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Contents of /rpms/e-smith-quota/sme10/e-smith-quota.spec

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Revision 1.3 - (show annotations) (download)
Thu May 12 21:48:50 2016 UTC (8 years, 10 months ago) by vip-ire
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: e-smith-quota-2_6_0-3_el7_sme
Changes since 1.2: +8 -2 lines
* Thu May 12 2016 Daniel Berteaud <daniel@firewall-services.com> 2.6.0-3.sme
- Use CreateLinks instead of local functions so panel links point on the
  wrapper [SME: 9393]

1 # $Id: e-smith-quota.spec,v 1.2 2016/05/12 21:14:48 vip-ire Exp $
3 Summary: e-smith server and gateway - quota module
4 %define name e-smith-quota
5 Name: %{name}
6 %define version 2.6.0
7 %define release 3
8 Version: %{version}
9 Release: %{release}%{?dist}
10 License: GPL
11 Group: System Environment/Base
12 Source: %{name}-%{version}.tar.xz
13 Patch0: e-smith-quota-2.6.0-use_createlinks.patch
14 BuildRoot: /var/tmp/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-buildroot
15 BuildArchitectures: noarch
16 Requires: e-smith-base >= 4.9.129, quota >= 3, perl-Quota
17 Requires: e-smith-lib >= 1.13.1
18 Requires: e-smith-formmagick >= 1.4.0-12
19 BuildRequires: e-smith-devtools >= 1.11.0-03
20 BuildRequires: gettext
21 AutoReqProv: no
23 %description
24 e-smith server and gateway software - quota module.
26 %changelog
27 * Thu May 12 2016 Daniel Berteaud <daniel@firewall-services.com> 2.6.0-3.sme
28 - Use CreateLinks instead of local functions so panel links point on the
29 wrapper [SME: 9393]
31 * Thu May 12 2016 Daniel Berteaud <daniel@firewall-services.com> 2.6.0-2.sme
32 - Rebuild for [SME: 9393]
34 * Fri Feb 05 2016 stephane de Labrusse <stephdl@de-labrusse.fr> 2.6.0-1.sme
35 - Initial release to sme10
37 * Sat May 04 2013 Ian Wells <esmith@wellsi.com> 2.4.0-2.sme
38 - Remove rc.quota_create [SME: 7227]
39 - For quota creation see [SME: 7229]
41 * Tue Feb 12 2013 Ian Wells <esmith@wellsi.com> 2.4.0-1.sme
42 - Rolling for SME 9
43 - Perl modules moved to /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl [SME: 7223]
45 * Sun Jan 1 2012 Ian Wells <esmith@wellsi.com> 2.2.0-10.sme
46 - Improve error message for quota [SME: 6797]
48 * Fri Mar 11 2011 Ian Wells <esmith@wellsi.com> 2.2.0-9.sme
49 - Correct copy-paste error for $exponent [SME: 6545]
51 * Sun Nov 28 2010 Ian Wells <esmith@wellsi.com> 2.2.0-8.sme
52 - Quota panel should only accept uppercase units [SME: 6406]
54 * Sat Nov 27 2010 Ian Wells <esmith@wellsi.com> 2.2.0-7.sme
55 - Correction to allow units in upper and lower case [SME: 5248]
57 * Sat Nov 27 2010 Ian Wells <esmith@wellsi.com> 2.2.0-6.sme
58 - Allow non-integers in Quota [SME: 5248]
60 * Sun Nov 21 2010 Ian Wells <esmith@wellsi.com> 2.2.0-5.sme
61 - SME 8.0 Changelog Cleanup [SME: 6368]
63 * Thu Nov 4 2010 Shad L. Lords <slords@mail.com> 2.2.0-4.sme
64 - Enable quotas on ext4 filesystems as well [SME: 6309]
66 * Wed Apr 28 2010 Ian Wells <esmith@wellsi.com> 2.2.0-3.sme
67 - Improve the HTML formatting of the modify quota panel [SME: 5867]
69 * Mon Apr 13 2009 Gavin Weight <gweight@gmail.com> 2.2.0-2.sme
70 - Remove unnecessary Mount Proc line. [SME: 4112]
