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Contents of /rpms/smeserver-manager/sme10/smeserver-manager-add-basic-files.patch

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Revision 1.2 - (show annotations) (download)
Sat Nov 21 08:43:54 2020 UTC (3 years, 10 months ago) by michel
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.1: +2 -2 lines
Error occurred while calculating annotation data.
* Fri Nov 20 2020 Michel Begue <mab974@gmail.com> 0.1.2-2.sme
- Fix smanager-update event name
- Move smanager service to /usr/lib/systemd
- Fix Bugreport file download
- Fix translations missing in 'viewlogfiles'
- Remove Admin auth in httpd configuration
- Add an optional alias for admin sign in.
- Remove systemctl from .spec file

1 diff -ruN smeserver-manager-0.1.0.old/createlinks smeserver-manager-0.1.0/createlinks
2 --- smeserver-manager-0.1.0.old/createlinks 2018-02-06 14:28:22.162000847 +0100
3 +++ smeserver-manager-0.1.0/createlinks 2018-02-15 23:05:44.000000000 +0100
4 @@ -2,4 +2,9 @@
6 use esmith::Build::CreateLinks qw(:all);
8 +#--------------------------------------------------
9 +# functions for manager panel
10 +#--------------------------------------------------
11 +my $panel = "manager2";
13 +# panel_link("wbl", $panel);
14 diff -ruN smeserver-manager-0.1.0.old/root/etc/e-smith/web/panels/manager2/cgi-bin/templates/_black.html.ep smeserver-manager-0.1.0/root/etc/e-smith/web/panels/manager2/cgi-bin/templates/_black.html.ep
15 --- smeserver-manager-0.1.0.old/root/etc/e-smith/web/panels/manager2/cgi-bin/templates/_black.html.ep 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
16 +++ smeserver-manager-0.1.0/root/etc/e-smith/web/panels/manager2/cgi-bin/templates/_black.html.ep 2018-02-15 23:05:44.000000000 +0100
17 @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
18 +<section class="content">
19 +<div>
20 + <p>Returned Values</p>
21 + First line is from returned from list:
22 + <%= $listR %>
23 + <br />
24 +</div>
25 +<br />
26 +
27 +<div>
28 + Form starts here
29 + <br />
30 +
31 +<table>
32 +<tbody>
33 +<tr>
34 +
35 +<form name="list" action="" method="POST">
36 +
37 +
38 +<b>Blacklist helo</b>
39 +<br />
40 +%= text_area story => (cols => 40) => begin
41 +% for (@{ stash('badhelo') }) {
42 +%= $_
43 +% }
44 +%end
45 +<br />
46 +
47 +<b>Blacklist helo</b>
48 +<br />
49 +%= text_area story => (cols => 40) => begin
50 +% for (@{ stash('badmailfrom') }) {
51 +%= $_
52 +% }
53 +%end
54 +<br />
55 +<input type="submit" value="Submit">
56 +</form>
57 +
58 +</tr>
59 +</tbody>
60 +</table>
61 +
62 +<br />
63 +<br />
64 +
65 +</div>
66 +</section><!-- /.content -->
67 \ No newline at end of file
68 diff -ruN smeserver-manager-0.1.0.old/root/etc/e-smith/web/panels/manager2/cgi-bin/templates/_choice.html.ep smeserver-manager-0.1.0/root/etc/e-smith/web/panels/manager2/cgi-bin/templates/_choice.html.ep
69 --- smeserver-manager-0.1.0.old/root/etc/e-smith/web/panels/manager2/cgi-bin/templates/_choice.html.ep 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
70 +++ smeserver-manager-0.1.0/root/etc/e-smith/web/panels/manager2/cgi-bin/templates/_choice.html.ep 2018-02-15 23:05:44.000000000 +0100
71 @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
72 +<section class="content">
73 +
74 +<div>
75 +
76 +%#Some Form Buttons
77 +%#= button_to Test => 'http://home.reetspetit.net/'
78 +%#= button_to Remove => './wbl.cgi'
79 +
80 +<form name="choice" action="" method="POST">
81 +
82 +Test dropbown list
83 +<div>
84 +<%= select_field 'list' => [ @{ stash('list') }], id=> 'dropdown' %>
85 +</div>
86 +<br />
87 +
88 +<input type="submit" value="Submit">
89 +</form>
90 +</div>
91 +</section><!-- /.content -->
92 \ No newline at end of file
93 diff -ruN smeserver-manager-0.1.0.old/root/etc/e-smith/web/panels/manager2/cgi-bin/templates/main.html.ep smeserver-manager-0.1.0/root/etc/e-smith/web/panels/manager2/cgi-bin/templates/main.html.ep
94 --- smeserver-manager-0.1.0.old/root/etc/e-smith/web/panels/manager2/cgi-bin/templates/main.html.ep 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
95 +++ smeserver-manager-0.1.0/root/etc/e-smith/web/panels/manager2/cgi-bin/templates/main.html.ep 2018-02-15 23:05:44.000000000 +0100
96 @@ -0,0 +1,395 @@
97 +<!DOCTYPE html>
98 +<!--
99 +This is a starter template page. Use this page to start your new project from
100 +scratch. This page gets rid of all links and provides the needed markup only.
