: rhbz#1121678
2227 Related: rhbz#1196721
2228 - Mountpoint encrypted checkbox reflects container state (bcl)
2229 Resolves: rhbz#1076171
2230 Related: rhbz#1196721
2231 - Write sslverify=0 for url kickstart method (bcl)
2232 Related: rhbz#1196721
2233 Resolves: rhbz#1116858
2234 - Add noverifyssl and proxy support to dracut ks handling (bcl)
2235 Related: rhbz#1196721
2236 Resolves: rhbz#1116858
2237 - Install selected ks repos to target (bcl)
2238 Related: rhbz#1196721
2239 Resolves: rhbz#1119867
2240 - Add check for the format of grub2 encrypted password (bcl)
2241 Related: rhbz#1196721
2242 Related: rhbz#1070327
2243 - Use low level file i/o for rpm callback logging (bcl)
2244 Related: rhbz#1196721
2245 Resolves: rhbz#1035745
2246 - Add platform specific group selection (bcl)
2247 Resolves: rhbz#884385
2248 Related: rhbz#1196721
2249 - reiserfs is not supported (bcl)
2250 Related: rhbz#1196721
2251 Resolves: rhbz#1066635
2252 - remove epdb SIGHUP debug handler (bcl)
2253 Related: rhbz#1196721
2254 Related: rhbz#1065557
2255 - Clean up some rpmdiff errors (bcl)
2256 Related: rhbz#1196721
2257 Resolves: rhbz#1012624
2258 - Remove Closest mirrors if no mirrors (bcl)
2259 Related: rhbz#876135
2260 Related: rhbz#1196721
2261 - Select http source if there is no mirror enabled. (bcl)
2262 Related: rhbz#876135
2263 Related: rhbz#1196721
2264 - Use RHEL7 kickstart commands (bcl)
2265 Related: rhbz#1196721
2266 - Show error on invalid username attempts in TUI. (sbueno+anaconda)
2267 Resolves: rhbz#1171778
2268 - Fix enlightbox call in ZFCPDialog. (sbueno+anaconda)
2269 Related: rhbz#1196721
2270 - Get rid of unnecessary python disable-msg in zfcp spoke. (sbueno+anaconda)
2271 Related: rhbz#1196721
2272 - Fix some pylint errors in the zfcp panel. (sbueno+anaconda)
2273 Related: rhbz#1196721
2274 - Fix an accelerator collision found on the filter page. (sbueno+anaconda)
2275 Related: rhbz#1196721
2276 - Fix some issues pylint found. (sbueno+anaconda)
2277 Related: rhbz#1196721
2278 - Show disk paths on Other page in advstorage. (sbueno+anaconda)
2279 Related: rhbz#1196721
2280 - Add missing translation context for Add ECKD DASD button in advstorage.
2281 (sbueno+anaconda)
2282 Related: rhbz#1196721
2283 - Add translation contexts for z and zfcp panel in advstorage.
2284 (sbueno+anaconda)
2285 Related: rhbz#1196721
2286 - Convert devices size to str for GUI for zFCP devices (amulhern)
2287 Related: rhbz#1196721
2288 - Fix string formatting of zFCP devices. (sbueno+anaconda)
2289 Related: rhbz#1196721
2290 - Fix the way zFCP devices are displayed in storage spoke. (sbueno+anaconda)
2291 Related: rhbz#1196721
2292 - Show labels on Add zFCP dialog. (sbueno+anaconda)
2293 Related: rhbz#1196721
2294 - Fix failure to search by LUN in advanced storage spoke. (sbueno+anaconda)
2295 Related: rhbz#1196721
2296 - Get rid of the clear button in advanced storage spoke. (sbueno+anaconda)
2297 Related: rhbz#1196721
2298 - Fix up the z Panel in advanced storage. (sbueno+anaconda)
2299 Related: rhbz#1196721
2300 - Add support for adding zFCP devices in the GUI (sbueno+anaconda)
2301 Related: rhbz#1196721
2302 - Fix dracut reads ksdevice from missing os enviromnent (jkonecny)
2303 Related: rhbz#1085310
2304 - Fix --device=link and --device not specified (rvykydal)
2305 Resolves: rhbz#1085310
2307 * Mon Jun 01 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> -
2308 - Remove an extlinux-related block from rpmostreepayload.py. (clumens)
2309 Related: rhbz#1196721
2310 Related: rhbz#1153409
2311 - bootloader: Bridge efi_dir configuration earlier for rpmostreepayload
2312 (walters)
2313 Related: rhbz#1196721
2314 Related: rhbz#1153409
2315 - rpmostreepayload: Handle grub2+EFI layout (walters)
2316 Related: rhbz#1196721
2317 Related: rhbz#1153409
2318 - rpmostreepayload: Copy all subdirectories of /usr/lib/ostree-boot (walters)
2319 Related: rhbz#1196721
2320 Related: rhbz#1153409
2321 - Handle the case of rpmostreepayload + GRUB2 (walters)
2322 Related: rhbz#1196721
2323 Related: rhbz#1153409
2324 - Implement the new reqpart command. (clumens)
2325 Resolves: rhbz#1164660
2327 * Fri May 29 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> -
2328 - Update scripts/makebumpver to current version from master (bcl)
2329 Related: rhbz#1196721
2330 - Add .0 to version number -- (bcl)
2331 Related: rhbz#1196721
2332 - Show empty VGs in the custom spoke. (dlehman)
2333 Related: rhbz#1196721
2334 - Fix makeupdates handling of Release: (bcl)
2335 Related: rhbz#1196721
2336 - network: add teamd package if team is used during installation (#1185670) (rvykydal)
2337 Related: rhbz#1196721
2338 - network: pass team opts to dracut for netroot (#1075666) (rvykydal)
2339 Related: rhbz#1196721
2340 - iscsi: when logging into nodes consider ip:port of node (#1114820) (rvykydal)
2341 Related: rhbz#1196721
2342 - Don't traceback if connection does not have read-only setting (#1158919) (rvykydal)
2343 Related: rhbz#1196721
2344 - network: display only actual fqdn of ip we offer for vnc connection (#1089429) (rvykydal)
2345 Related: rhbz#1196721
2346 - network: fix a typo making creating virtual devices in %pre fail (#1075195) (rvykydal)
2347 Related: rhbz#1196721
2348 - network: support for bridge, require pykickstart with the support (#1075195) (rvykydal)
2349 Related: rhbz#1196721
2350 - network: Catch exception from NM failing to create a bridge device (#1075195) (rvykydal)
2351 Related: rhbz#1196721
2352 - network: add bridge support for kickstart %pre phase (#1075195) (rvykydal)
2353 Related: rhbz#1196721
2354 - network: generate kickstart commands for bridge devices (#1075195) (rvykydal)
2355 Related: rhbz#1196721
2356 - network: add bridge support to kickstart (#1075195) (rvykydal)
2357 Related: rhbz#1196721
2358 - network: support for adding bridge devices (#1075195) (rvykydal)
2359 Related: rhbz#1196721
2360 - network: display bridge devices in status (#1075195) (rvykydal)
2361 Related: rhbz#1196721
2362 - parent is unused, so mark it as such. (clumens)
2363 Related: rhbz#1196721
2364 - network: enable NM ibft plugin only for ip=ibft boot option (#804511) (rvykydal)
2365 Related: rhbz#1196721
2366 - network: add support for vlan tag in iBFT (#804511) (rvykydal)
2367 Related: rhbz#1196721
2368 - network: GUI: reactivate connection automatically after configuration (#1033063) (rvykydal)
2369 Related: rhbz#1196721
2370 - Fix position of Refresh List button in filter spoke (#1065716) (rvykydal)
2371 Related: rhbz#1196721
2372 - Fix accelerator collision of Refresh button (#1065716) (rvykydal)
2373 Related: rhbz#1196721
2374 - gui: add Refresh button to network storage UI (#1065716) (rvykydal)
2375 Related: rhbz#1196721
2376 - Use absolute path for extlinux/menu.c32 (rvykydal)
2377 Related: rhbz#1196721
2378 - iscsi: pass rd.* options of devices to be mouted in dracut (#1192398) (rvykydal)
2379 Related: rhbz#1196721
2380 - network: adapt to NetworkManager package split-up (#1182633) (rvykydal)
2381 Related: rhbz#1196721
2382 - Take "RHEL Atomic Host" as rhel installclass (#1150410) (rvykydal)
2383 Related: rhbz#1196721
2384 - network: handle dbus UnknownMethod exception on invalid objects (#1061796) (rvykydal)
2385 Related: rhbz#1196721
2386 - network: fix typo 'Private ksy pasword' (#1120374) (rvykydal)
2387 Related: rhbz#1196721
2388 - Fix up a string style issue found in the last network commits. (clumens)
2389 Related: rhbz#1196721
2390 - network: WPA Enterprise: don't ask twice for password (#1120374) (rvykydal)
2391 Related: rhbz#1196721
2392 - network: add support for WPA Enterprise (#1120374) (rvykydal)
2393 Related: rhbz#1196721
2394 - network: add s390 network ifcfg options also for bond slaves (#1090558) (rvykydal)
2395 Related: rhbz#1196721
2396 - network: don't crash, just log for unrecognized bond options (#1039006) (rvykydal)
2397 Related: rhbz#1196721
2398 - network: don't traceback on invalid team options (#1114282) (rvykydal)
2399 Related: rhbz#1196721
2400 - network: copy resolv.conf to chroot before installing packages (#1048520) (rvykydal)
2401 Related: rhbz#1196721
2402 - network: don't write HWADDR in ifcfgs generated by kickstart (#1130042) (rvykydal)
2403 Related: rhbz#1196721
2404 - network: show ip of device with default route for vnc and ssh (#1083305) (rvykydal)
2405 Related: rhbz#1196721
2406 - network: adapt to NM fixing virtual device disconnection (#1084953) (rvykydal)
2407 Related: rhbz#1196721
2408 - Log installation successes and failures via ipmitool. (clumens)
2409 Related: rhbz#1196721
2410 - In dracut, do not display a warning for network lines with just a hostname. (clumens)
2411 Related: rhbz#1196721
2412 - Preserve the order of boot args added by kickstart. (clumens)
2413 Related: rhbz#1196721
2414 - Make the Selected Disks and Configure Mount Point dialogs wider. (clumens)
2415 Related: rhbz#1196721
2416 - Sync up the Selected Disks and Configure Mount Points dialogs. (clumens)
2417 Related: rhbz#1196721
2418 - Add rc-release target (bcl)
2419 Related: rhbz#1196721
2420 - Change --skip-tx to --skip-zanata in scratch-bumpver (bcl)
2421 Related: rhbz#1196721
2422 - Add --newrelease to makebumpver (bcl)
2423 Related: rhbz#1196721
2424 - Update translation documentation for Zanata (bcl)
2425 Related: rhbz#1196721
2426 - Switch translation support to fedora.zanata.org (bcl)
2427 Related: rhbz#1196721
2428 - Revert "Use gettext to process glade files." (clumens)
2429 Related: rhbz#1196721
2430 - Change of label in iscsi storage spoke (jkonecny)
2431 Related: rhbz#1196721
2432 - Clear TUI source spoke errors that may have been leftover from a prior attempt. (#1196721) (sbueno+anaconda)
2433 Related: rhbz#1196721
2434 - Fix completion setting in TUI language spoke. (#1196721) (sbueno+anaconda)
2435 Related: rhbz#1196721
2437 * Mon Dec 08 2014 Samantha N. Bueno <sbueno+anaconda@redhat.com> - 21.48.22-1
2438 - Really fix issue with starting in cmdline mode on s390x. (#1040933)
2439 (sbueno+anaconda)
2440 - Fix EOF error that occurs if user input required in x3270. (#1171135)
2441 (jstodola)
2443 * Tue Dec 02 2014 Vratislav Podzimek <vpodzime@redhat.com> - 21.48.21-1
2444 - Revert "Make Python's default encoding detection work on Live installations
2445 (#1169019)" (awilliam)
2447 * Mon Dec 01 2014 Samantha N. Bueno <sbueno+anaconda@redhat.com> - 21.48.20-1
2448 - Revert "Search for a valid stage1 device on disks with stage1 mount points
2449 (#1168118)" (sbueno+anaconda)
2450 - Make Python's default encoding detection work on Live installations
2451 (#1169019) (vpodzime)
2452 - Force translation files download instead of skipping them (#1169023)
2453 (vpodzime)
2455 * Fri Nov 28 2014 Vratislav Podzimek <vpodzime@redhat.com> - 21.48.19-1
2456 - Search for a valid stage1 device on disks with stage1 mount points (#1168118)
2457 (awilliam)
2459 * Thu Nov 27 2014 Vratislav Podzimek <vpodzime@redhat.com> - 21.48.18-1
2460 - Tell curl it should follow redirects when fetching updates.img (#1168561)
2461 (vpodzime)
2462 - Snapshot free space after clearpart for swap suggestion (#1167965) (vpodzime)
2464 * Wed Nov 26 2014 Samantha N. Bueno <sbueno+anaconda@redhat.com> - 21.48.17-1
2465 - Make sure storage info bar is displayed (#1166730) (bcl)
2466 - Fix SELINUX_DEFAULT import (#1167047) (bcl)
2467 - Fix noselinux cmdline default (#1167047) (bcl)
2469 * Thu Nov 20 2014 Samantha N. Bueno <sbueno+anaconda@redhat.com> - 21.48.16-1
2470 - Support high contrast mode in fedora-welcome (#1160499) (dshea)
2472 * Tue Nov 18 2014 Samantha N. Bueno <sbueno+anaconda@redhat.com> - 21.48.15-1
2473 - do not delete liveimg --url=file:/// file (gczarcinski)
2474 - Provide useful hints on TTY1 during the installation (mkolman)
2475 - Fix typo from commit 9b3259874. (#1120964) (dlehman)
2476 - Remove the old custom partitioning help dialog (mkolman)
2477 - Check if we read something when emptying stdin queue (vpodzime)
2478 - Require min entropy for 'part --encrypted' devices (#1162695) (vpodzime)
2479 - Don't rely on terminal attributes being configurable (#1162702) (vpodzime)
2480 - Disable payloads that failed to setup (#1162732) (dshea)
2481 - Don't change langpacks config of installer environment (#1066017) (rvykydal)
2483 * Tue Nov 11 2014 Samantha N. Bueno <sbueno+anaconda@redhat.com> - 21.48.14-1
2484 - Add support for doing a liveimg kickstart with local file (#1140358) (bcl)
2485 - Add a placeholder for a product-specific logo (dshea)
2486 - Load a stylesheet from product.img (dshea)
2487 - Fix make distcheck (mkolman)
2488 - Include help content in the Anaconda tarball (mkolman)
2489 - Fix typo causing traceback when NTP is turned ON/OFF (vpodzime)
2490 - Unpack the callback data given to us by blivet (vpodzime)
2491 - Add timeout to callbacks waiting for enough entropy (#1073679) (vpodzime)
2492 - Prevent tb on s390x when de-selecting a DASD and doing custom part.
2493 (sbueno+anaconda)
2494 - Revert "Revert productName repo name change (#1128474)" (bcl)
2495 - Update the background image paths used in Fedora. (dshea)
2496 - dracut/save-initramfs.sh: don't save /tmp (wwoods)
2497 - Add a pylint module to detect uses of interruptible system calls. (dshea)
2498 - Wrap interruptible system calls in a loop (#1160041) (dshea)
2499 - Warn users about liveinst usage of --updates (#1153550) (bcl)
2500 - Catch EOFError in raw_input (#1158841) (bcl)
2501 - Ensure we are specifying sensible target sizes for resize. (#1120964)
2502 (dlehman)
2503 - Set the autopart fstype for boot too (#1112697) (bcl)
2504 - Unconditionally clear the process handle when nm-c-e exits (#1132645) (dshea)
2505 - Make anaconda more scrollable (#1135024) (dshea)
2506 - Lightly rearrange the nav_area (dshea)
2507 - Do not install interactive exception handler in cmdline mode (#1155979)
2508 (vpodzime)
2509 - Wait until all spokes are setup before updating continue button (bcl)
2510 - Allow adding prepboot to a blank disk in custom (#1155660) (bcl)
2511 - Remove unused imports (vpodzime)
2513 * Tue Oct 28 2014 Samantha N. Bueno <sbueno+anaconda@redhat.com> - 21.48.13-1
2514 - Fix handling of md fwraid names in kickstart bootloader command. (#1156354)
2515 (dlehman)
2516 - Fix switching environments when no environment is selected (#1155756) (dshea)
2517 - Use an empty string for no root password instead of None (#1155576) (dshea)
2518 - Just preserve the %%addon header args if an addon is missing (#1155026)
2519 (vpodzime)
2521 * Thu Oct 23 2014 Samantha N. Bueno <sbueno+anaconda@redhat.com> - 21.48.12-1
2522 - Fix a spelling error (#1153672) (dshea)
2523 - Update checkSizes to work in terms of Size objects (#1129629). (clumens)
2525 * Mon Oct 20 2014 Samantha N. Bueno <sbueno+anaconda@redhat.com> - 21.48.11-1
2526 - Don't panic prematurely on a missing size (#1154190) (amulhern)
2527 - Log when using updates from /tmp/updates/ (bcl)
2528 - Fix # handling in SimpleConfigFile (#1045687) (bcl)
2530 * Wed Oct 15 2014 Samantha N. Bueno <sbueno+anaconda@redhat.com> - 21.48.10-1
2531 - Change our docs that are close to ReST to proper ReST (vpodzime)
2532 - Run restorecon on /etc/hostname (#1133368) (bcl)
2533 - Add authconfig and firewalld packages when used in ks (#1147687) (bcl)
2534 - Allow kickstart with no method (#972265) (bcl)
2535 - Fix a typo from 73d3a8e5. (sbueno+anaconda)
2536 - Respect both ways how to disable bootloader installation (vpodzime)
2537 - Don't care about crash args in bootloader (#1116323) (vpodzime)
2538 - Add nombr to anaconda to suppress updating MBR (#886502) (gczarcinski)
2539 - Use translated versions of the AM/PM strings consistently (vpodzime)
2540 - Import GUI-specific stuff only when running GUI in entropy handling
2541 (vpodzime)
2542 - Always store the information about display mode in ksdata (vpodzime)
2543 - Make the date format locale-dependent in our GUI (#1044233) (vpodzime)
2544 - A function for resolving date format and order (vpodzime)
2545 - Reorganize the right side of the Custom spoke (#1094856) (vpodzime)
2546 - Move _verifyLUKSDevicesHaveKey to Anaconda's codebase (vpodzime)
2547 - Add support for thin pool profile specification in kickstart (vpodzime)
2548 - Fix file name of the entropy dialog in POTFILES.in (vpodzime)
2549 - Require minimum random data entropy when creating LUKS (#1073679) (vpodzime)
2550 - Give blivet callbacks for reporting partitioning progress (vpodzime)
2551 - Split localed's converted layouts and variants (#1073825) (vpodzime)
2552 - Create free space snapshot before doing custom->autopart (vpodzime)
2553 - Specify thin pool metadata/chunk size only if given by user (#1140635)
2554 (vpodzime)
2555 - Distribute the right docs files (vpodzime)
2556 - Don't automatically select environments for kickstart installs (#1018226)
2557 (dshea)
2558 - Initialize the GUI lock in a way that doesn't break the API (dshea)
2559 - Don't check enabledPlugins if plugins are not yet enabled (#1142544) (dshea)
2560 - Really fix an enlightbox call. (dshea)
2561 - Don't strip accents from the user-inputted keyboard string (dshea)
2562 - Convert strings to unicode in have_word_match (#1146581) (dshea)
2563 - Switch to using the new help content path (#1072033) (mkolman)
2564 - Fix a race between checking for Gtk.main_level and running Gtk.main (dshea)
2565 - Allow recursive lightbox calls (#1147337) (dshea)
2566 - Disable the ntp service with --nontp (#1135768) (dshea)
2567 - Ignore partition start if there is a biosboot partition (#1044849) (bcl)
2568 - Require a larger /boot (#1129629). (clumens)
2569 - Remove duplicates when adding new devices (#887526) (bcl)
2571 * Wed Oct 08 2014 Samantha N. Bueno <sbueno+anaconda@redhat.com> - 21.48.9-1
2572 - Bump blivet version requires for all the DASD changes in 0.61.4.