72 * Tue Oct 7 2008 Shad L. Lords <slords@mail.com> 2.2.0-1.sme
73 - Roll new stream to separate sme7/sme8 trees [SME: 4633]
75 * Sun Apr 27 2008 Jonathan Martens <smeserver-contribs@snetram.nl> 1.10.0-11
76 - Add common <base> tags to e-smith-formmagick's general [SME: 4284]
78 * Fri Mar 28 2008 Stephen Noble <support@dungog.net> 1.10.0-10
79 - Add spacing and localise 'files' [SME: 4133]
81 * Wed Feb 13 2008 Stephen Noble <support@dungog.net> 1.10.0-9
82 - Remove <base> tags now in general [SME: 3927]
84 * Tue Feb 12 2008 chris burnat <devlist@burnat.com> 1.10.0-8
85 - Fix deletion of usernames with one character [SME: 2451]
87 * Mon Dec 17 2007 Shad L. Lords <slords@mail.com> 1.10.0-7
88 - Enable quotas for all lvm partitions [SME: 3651]
90 * Sun Oct 14 2007 Shad L. Lords <slords@mail.com> 1.10.0-6
91 - Remove unnecessary build dependency [SME: 3534]
93 * Sun Apr 29 2007 Shad L. Lords <slords@mail.com>
94 - Clean up spec so package can be built by koji/plague
96 * Thu Dec 07 2006 Shad L. Lords <slords@mail.com>
97 - Update to new release naming. No functional changes.
98 - Make Packager generic
100 * Sun Jul 16 2006 Charlie Brady <charlie_brady@mitel.com> 1.10.0-04
101 - Fix sanity checking of hard/soft quota values, and fix "no limit" display
102 text (fixes thanks to Robert van den Aker). [SME: 1462]
104 * Sun Jul 16 2006 Gavin Weight <gweight@gmail.com> 1.10.0-03
105 - Fix quota.pm to allow account names with ".". [SME: 1702]
107 * Mon May 01 2006 Charlie Brady <charlie_brady@mitel.com> 1.10.0-02
108 - Fix mis-sorting of users in quota table. [SME: 1346]
110 * Thu Mar 16 2006 Gordon Rowell <gordonr@gormand.com.au> 1.10.0-01
111 - Roll stable stream version. [SME: 1016]
113 * Wed Nov 30 2005 Gordon Rowell <gordonr@gormand.com.au> 1.9.2-05
114 - Bump release number only
116 * Thu Oct 20 2005 Charlie Brady <charlieb@e-smith.com>
117 - [1.9.2-04]
118 - Add line break to over-quota email message to improve readability.
120 * Wed Oct 19 2005 Charlie Brady <charlieb@e-smith.com>
121 - [1.9.2-03]
122 - Re-fix L10N in over-quota warning messages. [SF: 1312830]
124 * Tue Oct 18 2005 Charlie Brady <charlieb@e-smith.com>
125 - [1.9.2-02]
126 - In warnquota, give Text::Template::fill_in an aliased reference to
127 $conf, rather than a copy. [SF: 1312772]
129 * Fri Oct 14 2005 Gordon Rowell <gordonr@e-smith.com>
130 - [1.9.2-01]
131 - Remove L10Ns from base packages [SF: 1309520]
133 * Fri Oct 14 2005 Gordon Rowell <gordonr@e-smith.com>
134 - [1.9.1-01]
135 - New dev stream before relocating L10Ns
137 * Tue Oct 4 2005 Charlie Brady <charlieb@e-smith.com>
138 - [1.9.0-14]
139 - Fix L10N in over-quota warning messages. [SF: 1312830]
141 * Fri Sep 30 2005 Gordon Rowell <gordonr@e-smith.com>
142 - [1.9.0-13]
143 - Added Italian L10N - Thanks Filippo Carletti [SF: 1309266]
145 * Mon Sep 26 2005 Gordon Rowell <gordonr@e-smith.com>
146 - [1.9.0-12]
147 - Added German L10N - Thanks Dietmar Berteld [SF: 1293325]
149 * Tue Jul 19 2005 Charlie Brady <charlieb@e-smith.com>
150 - [1.9.0-11]
151 - Update to current db access APIs (patches by Shad and Charlie) [SF: 1216546]
153 * Wed Jul 13 2005 Charlie Brady <charlieb@e-smith.com>
154 - [1.9.0-10]
155 - Add quota setup in fstab templates (moved from e-smith-base).