101 +-->
102 +<html>
103 +<head>
104 + <meta charset="utf-8">
105 + <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
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127 + <![endif]-->
128 +
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132 +</head>
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405 +
406 + <!-- Content Wrapper. Contains page content -->
407 + <div class="content-wrapper">
408 + <!-- Content Header (Page header) -->
409 + <section class="content-header">
410 + <h1>
411 + Server-Manager
412 + <small>Control panel</small>
413 + </h1>
414 + <ol class="breadcrumb">
415 + <li><a href="#"><i class="fa fa-dashboard"></i> Level</a></li>
416 + <li class="active">Here</li>
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418 + </section>
419 +
420 + <!-- Main content -->
421 + <section class="content container-fluid">
422 +
423 + <!--------------------------
424 + | Your Page Content Here |
425 + -------------------------->
426 +
427 + <%= include $contentVar %>
428 + </section>
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432 +
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434 + <footer class="main-footer">
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436 + <div class="pull-right hidden-xs">
437 + Anything you want
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441 + </footer>
442 +
443 +
444 +
445 + </div>
446 + <!-- /.tab-pane -->
447 + <!-- Stats tab content -->
448 + <div class="tab-pane" id="control-sidebar-stats-tab">Stats Tab Content</div>
449 + <!-- /.tab-pane -->
450 + <!-- Settings tab content -->
451 + <div class="tab-pane" id="control-sidebar-settings-tab">
452 + <form method="post">
453 + <h3 class="control-sidebar-heading">General Settings</h3>
454 +
455 + <div class="form-group">
456 + <label class="control-sidebar-subheading">
457 + Report panel usage
458 + <input type="checkbox" class="pull-right">
459 + </label>
460 +
461 + <p>
462 + Some information about this general settings option
463 + </p>
464 + </div>
465 + <!-- /.form-group -->
466 + </form>
467 + </div>
468 + <!-- /.tab-pane -->
469 + </div>
470 + </aside>
471 + <!-- /.control-sidebar -->
472 + <!-- Add the sidebar's background. This div must be placed
473 + immediately after the control sidebar -->
474 + <div class="control-sidebar-bg"></div>
475 +</div>
476 +<!-- ./wrapper -->
477 +
479 +
480 +<!-- jQuery 3 -->
481 +<script src="../bower_components/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js"></script>
482 +<!-- Bootstrap 3.3.7 -->
483 +<script src="../bower_components/bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>
484 +<!-- AdminLTE App -->
485 +<script src="../dist/js/adminlte.min.js"></script>
486 +
487 +<!-- Optionally, you can add Slimscroll and FastClick plugins.
488 + Both of these plugins are recommended to enhance the
489 + user experience. -->
490 +</body>
491 +</html>
492 diff -ruN smeserver-manager-0.1.0.old/root/etc/e-smith/web/panels/manager2/cgi-bin/templates/_rbl.html.ep smeserver-manager-0.1.0/root/etc/e-smith/web/panels/manager2/cgi-bin/templates/_rbl.html.ep
493 --- smeserver-manager-0.1.0.old/root/etc/e-smith/web/panels/manager2/cgi-bin/templates/_rbl.html.ep 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
494 +++ smeserver-manager-0.1.0/root/etc/e-smith/web/panels/manager2/cgi-bin/templates/_rbl.html.ep 2018-02-15 23:05:44.000000000 +0100
495 @@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
496 +<section class="content">
497 +<div>
498 +
499 + <p>Returned Values</p>
500 + First line is from returned from list:
501 + <%= $listR %>
502 + <br />
503 +</div>
504 +<br />
505 +<div>
506 + Form starts here
507 + <br />
508 + <br />
509 +
510 +No idea how to set the radio button to the correct status.