2573 (sbueno+anaconda)
2574 - We now need to specify an epoch for the python-blivet version requires.
2575 (clumens)
2576 - Fix autotools rules to properly include help placeholders (#1072033)
2577 (mkolman)
2578 - Modify nm to return defaults when no dbus is available (bcl)
2579 - Skip networkInitialize for image and dir installations (bcl)
2580 - Ignore safe_dbus errors in keyboard setup (bcl)
2581 - Skip syslog for dirinstall (bcl)
2582 - s390x: show dialog if kernel cmdline in zipl.conf is too long.
2583 (sbueno+anaconda)
2584 - Really exit when "Exit installer" in the error dialog is clicked (vpodzime)
2585 - Don't allow /boot on lvm on s390x. (sbueno+anaconda)
2586 - Add the new langsupport.py TUI spoke to POTFILES.in. (clumens)
2587 - Remove the now-unused imports of storageInitialize. (clumens)
2588 - Add support for language selection in text mode. (sbueno+anaconda)
2589 - Don't force a user to return to the storage spoke after dasdfmt
2590 (sbueno+anaconda)
2591 - Don't run storageInitialize after dasdfmt (sbueno+anaconda)
2592 - s390x: Apply disk selection before dasdfmt to preserve data.
2593 (sbueno+anaconda)
2594 - Don't show the Add DASD button unless on s390x. (sbueno+anaconda)
2595 - Don't show the Add DASD button unless on s390x. (sbueno+anaconda)
2596 - Preserve network args on s390x. (sbueno+anaconda)
2597 - Deprecate RUNKS cmdline option. (sbueno+anaconda)
2598 - Re-order the tz's in text mode to mirror the graphical order.
2599 (sbueno+anaconda)
2600 - Fix an issue with bad NFS info specified in source spoke. (sbueno+anaconda)
2601 - Warn if software selection size exceeds available space. (sbueno+anaconda)
2602 - Fix q for quit issue in text mode (#997405) (sbueno+anaconda)
2603 - Change the accelerator key for Add DASD label. (sbueno+anaconda)
2604 - Add dialog box for adding DASDs. (sbueno+anaconda)
2605 - Add a button for adding an ECKD DASD. (sbueno+anaconda)
2606 - Change a confusing string in TUI NFS configuration screen. (#1057690)
2607 (sbueno+anaconda)
2608 - NM-wifi is missing on s390(x) (dan)
2610 * Wed Oct 01 2014 Samantha N. Bueno <sbueno+anaconda@redhat.com> - 21.48.8-1
2611 - Show help also when alt+F1 is pressed (mkolman)
2612 - Support display of the custom mnemonics on the help button (mkolman)
2613 - Activate the built-in help when F1 is pressed (mkolman)
2614 - Specify help file names for hubs and spokes (mkolman)
2615 - Add a help button to every Anaconda screen (mkolman)
2616 - Don't attempt terminal size detection on the s390 (#1145065) (mkolman)
2617 - Fix Welcome spoke not showing up during kickstart installation (#1147943)
2618 (mkolman)
2619 - Clear the list of watched PIDs before exiting. (#1146708) (dshea)
2620 - Avoid the possibility of size variables being unset (#1146585) (dshea)
2621 - Adapt to corrected interpetation of logvol --percent. (#1146156) (dlehman)
2622 - Handle cancellation of new container creation. (dlehman)
2623 - Reflect previous custom/autopart selection in the storage spoke. (#1144520)
2624 (dlehman)
2625 - Clear out custom storage ksdata after first attempt to apply it. (#1144560)
2626 (dlehman)
2627 - Pass size as Size when adjusting container after device removal. (#1141707)
2628 (dlehman)
2629 - Handle 0's returned by Gdk (dshea)
2630 - When running on HiDPI monitors, scale anaconda by a factor of 2 (dshea)
2631 - Highlight languages in langsupport that contain selected locales (dshea)
2632 - Add a wrapper function for GtkTreeViewColumn.set_cell_data_func (dshea)
2633 - Clear the kickstart password if cleared by the user (#1133185) (dshea)
2634 - Remove inactive languages from LINGUAS. (dshea)
2635 - Use suggested-action on more buttons (#1131254) (dshea)
2636 - Filter empty comps groups from both specific and generic lists (dshea)
2637 - Use one thread for payload setup. (dshea)
2639 * Wed Sep 17 2014 Samantha N. Bueno <sbueno+anaconda@redhat.com> - 21.48.7-1
2640 - Set flags.rescue_mode not anaconda.rescue (#1101341) (amulhern)
2642 * Thu Sep 11 2014 Samantha N. Bueno <sbueno+anaconda@redhat.com> - 21.48.6-1
2643 - Update tx config (sbueno+anaconda)
2644 - Use only the digits from productVersion (bcl)
2646 * Tue Sep 09 2014 Samantha N. Bueno <sbueno+anaconda@redhat.com> - 21.48.5-1
2647 - Revert productName repo name change (#1128474) (bcl)
2648 - Do not try to disable no firstboot services (#1139621) (vpodzime)
2649 - Let finding install classes be more flexible for Fedora (#1138820). (clumens)
2651 * Thu Sep 04 2014 Samantha N. Bueno <sbueno+anaconda@redhat.com> - 21.48.4-1
2652 - Use first part of Product for UEFI entry (#1128474) (bcl)
2653 - Use first part of Product as repo name (#1128474) (bcl)
2654 - makeupdates: Report git diff errors (bcl)
2656 * Wed Aug 27 2014 Samantha N. Bueno <sbueno+anaconda@redhat.com> - 21.48.3-1
2657 - Prevent crashes due to accessing X server from multiple threads (#1134507)
2658 (vpodzime)
2659 - Remove anaconda_make_pixbuf (dshea)
2660 - Require anaconda-widgets from anaconda-widgets-devel (dshea)
2661 - Run /sbin/ldconfig when installing or uninstalling anaconda-widgets (dshea)
2662 - Remove the shebang from anaconda.py (dshea)
2663 - Exclude the compiled text and rescue files from anaconda-core (dshea)
2664 - Update our copy of the GPL (dshea)
2665 - Rearrange the entry, example and tip on Advanced User dialog (vpodzime)
2666 - Write storage after liveimg install (#1080396) (bcl)
2667 - Add some sanity checking to live payload (vpodzime)
2668 - Use blivet's getFreeSpace for limitting automatic swap size (vpodzime)
2669 - Ask users for enough space right at the first time (#876916) (vpodzime)
2670 - Don't require user creation when root is locked (#1030626) (bcl)
2672 * Fri Aug 01 2014 Samantha N. Bueno <sbueno+anaconda@redhat.com> - 21.48.2-1
2673 - Mark zRAM devices as protected and ignore them (vpodzime)
2674 - Make storage sanity check aware of base RAM requirements (#1123466)
2675 (vpodzime)
2676 - Move sanityCheck code to anaconda's codebase (vpodzime)
2677 - Do not multiply/divide RAM sizes by 1024 back and forth (vpodzime)
2678 - Raise exception if reading lines from a killed process (vpodzime)
2679 - Use zRAM swap up to 2 GB of RAM (vpodzime)
2680 - RAM requirements depend on squashfs.img's origin (vpodzime)
2682 * Wed Jul 23 2014 Samantha N. Bueno <sbueno+anaconda@redhat.com> - 21.48.1-1
2684 * Wed Jul 16 2014 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 21.48-1
2685 - Fix the custom accelerators in custom partitioning (#1118999) (dshea)
2686 - Revert "Reset dnf package sack" (bcl)
2687 - Ignore the home directory setting if no change was requested (#1119900)
2688 (dshea)
2689 - Set an upper limit on uids and gids. (dshea)
2690 - Remove the "Create a home directory" checkbox (dshea)
2691 - Fix a typo: inital -> initial (mkolman)
2692 - Don't create the configured.ini file (#1119166) (mkolman)
2693 - zRAM swap for Anaconda (vpodzime)
2694 - Split kickstart arg handling (bcl)
2695 - Update icon names used within python code. (dshea)
2696 - Add a check for whether icons used in glade files are valid (dshea)
2697 - Load icons by name instead of stock-id. (dshea)
2698 - Remove extra list() call with no effect (vpodzime)
2699 - Add NetworkManager-wifi dependency for the GUI subpackage (#1111417)
2700 (mkolman)
2701 - Python's octals changed; mount's didn't. (pjones)
2702 - Add a basic test for ostree-based installs. (clumens)
2703 - Print out exceptions at log level critical. (clumens)
2704 - Rename environment variables in run_gui_tests.sh. (clumens)
2705 - Rename gui/runtest.sh to fit in with the other test names. (clumens)
2706 - Write the grub config even on errors (#1114774) (bcl)
2708 * Fri Jul 11 2014 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 21.47-1
2709 - Fix references to requiredPackages (bcl)
2710 - Drop anaconda. prefix from copied logs (bcl)
2711 - dnf should put its logs in /tmp/ (bcl)
2712 - Make sure the software listboxes are shown (bcl)
2713 - dnf should report that it supports Closest Mirror (bcl)
2714 - Do not prefer /tmp for dnf downloads (bcl)
2715 - Reset dnf package sack (bcl)
2716 - Fix dnf base repo setup to fall back to default gracefully (bcl)
2717 - Move addDriverRepo into PackagePayload class (bcl)
2718 - Rename some dnf items to match yum (bcl)
2719 - rpmostreepayload: Drop selinux-ensure-labeled call (walters)
2720 - Run anaconda in fullscreen whenever possible. (dshea)
2721 - Correct the constant used with gtk_widget_set_state_flags (dshea)
2722 - Restore some CSS rules from the pre-3.13 Adwaita theme. (dshea)
2723 - Adapt to changes in blivet.udev interface. (amulhern)
2724 - Bump blivet version to pick up blivet.udev interface changes. (amulhern)
2725 - Use the enlightbox context manager for the add network device dialog
2726 (mkolman)
2727 - DNFPayload: do not add group 'core' twice. (ales)
2728 - Remove the window property from UIObject. (dshea)
2729 - Unravel the Hub and Spoke classes. (dshea)
2730 - Fix --kickstart option (bcl)
2731 - Bump up the required pykickstart version (vpodzime)
2732 - Use GtkRevealer for widget hiding in storage spoke (mkolman)
2733 - rpmostreepayload: create /var/spool/mail required when adding user (rvykydal)
2734 - rpmostreepayload: Don't recreateInitrds for this payload (walters)
2735 - Don't use geolocation when installing with kickstart (mkolman)
2737 * Wed Jul 02 2014 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 21.46-1
2738 - Ignore an error from pylint incorrectly analyzing types in dbus-python
2739 (dshea)
2740 - Remove the Lightbox widget (dshea)
2741 - Implement the lightbox in MainWindow (dshea)
2742 - Added a method to create new GdkPixbufs from in-memory data (dshea)
2743 - Add a delete-event handler for the main window (dshea)
2744 - Add a window to manage Anaconda screen transitions. (dshea)
2745 - Add a class BaseStandalone. (dshea)
2746 - Increased the version of anaconda-widgets to 3.0 (dshea)
2747 - Use globs for the anaconda widgets library paths (dshea)
2748 - Remove the custom accelerators from custom storage. (dshea)
2749 - Add a couple more deprecation warning ignores (dshea)
2750 - Use a dict for string substitutions in a /boot/efi message. (clumens)
2751 - Use the right index for selecting region (#1114234) (vpodzime)
2752 - Add autopart --fstype support (#1112697) (bcl)
2753 - Patches to allow /boot/efi to be RAID1 (#788313) (amulhern)
2754 - Bump blivet version for succeeding commit. (amulhern)
2755 - Map our log levels to syslog log levels (bcl)
2756 - makeupdates: Put systemd files under /usr/lib/ (bcl)
2757 - Make octal literals Python 3 compatible (mkolman)
2758 - Use the built-in next() function for generators (mkolman)
2759 - Make reduce function usage Python 3 compatible (mkolman)
2760 - Use createrepo_c in place of createrepo (mkolman)
2762 * Fri Jun 27 2014 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 21.45-1
2763 - Switch to tty1 if we get an exception before meh is setup (dshea)
2764 - Remove surprises from X startup. (dshea)
2765 - Import KS_MISSING_IGNORE from pykickstart.constants in DNF payload (mkolman)
2766 - Import Pykickstart constants directly (mkolman)
2767 - Switch error exit codes to 1 (bcl)
2768 - Add help texts for the remaining Anaconda options (mkolman)
2770 * Wed Jun 25 2014 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 21.44-1
2771 - Fix storage checker docstring (bcl)
2772 - Modify --dirinstall to take a path (bcl)
2773 - Drop ROOT_PATH, add a method to set it (bcl)
2774 - Call setUpBootLoader in custom autopart (#1086811) (bcl)
2775 - Remove the noipv6 Anaconda option (mkolman)
2776 - Remove the -s/--script Anaconda option (mkolman)
2777 - Make rescue_mode part of flags, hence more publicly available (#1090009)
2778 (amulhern)
2779 - Check host filesystem space for dirinstall (bcl)
2780 - Remove the viewport from the addon repo tree view (dshea)
2781 - Add a check for GtkScrollables contained in GtkViewports (dshea)
2782 - Enable rubber-banding in the disk tree views (dshea)
2783 - Make the configure mount point dialog taller. (#924182) (dshea)
2784 - Add the disk TreeViews directly to the scrolled windows (dshea)
2785 - Opened up custom_storage_helpers.glade and hit Save (dshea)
2786 - Add help texts for more Anaconda CLI options (mkolman)
2787 - Remove the targetarch Anaconda option (mkolman)
2788 - Add anaconda_options.txt to makeupdates (dshea)
2789 - Allow the location of anaconda_options.txt to be overridden (dshea)
2790 - Remove an unused import. (dshea)
2791 - Remove the headless Anaconda option (mkolman)
2793 * Thu Jun 19 2014 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 21.43-1
2794 - Allow NFS addon repos (#985080) (dshea)
2795 - Add --disklabel support to clearpart (#1078537) (bcl)
2796 - Replace redundant ifs with direct assignments to the anaconda variables
2797 (mkolman)
2798 - Replace ifs when assigning option values to flags where possible (mkolman)
2799 - Use True/False instead of 1/0 for flags (mkolman)
2800 - Store auto gui results in the same directory as the test itself. (clumens)
2801 - Use whatever network device was used to start installation. (clumens)
2802 - Ignore more deprecation warnings. (dshea)
2803 - Add help texts for the dmraid and nodmraid options (mkolman)
2804 - Use True instead of 1 for the dmraid flag default value (mkolman)
2805 - Add help texts for the ibft and noibft options (mkolman)
2806 - Use True instead of 1 for the ibft flag default value (mkolman)
2807 - Remove the iscsi and noiscsi options (mkolman)
2808 - Add a new log level 'lock' for _yum_lock (bcl)
2809 - Replace uses of gtk-missing-image (dshea)
2810 - Improve the SpokeSelector icon error reporting. (dshea)
2812 * Thu Jun 12 2014 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 21.42-1
2813 - Adjust the ui package paths to find hubs and spokes (bcl)
2814 - Change emphasis from subvolumes to snapshots in removal warning. (dlehman)
2815 - Reflect the fact that some block devices cannot be reformatted. (dlehman)
2816 - Use StorageDevice.direct to detemine if a device is directly accessible.