157 * Mon Jun 27 2005 Charlie Brady <charlieb@e-smith.com>
158 - [1.9.0-09]
159 - Really fix permissions of /etc/cron.d/warnquota. [SF: 1226700]
161 * Fri Jun 24 2005 Charlie Brady <charlieb@e-smith.com>
162 - [1.9.0-08]
163 - Make perms of /etc/cron.d/warnquota acceptible to latest crond.
164 [SF: 1226700]
166 * Thu Mar 17 2005 Charlie Brady <charlieb@e-smith.com>
167 - [1.9.0-07]
168 - Fix some perl anachronisms which elicit warnings. [MN00075093]
170 * Thu Mar 10 2005 Charlie Brady <charlieb@e-smith.com>
171 - [1.9.0-06]
172 - Update success and error messages to use new convention
173 (patch submitted by Shad Lords).
175 * Wed Dec 29 2004 Charlie Brady <charlieb@e-smith.com>
176 - [1.9.0-05]
177 - Remount / with quota support before trying to create quota
178 files. [MN00061221]
180 * Fri Dec 24 2004 Charlie Brady <charlieb@e-smith.com>
181 - [1.9.0-04]
182 - Fix rc.quota_create's check for existing quota file, and add
183 convertquota calls, in case of old style quota files.
184 [MN00061221]
186 * Thu Dec 16 2004 Charlie Brady <charlieb@e-smith.com>
187 - [1.9.0-03]
188 - Run /etc/rc.d/rc.quota_create before rc.sysinit, to enable
189 filesystem quota support. [charlieb MN00061221]
191 * Wed Nov 10 2004 Charlie Brady <charlieb@e-smith.com>
192 - [1.9.0-02]
193 - Untaint acct before using in system(). [charlieb MN00050161]
195 * Wed Nov 10 2004 Charlie Brady <charlieb@e-smith.com>
196 - [1.9.0-01]
197 - Changing version to development stream number - 1.9.0
199 * Thu Jun 26 2003 Charlie Brady <charlieb@e-smith.com>
200 - [1.8.0-01]
201 - Changing version to stable stream number - 1.8.0
203 * Tue Jun 24 2003 Gordon Rowell <gordonr@e-smith.com>
204 - [1.7.0-22]
205 - Spanish nav bar [gordonr 9153]
207 * Fri May 30 2003 Mark Knox <markk@e-smith.com>
208 - [1.7.0-21]
209 - Whoops. Don't need /usr/lib/e-smith-quota anymore. Removed [markk 8847]
211 * Fri May 30 2003 Mark Knox <markk@e-smith.com>
212 - [1.7.0-20]
213 - Create template output dir in %build, and fragments need Locale::gettext
214 [markk 8847]
216 * Fri May 30 2003 Charlie Brady <charlieb@e-smith.com>
217 - [1.7.0-19]
218 - Move fstab fragment into e-smith-base. [charlieb 8868]
220 * Tue May 6 2003 Lijie Deng <lijied@e-smith.com>
221 - [1.7.0-18]
222 - Add Spanish lexicon for quota [lijied 3793]
224 * Thu Apr 17 2003 Lijie Deng <lijied@e-smith.com>
225 - [1.7.0-17]
226 - Standardize the Add/Remove/Save button name [lijied 7921]
228 * Thu Apr 10 2003 Lijie Deng <lijied@e-smith.com>
229 - [1.7.0-16]