511 +We could use a dropdown Enabled/Disabled instead
512 +<br />
513 +<br />
514 +
515 +<b>DNSBL</b>
516 +<br />
517 +% param dnsbl => 'disabled' unless $dnsbl eq 'enabled';
518 +<%= radio_button 'dnsbl' => 'enabled' %> Enabled
519 +<%= radio_button 'dnsbl' => 'disabled' %> Disabled
520 +
521 +<br />
522 +<br />
523 +
524 +<b>RHSBL</b>
525 +<br />
526 +% param rhsbl => 'disabled' unless $dnsbl eq 'enabled';
527 +<%= radio_button 'rhsbl' => 'enabled' %> Enabled
528 +<%= radio_button 'rhsbl' => 'disabled' %> Disabled
529 +
530 +<br />
531 +<br />
532 +
533 +<b>URI BL</b>
534 +<br />
535 +% param uribl => 'disabled' unless $dnsbl eq 'enabled';
536 +<%= radio_button 'uribl' => 'enabled' %> Enabled
537 +<%= radio_button 'uribl' => 'disabled' %> Disabled
538 +
539 +<br />
540 +<br />
541 +
542 +<form name="list" action="" method="POST">
543 +
544 +<table>
545 +<tbody>
546 +<tr>
547 +<b>RBL List</b>
548 +<br />
549 +%= text_area story => (cols => 40) => begin
550 +% for (@{ stash('rbllist') }) {
551 +%= $_
552 +% }
553 +%end
554 +<br />
555 +<tr />
556 +
557 +<tr>
558 +<b>SBL List</b>
559 +<br />
560 +%= text_area story => (cols => 40) => begin
561 +% for (@{ stash('sbllist') }) {
562 +%= $_
563 +% }
564 +%end
565 +<br />
566 +
567 +<b>URL List</b>
568 +<br />
569 +%= text_area story => (cols => 40) => begin
570 +% for (@{ stash('ubllist') }) {
571 +%= $_
572 +% }
573 +%end
574 +<br />
575 +
576 +</tr>
577 +</tbody>
578 +</table>
579 +
580 +<input type="submit" value="Submit">
581 +</form>
582 +
583 +<br />
584 +<br />
585 +
586 +</div>
587 +
588 +</section><!-- /.content -->
589 \ No newline at end of file
590 diff -ruN smeserver-manager-0.1.0.old/root/etc/e-smith/web/panels/manager2/cgi-bin/templates/_unavailable.html.ep smeserver-manager-0.1.0/root/etc/e-smith/web/panels/manager2/cgi-bin/templates/_unavailable.html.ep
591 --- smeserver-manager-0.1.0.old/root/etc/e-smith/web/panels/manager2/cgi-bin/templates/_unavailable.html.ep 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
592 +++ smeserver-manager-0.1.0/root/etc/e-smith/web/panels/manager2/cgi-bin/templates/_unavailable.html.ep 2018-02-15 23:05:44.000000000 +0100
593 @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
594 +<div>
595 + <section class="content">
596 +
597 +No data available
598 +
599 + </section><!-- /.content -->
600 +</div>
601 diff -ruN smeserver-manager-0.1.0.old/root/etc/e-smith/web/panels/manager2/cgi-bin/templates/_useraccounts.html.ep smeserver-manager-0.1.0/root/etc/e-smith/web/panels/manager2/cgi-bin/templates/_useraccounts.html.ep
602 --- smeserver-manager-0.1.0.old/root/etc/e-smith/web/panels/manager2/cgi-bin/templates/_useraccounts.html.ep 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
603 +++ smeserver-manager-0.1.0/root/etc/e-smith/web/panels/manager2/cgi-bin/templates/_useraccounts.html.ep 2018-02-15 23:05:44.000000000 +0100
604 @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
605 +<div>
606 + <section class="content">
607 + <p>Returned Values</p>
608 + First line is from returned from list:
609 + <%= $listR %>
610 + <br />
611 + </section><!-- /.content -->
612 +</div>
613 +<br />
614 +
615 +<div>
616 + <section class="content">
617 +
618 + Form starts here
619 + <br />
620 +
621 +<table>
622 +<tbody>
623 +<tr>
624 +
625 +% for my @user (@{ stash('userlist') }) {
626 + % for my $key (@$user) {
627 + <td>
628 + %= $key
629 + </td>
630 + %}
631 +% }
632 +
633 +</tr>
634 +
635 +
636 +</tbody>
637 +</table>
638 +
639 +<br />
640 +<br />
641 +
642 + </section><!-- /.content -->
643 +</div>