2817 (dlehman)
2819 * Wed Jun 11 2014 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 21.41-1
2820 - Use /usr/lib* in updates images. (dshea)
2821 - Fix the paths we check for spokes. (sbueno+anaconda)
2822 - Remove the kbdtype option (mkolman)
2823 - Remove the noipv4 option (mkolman)
2824 - Remove the autostep option (mkolman)
2825 - Remove the disused nofb option (mkolman)
2826 - Remove the module option (mkolman)
2828 * Tue Jun 10 2014 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 21.40-1
2829 - fedora-welcome: Correct an icon name after the switch to Adwaita
2830 (kalevlember)
2831 - Pass/check displaymode in collect_categories and collectCategoriesAndSpokes.
2832 (sbueno+anaconda)
2833 - Add help texts to some Anaconda CLI options (mkolman)
2834 - Don't install implicitly added but explicitly excluded packages (#1105013)
2835 (vpodzime)
2836 - Update configure, make files, and PO files with new category changes.
2837 (sbueno+anaconda)
2838 - Fix up collectCategoriesAndSpokes function. (sbueno+anaconda)
2839 - Update all relevant UI files with new category path. (sbueno+anaconda)
2840 - Move categories to pyanaconda.ui.categories. (sbueno+anaconda)
2841 - Allow testing a regular install from the live environment. (clumens)
2842 - Make sure /var/log/anaconda gets copied under the right root. (clumens)
2843 - format.setup in blivet takes only kwargs. (clumens)
2844 - Tweak spacing in the other storage options grid. (clumens)
2845 - Remove the dlable option (mkolman)
2846 - change default for grub2 save_entry to 0 (gczarcinski)
2847 - Revert "Refresh after checkbox clicked (#1074188)" (dshea)
2848 - Move assureLogoImage to GraphicalUserInterface (#1102238) (dshea)
2849 - If we cannot activate keyboard, at least populate the missing items
2850 (#1104541) (vpodzime)
2851 - network: generate dracut arguments also for IPADDRn ifcfg values (#1103571)
2852 (rvykydal)
2853 - Memoize the results for *RaidLevelsSupported() functions (amulhern)
2854 - RAID related changes for custom spoke. (amulhern)
2855 - Bump required blivet version. (amulhern)
2856 - Make parse-kickstart aware of the %%addon section (#1083002) (vpodzime)
2857 - Revert "Work around a parsing bug in GtkBuilder" (dshea)
2858 - Fix a typo in one of the bootloader installation warning messages (#1103410)
2859 (mkolman)
2860 - Don't require network in standalone spoke for media installs (#1066807)
2861 (rvykydal)
2863 * Mon Jun 02 2014 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 21.39-1
2864 - eu_ES has been dropped from the supported languages (bcl)
2865 - Change 'elif encrypted' statement to 'else' statement. (amulhern)
2866 - Work around a parsing bug in GtkBuilder (dshea)
2867 - Don't uppercase the size values in the disk shopping cart. (clumens)
2868 - Display the sentence about being able to reuse partitions even without roots.
2869 (clumens)
2870 - Allow a couple more keyboard shortcuts on the custom part spoke. (clumens)
2871 - Reword the close button on the software spoke's error dialog. (clumens)
2872 - Fix up quoting around passing args to anaconda in the gui test. (clumens)
2873 - Don't hide a serious issue (vpodzime)
2874 - Move autopart choices to one place and use them in both GUI and TUI
2875 (vpodzime)
2876 - Define default autopart type as a constant (vpodzime)
2877 - Use enumerate() instead of getting indices of iterated items (vpodzime)
2878 - Preserve net.ifnames cmdline arg (#1102401) (bcl)
2879 - Revert the dialog sizing chunk from resize.glade. (clumens)
2880 - Update GUI tests for changes in gtk/atk/anaconda/whatever. (clumens)
2881 - Fix gui/runtest.sh to work under either "make check" or being run manually.
2882 (clumens)
2883 - Add a -c argument to the ksflatten invocation. (clumens)
2884 - Do basic logging setup when short circuiting the normal Anaconda init
2885 (mkolman)
2886 - Fix boot option warning string formatting (mkolman)
2887 - always rescan for vmlinuz if rescueKernelList (gczarcinski)
2888 - move new-kernel-pkg rpmposttrans to end of install (gczarcinski)
2889 - allow /boot on btrfs subvol or filesystem (gczarcinski)
2890 - Allow /boot on LVMlv (gczarcinski)
2892 * Wed May 28 2014 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 21.38-1
2893 - Parse boot options before parsing CLI options (#1101341) (mkolman)
2894 - Check that bootloader devices are configured before validating (#1100928)
2895 (dshea)
2896 - network: use IpInterface only for activated devices (#1101781) (rvykydal)
2897 - Enable LVM Thin Provisioning in text mode (vpodzime)
2898 - Remove the executable bit from anaconda.spec.in. (clumens)
2899 - Fix the nm test for big-endian results (dshea)
2900 - Fix issues with auto* and version.py (dshea)
2901 - Allow file:// url handler in --repo arg (bcl)
2902 - Ignore deprecation warnings for atk_role_register (dshea)
2903 - Handle renames in makeupdates. (pjones)
2904 - Move Anaconda version detection from isys to Python code (mkolman)
2905 - network: use IpInterface instead of Interface (#1058906, #1029214) (rvykydal)
2906 - network: don't modify network config for dirInstall and imageInstall
2907 (rvykydal)
2908 - network: remove redundant image install guard (rvykydal)
2909 - network: add first tests for nm.py (rvykydal)
2910 - network: consolidate setNetworkOnbootDefault (rvykydal)
2911 - Set ONBOOT=yes for the device used for installation (#1002544). (rvykydal)
2912 - Use proper data for autopart type initialization (vpodzime)
2913 - Line up the right side of the FCOE dialog. (clumens)
2914 - Use default_width and _height on dialogs instead of _request. (clumens)
2915 - Remove the border around the refresh storage dialog's button. (clumens)
2916 - Short-circuit initialization when printing out Anaconda version (mkolman)
2917 - Make print statements Python 3 compatible (mkolman)
2918 - Fix the handling of set_const options pulled in from the boot cmdline (dshea)
2919 - Fix the modify software tooltip on the installation options dialogs.
2920 (clumens)
2921 - Better visually distinguish TUI spokes states (vpodzime)
2922 - Reset the text direction as soon as the locale is changed (dshea)
2923 - Show errors from the displayed mountpoint when exiting the custom spoke
2924 (dshea)
2925 - Check that container names input by the user are valid (dshea)
2927 * Tue May 20 2014 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 21.37-1
2928 - Chain up to parent size_allocate functions in our standalone widgets.
2929 (clumens)
2930 - Format the help text to properly fit to the terminal window (mkolman)
2931 - Call getPossiblePhysicalExtents() only once (vpodzime)
2932 - Default PE size to blivet's default when requested from kickstart (#1098139)
2933 (vpodzime)
2934 - A couple of anaconda whitespace fixes (mkolman)
2935 - Replace the deprecated has_key() by in (mkolman)
2936 - Disable pylint errors on NetworkData in the new network_test.py. (clumens)
2937 - Tweak borders on the filter UI. (clumens)
2938 - network: add tests (rvykydal)
2939 - network: don't use ifcfg PREFIX when generating ipv6 dracut args (rvykydal)
2940 - network: cleanup - remove ksdevice variable (rvykydal)
2941 - Horizontally center the user creation spoke contents. (clumens)
2942 - Un-indent the reclaim space checkbox. (clumens)
2943 - Remove the RAID page from the filter UI. (clumens)
2944 - install -> installation in a string on the source spoke. (clumens)
2945 - Switch Anaconda to argparse (mkolman)
2946 - rpmostreepayload: Use systemd-tmpfiles rather than handrolling mkdir
2947 (walters)
2948 - Add some padding to the custom partitioning note. (dshea)
2949 - Wrap the custom partitioning note (#1031850) (dshea)
2950 - Make an ostree string easier for translators to deal with. (clumens)
2951 - Fix the gettext warnings test for VPATH builds (dshea)
2952 - network: fix crash on empty ksdevice boot option (#1096846) (rvykydal)
2953 - Add RPMOSTreePayload (walters)
2954 - bootloader: Allow extlinux loader configuration to handle RPMOSTreePayload
2955 case (walters)
2956 - install: Handle distinct physical root/sysroot (walters)
2957 - parse-kickstart: drop "mtu=" args (wwoods)
2958 - Drop workaround for old dracut BOOTIF+ip problem (wwoods)
2959 - Fix behavior (and docs) for ks=nfs:<path>/ (#1094645) (wwoods)
2960 - Allow non-ASCII characters in passwords (#960837) (dshea)
2961 - Use a separate label for passphrase warnings. (dshea)
2962 - Move more of the passphrase dialog into the glade file. (dshea)
2963 - Don't add redundant grub installs if stage1 is not a disk (dshea)
2964 - Let the user continue on bootloader errors (#1006304) (bcl)
2965 - Fix the parsing of NFS addon URLs (#966240) (dshea)
2966 - Remove redundant import (mkolman)
2967 - Don't overwrite function argument when parsing help texts (mkolman)
2968 - Return CLI help text at once (mkolman)
2969 - Fix typo in previous commit adjusting to blivet API change. (dlehman)
2970 - Adjust for movement of functions from examples into blivet proper. (dlehman)
2972 * Thu May 08 2014 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 21.36-1
2973 - Switch to adwaita-icon-theme (kalevlember)
2974 - Hook up the TUI categories to autoconf/make. (#1095220) (dshea)
2975 - Fix the object type specifying argument name for findActions (vpodzime)
2976 - Remove keyword args 'ignoreErrors' from umountFilesystems() call. (amulhern)
2977 - Updates for new blivet.size.Size.__new__ interface. (amulhern)
2978 - Change uses of 'format' keyword param to 'fmt' keyword param (amulhern)
2979 - Update devicetree.findActions invocations to match blivet interface change
2980 (amulhern)
2981 - Bump blivet version to ensure next four patches get the right interface.
2982 (amulhern)
2984 * Mon May 05 2014 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 21.35-1
2985 - Use format strings in the new kickstart error message translations. (clumens)
2986 - Mark kickstart errors as translatable, and hopefully make them more useful
2987 too. (clumens)
2988 - install: Move Payload postInstall() after bootloader (walters)
2989 - iutil: Transparently redirect anyone who asks root=/mnt/sysimage to sysroot
2990 (walters)
2991 - Fix the way categories are handled in text mode. (sbueno+anaconda)
2992 - Move GUI-specific helper classes to a separate module (#1091542) (dshea)
2993 - Fix license in parse-kickstart (mkolman)
2994 - main: Set flags.extlinux if extlinux is used in interactive-defaults.ks
2995 (walters)
2996 - anaconda.service: Set GIO_USE_VFS=local (walters)
2997 - Use a gettext context where necessary when retranslating (#1091207) (dshea)
2998 - Update makebumpver for python-bugzilla 1.0.0 (bcl)
2999 - Skip source and software spoke in text live installations (#1092763) (bcl)
3000 - Add correct kernel params if rootfs is btrfs on s390x. (#874622)
3001 (sbueno+anaconda)
3002 - Don't crash on anaconda-yum output containing multiple colons (#1092441)
3003 (mkolman)
3004 - Revert chrooting when setting user/root password (vpodzime)
3005 - network: fix device configuration in text mode (#1058336) (rvykydal)
3006 - Change order in which packages/groups are selected/excluded (#1091952)
3007 (vpodzime)
3008 - Check the correct button when saving changes in the Custom spoke (#1090786)
3009 (vpodzime)
3010 - Fix unloading modules in driver-updates (#1085099) (wwoods)
3011 - Re-saved some of the glade files with a newer version of glade. (dshea)
3012 - Add viewports for the ListBoxes in the software spoke. (dshea)
3013 - Extend format string checks to translated format strings. (dshea)
3014 - Fix typo in nm_is_connected method check. (rvykydal)
3015 - iutil: Introduce getSysroot()/getTargetPhysicalRoot(), use instead of
3016 ROOT_PATH (walters)
3018 * Thu Apr 24 2014 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 21.34-1
3019 - Improve the "adding yum repo" message structure (mkolman)
3020 - Fix missing log message about adding a repository (#1089297) (mkolman)
3021 - Ignore use of eval warnings. (dshea)
3022 - Specify string format arguments as logging function parameters (dshea)
3023 - New encrypted state is the dialog's encrypted attribute (vpodzime)
3024 - Use human readable sizes with two decimal spaces in the GUI (vpodzime)
3025 - Make the LUKS unlock callback a timed action (vpodzime)
3026 - Hitting ENTER in the LUKS passwd entry should click the Unlock button
3027 (vpodzime)
3028 - Block leaf device encryption if container is encrypted consistently
3029 (vpodzime)
3030 - Do not remove the replacing item, remove the replaced one instead (vpodzime)
3031 - Give include_btrfs variable a better name (vpodzime)
3032 - Make the _resolve_btrfs_restrictions method's code nicer (vpodzime)
3033 - Refactor the btrfs magic into a separate method (vpodzime)
3034 - Switch the condition in long if-else statement (vpodzime)
3035 - Give an opaque condition a better name explaining its real meaning (vpodzime)
3036 - Refactor out the code for removing empty parents (vpodzime)
3037 - Use the (vpodzime)
3038 - Refactor out the code for adding device/mountpoint into a method (vpodzime)
3039 - Relabel /home partition if using and existing one (#1087736) (vpodzime)
3040 - Don't forget to call os._exit() in the child process (vpodzime)
3041 - users: Add root= keyword argument to set{User,Root}Password (walters)
3042 - users: Deduplicate code to fork()+chroot() (walters)
3043 - gui/spokes/software: Enable iff payload is PackagePayload (walters)
3044 - Use descriptive pylint messages instead of numbers. (clumens)
3045 - Add input validation to the source spoke. (dshea)
3046 - Remove the tests for duplicate and invalid repo names (dshea)
3047 - Expand the proxy URL validation. (dshea)
3048 - Convert the repository name test into a regex (dshea)
3049 - Add a remove_check method for InputCheckHandler. (dshea)
3050 - Use ID columns in the protocol combo boxes (dshea)
3051 - Added a link to a bug about the user data in glade problem. (dshea)
3052 - Remove the top and bottom padding from source spoke action area (dshea)
3053 - Re-add a false-positive for the GLib module (dshea)
3055 * Thu Apr 17 2014 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 21.33-1
3056 - Add an option to copy translation files to an updates.img (dshea)
3057 - Set the selinux state from the command line (#784828) (dshea)
3058 - Remove a whole bunch of pylint false positives (dshea)
3059 - Ignore more informational messages printed by pylint pragmas (dshea)
3060 - Use more wildcards in the tests dist_ variable (dshea)
3061 - Make sure the idx variable is used instead of the old found variable
3062 (vpodzime)
3063 - Disable a false positive from pylint (dshea)
3064 - Only run dialogs in the enlightbox context (vpodzime)
3065 - Separate code for finding item in containers combo and processing it
3066 (vpodzime)
3067 - Check Update Settings button sensitivity when saving changes in one place
3068 (vpodzime)
3069 - Only save changes if needed when adding mountpoint (vpodzime)
3070 - No need to call bool() on a boolean expression result (vpodzime)
3071 - Give names to some magic tuples, make them reusable and reuse them (vpodzime)
3072 - Add DEVICE_TYPE_DISK's text description to the mapping (vpodzime)
3073 - Move a few constants and mappings to the storage_utils module (vpodzime)
3074 - Split long label's string into two lines (vpodzime)
3075 - Don't rely on the ordering of autopart types in the combobox (vpodzime)
3076 - Only save changes if there are any changes to be saved (vpodzime)
3077 - Add device type constants to the device type combobox's store (vpodzime)
3078 - Change some anaconda-yum DEBUGs to be more informative (bcl)
3079 - Change Proxy Add Button to Ok (bcl)
3080 - Display a message for missing required packages and groups (#1064565) (dshea)
3081 - Fix issues with the errorHandler callback arguments (dshea)
3083 * Thu Apr 10 2014 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 21.32-1
3084 - Refactor the code setting up the device type combobox a method (vpodzime)
3085 - Rename 'swap' variable to 'is_swap' to better express its meaning (vpodzime)
3086 - Refactor out the code setting up the fstype combobox into a method (vpodzime)
3087 - Refactor the code updating info about device container into a method
3088 (vpodzime)
3089 - Remove the default None value from the addPage's cb argument (vpodzime)
3090 - Make on_updates_settings_clicked timed callback (vpodzime)
3091 - Rename the callback for updating mountpoint settings (vpodzime)
3092 - Hook up the GUI test so it's run as part of "make check". (clumens)
3093 - Skip running pylint on files containing "skip-file". (clumens)
3094 - Add comments to the kickstart tests. (clumens)
3095 - Add the beginnings of an automated GUI test suite. (clumens)
3096 - Add accessibility information to the user spoke. (clumens)
3097 - Add accessibility information to the root password spoke. (clumens)
3098 - Add accessibility information to the progress hub. (clumens)
3099 - Add accessibility information to most of the widgets on the storage spoke.
3100 (clumens)
3101 - Add enough accessibility information to the network spoke for livecds.
3102 (clumens)
3103 - Add accessibility information to the keyboard spoke. (clumens)
3104 - Add accessibility information to the date & time spoke. (clumens)
3105 - Add a script and base kickstart file for making a dogtail-enabled livecd.