230 - Change $q->table back [lijied 8034]
232 * Fri Apr 4 2003 Lijie Deng <lijied@e-smith.com>
233 - [1.7.0-15]
234 - Change $q->table to $q->start_table where necessary [lijied 8034]
236 * Thu Apr 3 2003 Lijie Deng <lijied@e-smith.com>
237 - [1.7.0-14]
238 - Removed SME Server branding [lijied 8016]
240 * Fri Mar 28 2003 Lijie Deng <lijied@e-smith.com>
241 - [1.7.0-13]
242 - Modified /po/fr_CA to fr [lijied 6787]
244 * Fri Mar 28 2003 Lijie Deng <lijied@e-smith.com>
245 - [1.7.0-12]
246 - Modified French lexicon to use lang="fr", rename the lexicon
247 directory to fr [lijied 6787]
249 * Mon Mar 10 2003 Lijie Deng <lijied@e-smith.com>
250 - [1.7.0-11]
251 - Modified charset tag in .po file [lijied 3930]
253 * Fri Mar 7 2003 Lijie Deng <lijied@e-smith.com>
254 - [1.7.0-10]
255 - Modified en-us and fr-ca panel title
256 modified en-us and fr-ca nav bar label [lijied 7356]
257 - Modified e-smith-devtools version [lijied 7578]
259 * Thu Mar 6 2003 Lijie Deng <lijied@e-smith.com>
260 - [1.7.0-09]
261 - Modified quotas panel order [lijied 7356]
262 - Added French .po file to po/fr_CA, and modified the
263 %build in spec file [lijied 7442]
265 * Tue Mar 4 2003 Lijie Deng <lijied@e-smith.com>
266 - [1.7.0-08]
267 - Split en-us lexicon from quota panel [lijied 4030]
269 * Mon Mar 3 2003 Lijie Deng <lijied@e-smith.com>
270 - [1.7.0-07]
271 - Added French lexicon for quota. [lijied 5003]
273 * Sat Jan 25 2003 Mike Dickson <miked@e-smith.com>
274 - [1.7.0-06]
275 - added ACTION to the lexicon [miked 6363]
277 * Wed Jan 1 2003 Gordon Rowell <gordonr@e-smith.com>
278 - [1.7.0-05]
279 - Rewrote templates to use esmith::I18N [gordonr 5212]
281 * Fri Dec 27 2002 Mike Dickson <miked@e-smith.com>
282 - [1.7.0-04]
283 - minor UI update [miked 5494]
285 * Mon Dec 9 2002 Mike Dickson <miked@e-smith.com>
286 - [1.7.0-03]
287 - updates for new UI [miked 5494]
289 * Thu Nov 21 2002 Mike Dickson <miked@e-smith.com>
290 - [1.7.0-02]
291 - update to new UI system [miked 5494]
293 * Wed Nov 20 2002 Mike Dickson <miked@e-smith.com>
294 - [1.7.0-01]
295 - Changing to development stream; version upped to 1.7.0
297 * Wed Oct 16 2002 Gordon Rowell <gordonr@e-smith.com>
298 - [1.6.1-03]
299 - Don't suppress quota warnings if hard limit is zero [gordonr 5230]
301 * Tue Oct 15 2002 Charlie Brady <charlieb@e-smith.com>
302 - [1.6.1-02]
303 - Fix I18N of From header in warning emails. Quote "full name"
304 part of From header (to be sure). [charlieb 5205]
306 * Tue Oct 15 2002 Charlie Brady <charlieb@e-smith.com>
307 - [1.6.1-01]