644 diff -ruN smeserver-manager-0.1.0.old/root/etc/e-smith/web/panels/manager2/cgi-bin/templates/_white.html.ep smeserver-manager-0.1.0/root/etc/e-smith/web/panels/manager2/cgi-bin/templates/_white.html.ep
645 --- smeserver-manager-0.1.0.old/root/etc/e-smith/web/panels/manager2/cgi-bin/templates/_white.html.ep 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
646 +++ smeserver-manager-0.1.0/root/etc/e-smith/web/panels/manager2/cgi-bin/templates/_white.html.ep 2018-02-15 23:05:44.000000000 +0100
647 @@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
648 +<section class="content">
649 +<div>
650 + <p>Returned Values</p>
651 + First line is from returned from list:
652 + <%= $listR %>
653 + <br />
654 +</div>
655 +<br />
656 +<div>
657 + Form starts here
658 +<br />
659 +
660 +<form name="list" action="" method="POST">
661 +<table>
662 +<tbody>
663 +<tr>
664 +
665 +<b>Whitelist hosts</b>
666 +<br />
667 +%= text_area story => (cols => 40) => begin
668 +% for (@{ stash('whitehosts') }) {
669 +%= $_
670 +% }
671 +%end
672 +<br />
673 +<br />
674 +
675 +<b>Whitelist helo</b>
676 +<br />
677 +%= text_area story => (cols => 40) => begin
678 +% for (@{ stash('whitehelo') }) {
679 +%= $_
680 +% }
681 +%end
682 +<br />
683 +<br />
684 +
685 +<b>Whitelist senders</b>
686 +<br />
687 +%= text_area story => (cols => 40) => begin
688 +% for (@{ stash('whitesenders') }) {
689 +%= $_
690 +% }
691 +%end
692 +<br />
693 +<br />
694 +
695 +<b>Spamassasin from</b>
696 +<br />
697 +%= text_area story => (cols => 40) => begin
698 +% for (@{ stash('whitefrom') }) {
699 +%= $_
700 +% }
701 +%end
702 +<br />
703 +<br />
704 +
705 +<input type="submit" value="Submit">
706 +</form>
707 +
708 +</tr>
709 +</tbody>
710 +</table>
711 +
712 +<br />
713 +<br />
714 +Sample text areas
715 +<br />
716 +
717 +%= text_area 'story'
718 +<br />
719 +%= text_area 'story', cols => 40
720 +<br />
721 +%= text_area story => 'Default\nDove', cols => 40
722 +<br />
723 +%= text_area story => (cols => 40) => begin
724 + Default
725 + Swan
726 +% end
727 +<br />
728 +<br />
729 +
730 +</div>
731 +
732 +</section><!-- /.content -->
733 \ No newline at end of file
734 diff -ruN smeserver-manager-0.1.0.old/root/etc/e-smith/web/panels/manager2/cgi-bin/useraccounts smeserver-manager-0.1.0/root/etc/e-smith/web/panels/manager2/cgi-bin/useraccounts
735 --- smeserver-manager-0.1.0.old/root/etc/e-smith/web/panels/manager2/cgi-bin/useraccounts 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
736 +++ smeserver-manager-0.1.0/root/etc/e-smith/web/panels/manager2/cgi-bin/useraccounts 2018-02-15 23:05:44.000000000 +0100
737 @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
738 +#!/usr/bin/perl
739 +# no -d allowed when running suid from the cgi-bin dir :-(
740 +#-wT
741 +# vim: ft=xml:
742 +
743 +#----------------------------------------------------------------------
744 +# heading : Configuration
745 +# description : E-mail WBL
746 +# navigation : 6000 6710
747 +#----------------------------------------------------------------------
748 +
749 +use strict;
750 +use warnings;
751 +use Mojolicious::Lite;
752 +use smeserver::Panel::useraccountsNew;
753 +
754 +#use esmith::wblNew;
755 +
756 +# We can use separate template in templates/somefile.html.ep
757 +# plugin 'HTMLTemplateProRenderer';
758 +
759 +# Load up our wbl subroutines
760 +# my $f = esmith::wblNew->new();
761 +
762 +# Initial setup when called
763 +# get '/useraccounts' => sub {
764 +
765 +get '/' => sub {
766 +
767 + my ($mojo) = @_;
768 +
769 + my @useraccounts = get_user_accounts();
770 +
771 + if ( scalar @useraccounts ) {
772 +
773 + $mojo->stash( userlist => \@useraccounts );
774 +
775 + # This is the template fragment to be embedded in main