3106 (clumens)
3107 - Add accessibility information to the welcome spoke and summary hub. (clumens)
3108 - Add accessibility information to some of our widgets. (clumens)
3109 - Don't use dhcp ntpservers for dir or image installation (bcl)
3110 - Implement and use decorator for logging UI storage actions (vpodzime)
3111 - Refactor out the code doing device reformat into a function (vpodzime)
3112 - Refactor out the code handling encryption change into a function (vpodzime)
3113 - Fix variable name when logging new fstype (vpodzime)
3114 - Make it possible to override translation domain in GUIObjects (#1040240)
3115 (mkolman)
3116 - Refactor out the code for handling device size change into a function
3117 (vpodzime)
3118 - Refactor out the code for bounding size into a function (vpodzime)
3119 - Refactor code for reverting device reformat into a function (vpodzime)
3120 - Make the code changing an existing device more compact (vpodzime)
3121 - Comment the part of the code changing an existing device (vpodzime)
3122 - Do device change logging in one place where possible (vpodzime)
3123 - Pass information about old and new device as a dictionary (vpodzime)
3124 - Move code attempting to replace device into a separate function (vpodzime)
3125 - Mountpoint validation should only care about the new fs type (vpodzime)
3126 - Make size properties refreshing reused code (vpodzime)
3127 - Use generator instead of list for auxiliary old_disk_names variable
3128 (vpodzime)
3129 - Remove and unused variable in Custom spoke (vpodzime)
3130 - Refactor mountpoint configuration validation out from _save_right_side
3131 (vpodzime)
3132 - Don't overload selectorFromDevice function (vpodzime)
3133 - Use dir_tree_map for the cleanPStore function (vpodzime)
3134 - Check xconfig before setting the installed displaymode (dshea)
3135 - DNFPayload: call close() when done with the Base. (ales)
3136 - Do not try to get "" translated (vpodzime)
3137 - Use for-cycle else: branch instead of extra variable (vpodzime)
3138 - Have mountpoint descriptions defined in a dictionary (vpodzime)
3139 - Uppercase global constants in the Custom spoke (vpodzime)
3140 - Use cannonical RAID level names when populating RAID stores (vpodzime)
3141 - No RAID level (RAID level None) is a valid choice for LVM(ThP) (vpodzime)
3142 - LVM Thin Provisioning supports the same RAID levels as plain LVM (vpodzime)
3143 - Only block the password/user spokes if data was given in kickstart (vpodzime)
3144 - Disable a pylint error message for now. (clumens)
3145 - Suppress selinux error log when using default (#1083239) (bcl)
3146 - Use the AnacondaWidgets python gi-overrides for pylint (dshea)
3148 * Wed Apr 02 2014 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 21.31-1
3149 - Only install consolehelper link on livearches (bcl)
3151 * Wed Apr 02 2014 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 21.30-1
3152 - Add support ppc64le (hamzy)
3153 - Validate proxy URLs (dshea)
3154 - Provide feedback for invalid NTP hostnames. (dshea)
3155 - Use GUIDialogInputCheckHandler in the advanced user dialog (dshea)
3156 - Add a new InputCheck status for silent failures. (dshea)
3157 - Add an InputCheckHandler subclass for dialogs. (dshea)
3158 - Generalized and improved the proxy URL parsing regex (dshea)
3159 - Update makebumpver for the newer python-bugzilla on rawhide. (clumens)
3160 - network: don't crash on virtual devices turned off (#1080640) (rvykydal)
3161 - network: don't pop HWADDR twice for vlan on s390 (#1061646) (rvykydal)
3162 - Make safe_dbus module's functions less 'safe' (vpodzime)
3163 - Add a list of cmdline args that append instead of replace (#1073130) (bcl)
3164 - safe_dbus: Don't export DBus connection addresses as variables (walters)
3166 * Wed Mar 26 2014 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 21.29-1
3167 - Add a Makefile target to create a set of empty .po files. (dshea)
3168 - os.path.exists -> os.path.lexists when checking for authconfig. (clumens)
3169 - Add support for tarfiles to liveimg kickstart command (bcl)
3170 - mountExistingSystem raises an exception with dirty FS (#1080210) (vpodzime)
3171 - Don't do yum lock logging when using updates.img (vpodzime)
3172 - Pass Size(0) instead of 0 to the ContainerDialog if no size is given
3173 (vpodzime)
3174 - Update the BaseWindow and HubWindow example UI fragments (dshea)
3175 - Convert GtkHBox and GtkVBox to GtkBox. (dshea)
3176 - Fix keyboard accelerator collisions from former stock buttons (dshea)
3177 - Set the secret agent icon in the glade file (dshea)
3178 - Remove stock labels and icons. (dshea)
3179 - Run the pykickstart version test on the commands in parse-dracut (dshea)
3180 - Don't reimport os - it's imported very early on. (clumens)
3181 - Use an alternative image if logo is missing (mkolman)
3182 - Update parse-kickstart for the new bootloader command. (clumens)
3183 - Make sure the error info message starts on a new line (vpodzime)
3184 - Define two env variables removing useless warnings (vpodzime)
3185 - Check boot args for None (#1075918) (bcl)
3186 - Revert "Enable make check in %%check and add the necessary BuildRequires"
3187 (dshea)
3188 - Fix the argument list passed to the payloadInitialize thread (#1079628)
3189 (dshea)
3190 - Fix filtering the _storage_playground out (vpodzime)
3191 - Sync up step counts in install.py with reality. (clumens)
3192 - Avoid the "unable to init server" message. (dshea)
3193 - Do not attempt to run authconfig if it doesn't exist. (clumens)
3194 - Allow skipping installation of the core group, if asked for in kickstart.
3195 (clumens)
3196 - Drop the vconsole.font boot arg (#1074113) (vpodzime)
3198 * Thu Mar 20 2014 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 21.28-1
3199 - Get the DBus session bus address in a method (dshea)
3200 - Specify string format arguments as logging function parameters (dshea)
3201 - Inhibit the screen saver on live installs (#928825) (dshea)
3202 - Handle the dbus method call not returning anything. (dshea)
3203 - Convert errors raised during dbus connection to DBusCallError (dshea)
3204 - driverdisk: Show selection menu for network driver isos (#1075918) (bcl)
3205 - Write a modprobe blacklist (#1073130) (bcl)
3206 - Append cmdline arg values in BootArgs (#1073130) (bcl)
3207 - Wait for other threads to finish before sending ready (#1075103) (bcl)
3208 - set proxy related environmental variables (#854029) (bcl)
3209 - Fix pylint error in yumpayload. (sbueno+anaconda)
3210 - The custom spoke requires mountPointStore and mountPointCompletion, too.
3211 (clumens)
3212 - Make the lists of files to check consistent across all checks. (dshea)
3213 - Fix error handling in cmdline mode. (#1034773) (sbueno+anaconda)
3214 - Don't create bootloader entries for kdump initrd and kernel. (#1036086)
3215 (sbueno+anaconda)
3216 - Add a setting to network.py that got left out of the cherry-pick. (clumens)
3217 - Enable make check in %%check and add the necessary BuildRequires (atodorov)
3218 - Make it obvious user is going to begin installation. (#975793)
3219 (sbueno+anaconda)
3220 - Move libtimezonemap requires to the anaconda-gui subpackage (vpodzime)
3221 - network: apply ks configuration to devices activated in initramfs (#1037605)
3222 (rvykydal)
3223 - Add support for kickstart --interfacename for vlans (#1061646) (rvykydal)
3224 - network: handle race condition of disappearing active connection (#1073424)
3225 (rvykydal)
3226 - Convert iter from filter model iter to backing store iter (#1074188)
3227 (amulhern)
3228 - Provide ways in kickstart to skip kernel and bootloader (#1074522). (clumens)
3229 - DNFPayload: apply the kickstart excludedList. (ales)
3230 - Only pylint files that are in the git working copy (dshea)
3231 - Move accordion population into a separate function (vpodzime)
3232 - Short-circuit testing if root has any devices (vpodzime)
3233 - Getting new devices is not enough cheap operation for being a property
3234 (vpodzime)
3235 - Hide and unhide the same set of disks in the Custom spoke (vpodzime)
3236 - Use GtkActionList when populating filesystem store (vpodzime)
3237 - Fix XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set messages by creating one (dshea)
3238 - Make the ui_storage_logger reusable (vpodzime)
3239 - Decide on supported RAID levels in a better way (vpodzime)
3240 - Fix typo in the comment (vpodzime)
3241 - Add and use MountpointSelector's attributes we need (vpodzime)
3242 - Make code to get Size instance from user's input reusable (vpodzime)
3243 - Make getting raid level less hacky (vpodzime)
3244 - Implement a function to get container type name (vpodzime)
3245 - Make custom partitioning helper constants look as constants (vpodzime)
3246 - Simplify mountpoint validation and error reporting (vpodzime)
3247 - Simplify label validation and error reporting (vpodzime)
3248 - Move translated_new_install_name to the right place (vpodzime)
3249 - Rename the __storage attribute to a more propriate name (vpodzime)
3250 - Split out helper code from the Custom partitioning spoke (vpodzime)
3251 - The reset button should only be sensitive if there's something to reset.
3252 (clumens)
3253 - Confirm before resetting custom partitioning selections (#970093). (clumens)
3254 - DNFPayload: Add languageGroups(). (ales)
3255 - Use ROOT_PATH not /mnt/sysimage (bcl)
3256 - Override ROOT_PATH with environmental variable (bcl)
3257 - Import /etc/login.defs in libuser.conf (#979815) (dshea)
3258 - Fix environment group changes based on ListBox row activation (dshea)
3259 - DNFPayload: do not crash when an addon is unavailable. (ales)
3260 - Payloads: make DEFAULT_REPOS a part of the interface. (ales)
3262 * Tue Mar 11 2014 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 21.27-1
3263 - Don't disable anaconda repo on rawhide (bcl)
3264 - Set log level to debug when using an updates image (bcl)
3265 - driver-updates: accept burned driver discs (#1073719) (wwoods)
3266 - Do nothing if previously selected selector gets focus again (#1029798)
3267 (vpodzime)
3268 - Firstboot is deprecated and gone on Fedora 20 and anything newer (vpodzime)
3269 - Reraise the exception properly (vpodzime)
3270 - Set progress bar to 100 %% in a different way (#1058755) (vpodzime)
3271 - Refresh after checkbox clicked (#1074188) (amulhern)
3272 - Use instclass.efi_dir when constructing the EFI path (dshea)
3273 - Add rescue kernels to the bootloader install list. (#1036349) (dshea)
3274 - Cover both possible ways that GUI WWID may have been set (#1074184)
3275 (amulhern)
3276 - Do not write out /etc/adjtime file on s390(x) (#1070748) (vpodzime)
3277 - Ignore the data model and just return self.environment (mkolman)
3278 - Software spoke can't be complete if the payload thread is running (mkolman)
3279 - DNFPayload: blivet.size.Size() only knows 'spec' kwarg now. (ales)
3280 - Specify string format arguments as logging function parameters (dshea)
3281 - Add missing changelog entries (bcl)
3283 * Fri Mar 07 2014 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 21.26-1
3284 - Don't traceback, just log a warning if connection is unavailable (#1070928)
3285 (mkolman)
3286 - Remove unnecessary use_markup attributes. (dshea)
3287 - Add a check for unnecessary markup. (dshea)
3288 - Ignore the server keymap for spoke status if using VNC (#1045115) (dshea)
3289 - Call % outside of the translation (dshea)
3290 - Fix pylint errors about dangerous default values (dshea)
3291 - Typo fix (dshea)
3292 - driver-updates: skip iso selection with OEMDRV (#1066784) (bcl)
3293 - driver-updates: allow interactive mode to load multiple devices (wwoods)
3294 - driver-updates: add DoRefresh loop to select_iso() (#1066784) (wwoods)
3295 - driver-updates: add 'refresh' to selection_menu() (wwoods)
3296 - driver-updates: rework 'dd_finished' handling (wwoods)
3297 - driver-updates: refactor dd_scan (wwoods)
3298 - driver-updates: refactor menu to allow other options (wwoods)
3299 - Bump blivet Requires for DASD changes. (#1064423) (sbueno+anaconda)
3300 - Add GUI and TUI logic to handle unformatted DASDs. (#1064423)
3301 (sbueno+anaconda)
3302 - Show unformatted DASDs in the local disk store. (#1064423) (sbueno+anaconda)
3303 - Add dialog box to warn about formatting DASDs. (#1064423) (sbueno+anaconda)
3304 - Update disk refs when recovering from a devicefactory failure. (#1032141)
3305 (dlehman)
3306 - Add typelib and library paths to the test environment. (dshea)
3307 - Run pylint with NO_AT_BRIDGE=1 set in the environment (dshea)
3308 - pylint: Clean up accordion warnings (bcl)
3309 - Let Gtk pick the size for the isoChooserDialog (#973376) (dshea)
3310 - network kickstart: do not bind to MAC if SUBCHANNELS are present (#1070232)
3311 (rvykydal)
3313 * Fri Feb 28 2014 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 21.25-1
3314 - pylint: Add a pile of new E1101 exceptions (bcl)
3315 - pylint: change disable-msg to disable (bcl)
3316 - Fix console for s390 and 'noshell' mode (#1070672) (wwoods)
3317 - Check that the addon selection state exists before reading it (dshea)
3318 - Set the name in the volume group store (dshea)
3319 - Don't ignore the directory of the driver disk iso file (vpodzime)
3320 - Set rpm macros in DNFPayload (dshea)
3321 - Implement %%packages --instLangs (#156477) (dshea)
3322 - Set rpm macro information in anaconda-yum. (dshea)
3323 - Move the anaconda-yum exception handler (#1057120) (dshea)
3324 - Only run gtk actions in the gtk thread. (dshea)
3325 - Add createrepo Requires (#1016004) (bcl)
3326 - Fix a traceback gathering free space info for a container. (#1069854)
3327 (dlehman)
3328 - network: detect also fcoe vlan device names exceeding IFNAMESIZ (#1051268)
3329 (rvykydal)
3330 - DNFPayload: display the download progress on the hub. (ales)
3331 - driverdisk: Fix typo in error logging (#1016004) (bcl)
3332 - driverdisk: Create a repo for network drivers (#1016004) (bcl)
3333 - driverdisk: Catch blkid failure (#1036765) (bcl)
3334 - driverdisk: Ignore extra blkid fields (#1036765) (bcl)
3335 - We can't trust rhcrashkernel-param to give us newline-free text. (pjones)
3336 - Remove redundant _setCurrentFreeSpace() call (#1043763) (amulhern)
3337 - Enable python-coverage in anaconda (dshea)
3338 - Move the sidebar to the right for RTL languages (dshea)
3339 - Remove a bunch of unused includes and tests for headers (dshea)
3340 - Add a note about when and how to remove isys.sync (dshea)
3341 - Remove isys.isPseudoTTY (dshea)
3342 - Convert isys.isIsoImage to python code (dshea)
3343 - Focus the language search input by default (#973967) (dshea)
3344 - Ensure media being verified is always unmounted (dshea)
3345 - Write 'text'/'cmdline' in anaconda-ks.cfg in text/cmdline mode (wwoods)
3346 - text install -> text system (#1021963) (wwoods)
3347 - Support the 'skipx' kickstart command (wwoods)
3348 - let systemd decide when to start anaconda-sshd (wwoods)
3349 - Don't use tmux for inst.noshell (#1058607) (wwoods)
3350 - Fix a nitpick from bcl. (pjones)
3351 - Make rhcrashkernel-param get run on non-GRUB 2 platforms. (pjones)
3352 - Cast the blame appropriately when the kernel refuses efivars changes.
3353 (pjones)
3354 - Do not use shim.efi on ARMv8 aarch64 (#1067758) (dmarlin)
3355 - Handle missing environments specified through kickstart (#1067492). (clumens)
3356 - create_sparse_file in blivet now expects a Size object. (clumens)
3357 - Don't traceback when no size is given in kickstart (#1067707). (clumens)
3359 * Fri Feb 21 2014 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 21.24-1
3360 - setup default environment in initialize (bcl)
3361 - Move environmentAddons into packaging (bcl)
3362 - Skip running efibootmgr for image and dir installations (#1067749) (bcl)
3363 - Move translatable format strings into python. (dshea)
3364 - Added a check for translatable format strings in glade. (dshea)
3365 - Use a single script to run the glade tests. (dshea)
3366 - Check that s390x LVM configuration is valid. (#873135, 885011)
3367 (sbueno+anaconda)
3368 - Re-apply disk selection on error in TUI storage. (#1056316) (sbueno+anaconda)
3369 - Properly retry package downloads (#924860) (mkolman)
3370 - Change the CSS class name of the sidebar (#1067049). (clumens)
3371 - Preserve ipv6.disable=1 on target system (#1040751) (wwoods)
3372 - Remove an unused import in driver-updates. (clumens)
3373 - Fix heredoc usage in generated /etc/grub.d/01_users (#1044404). (dcantrell)
3375 * Tue Feb 18 2014 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 21.23-1
3376 - driverdisk: Parse all blkid output (#857248) (bcl)
3377 - Fix blkid output parsing and our output (vpodzime)
3378 - Don't use positional arguments to initialize Gtk objects (dshea)
3379 - Set mandatory property in network tui spoke. (#1064139) (sbueno+anaconda)
3380 - Disallow /boot on RAID on s390x. (#1027670) (sbueno+anaconda)
3381 - Remove a stray break statement (dshea)
3382 - Use devicetree.resolveDevice instead of udev_resolve_devspec. (#1047338)
3383 (dlehman)
3384 - Set ThreadManager.any_errors to be a property (dshea)
3385 - Error on "bootloader --location=partition" when using grub2 (#969095).
3386 (clumens)
3387 - Fix the handling of kernel parameters with no = (#1065704) (dshea)
3388 - Deal with a couple more "except Exception" lines. (clumens)
3389 - Fix pylint errors in the latest dnf-related commit. (clumens)
3390 - DNFPayload: pick the right FS as package download target. (ales)
3391 - DNFPayload: log import crashes. (ales)
3392 - DNFPayload: use dnf.exceptions.MarkingError. (ales)
3393 - Return the returned value in the fire_gtk_action (vpodzime)
3394 - Allow AddonData classes to parse options in the %%addon line (dshea)
3395 - Pass ints to Gtk resize functions (#1065021) (bcl)
3397 * Fri Feb 14 2014 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 21.22-1
3398 - Remove app_paintable from a couple nav boxes (#1064708). (clumens)
3399 - Give a more correct error for missing groups/packages on exclude (#1060194).