308 - Fix use of comma as string concat operator in overquota mail message
309 templates. Break some long lines while we are at it. [charlieb 5178]
311 * Fri Oct 11 2002 Charlie Brady <charlieb@e-smith.com>
312 - [1.6.0-01]
313 - Roll to maintained version number to 1.6.0
315 * Fri Oct 11 2002 Mark Knox <markk@e-smith.com>
316 - [1.5.3-03]
317 - Improved unit suffix handling to more closely correspond to docs [markk 5102]
318 - Allow "unlimited" hard quota with soft quota [markk 5102]
320 * Tue Oct 8 2002 Mark Knox <markk@e-smith.com>
321 - [1.5.3-02]
322 - Improved error strings [markk 5102]
324 * Wed Sep 25 2002 Mark Knox <markk@e-smith.com>
325 - [1.5.3-01]
326 - Rolled version to clean up patch errors
328 * Wed Sep 25 2002 Mark Knox <markk@e-smith.com>
329 - [1.5.2-04]
330 - Clean up panel display and instructions [markk 4475]
332 * Wed Sep 4 2002 Mark Knox <markk@e-smith.com>
333 - [1.5.2-03]
334 - Disambiguated the explanation of how disk usage is calculated. [markk 4473]
336 * Tue Aug 27 2002 Mark Knox <markk@e-smith.com>
337 - [1.5.2-02]
338 - Display decimal values in summary screen [markk 4475]
339 - Allow entry of KB, MB, or GB values in modify panel [markk 4475]
340 - Choose and display "best" unit in modify panel [markk 4475]
342 * Thu Aug 8 2002 Charlie Brady <charlieb@e-smith.com>
343 - [1.5.2-01]
344 - Remove dangling enable-quota symlinks. [charlieb 4297]
346 * Mon Aug 5 2002 Charlie Brady <charlieb@e-smith.com>
347 - [1.5.1-01]
348 - Bump quota requirement to version 3.
349 - Fix fstab template to handle ext3 file systems. [charlieb 4297]
350 - Remove action script which runs quotacheck - this is now done by rc.sysinit
351 during reboot. [charlieb 4297]
353 * Wed Jun 5 2002 Charlie Brady <charlieb@e-smith.com>
354 - [1.5.0-01]
355 - Changing version to development stream number to 1.5.0
357 * Fri May 31 2002 Charlie Brady <charlieb@e-smith.com>
358 - [1.4.0-01]
359 - Changing version to maintained stream number to 1.4.0
361 * Thu May 23 2002 Gordon Rowell <gordonr@e-smith.com>
362 - [1.3.9-01]
363 - RPM rebuild forced by cvsroot2rpm
365 * Sat May 18 2002 Gordon Rowell <gordonr@e-smith.com>
366 - [1.3.8-01]
367 - Move enable-quota back into post-{install,upgrade}. Skip the quotacheck
368 if the quota files exist. For an install, they won't. For an upgrade
369 from a previously quota'ed system, they will and we don't want to
370 bother checking the whole filesystem during the upgrade. For an upgrade
371 from a pre-quota system they won't exist, so we need to check.