3400 (clumens)
3401 - Fix some incorrect RPM macros in the spec file. (clumens)
3402 - Allow using globs and alternative paths for specifying boot drive (#1057282).
3403 (clumens)
3404 - Don't reset input check status when disabling a check (#1062273) (dshea)
3405 - Fix how an input check is disabled (#1062275). (dshea)
3406 - ListStore.remove expects an iter, not an int (#1062752). (clumens)
3408 * Tue Feb 11 2014 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 21.21-1
3409 - Move save_netinfo into a hook (#1048231) (bcl)
3410 - Cleanup log message for pylint (bcl)
3411 - kickstart user accounts should be locked by default (#1063554) (bcl)
3412 - pre-push hook checking bugzilla IDs on rhelX branches (vpodzime)
3413 - Make sure LUKS devices can say they have a key (#1060255) (amulhern)
3414 - Handle LUKS passphrase before doing sanity check (#1060255) (amulhern)
3415 - Remove some unnecessary resets (#1060255) (amulhern)
3416 - Do not consider no available LUKS passphrase an error in do_autopart
3417 (#1060255) (amulhern)
3418 - Adapt to new blivet.sanityCheck() return type (#1060255) (amulhern)
3419 - Adapt StorageChecker class for changed return type of sanityCheck (#1060255)
3420 (amulhern)
3421 - Add sanityCheck functionality back into AutoPart.execute() (#1060255)
3422 (amulhern)
3423 - Bump blivet version for changed sanityCheck() interface (amulhern)
3424 - UnmanagedDeviceError and UnknownConnectionError are in the nm module.
3425 (clumens)
3426 - blivet no longer has a protectedDevices property. (clumens)
3427 - network: adapt to changed handling of devices without carrier in NM
3428 (#1062417) (rvykydal)
3429 - driverdisk: Rename skip_dds to make pylint happy (bcl)
3430 - driverdisk: Use a single systemd service to start DD UI (#1035663) (bcl)
3431 - driverdisk: Add dd_args_ks handling to driver-updates (#1035663) (bcl)
3432 - driverdisk: Process kickstart driverdisk commands (#1035663) (bcl)
3433 - driverdisk: Handle kickstart driverdisk command (#1035663) (bcl)
3434 - driverdisk: Use getargs instead of the env variable (#1035663) (bcl)
3435 - Remove now-unused isys/devices.[ch]. (clumens)
3436 - Call finalize functions in parent classes. (dshea)
3437 - Fix crashes in the LayoutIndicator dispose function. (dshea)
3438 - Require systemd (dshea)
3439 - Remove the now-unused anaconda_spoke_header.png. (clumens)
3440 - Minor aesthetic cleanups (#1045250). (duffy)
3441 - Add a topbar design to SpokeWindows. (#1045250) (duffy)
3442 - Update the Aarch64 packages to include efibootmgr. (dmarlin)
3443 - Add a sidebar to the standalone and hub windows (#1045250) (duffy)
3444 - Allow specifying an environment in the kickstart file (#1050994). (clumens)
3445 - The autopart scheme combo should work for creating partitions manually, too.
3446 (clumens)
3448 * Tue Feb 04 2014 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 21.20-1
3449 - makebumpver: Any failure should cancel the bump (bcl)
3450 - Add option help text for --image and --dirinstall flags (#1056791) (amulhern)
3451 - Update bumpver to allow Related bugs (bcl)
3452 - Fix up some pylint errors. (clumens)
3453 - If a user has been created, don't allow entering the user spoke (#1058564).
3454 (clumens)
3455 - Tweak passphrase wording a bit. (clumens)
3456 - Tweak the final progress messages to fit on the screen a little better
3457 (#1058463). (clumens)
3458 - Fix iscsi target selection checkbox in GUI (#1058653) (rvykydal)
3459 - network ks: allow setting only hostname with network command (#1051564)
3460 (rvykydal)
3461 - fcoe: add fcoe=<NIC>:<EDB> to boot options for nics added manually (#1040215)
3462 (rvykydal)
3463 - network GUI: ignore fcoe vlan devices (#1051268) (rvykydal)
3464 - Use an unused variable. (dshea)
3465 - Ignore an unused function warning on isys_init (dshea)
3466 - Remove unused isys files. (dshea)
3467 - Fix the handling of realloc failures. (dshea)
3468 - Run cppcheck on the C source files. (dshea)
3469 - Check RAID10 box for BTRFS (#1021856) (amulhern)
3470 - Make sure directory for DD extraction exists (vpodzime)
3471 - Handle --image arguments more thoroughly (#982164,#994488) (amulhern)
3472 - Remove the border from the custom part notebook. (clumens)
3473 - Style the Done button to make it more noticable (mizmo). (clumens)
3474 - Change the string used to test for serial console (#1054951) (dmarlin)
3476 * Tue Jan 28 2014 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 21.19-1
3477 - Change the reclaim space button rules (#980496) (bcl)
3478 - Revert "Fix up username checking regex a bit." (dshea)
3479 - Fix a pylint-caught problem from my previous cherry-pick. (clumens)
3480 - Give priority to IPv4 addresses when showing VNC & SSH IP (#1056420)
3481 (mkolman)
3482 - Display custom part warnings/errors on the spoke itself (#975840). (clumens)
3483 - Fix listing threads that caused an error (vpodzime)
3484 - Do not add errors item for thread in advance (vpodzime)
3485 - Log exceptions before running exception handling (vpodzime)
3486 - Fix kickstart 'updates' command (#1056727) (wwoods)
3487 - Fix exitHandler loop deactivation (bcl)
3488 - Show hidden disk images (#1034996) (bcl)
3489 - Fix pylint errors (dshea)
3490 - Provide a maximum width to the betanag dialog. (clumens)
3491 - Don't include zero sized disks in the custom part UI either (#903131).
3492 (clumens)
3493 - Move the Quit button to the right and make it consistently sized (#1038802).
3494 (clumens)
3495 - "Delete All" on the reclaim dialog should not delete hdiso source (#980496).
3496 (clumens)
3497 - Add a scrollbar to the error dialog (#1021506). (clumens)
3498 - Change the product name we key off (#1055019). (clumens)
3499 - Another dracut pylint change. (dshea)
3500 - Fix page logic in driver selection (#1055333) (bcl)
3501 - Give users way to select DD ISO interactively (#1036765) (vpodzime)
3502 - Make network-fetched driver disk .iso files work (#1003595) (vpodzime)
3503 - Disable pylint messages too annoying to deal with. (dshea)
3504 - Fix unused variable warnings (dshea)
3505 - Remove unused imports (dshea)
3506 - Specify string format arguments as logging function parameters (dshea)
3507 - Remove the raidstart and raidstop commands (dshea)
3508 - Expand the reach of pylint (dshea)
3509 - Put Xorg on tty6 in accordance with Ancient Anaconda Tradition (#980062)
3510 (wwoods)
3511 - Fix the handling of kickstart NFS repos with options (#1045528) (dshea)
3512 - Skip empty layout-variant specifications when setting layouts (#1057442)
3513 (vpodzime)
3515 * Thu Jan 23 2014 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 21.18-1
3516 - Use validate_label to check whether label should be updated (#1038590)
3517 (amulhern)
3518 - Always reject label if the format exists (#1038590) (amulhern)
3519 - Make label field always sensitive (#1038590) (amulhern)
3520 - Save module list after initial module load (#1050352) (bcl)
3521 - Require gtk3 and glib2 documentation to build (dshea)
3522 - Rename get_widgets_datadir to anaconda_get_widgets_datadir. (dshea)
3523 - Include the annotation-glossary (dshea)
3524 - Set device.format.label field close to where we read it (#1056139) (amulhern)
3525 - Install the rpmrc file to the initrd.img (#1016004) (vpodzime)
3526 - Give users hint about VNC password restrictions (#1053546) (vpodzime)
3527 - Be more liberal in what is accepted as a size unit. (dshea)
3528 - Remove en_spec parameters from blivet.size.Size. (dshea)
3530 * Tue Jan 21 2014 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 21.17-1
3531 - Test for DataHolder Class (#1034427) (bcl)
3532 - Use DataHolder for TUI nfs data (#1034427) (bcl)
3533 - Add DataHolder class (#1034427) (bcl)
3534 - Handle inst.{gpt,dnf,extlinux} using cmdline.getbool() (wwoods)
3535 - Drop unreferenced 'useIPv[46]' flag (wwoods)
3536 - Don't force shell on tty2 (#980062) (wwoods)
3537 - add comment about boot-options.txt (wwoods)
3538 - Add support for getting stage2 image from boot.iso (#1035514) (mkolman)
3539 - Various changes to handling of filesystem label setting (#1038590) (amulhern)
3540 - Fix translation context on the storage options dialogs. (clumens)
3541 - Fix problems going into custom partitioning with the new work flow. (clumens)
3542 - Don't show actions next to free space lines in the reclaim dialog (#1054208).
3543 (clumens)
3544 - If there's a label in the ISO device combo, put it on a new line (#1031727).
3545 (clumens)
3546 - Make the device name in a MountpointSelector less wide (#1048583). (clumens)
3547 - If a root password is set, don't show the spoke (#910355, #1041405).
3548 (clumens)
3549 - Check for certain disk attrs before trying to access them. (#1053055)
3550 (sbueno+anaconda)
3551 - Use gtk_get_locale_direction. (dshea)
3552 - Always run efibootmgr from ROOT_PATH (bcl)
3553 - A class for scheduling Gtk actions and running them all at once (vpodzime)
3554 - Remove some leftover float conversions. (dshea)
3555 - Use uint64 for the resize target size. (dshea)
3556 - Return program output as a string instead of a list (dshea)
3557 - Implement and use a function for one-off running Gtk actions (vpodzime)
3558 - Be more defensive when getting layouts and their variants (vpodzime)
3559 - Implement and use functions for conversion between keymaps and layouts
3560 (vpodzime)
3561 - Fix reset of existing device to its original size. (dlehman)
3562 - Don't disable checks for global at the module level. (dshea)
3563 - Clean up the pylint-false-positives. (dshea)
3564 - Remove pylint comments that are no longer necessary (dshea)
3565 - Allow pylint-false-positives to end with a newline (dshea)
3566 - Change storage widget visibility based on disks selected. (clumens)
3567 - Rename widgets in the two remaining options dialogs. (clumens)
3568 - Allow going to the reclaim dialog even for autopart (#1014671). (clumens)
3569 - Add the autopart type combo to custom storage (#1014671). (clumens)
3570 - Tweak DiskOverview spacing a little bit (#1014671). (clumens)
3571 - Add custom part and encryption buttons to the main storage spoke (#1014671).
3572 (clumens)
3573 - Remove the existing install_options1 dialog, rename the others (#1014671).
3574 (clumens)
3575 - Grow the spoke gradient image to fit the nav_area (#1035772). (clumens)
3576 - Additional completion checks in network spoke. (#1044571) (sbueno+anaconda)
3577 - Fix problems reported by pylint (dshea)
3578 - Decode potentially 8-bit strings in TUI windows (dshea)
3580 * Fri Jan 10 2014 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 21.16-1
3581 - Use blivet.size.Size for all size quantities. (dlehman)
3582 - make anaconda-shell (wwoods)
3583 - handle "ks=cdrom[:<path>]" on systems with multiple CDs (#1049237) (wwoods)
3584 - dracut: add when_any_cdrom_appears for cdrom autoprobe (wwoods)
3585 - dracut: minor shell cleanup (wwoods)
3586 - fix inst.noshell (#807703) (wwoods)
3587 - Error gracefully if we have a question in cmdline mode. (#869731)
3588 (sbueno+anaconda)
3589 - Verify that designated label can be set (#1038590) (amulhern)
3590 - Do not change sensitivity of label field (#1038590) (amulhern)
3591 - Make the clear icon functional in language spoke. (sbueno+anaconda)
3592 - Fix the translated pango markup check (dshea)
3593 - Remove iutil.strip_markup. (dshea)
3594 - Pass additional command-line arguments to pylint (dshea)
3595 - Fix and ignore markup warnings where appropriate (dshea)
3596 - Check that the Pango markup in glade files is valid (dshea)
3597 - Added a pylint module to check pango markup. (dshea)
3598 - Split the po-based translation code into a separate file. (dshea)
3599 - Fix bool parsing of boot options with inst. prefix (#1044391) (mkolman)
3600 - Use vc_keymap as X layout only if we get nothing from localed (#1048592)
3601 (vpodzime)
3602 - Warn user if entering LUKS password with non-ASCII characters (#1039168)
3603 (vpodzime)
3604 - Add back some erroneously removed set_use_underline calls (dshea)
3605 - Only show the "DATA" heading if there are data mount points under it.
3606 (clumens)
3607 - Don't allow the advanced user dialog to be saved with errors (dshea)
3608 - Move the add_check stuff into helper classes. (dshea)
3609 - Remove the UID and GID maximums. (#978846) (dshea)
3610 - Fix an invalid mnemonic widget reference in passphrase entry (dshea)
3611 - Added checks for some potential issues in glade files (dshea)
3612 - Remove scrot dependency for global screenshot support (mkolman)
3613 - Fix mnemonic widget reference id (vpodzime)
3615 * Tue Jan 07 2014 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 21.15-1
3616 - Use the new Gtk.ListBox for displaying environments and addons (#1039683).
3617 (clumens)
3618 - Display additional disk attributes in TUI storage spoke. (#1024760)
3619 (sbueno+anaconda)
3620 - Fix 'select all disks' logic in TUI storage spoke. (sbueno+anaconda)
3621 - Ignore the compile script (dshea)
3622 - network GUI: don't crash when wifi is activated in standalone spoke
3623 (#1046138) (rvykydal)
3624 - Use the right test for there being any storage actions. (clumens)
3625 - Only display the actions summary dialog if there are any actions (#1030511).
3626 (clumens)
3627 - Do not support kickstart+live installs (#1027160). (clumens)
3628 - We no longer directly use libnl (#1034830). (clumens)
3629 - Remove _transactionErrors from yumpayload.py. (clumens)
3630 - Move xhost handling to the xinit script (#1045280) (dshea)
3631 - Check for ready before baseRepo in completed (#1044985) (bcl)
3632 - Treat the output of vncpasswd as binary data, since it is (#1045119) (dshea)
3633 - Add iutil.exec* options for handling binary data (dshea)
3634 - Print a message and exit if a user attempts to upgrade via kickstart. (dshea)
3636 * Wed Dec 18 2013 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 21.14-1
3637 - Fix the release notes image cycler. (#1043393) (dshea)
3638 - Do not schedule resize actions for non-resizing requests (#1039491)
3639 (vpodzime)
3640 - Use ceil for minSize in resize dialog (#1040012) (bcl)
3641 - Use integer numbers of megabytes in the Reclaim dialog (#1040012) (vpodzime)
3642 - fcoe gui: repopulate device tree only if device was actually added (#1039223)
3643 (rvykydal)
3644 - Exclude FCoE disks from local disks (#1039223) (rvykydal)
3645 - fcoe: repopulate devicetree after adding FCoE SAN (#1039223) (rvykydal)
3646 - Add initial 64-bit ARM aarch64 EFI support (#1034428) (dmarlin)
3647 - Rename network spoke header (mkolman)
3648 - Show the Shell spoke in debug mode (vpodzime)
3649 - Accept only .iso files from the IsoChooser dialog (#1015169) (vpodzime)
3650 - Just run the IsoChooser dialog lightbox (vpodzime)
3651 - Use libxklavier's new methods instead of our nasty hack (vpodzime)
3652 - Move atexit registration before running rescue mode (#1038855) (vpodzime)
3653 - Only display the addon separator if there's a reason to. (clumens)
3654 - Stop using deprecated gtk margin functions. (clumens)
3655 - Fix the check_accelerators srcdir path. (dshea)
3656 - Show msg in TUI if user attempts to create invalid username. (#965561)
3657 (sbueno+anaconda)
3658 - Fix up username checking regex a bit. (sbueno+anaconda)
3659 - Fix default device for ks=cdrom (#1042500) (bcl)
3660 - createUser is already in a chroot (#1038241) (bcl)
3661 - Skip checks on files that are not staged for commit. (dshea)
3662 - Allow catching exceptions from threads (vpodzime)
3663 - Enable warnings about abstract methods not overridden (dshea)
3664 - Provide empty methods to override abstract parent methods. (dshea)
3665 - Implement status in StandaloneSpoke. (dshea)
3666 - Move a bunch of abstract methods from Payload to PackagePayload (dshea)
3667 - Remove some methods from packaging.Payload. (dshea)
3668 - Disable abstract method warnings in intermediate abstract classes. (dshea)
3669 - Remove Personalization spoke (dshea)
3670 - Remove some vestigal code from an earlier version of GUICheck (dshea)
3672 * Thu Dec 12 2013 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 21.13-1
3673 - Refresh environment addons on source change (#1033749) (bcl)
3674 - Fix selector device matching for unallocated partitions. (#1039292) (dlehman)
3675 - Rename the network config spoke a little bit. (clumens)
3676 - Don't encrypt device if container is encrypted (bcl)
3677 - network: add s390 options in ifcfgs generated from kickstart (#1031376)
3678 (rvykydal)
3679 - Remove enablement of whiteout/blackout plugins, and the requires on anaconda-
3680 yum-plugins. (notting)
3681 - Fix checking if we are collecting our module (vpodzime)
3682 - Remove an unnecessary continue statement in the potfiles check (vpodzime)
3683 - Use sys.exit instead of os._exit in the potfiles test (vpodzime)
3684 - List addons in exception report data (vpodzime)
3685 - Make Hub.storage and Spoke.storage a property (dshea)
3686 - Fix the botched helperization of StorageChecker (dshea)
3687 - Disable tmpfs in the GUI (#1039511) (mkolman)
3688 - Don't crash on NTP lookup without network (#1026079) (mkolman)
3689 - Don't rely on Gtk being importable for exception handling (vpodzime)
3690 - Support rnotes in SVG format (#1034407). (clumens)
3691 - Fix a couple warnings from -Werror=format-security (#1036989). (clumens)
3692 - Use abstract base classes for mixins. (dshea)
3693 - Display free space remaining in containers (#1035832). (clumens)
3694 - Make sure url and mirrorlist are not set at once (#1026834) (mkolman)
3695 - if rootfs is btrfs, add rootflags=subvol to kernel parameters (gene)
3696 - add ro to bootloader kernel parameters (gene)
3697 - Added missing entries to POTFILES.in (dshea)
3698 - Add a check that files with translatable strings are in POTFILES.in (dshea)
3699 - Fix the handling of renames in the pylint git hook. (dshea)
3700 - Remove startup-id from AnacondaBaseWindow. (dshea)
3702 * Wed Dec 04 2013 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 21.12-1
3703 - Handle cancelation of device resize in the custom spoke. (#1027947) (dlehman)
3704 - Disallow /boot on lvm until grub2 fully supports it. (#1036705) (dlehman)
3705 - Disallow /boot on btrfs subvolume until grubby supports it. (#864198)
3706 (dlehman)
3707 - Remove an empty initialize function. (clumens)
3708 - Move PathDict into pyanaconda/ui/__init__.py. (clumens)
3709 - Add one more directory for ignoring test log files (dshea)
3710 - Defer translation of device_type_name (dshea)
3711 - Disable pylint errors about gobject-introspection methods (dshea)
3712 - Remove unused variables (dshea)
3713 - Document the instl.multilib boot option (vpodzime)
3714 - Minor tweak of our driver disk documentation (vpodzime)
3715 - network: GUI, don't ask for wifi secrets upon Configure (#1033073) (rvykydal)
3716 - network: GUI, add support for virtual devices removing (#1030870) (rvykydal)
3717 - network: fix naming of slave ifcfg files from kickstart (#1036047) (rvykydal)
3718 - network: GUI, handle virtual devices (bond, vlan, team) properly (#1036047)
3719 (rvykydal)
3720 - Change how we test if the GUI is available in the anaconda script. (clumens)
3721 - Update boot-options.txt. (amulhern)
3722 - Omit /dev/sr* from list-harddrives (#1032500) (sbueno+anaconda)
3723 - Fix EditTUISpoke to operate only on visible entries (vpodzime)
3724 - Don't try to investigate empty string for unicode chars (#1035799) (vpodzime)
3725 - Fix issues reported by the check_pw_visibility test (vpodzime)
3726 - Add check testing visibility of password entries (vpodzime)
3727 - Put tests of .glade files into a separate directory (vpodzime)
3728 - Save a reference to the imported Xkl module for get_current_layout (dshea)
3729 - Fix the Makefile.am subdirs for widget data. (dshea)
3730 - Fix some pylint warnings. (clumens)
3731 - Switch to libtimezonemap for the timezone map. (dshea)
3732 - Set the _config_dialog property during __init__. (dshea)
3733 - Fix handling of long release ids (mkolman)
3734 - Store older valid packages in separate folder (mkolman)
3735 - Fetch older valid releases (mkolman)
3736 - Import Xkl only when really needed (vpodzime)
3737 - Global screenshot support (#1025038) (mkolman)
3738 - Require new version of python-blivet (vpodzime)
3739 - Hide password characters in iSCSI login fields (#1034202) (vpodzime)
3740 - Use format names instead of types in the resize dialog (vpodzime)
3741 - Do not write out the vconsole.keymap boot option (#1035316) (vpodzime)
3743 * Wed Nov 27 2013 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 21.11-1
3744 - Use raid RAID level constants instead of mdraid RAID level constants.
3745 (amulhern)
3746 - Use level objects instead of level integer codes. (amulhern)
3747 - clear software environment (#1029536) (bcl)
3748 - Update source on errors (#1030997) (bcl)
3749 - Fix errors in kickstart.py. (dshea)
3750 - Update gettext.txt (dshea)
3751 - Don't allow bootloader and /boot on iSCSI on s390 (#1034222) (vpodzime)
3752 - Round float values coming from the Gtk stack (#1013586) (vpodzime)
3753 - Generate missing machine-id (bcl)
3754 - Fix problems reported by pylint. (dshea)
3755 - Add HDD ISO support for TUI (#1000327) (mkolman)
3756 - Use a directory in build tree for pylint data. (dshea)
3757 - Remove MOSTLYCLEANDIRS from Makefile.am (dshea)
3758 - fixup spec for fedup (bcl)
3760 * Mon Nov 25 2013 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 21.10-1
3761 - Cleanup anaconda.spec.in (bcl)
3762 - Handle non-leaf btrfs volumes with mountpoints. (#1016959) (dlehman)
3763 - Use en_spec for blivet Size spec strings with constant components. (#1029616)
3764 (dshea)
3765 - The gui and tui subpackages cannot be noarch (vpodzime)
3766 - Cleanup unused and overly complicated stuff in isys (vpodzime)
3767 - DNFPayload: tweak to the API changes in dnf-0.4.8 (ales)
3768 - Don't use cached packages with different release id (mkolman)
3770 * Fri Nov 22 2013 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 21.9-1
3771 - Add a test for accesses of yum.preconf outside of _resetYum. (clumens)
3772 - Remove base_repo cache (#1011555) (bcl)
3773 - Make _yum.preconf setup atomic (#1028245) (bcl)
3774 - Remove threading from getBaseRepo handling (#1011555) (bcl)
3775 - If there are incomplete spokes, let the user know which (#1032801). (clumens)
3776 - tui: show Processing while source is busy (bcl)
3777 - tui: wait for threads before entering source and software (#1032823) (bcl)
3778 - clear errors when metadata is ok in tui source spoke (#1006570) (bcl)
3779 - Fix parallel pylint in distcheck. (dshea)
3781 * Wed Nov 20 2013 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 21.8-1
3782 - Fix geolocation on live installs (mkolman)
3783 - Ignore the pylint warning on importing GraphicalUserInterface. (clumens)
3784 - Fall back to text mode if GUI is not available (vpodzime)
3785 - Get rid of unused isys.isCapsLockEnabled function (vpodzime)
3786 - Don't rely on having zenity and require it only for GUI (vpodzime)
3787 - No longer need the Gconf2 package (vpodzime)
3788 - Split out anaconda's user interfaces into separate packages (vpodzime)
3789 - Do not include tzmapdata into the main package (vpodzime)
3790 - Create directories for stubs if they don't exist (vpodzime)
3791 - Do not try to fetch our own packages that will be built (vpodzime)
3792 - Remove the unused flags import from installclass.py. (clumens)
3793 - Fix logging of pylint-one output (bcl)
3794 - Do yum lock logging only with inst.debug or loglevel=debug (vpodzime)
3795 - Don't panic on installclasses failing with inst.debug (vpodzime)
3797 * Mon Nov 18 2013 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 21.7-1
3798 - Expand the use of ANACONDA_WIDGETS_DATADIR. (dshea)
3799 - Make thread manager operations atomic (#1029898) (mkolman)
3800 - Run pylint in multiple processes (vpodzime)
3801 - Fix how "changed" signal is emitted on the TreeSelection (vpodzime)
3802 - Pass biosdevname boot option to installed system (#1023609) (rvykydal)
3803 - network: update required NetworkManager version (team support) (rvykydal)
3804 - Use timing decorator for more actions (vpodzime)
3805 - Add test for the have_word_match function (vpodzime)
3806 - A nice decorator making Anaconda's GUI more responsive (vpodzime)
3807 - Short-circuit layouts matching (vpodzime)
3808 - Enforce upper bound for resize. (#1027947) (dlehman)
3809 - Fix some pylint problems in network.py. (clumens)
3810 - Add an updates location for the AnacondaWidgets overrides (dshea)
3811 - Fix typo (#1003591) (rvykydal)
3812 - network: call GDBus proxy methods like python (rvykydal)
3813 - network: add team support for kickstart %%pre phase (#1003591) (rvykydal)
3814 - network: generate kickstart commands for team devices (#1003591) (rvykydal)
3815 - network: support for adding team devices (#1003591) (rvykydal)
3816 - network: display team devices in status (#1003591) (rvykydal)
3817 - network: add team support to kickstart (#1003591) (rvykydal)
3818 - Initialize the AddLayouts dialog in advance in the KeyboardSpoke (vpodzime)
3819 - Add function to map functions on items in the main thread (vpodzime)
3820 - Allow having unique thread names with given prefix (vpodzime)
3821 - Remove an unused and non-working leftover function resetResolve (vpodzime)
3822 - Always center dialogs shown on top of lightbox (vpodzime)
3823 - Set spokes' distribution and beta warning only once (vpodzime)
3824 - use deepcopy on ksdata method (#1028243) (bcl)
3825 - Change source spoke proxy handling to use local copy (#967805) (bcl)
3826 - Apply a little tweak to the VNC password length message. (clumens)
3827 - Match layouts with stripped accents in AddLayout dialog (vpodzime)
3828 - Sort layout descriptions properly (#1026238) (vpodzime)
3829 - Make AddLayout dialog persistent (vpodzime)
3830 - Use Sphinx syntax in the iutil module (vpodzime)
3831 - Warn if vnc passwd is longer than 8 chars (hamzy)
3832 - Don't try to unicode unicode strings (#1029109) (vpodzime)
3833 - Add tmpfs support (#918621) (mkolman)
3834 - Added a few things that autoscan complained about (dshea)
3835 - Actually use the config header we generate (dshea)
3836 - Redirect pylint stderr to stdout (dshea)
3837 - Fix the handling of files generated for xgettext (dshea)
3838 - Use gettext to process glade files. (dshea)
3839 - Always use $prefix in directory names. (dshea)
3840 - Pass --enable-gtk-doc to configure in distcheck (dshea)
3841 - Fix the liveinst install/uninstall hooks (dshea)
3842 - Clean up after intltool (dshea)
3843 - Add missing files to dist (dshea)
3844 - DNFPayload: tweak to the API changes in dnf-0.4.7. (ales)
3845 - Add tests for iutil (mkolman)
3847 * Fri Nov 08 2013 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 21.6-1
3848 - Fix typos in translation functions (dshea)
3849 - Put the cityCompletion back on the list of widgets (vpodzime)
3850 - Do not translate strings defined at the module or class level. (clumens)
3851 - Fix a couple places where we're doing %% inside of _(). (clumens)
3852 - Add a custom pylint module to check i18n problems. (clumens)
3853 - Remove an unused import. (clumens)
3854 - Provide our own sorting functions for regions and timezones (#1025029)
3855 (vpodzime)
3856 - Set locale for our process (vpodzime)
3857 - Translate timezones in GUI (vpodzime)
3858 - network gui: add apply tooltip to Configure button (#1018471) (rvykydal)
3859 - Make dialog return code checking more robust (amulhern)
3860 - Show last 4 bytes of wwid (#1024966) (jstodola)
3861 - Handle focus changes of MountpointSelectors from outside (#975838) (vpodzime)
3862 - network: do not crash when device for network --device is not found
3863 (#1023829) (rvykydal)
3864 - Log continuing from hub if there are no spokes (vpodzime)
3865 - Updates to boot-options.txt document (#1026449) (amulhern)
3866 - No longer install anaconda user documentation (#1026449) (amulhern)
3868 * Fri Nov 01 2013 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 21.5-1
3869 - Fix spoke sorting issues in text-mode. (#929177) (sbueno+anaconda)
3870 - Send the continue click after the queue is empty (#1025347) (bcl)
3871 - No longer use summary screen visit to decide whether bootloader has been
3872 configured (#1025811) (amulhern)
3873 - Remove the bootloader line from the interactive kickstart file (#1025811)
3874 (amulhern)
3875 - Set bootloader default location to mbr in constructor (#1025811) (amulhern)
3876 - Remove column titles from the software spoke. (dshea)
3877 - Fix the selection of default groups (#1023263) (dshea)
3878 - Use the default yscale for the HubWindow alignment (dshea)
3879 - Fix kickstart block device resolution. (#1022206) (dlehman)
3880 - Specify query territory when getting language native name (vpodzime)
3881 - Get rid of trailing whitespace (vpodzime)
3882 - Export the right classes from the tui.spokes package (vpodzime)
3883 - Define newLayoutStore before it is used by the filter (vpodzime)
3885 * Wed Oct 30 2013 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 21.4-1
3886 - Fix up a couple more pylint errors. (clumens)
3887 - Add check for Linux HFS+ ESP on Mac (#1010495) (bcl)
3888 - Update bootDrive info when storage config updated in text-mode. (#861018)
3889 (sbueno+anaconda)
3890 - Remove the special handling for en (dshea)
3891 - Ignore SIGINT (#1024822) (amulhern)
3892 - Don't show language twice for keyboard layouts (#1021907) (petersen)
3893 - Make Software spoke ready even if there is no repo (#1010348) (vpodzime)
3894 - Use decorator for methods that invalidate base repo cache (vpodzime)
3895 - Use cache for base repo if possible (vpodzime)
3896 - Make sure to actually set the autopart flag when needed. (#1023554) (dlehman)
3897 - Fix Gtk errors about list store columns (dshea)
3898 - Fix the layout up and down button sensitivies. (dshea)
3899 - Fix the Gkbd spec string for layouts with no variant (dshea)
3900 - pylint wants regexes with backslashes to be specified with 'r'. (clumens)
3901 - Add ack flag checking to makebumpver (bcl)
3902 - Correctly accept 'sshd' boot arg as alias for 'inst.sshd' (#924157) (wwoods)
3903 - Only eject CDROM devices we're actually using (#949919) (wwoods)
3904 - mem may not exist when it's printed out in these error messages. (clumens)
3906 * Fri Oct 25 2013 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 21.3-1
3907 - Reset _proxyChange when a change is triggered (bcl)
3908 - Setup No Update checkbox correctly (#1016801) (bcl)
3909 - Fall back to closest mirror in source (#1016801) (bcl)
3910 - anaconda-dracut: fix ks failure with hd:<dev>:some/path.ks (wwoods)
3911 - Make sure lower bound for resize is applied. (#986575) (dlehman)
3912 - Use devicetree to resolve device specs in kickstart. (#1022206) (dlehman)
3913 - Disregard raid level combo when it isn't applicable. (#1022203) (dlehman)
3914 - Mountpoint is an attr of the format, not the device. (#892747) (dlehman)
3915 - Add bootloader execute before autopart (#1021258) (bcl)
3916 - Do error checking of repository names on "Installation Source" screen.