372 Note: /etc/fstab must have the quota options enabled before we attempt
373 to run quotacheck or it exits silently [gordonr 3439]
375 * Sat May 18 2002 Gordon Rowell <gordonr@e-smith.com>
376 - [1.3.7-01]
377 - Turn quotas on (well, off then on) after enabling quotas in case
378 we didn't enable them at boot time in an upgrade from version which
379 didn't have quotas [gordonr 3439]
381 * Sat May 18 2002 Gordon Rowell <gordonr@e-smith.com>
382 - [1.3.6-01]
383 - Re-add enable-quotas to post-install, after expansion of /etc/fstab
384 [gordonr 3439]
386 * Sat May 18 2002 Gordon Rowell <gordonr@e-smith.com>
387 - [1.3.5-01]
388 - Updated e-smith-base dependency [gordonr 3439]
390 * Sat May 18 2002 Gordon Rowell <gordonr@e-smith.com>
391 - [1.3.4-01]
392 - Relocated the scaffolding for /etc/fstab templates to e-smith-base,
393 leaving the enable quotas fragment here. The template is also expanded
394 with an action in e-smith-base. Updated e-smith-base Requires [gordonr 3439]
396 * Mon May 13 2002 Gordon Rowell <gordonr@e-smith.com>
397 - [1.3.3-01]
398 - Really fix createlinks [gordonr 3439]
400 * Mon May 13 2002 Gordon Rowell <gordonr@e-smith.com>
401 - [1.3.2-01]
402 - Actually run enable-quotas in bootstrap-console-save and fix
403 createlinks [gordonr 3439]
405 * Mon May 13 2002 Gordon Rowell <gordonr@e-smith.com>
406 - [1.3.1-01]
407 - Moving to stream 1.3.1 (1.3.0 skipped by accidentally)
408 - Check all quotas during bootstrap-console-save rather than
409 post-upgrade so that the install completes quickly, even on
410 a machine with lots of disk to check. [gordonr 3439]
412 * Wed May 8 2002 Gordon Rowell <gordonr@e-smith.com>
413 - [1.2.8-01]
414 - Subst scanmail.tmpl -> template name in both quota templates [markk 3029]
415 - Need to enable quotas before trying to restore them :-) [gordonr 2730]
417 * Wed May 8 2002 Mark Knox <markk@e-smith.com>
418 - [1.2.7-01]
419 - Added gettext in quota warning templates [markk 3029]
421 * Tue May 7 2002 Gordon Rowell <gordonr@e-smith.com>
422 - [1.2.6-01]
423 - Localised "Modify" link on main page [markk 3317]
425 * Wed May 1 2002 Gordon Rowell <gordonr@e-smith.com>
426 - [1.2.5-01]
427 - esmith::AccountDB -> esmith::AccountsDB [schwern 3287]
429 * Wed Apr 24 2002 Gordon Rowell <gordonr@e-smith.com>
430 - [1.2.4-01]
431 - Rewording SOFT/HARD errors for consistency [gordonr 3027]
433 * Mon Apr 22 2002 Adrian Chung <adrianc@e-smith.com>
434 - [1.2.3-01]
435 - Pass the $user object instead of the $username variable in user-modify-quota.
437 * Tue Apr 16 2002 Mark Knox <markk@e-smith.com>
438 - [1.2.2-01]
439 - Added a missing button in the modify user page [markk 3159]
441 * Mon Apr 15 2002 Mark Knox <markk@e-smith.com>
442 - [1.2.1-01]
443 - Adding warning for Quota::query failure to warnquota & user-modify-quota
444 [schwern 2730]
445 - Testing user-modify-quota [schwern 2729 2730]
446 - Converted to FormMagick panel and internationalized. Added some POD and
447 tests. [markk 3159]
448 - Added buildtests in %build [markk 3159]
450 * Thu Mar 7 2002 Charlie Brady <charlieb@e-smith.com>
451 - [1.2.0-01]
452 - rollRPM: Rolled version number too 1.2.0-01. Includes patches up to 1.0.0-02.
453 - DO NOT MAKE ANY FURTHER CHANGES TO THIS FILE, as this is the base version
454 being imported into CVS.
456 * Fri Feb 01 2002 Charlie Brady <charlieb@e-smith.com>
457 - [1.0.0-02]
458 - Allow hard and soft quota to be equal. This also allows the quota to be
459 removed. See #2729.
460 - Set quota limits for all users in post-upgrade event. This allows for
461 a system restore to have properly set up quotas.
463 * Tue Dec 11 2001 Jason Miller <jay@e-smith.com>
464 - [1.0.0-01]
465 - rollRPM: Rolled version number to 1.0.0-01. Includes patches up to 0.1.1-09.