3917 (amulhern)
3918 - Avoid configure-event loops. (#1021511) (dshea)
3920 * Wed Oct 23 2013 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 21.2-1
3921 - remove signal disconnect (#996899) (bcl)
3922 - Re-saved every glade file with glade-3.16.0 (dshea)
3923 - Fix pylint errors in network.py. (clumens)
3924 - Always use decimal notation for Size specs (dshea)
3925 - network kickstart: add support for devices configured in %%pre (#1019796)
3926 (rvykydal)
3927 - network gui: make Configure button insensitive when no ap is selected
3928 (#1015212) (rvykydal)
3929 - Encode possible unicode objects before calling str() on them (vpodzime)
3930 - Fix a typo in function documentation (vpodzime)
3931 - Use more general status for installations from media (#1017703) (vpodzime)
3933 * Mon Oct 21 2013 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 21.1-1
3934 - Adds additional debug logging to yumpayload.py. (amulhern)
3935 - Handle invalid JSON in geoloc (#1021410) (dshea)
3936 - Revert "Only prompt for LUKS password if the user has chosen to configure
3937 automatically." (amulhern)
3938 - Add context support to check_accelerators (dshea)
3939 - Added translation contexts to the TUI. (dshea)
3940 - Added translation contexts to the GUI. (dshea)
3941 - Add support for context-based translations (dshea)
3942 - Reset checks on both password fields. (#1020580) (dshea)
3943 - Fix swaps added to fstab for noformat (gene)
3944 - Don't update hub's continue button and label for every spoke (#1020373)
3945 (vpodzime)
3946 - Add storage tests. (clumens)
3947 - Add option to select all hard drives in text mode. (#965580)
3948 (sbueno+anaconda)
3949 - BootLoaderError should not reset storage (#1019541) (bcl)
3950 - Only prompt for LUKS password if the user has chosen to configure
3951 automatically. (amulhern)
3952 - Remove an unused string (dshea)
3953 - Translate AM and PM (dshea)
3954 - Translate strings marked as translatable (dshea)
3955 - network gui spoke: use GDBus to obtain list of settings (#1018467) (rvykydal)
3956 - network: look for device settings also based on DEVICE value (#1017788)
3957 (rvykydal)
3958 - Fix liveinst to work with livemedia-creator (#1009711) (bcl)
3959 - Remove the button-label property on SpokeWindow. (clumens)
3960 - Log entering/exiting spokes and hubs in the GUI. (clumens)
3961 - Escape text inserted into markup strings (dshea)
3962 - Move markup out of translatable strings (dshea)
3963 - Move formating markup out of python where possible (dshea)
3964 - Use explicit children to set label attributes (dshea)
3965 - Turn on the image on the "Add a disk..." button. (dshea)
3967 * Wed Oct 16 2013 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 20.26-1
3968 - Install bootloader to loop device in disk image installations. (#1019502)
3969 (dlehman)
3970 - Don't try to configure a bootloader for s390 disk image installs. (#1019502)
3971 (dlehman)
3972 - Fix initramfs generation for disk image installations. (#1019502) (dlehman)
3973 - Save mountpoints specified for existing btrfs volumes. (#892747) (dlehman)
3974 - Add a command line option for disabling friendly multipath names. (#977815)
3975 (dlehman)
3976 - Remove en (dshea)
3977 - "Fix" the zSeries device filter "label" (dshea)
3978 - Replace placeholders with the strings from python (dshea)
3979 - Add and fix keyboard accelerators (dshea)
3980 - Check for labels with use_underline and no accelerator (dshea)
3981 - Support checking the translation of plural strings (dshea)
3982 - Specify a node id in check_accelerator exceptions (dshea)
3983 - BTRFS cannot hold swap, no need to care about fstab swaps (vpodzime)
3984 - Add ANACONDA_INSTALL_CLASSES to testenv.sh. (clumens)
3985 - Put a version on the DNF requirement. (clumens)
3986 - Revert "For now, ignore checking dnfpayload.py with pylint." (clumens)
3987 - Fix the alignment of the Network Time switch (#1019301) (dshea)
3988 - Tell blivet which swaps should appear in the fstab (#1011391) (vpodzime)
3989 - Put only newly created or reformated swaps to the new root (vpodzime)
3990 - Make code to get new devices reusable as property (vpodzime)
3991 - Grab journal only from the last boot (vpodzime)
3992 - DNFPayload: allow enable/disable calls for repos that do not exist. (ales)
3993 - Add shell spoke to s390x installations (vpodzime)
3994 - Put TUI spokes in common categories (vpodzime)
3995 - MountpointSelector is a widget, set its property properly (#1013612)
3996 (vpodzime)
3997 - Include the journal log on installed system (bcl)
3998 - DNFPayload: error handling and logging cleanups. (ales)
3999 - DNFPayload: reset the transaction goal on new package selection check. (ales)
4000 - DNFPayload: implement environmentGroups() (ales)
4001 - Some partition scheme is always selected (#1017435) (vpodzime)
4003 * Fri Oct 11 2013 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 20.25-1
4004 - Don't use g_object_set on initialized objects. (dshea)
4005 - Remove the "other" tab in the network spoke. (dshea)
4006 - Fix duplicated id in custom.glade (dshea)
4007 - Correctly generate rescue initrd (#1013087) (bcl)
4008 - Refresh swap suggestion once we know which disks to use (vpodzime)
4009 - Initialize the kickstart install method (#1017614) (dshea)
4010 - Use correct format for raise in kickstart.py (bcl)
4011 - Add install-requires target to the Anaconda makefile (mkolman)
4012 - fix luksformat references (#1014493) (bcl)
4013 - kickstart: check for correct format (#1014545) (bcl)
4014 - Add checks for unexpanded macros. (dshea)
4015 - UIScreen doesn't necessarily have the ready property (vpodzime)
4016 - Print long widgets in a nice way (vpodzime)
4017 - Consider errno 5 I/O errors hardware faults (vpodzime)
4018 - Install kernel-lpae if supported (#1013015) (vpodzime)
4019 - Bump firewalld version (mkolman)
4021 * Wed Oct 09 2013 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 20.24-1
4022 - Clear bootDisk and bootloader stage info on errors (#1013482) (bcl)
4023 - Catch BootLoaderError when setting up bootloader (#1013474) (bcl)
4024 - Fix an incorrect formatting string in makeupdates. (clumens)
4025 - network: remove function we don't need anymore (rvykydal)
4026 - Don't translate constant strings. (dshea)
4027 - Take into account disk space when calculating swap suggestion (#1016673)
4028 (vpodzime)
4029 - DNFPayload: adapt to DNF change c3de85d6 of Base.install() error reporting.
4030 (ales)
4031 - DNFPayload: the new libcomps makes env.option_ids a list of GroupID objects.
4032 (ales)
4033 - Fix warning message when package version is not found in Koji (mkolman)
4035 * Tue Oct 08 2013 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 20.23-1
4036 - Use Unicode in the TUI buffer strings (#1015620) (dshea)
4037 - DNFPayload: install DNF itself. (ales)
4038 - DNFPayload: direct conf.persistdir to the sysimage. (ales)
4039 - Add a tooltip to the container combobox (#975801) (bcl)
4040 - Use different colors for different message types. (dshea)
4041 - Exit on exception in the askVNC spoke (#962804) (dshea)
4042 - Don't skip the strength check if overriding a kickstart password (dshea)
4043 - Allow password spoke to be exited without password (#1004931) (dshea)
4044 - Re-check the password strength when the username changes (dshea)
4045 - Only call pwquality once per password. (dshea)
4046 - Use GUICheck checks for the root password strength (dshea)
4047 - Use constants for password check failure messages (dshea)
4048 - Use a constant to indicate GUICheck success (dshea)
4049 - Remove a redundant error property from UserSpoke (dshea)
4050 - Fix the usages of PWQError. (#1014405) (dshea)
4051 - Fix usage of GtkLevelBar in glade. (dshea)
4052 - Clean up callbacks in the user spoke. (dshea)
4053 - Removed an untrue portion of a doc comment (dshea)
4054 - Support for removing services from firewall needs newer PyKickstart (mkolman)
4055 - Add support for removing services from the firewall (#957809) (mkolman)
4057 * Fri Oct 04 2013 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 20.22-1
4058 - Only encrypt the TUI user password once (#1015220) (dshea)
4059 - Don't try to collect removed modules (vpodzime)
4060 - Moved the NFS nolock option into Payload._setupNFS (dshea)
4061 - Grab journalctl logs if there is no /tmp/syslog (vpodzime)
4062 - Pass layout and variant in specific format to Gkbd (#1011155) (vpodzime)
4063 - Translate the "Quit" string at the end of liveinst. (dshea)
4065 * Fri Sep 27 2013 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 20.21-1
4066 - Remove another reference to log_picker. (clumens)
4067 - Turn spinner back on for configuration (bcl)
4068 - Use assertIsInstance in the kickstart version test. (clumens)
4069 - If the full device path is given in repo=hd:, still select it in the UI
4070 (#980479). (clumens)
4071 - Display newly created partitions without a mountpoint, too (#886039).
4072 (clumens)
4073 - Don't require pressing escape twice to kill the media check window (#965625).
4074 (clumens)
4075 - Fix display of weak password warning (#1011850) (dshea)
4076 - Fix the tui simpleline imports. (dshea)
4077 - Don't confuse users by misleading tooltip (#1011112) (vpodzime)
4078 - Assorted other pylint fixes for scripts and utils (dshea)
4079 - Pass string format arguments as paramters to logging (dshea)
4080 - Ignore the use of func_globals in a test case (dshea)
4081 - Fix issues in the AnacondaWidgets python wrapper (dshea)
4082 - Make exception handling more specific (dshea)
4083 - Remove unused imports and variables (dshea)
4084 - Remove unnecessary lambdas (dshea)
4085 - Remove obsolete files. (dshea)
4086 - Check whether the commit matches the tree (dshea)
4087 - Run pylint on all python files (dshea)
4088 - Don't use relative imports (dshea)
4089 - Use g_signal_handler_disconnect instead of g_object_disconnect (#1010486)
4090 (vpodzime)
4091 - Fixup Eula class (bcl)
4092 - Allow searching for keyboard layouts in English (#1009806) (vpodzime)
4093 - network: don't create ksdata for devices enslaved in GUI (#1011826)
4094 (rvykydal)
4095 - Allow a proxy to be set before the method is saved (#1012096) (dshea)
4096 - Export the pykickstart Eula command (vpodzime)
4098 * Wed Sep 25 2013 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 20.20-1
4099 - Encrypt normal user passwords when doing text install. (#977732)
4100 (sbueno+anaconda)
4101 - Escape the status before setting it as markup (vpodzime)
4102 - network gui: do not crash on devices without settings (eg wireless)
4103 (#1010519) (rvykydal)
4104 - Make the keyboard layout preview dialog bigger (#1011140) (vpodzime)
4105 - Return switching options with the same order as shown (#1011130) (vpodzime)
4106 - Use a temporary directory for verifying ISO media (dshea)
4107 - Skip devices not controllable by blivet (#1009809) (dshea)
4108 - Add translation support to check_accelerators (dshea)
4109 - Make sure autopart type is handled deterministicaly in text mode (#1010453)
4110 (vpodzime)
4111 - Don't rely on X server adding empty variant for its defaults (#1011658)
4112 (vpodzime)
4113 - Make Keyboard spoke's status consistent with other statuses (#1011166)
4114 (vpodzime)
4115 - LiveImageKSPayload skip the parent class setup method (#1010500) (bcl)
4116 - Pass the actual format instead of Python built-in (#1009678) (vpodzime)
4117 - Don't allow using updates with non-default network sources (#1008028)
4118 (vpodzime)
4119 - Use Sphinx documentation format in nm.py. (rvykydal)
4120 - Changed the keyboard accelerator for iscsi "Retry Log In" (dshea)
4121 - Only fail on a missing firewalld command if the firewall is enabled
4122 (#1004976). (clumens)
4123 - Cleanup some pylint failures in the network module (bcl)
4124 - Add GtkNotebook support to the accelerators check. (dshea)
4126 * Fri Sep 20 2013 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 20.19-1
4127 - tui ErrorDialog needs to be modal (#983316) (bcl)
4128 - Keyboard variant names may contain dashes (#1008730) (vpodzime)
4129 - Forbid "root" as a user or group name. (#968451) (dshea)
4130 - Set the password strength color based on strength (#965596) (dshea)
4131 - Fix the password confirmation match check (#1009907) (dshea)
4132 - Replace removed python modules with stubs in makeupdates (vpodzime)
4133 - Unlock encrypted partitions before finding installations (#901917) (vpodzime)
4134 - Network TUI: remove unused import, import nm. (rvykydal)
4135 - Network TUI: show the same status as in gui. (rvykydal)
4136 - Network TUI: don't traceback when applying config to device without link.
4137 (rvykydal)
4138 - Generate ifcfg VLAN_ID value for kickstart network --vlanid. (rvykydal)
4139 - Network TUI: fix updating of ksdata in apply. (rvykydal)
4140 - Network TUI: ignore slaves devices for configuration. (rvykydal)
4141 - Clean up ifcfg file handling. (rvykydal)
4142 - Check the validity of generated usernames in TUI (#965543) (dshea)
4143 - Behave better when PYTHONPATH is already set (dshea)
4144 - Decode keyboard layout descriptions as UTF-8 (#1009278) (dshea)
4145 - Filter out devices with no media from custom (#960794) (bcl)
4147 * Wed Sep 18 2013 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 20.18-1
4148 - ProgressHub no longer exists in pyanaconda/ui/tui/hubs. (clumens)
4149 - Search all disk types for install media (#1004726) (dshea)
4150 - git commit check for ack flag on rhel branches (bcl)
4151 - Fix Lightbox for compositing window managers (#1008446) (dshea)
4152 - Add metalink support to yumpayload (bcl)
4153 - Make progress screen in text mode standalone spoke instead of hub (vpodzime)
4154 - Render the right arrow based on the widget direction (#1008397) (vpodzime)
4155 - Mirror the GUI if an RTL language is chosen (#1008397) (vpodzime)
4156 - Removed unused GUI elements (dshea)
4157 - Clean up what is and isn't translatable and how. (dshea)
4158 - Removed the exceptionsText constant (dshea)
4159 - Add comments for translators to TUI input strings (#854226) (dshea)
4160 - Use python-format on all intltool-extract strings (dshea)
4162 * Mon Sep 16 2013 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 20.17-1
4163 - Fix handling of blank size specs in the custom spoke. (#1004903) (dlehman)
4164 - Block resize slider value changed handler when setting range. (#1007387)
4165 (dlehman)
4166 - Remove an unused import. (clumens)
4167 - Create the XklWrapper singleton in background (vpodzime)
4168 - Translate layout and switching options descriptions on the fly (vpodzime)
4169 - Improve XklWrapper's API (vpodzime)
4170 - Move upcase_first_letter function to iutil (vpodzime)
4171 - Remove the Layout class and things we don't need in XklWrapper (vpodzime)
4172 - Ignore the whole m4 directory (vpodzime)
4173 - Do not schedule hubs with no spokes available (#1006357) (vpodzime)
4174 - Retranslate language filtering placeholder texts (#1007090) (vpodzime)
4175 - Use pigz to create updates.img (vpodzime)
4176 - The Desktop class doesn't need to inherit from SimpleConfigFile. (clumens)
4177 - Fix yet another pylint error caught after the fact. (clumens)
4178 - Move all languages found by geoip to the top in Welcome spoke (mkolman)
4179 - Don't set ksdata.lang.seen to True if using default value (mkolman)
4180 - DNFPayload: reset the sack and repos on updateBaseRepo() (ales)
4181 - refactor: YumPayload: selectKernelPackage()->_select_kernel_package() (ales)
4182 - DNFPayload: mirrorlist can not be an empty string. (ales)
4183 - DNFPayload: display the download step in progressQ. (ales)
4184 - DNFPayload: logging the missed packages/groups. (ales)
4185 - DNFPayload: select kernel packages. (ales)
4186 - DNFPayload: log when the transaction process unexpectedly terminates. (ales)
4187 - DNFpayload: disable all NSS operations in RPM. (ales)
4188 - DNFPayload: keyerror in isRepoEnabled() (ales)
4189 - DNFPayload: implement selectEnvironment() (ales)
4191 * Fri Sep 13 2013 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 20.16-1
4192 - add pre-commit hook to run pylint (bcl)
4193 - Allow runpylint.sh to be passed files (bcl)
4194 - handle case of no ifcfg and no hostname (#1002737) (bcl)
4195 - Allow make targets to be run outside of $srcdir (dshea)
4196 - Fix the wildcard usage in automake files. (dshea)
4197 - Move the intltool Makefile rules into configure.ac (dshea)
4198 - Fix a format parameter mapping (#1007472) (dshea)
4199 - Check whether keyboard translations are stale (#972236) (dshea)
4200 - Fix the handling of xklavier strings. (dshea)
4201 - Center the Langsupport spoke's description (vpodzime)
4202 - Set minimal width request for the locales box (vpodzime)
4203 - Use constant for default keyboard layout (vpodzime)
4204 - Try to use VConsole keymap name as X layout (#1007359) (vpodzime)
4205 - Retranslate also layout indicator when retranslating BaseWindow (#1007087)
4206 (vpodzime)
4207 - Check ready state before baseRepo (#1007448) (bcl)
4208 - Fix po/Rules-extract so it doesn't remove itself (dshea)
4209 - Include LayoutIndicator and TimezoneMap to the Micsellaneous Widgets
4210 (vpodzime)
4212 * Wed Sep 11 2013 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 20.15-1
4213 - Don't set up the resize slider for non-resizable devices. (#997690) (dlehman)
4214 - Remove 'completed' property from Autopart spoke in text UI. (sbueno+anaconda)
4215 - Clean up code for input handling in TUI spokes. (sbueno+anaconda)
4216 - set_hostname should proceed only on DVD and live installations (vpodzime)
4217 - Don't use temporary file and move when writing out an ifcfg file (vpodzime)
4218 - Set hostname when leaving network spokes (vpodzime)
4219 - Keep file-naming convention with the Lightbox widget (vpodzime)
4220 - Let users configure autopart options in interactive text ks. (#1001061)
4221 (sbueno+anaconda)
4222 - Add parameters to format strings (dshea)
4223 - Fix pre-processing of files for xgettext (#1005644) (dshea)
4224 - Added a test to check for xgettext warnings (dshea)
4225 - Make sure XklWrapper isn't dumped to the anaconda-tb file (vpodzime)
4226 - Catch race of network device state vs reading its config properties (#980576)
4227 (rvykydal)
4229 * Tue Sep 10 2013 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 20.14-1
4230 - Convert the lightbox into a GObject (#1000927) (dshea)
4231 - Remove some more unused imports. (clumens)
4232 - Move the Anaconda class to a proper module (vpodzime)
4233 - Firstboot should be disabled by default after automated installations
4234 (vpodzime)
4235 - Fix typo introduced in refactorization (#1005511) (vpodzime)
4236 - Remove unused imports in the network spoke. (clumens)
4237 - Get rid of the now-unused new_firmware variable. (clumens)
4238 - Remove magic from the passphrase dialog (#921948) (vpodzime)
4239 - Don't pass extra arguments to LangLocaleHandler.__init__() (vpodzime)
4240 - Fix check for device state when reading its IPXConfig (#1001776, # 1005198)
4241 (rvykydal)
4243 * Mon Sep 09 2013 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 20.13-1
4244 - Fix handling of flexible specs in onpart for member devices. (#1004885)
4245 (dlehman)
4246 - Always regenerate initramfs (#994180) (bcl)
4247 - Avoid the use of NamedTuple._make (dshea)
4248 - Add superclass __init__()s and fix an indent (dshea)
4249 - Pass logging string format variables as parameters (dshea)
4250 - Remove unnecessary variables, imports, semicolons (dshea)
4251 - Fix the user/group name regex (dshea)
4252 - Fix problems with the test scripts (dshea)
4253 - Handle kickstarts that don't specify timezone (#1001598) (mkolman)
4254 - Don't set "date of last password change" /etc/shadow field (#985572)
4255 (hdegoede)
4257 * Fri Sep 06 2013 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 20.12-1
4258 - Cleanup arch tests (dshea)
4259 - Rearranged the automake tests. (dshea)
4260 - Update po/ build files to the current gettext (dshea)
4261 - Use libtool with gtkdoc-scanobj (dshea)
4262 - Use autoconf to set the spec file Version. (dshea)
4263 - Use the ustar format with make dist (dshea)
4264 - Fix widgets autotools generation. (dshea)
4265 - Require gtk-doc and GObject. (dshea)
4266 - dracut no longer auto assembles everything (#960496) (bcl)
4267 - Only ignore missing packages entries (#983316) (bcl)
4268 - Fix a string that was modified before translation (#1004960) (dshea)
4269 - Let users configure keyboard via anaconda in live installations (#1002533)
4270 (vpodzime)
4271 - Use copy instead of move for NTP configuration (#985566) (hdegoede)
4272 - Share code between the Welcome and Langsupport spokes (vpodzime)
4273 - Do not try to set None as hostname (#1002737) (vpodzime)
4274 - Fix crash on LiveCD if network is configured before installing (#1002373)
4275 (rvykydal)
4277 * Thu Sep 05 2013 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 20.11-1
4278 - Add more details to iso device selector (#971290) (bcl)
4279 - Warn user if they enter a weak password in TUI. (#1001039) (sbueno+anaconda)
4280 - Don't mark spoke as completed if no repo is set. (#1001538) (sbueno+anaconda)
4281 - Don't enable chronyd if disabled in kickstart (#1002583) (mkolman)
4282 - Run firstboot-only spokes on first boot by default (vpodzime)
4283 - Let hubs specify which environments they support (vpodzime)
4284 - Don't mount cdroms that contain no mountable media. (#1000889) (dlehman)
4285 - Don't try to parse langcode if none given (vpodzime)
4286 - Get rid of the non-deterministic expand_langs and its usage (vpodzime)
4287 - Rework the Langsupport spoke to work with all locales (vpodzime)
4288 - Rework the Welcome spoke to allow users choose from all locales (vpodzime)
4289 - Improve import in GUI utils a bit (vpodzime)
4290 - Remove the cryptic "language-default keyboard" checkbutton (vpodzime)
4291 - Allow seting up locale without modifying ksdata (vpodzime)
4292 - Remove an unused argument of get_available_translations (vpodzime)
4293 - Setup language early to a value we can figure out (vpodzime)
4295 * Tue Sep 03 2013 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 20.10-1
4296 - Optionally hide the GUI option to install updates (dshea)
4297 - Move the really_hide and really_show functions to utils (vpodzime)
4298 - Search for all translations, not only one per langauge (#1001446) (vpodzime)
4299 - Use the DEFAULT_LANG if GeoIP suggestion cannot be used (#1000715) (vpodzime)
4300 - Network spoke: fix showing of ipv6 addresses (rvykydal)
4301 - Use the sensitive-info log for sensitive location info (#986844) (mkolman)
4302 - Add new logger for sensitive information (mkolman)
4303 - Handle %%define changes for autofetch (mkolman)
4304 - Update dumping of network info for new nmcli interface. (rvykydal)
4305 - Text network spoke: more strict ipv6 address input checking (#909299)
4306 (rvykydal)
4307 - Network spoke: show global ipv6 addresses (rvykydal)
4308 - Text network spoke: add to translated files (po/POTFILES.in) (#902299)
4309 (rvykydal)
4310 - Text network spoke: require netmask and gateway for static ipv4 (#902299)
4311 (rvykydal)
4312 - Text network spoke: Condense device configuration information (#902299)
4313 (rvykydal)
4314 - Text network spoke: fix ipv4 regex (#909299) (rvykydal)
4315 - Resolved accelerator conflicts and marked excpetions. (dshea)
4316 - Added tests for duplicated keyboard accelerators (dshea)
4317 - Implement group creation with GID in GUI (#968085) (dshea)
4318 - Remove unused imports. (dshea)
4319 - Move dynamic labels out of custom.glade (#1000703) (dshea)
4321 * Mon Aug 26 2013 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 20.9-1
4322 - Text network spoke: basic configuration support (#909299) (rvykydal)
4323 - Add support for network configuration in TUI. (#909299) (sbueno+anaconda)
4324 - Remove partial matches from Koji search results (mkolman)
4325 - Handle >=,<=,= for package version, fix -a/--add (mkolman)
4326 - Return only network devices supported in installer from nm_devices (#999514)
4327 (rvykydal)
4328 - Obtain network device type specific dbus interface dynamically (#999514)
4329 (rvykydal)
4330 - Catch no-hwaddr exception only for the respective call (#999514) (rvykydal)
4331 - Don't catch hwaddr not found exception for ethernet devices (#999514)
4332 (rvykydal)
4333 - Added a validation test for the GUI group list (dshea)
4334 - Validate input fields on the user spoke. (#967245) (dshea)
4335 - Added an input validation framework. (dshea)
4336 - Pre-fetch widgets in advanced user dialog (dshea)
4337 - Change validatePassword to be more flexible. (dshea)
4338 - Moved regexes into regexes.py. (dshea)
4340 * Fri Aug 23 2013 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 20.8-1
4341 - Fix a SIGSEGV when returning from storage spoke (#983319) (dshea)
4342 - makebumpver: Fix problem with single line body (bcl)
4343 - For now, ignore checking dnfpayload.py with pylint. (clumens)
4344 - Don't do str() on an exception we're passing into a string substitution.
4345 (clumens)
4346 - Check for hwaddress exceptions. (dshea)
4347 - If LANG isn't set, set it to default value. (#997397) (sbueno+anaconda)
4348 - Remove yet another unused import. (clumens)
4349 - swap devices should be under the System portion (#962668). (clumens)
4350 - Populate the repo store before changed can ever be called (#994940).
4351 (clumens)
4352 - Make the ISO choosing widget wider (#973376). (clumens)
4353 - Don't recommend /usr as a separate mount point anymore (#981465). (clumens)
4354 - Do not run another instance of the TUI for errors (#997661) (vpodzime)
4355 - Do not try to exit from the installation thread (vpodzime)
4356 - Tell which thread failed to be added by the ThreadMgr (vpodzime)
4358 * Wed Aug 21 2013 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 20.7-1
4359 - Modify the gtk_warning function in anaconda to use gtk3. (clumens)
4360 - Fix some pylint warnings in the new DNF code. (clumens)
4361 - Fix a couple more pykickstart handler version mismatches. (clumens)
4362 - anaconda requires a later version of partitioning syntax now. (clumens)
4363 - packaging: add dnf to the Anaconda's requires. (ales)
4364 - Enable DNFPayload on specific triggers. (ales)
4365 - DNFPayload: initial version. (ales)
4366 - refactor: tear down the install device in PackagePayload.reset(). (ales)
4367 - refactor: extract the device handling in YumPayload._configureBaseRepo up to
4368 PackagePayload. (ales)
4369 - refactor: move YumPayload._setUpMedia() up to PackagePayload._setupMedia().
4370 (ales)
4371 - Tweaks in the Payload interface. (ales)
4372 - remove: configureAddOnRepo from the Payload interface. (ales)
4373 - Payload: forgotten comment in spaceRequired() (ales)
4374 - Payload: define txID to None. (ales)
4375 - The NFS text dialog should never attempt to use method.url (#998446).
4376 (clumens)
4377 - Remove the unittest target, since "make check" will do this for us. (clumens)
4378 - Use the latest version of the RAID kickstart handler. (clumens)
4379 - Update both the method and repo info. (dshea)
4380 - remove the UBOOT class arm systems are now using EXTLINUX (dennis)
4381 - ARM: switch to using extlinux by default (dennis)
4382 - Update our pylint arguments. (clumens)
4383 - Don't implicitly unpack exceptions. That won't be supporetd in the future.
4384 (clumens)
4385 - Modify how we call logging functions to take a list of parameters. (clumens)
4386 - Use "raise Exception()" instead of "raise Exception, ..." (clumens)
4387 - Hook up pylint and our nosetests to be run via "make check". (clumens)
4388 - Drop unneeded required_space_text variable. (#997690) (dlehman)
4389 - Specify also query script when getting locale's native name (vpodzime)
4390 - Update runpylint.sh for pylint 1.0.0 (bcl)
4391 - Clean up translation placeholders (#890157) (bcl)
4392 - Don't override multilib setting unless the option was passed. (#987557)
4393 (dlehman)
4394 - Set the encoding of custom.py to utf-8 (dshea)
4395 - Report if a package was not found in Koji during autofetch (mkolman)
4396 - Convert makeupdates from getopt to argparse (mkolman)
4397 - Fixed the interpretation of RAID levels (dshea)
4398 - Consolidate get_object() calls. (dshea)
4399 - Add ASCII-only upper and lower string functions. (dshea)
4400 - Fix the User/Group already exists log messages. (dshea)
4401 - Normalize keyboard layout and variant strings from langtable (vpodzime)
4402 - A few tests for the keyboard layout and variant strings processing (vpodzime)
4403 - More robust parsing of the layout and variant string specification (vpodzime)
4404 - Move DEFAULT_VC_FONT to constants (vpodzime)
4405 - Match langs with stripped accents when filtering languages (vpodzime)
4406 - Fix the User subclass using an old version of the pykickstart superclass.
4407 (clumens)
4408 - Bring the kickstart version test back to life. (clumens)
4409 - Don't read proxy for methods that have no proxy (dshea)
4411 * Wed Aug 14 2013 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 20.6-1
4412 - Import DBusGMainLoop directly (bcl)
4413 - Catch AttributeError when looking for InstallClass (bcl)
4414 - dracut/parse-kickstart should use the updated method-related classes
4415 (#994978). (clumens)
4416 - Ignore warnings about the global keyword and the DefaultInstall class.
4417 (clumens)
4418 - Fix all the pylint warnings in the anaconda file. (clumens)
4419 - Deal with the last of the catching Exception warnings. (clumens)
4420 - Always define a continueButton and quitButton property. (clumens)
4421 - Fix pylint warnings in the installclasses. (clumens)
4422 - Remove a directory that does not exist from the PYTHONPATH for pylint.
4423 (clumens)
4424 - Fix up some warnings about calling the superclass's __init__ method.
4425 (clumens)
4426 - Remove the reference to "anaconda" in reIPL. (clumens)
4427 - Fix up almost all of the redefining warning messages. (clumens)
4428 - Add a bunch of gobject-introspection related ignore lines. (clumens)
4429 - StorageChecker ought to have a self.storage attribute. (clumens)
4430 - Ignore another error pylint can't quite figure out. (clumens)
4431 - pylint doesn't understand what's in AnacondaKSHandler. (clumens)
4432 - Remove the "Add custom add-on" button. (clumens)
4433 - Fix up places where overridden methods don't take the same number of args.
4434 (clumens)
4435 - Fix up all unused variable warnings. (clumens)
4436 - Added files to MAINTAINERCLEANFILES (dshea)
4437 - Reenabled the pylint test target (dshea)
4438 - Cleanup the autogen scripts. (dshea)
4439 - Remove m4 files from the widgets project. (dshea)
4440 - Install gettext files at build time. (dshea)
4441 - Use the python checks provided by automake. (dshea)
4442 - Added a missing type check found by autoscan (dshea)
4443 - Cleanup the widgets autoconf file (dshea)
4444 - Add detail to logs when creating users and groups (dshea)
4445 - Fix miscellaneous errors in installclass.py. (clumens)
4446 - Fix a variety of errors in the packaging module. (clumens)
4447 - Do not run pylint against executable files in pyanaconda/. (clumens)
4448 - Clean up deprecated uses of the string module. (clumens)
4449 - Call the right superclass's method. (clumens)
4450 - Straighten out text UI methods so they have the same method signature.
4451 (clumens)
4452 - Remove the lines to ignore E0611. (clumens)
4453 - Bootloader.read is completely unused; cut it. (clumens)
4454 - Fix all the "X is defined outside of __init__" warnings. (clumens)
4455 - Display the correct string for the space required by packages. (clumens)
4456 - Remove lines that clearly just don't do anything. (clumens)
4457 - If we're not going to use the return value, don't grab it. (clumens)
4458 - kernelVersionList in tarpayload.py should act the same as all other versions.
4459 (clumens)
4460 - If we're not going to use the exception object, don't grab it. (clumens)
4461 - Define stage2_device in the BootLoader class. (clumens)
4462 - Don't call getPassAlgo before running createGroup. (clumens)
4463 - Remove some unused values out of constants.py. (clumens)
4464 - Finish taking care of pylint warnings in image.py. (clumens)
4465 - Remove the unused network and write methods from the Anaconda object.
4466 (clumens)
4467 - Remove the disable-msg lines for a couple C messages. (clumens)
4468 - Remove some easy unused argument warnings. (clumens)
4469 - Remove everything from InstallInterfaceBase except what Rescue needs.
4470 (clumens)
4471 - Remove the duplicated imports. (clumens)
4472 - Do not use a list or a dict as a default argument to a method. (clumens)
4473 - Remove unneeded lambdas. (clumens)
4474 - Fix up all the warnings where we used a reserved function name or keyword.
4475 (clumens)
4476 - Fix up about half of the "except:" and "except Exception:" lines. (clumens)
4477 - Fix a couple undefined variable errors that were real bugs. (clumens)
4478 - Ignore statements that have no effect. (clumens)
4479 - Fix up all the wildcard imports except two in packaging. (clumens)
4480 - Remove all unused import lines. (clumens)
4481 - Remove unnecessary pass statements. (clumens)
4482 - Fix bad indentation and tab-instead-of-space warnings from pylint. (clumens)
4483 - Put the pylint test back into service. (clumens)
4484 - Run make with multiple jobs in makeupdates (vpodzime)
4485 - Use gtk_image_new_from_icon_name (bcl)
4486 - Remove caching of unused device list. (dlehman)
4487 - Check MBR gap size even when /boot is on a plain partition. (#986431)
4488 (dlehman)
4490 * Thu Aug 08 2013 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 20.5-1
4491 - Don't wait for systemctl shutdown command to exit (#974383) (bcl)
4492 - Fix the logging of the spice-vdagent status (dshea)
4493 - Update PYTHONPATH so unit tests work right out of the source tree. (clumens)
4494 - Don't check for a firstboot service file before processing the command.
4495 (clumens)
4496 - Strengthen the services command processing a bit. (clumens)
4497 - Start spice-vdagent (#969405) (dshea)
4498 - Skip password strength check for kickstart passwords (#986490) (dshea)
4499 - Network spoke: fix refresh of device IP configuration (rvykydal)
4500 - Add unsupported hardware dialog (#872728) (bcl)
4501 - storage.py -> system.py in POTFILES.in (clumens)
4502 - border_width=5 -> border_width=6 (clumens)
4503 - No need to call threads_init anymore (bcl)
4504 - Consolidate storage and networking under one category (#973013). (clumens)
4505 - When doing a live install, set the ks method appropriately (#986069).
4506 (clumens)
4507 - Check that we're doing an HD install before examining the attr (#989428).
4508 (clumens)
4510 * Thu Aug 01 2013 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 20.4-1
4511 - POTFILES.in: rename time.py to time_spoke.py (bcl)
4512 - Only move INSTALL_TREE when it is mounted (#888196) (bcl)
4513 - Use ksdata.method.seen (#986069) (bcl)
4514 - Threaded Koji RPM lookups and downloads (mkolman)
4515 - Fix the langcode parsing regexp (vpodzime)
4516 - Move tests to old_tests and add some new, working tests (vpodzime)
4517 - Replace hostname with hostnamectl (#989584) (rvykydal)
4518 - Require fcoe-utils only on ix86 and x86_64 architectures (#989913) (vpodzime)
4519 - Fix searching for local RPMs with no version required (vpodzime)
4520 - Expand the '~' in the RPM_FOLDER_NAME (vpodzime)
4521 - Set system date and time with our own function (vpodzime)
4522 - Remove the useless, confusing and lying PoolsNote (vpodzime)
4523 - Use tiny, fast and thread-safe ntplib module instead of ntpdate (vpodzime)
4524 - For vnc require network in intramfs (#989156) (rvykydal)
4525 - Fix makeupdates' package fetching when no version is specified (vpodzime)
4526 - Make it clear on the summary dialog that changes take effect later. (clumens)
4527 - Don't mark the summary dialog's tree view as insensitive. (clumens)
4528 - Work with files in a more pythonic way in makeupdates (vpodzime)
4529 - Honor hostname set in kickstart (#988483) (rvykydal)
4530 - Do not automatically set UTC mode on kickstart installs. (clumens)
4531 - Add automatic fetching of RPMs for new Defines & Requires (mkolman)
4532 - Don't prompt for ssh on s390x if doing an image install. (#983056) (sbueno)
4533 - Rename tz spoke to avoid potential conflict with std 'time' module. (sbueno)
4535 * Thu Jul 25 2013 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 20.3-1
4536 - Fix driver disk path for inst.dd= method (#987513) (bcl)
4537 - Add support for NFS as install source in TUI. (#971298) (sbueno+anaconda)
4538 - Allow logging into multiple iscsi nodes at once (#975831). (clumens)
4539 - Fix crash while parsing ntp servers from DHCP6 (#969303) (dshea)
4540 - Use ExceptionInfo namedtuple when dumping anaconda (#982299) (vpodzime)
4541 - Wait for device connections for iface-bound iscsi in kickstart (#740105)
4542 (rvykydal)
4543 - Refer to blivet instead of storage in iscsi kickstart (#740105) (rvykydal)
4544 - Mark disk 'selected' if only one present in TUI. (#975790) (sbueno+anaconda)
4545 - Update devicetree only if we logged in to some target in add iscsi dialog.
4546 (rvykydal)
4547 - Don't show multipath members in specialized disks overview (#740105)
4548 (rvykydal)
4549 - Do not populate devicetree after each single login in iscsi dialog (#740105)
4550 (rvykydal)
4551 - Match also iface when logging into selected iface-bound iscsi target
4552 (#740105) (rvykydal)
4553 - Fix handling of non-ASCII names (#969309) (dshea)
4554 - Use inline completion for the region/city selection (vpodzime)
4555 - Fix copyright of the main anaconda script (vpodzime)
4557 * Mon Jul 15 2013 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 20.2-1
4558 - Use the new wait for connectivity function (mkolman)
4559 - Improve waiting for network connectivity (mkolman)
4560 - Use langtable to get default layout instead of our magic (#485137) (vpodzime)
4561 - Adapt to the new localization module (vpodzime)
4562 - Rewrite the localization module (vpodzime)
4563 - Make the Welcome spoke wait for Geolocation lookup to finish (#975193)
4564 (mkolman)
4566 * Tue Jul 09 2013 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 20.1-1
4567 - bump major version number

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