467 * Wed Dec 5 2001 Adrian Chung <adrianc@e-smith.com>
468 - [0.1.1-09]
469 - Adding new warnquota script that sends mail to users who have exceeded their
470 "limit with grace time", and a summary report to admin.
471 - Adding admin summary template, and user quota warning template to
472 /etc/e-smith/templates/usr/lib/e-smith-quota
474 * Wed Dec 5 2001 Adrian Chung <adrianc@e-smith.com>
475 - [0.1.1-08]
476 - Adding check in panel to make sure that soft limit
477 is less than hard limit.
478 - Also insert missing subroutine prototype.
480 * Thu Nov 15 2001 Adrian Chung <adrianc@e-smith.com>
481 - [0.1.1-07]
482 - More text changes to the quota panel.
483 - Changed kB sizing output to mB sizing.
484 - Still no genSmallRedCellRightJustified. Yet.
486 * Wed Nov 14 2001 Charlie Brady <charlieb@e-smith.com>
487 - [0.1.1-06]
488 - Add daily quota warning script. For now, just use a wrapper for
489 /usr/sbin/warnquota. In time we will write our own script in perl
490 and produce a customised report.
492 * Wed Nov 14 2001 Adrian Chung <adrianc@e-smith.com>
493 - [0.1.1-05]
494 - Update createlinks to create manager quota panel link
495 - More text changes to quota panel.
496 - Use genSmallCellRightJustified
497 - Create "Modify" button.
499 * Wed Nov 14 2001 Adrian Chung <adrianc@e-smith.com>
500 - [0.1.1-04]
501 - Add some wording to panel, and change wording of
502 soft and hard limits to "limit with grace time" and
503 "immediate limit"
504 - Still to roll in genSmallCellRight
506 * Tue Nov 13 2001 Charlie Brady <charlieb@e-smith.com>
507 - [0.1.1-03]
508 - Add bare bones web panel which allows setting of soft and hard file limits.
510 * Mon Nov 12 2001 Charlie Brady <charlieb@e-smith.com>
511 - [0.1.1-02]
512 - Add action script to set and modify quotas using properties from the accounts
513 db.
515 * Fri Nov 09 2001 Charlie Brady <charlieb@e-smith.com>
516 - Initial
518 %prep
519 %setup
520 %patch0 -p1
522 %build
523 mkdir -p root/etc/e-smith/events/post-{install,upgrade}
524 mkdir -p root/etc/e-smith/events/user-{create,modify}
525 mkdir -p root/etc/e-smith/web/panels/manager/cgi-bin
527 xgettext -o root/usr/share/locale/en_US/LC_MESSAGES/adminQuotaSummary.tmpl.po \
528 root/etc/e-smith/templates/usr/lib/e-smith-quota/adminQuotaSummary.tmpl -L perl
529 xgettext -o root/usr/share/locale/en_US/LC_MESSAGES/userOverQuota.tmpl.po \
530 root/etc/e-smith/templates/usr/lib/e-smith-quota/userOverQuota.tmpl -L perl
532 perl createlinks
533 /sbin/e-smith/buildtests 50-e-smith-quota
535 /sbin/e-smith/generate-lexicons
537 %install
538 rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
539 (cd root ; find . -depth -print | cpio -dump $RPM_BUILD_ROOT)
540 rm -f %{name}-%{version}-%{release}-filelist
541 /sbin/e-smith/genfilelist $RPM_BUILD_ROOT \
542 --file /etc/rc.d/rc.quota_create 'attr(0755,root,root)' \
543 --file /etc/cron.d/warnquota 'attr(0644,root,root)' \
544 > %{name}-%{version}-%{release}-filelist
545 echo "%doc COPYING" >> %{name}-%{version}-%{release}-filelist
547 %clean
548 rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
550 %files -f %{name}-%{version}-%{release}-filelist
551 %defattr(-,root,root)

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