776 + $mojo->stash( contentVar => '_useraccounts' );
777 +
778 + }
779 +
780 + else {
781 + $mojo->stash( contentVar => '_unavailable' );
782 + }
783 +
784 + $mojo->render( template => 'main' );
785 +};
786 +
787 +
788 +app->start;
789 +
790 diff -ruN smeserver-manager-0.1.0.old/root/etc/e-smith/web/panels/manager2/cgi-bin/wbl smeserver-manager-0.1.0/root/etc/e-smith/web/panels/manager2/cgi-bin/wbl
791 --- smeserver-manager-0.1.0.old/root/etc/e-smith/web/panels/manager2/cgi-bin/wbl 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
792 +++ smeserver-manager-0.1.0/root/etc/e-smith/web/panels/manager2/cgi-bin/wbl 2018-02-15 23:05:44.000000000 +0100
793 @@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
794 +#!/usr/bin/perl
795 +# no -d allowed when running suid from the cgi-bin dir :-(
796 +#-wT
797 +# vim: ft=xml:
798 +
799 +#----------------------------------------------------------------------
800 +# heading : Configuration
801 +# description : E-mail WBL
802 +# navigation : 6000 6710
803 +#----------------------------------------------------------------------
804 +
805 +use strict;
806 +use warnings;
807 +use Mojolicious::Lite;
808 +use smeserver::Panel::wblNew;
809 +
810 +
811 +# We can use separate template in templates/somefile.html.ep
812 +# plugin 'HTMLTemplateProRenderer';
813 +
814 +# Load up our wbl subroutines
815 +# my $f = esmith::wblNew->new();
816 +
817 +# Initial setup when called
818 +get '/' => sub {
819 +
820 + my ($mojo) = @_;
821 +
822 + # Setup our 3 - test
823 + # $mojo->stash( RBL => 'RBL List', Black => 'Black List', White => 'White List' );
824 +
825 + # Or use a dropdown list
826 + my @wblList = ( 'RBL List', 'Black List', 'White List' );
827 + $mojo->stash( list => \@wblList );
828 +
829 + # This is the template fragment to be embedded in main
830 + $mojo->stash( contentVar => '_choice' );
831 +
832 + # And now we render main
833 + $mojo->render( template => 'main' );
834 +
835 +};
836 +
837 +#get 'test1' => sub {
838 +#};
839 +
840 +#get 'test2' => sub {
841 +#};
842 +
843 +# called via post
844 +post '/' => sub {
845 +
846 + # push the returned array to the $mojo array
847 + my $mojo = shift;
848 +
849 + my $button = $mojo->param('button');
850 +
851 + # This is the name used in the select_files e.g. 'list'
852 + my $list = $mojo->param('list');
853 +
854 + # We should put the vars below into these SWITCH statements
855 + # We can then check the call in the $list var.
856 + # If it is a straightforward POST call we return a template
857 + # If it is like wbl.cgi?get_dnsbl or wbl.cgi?get_rblSettings or similar
858 + # we could return some JSON instead
859 + # Just needs some logic to figure the call style and output relevant data
860 +
861 + # Hmm some of this comes back as a carriage return separated array
862 + # For now removed the \n and join in the wbl.pm file
863 + # eg joe@domain.com\nfred@domain.com
864 + #
865 +
866 + SWITCH: {
867 +
868 + if ( $list =~ /^RBL List/ ) {
869 +
870 + # Set the template we require
871 + # You could do some logic to either call a template to output the data,
872 + # or alternatively answer a query with some JSON instead
873 + $mojo->stash( contentVar => '_rbl' );
874 +
875 + # Set the retrieved list name to display it for testing
876 + $mojo->stash( listR => $list );
877 +
878 + # For RBL List
879 + # dnsbl - returns 'enabled/disabled
880 + my $dnsbl = get_dnsbl();
881 + $mojo->stash( dnsbl => $dnsbl );
882 +
883 + # rhsbl - returns 'enabled/disabled
884 + my $rhsbl = get_rhsbl();
885 + $mojo->stash( rhsbl => $rhsbl );
886 +
887 + # uribl - returns 'enabled/disabled
888 + my $uribl = get_uribl();
889 + $mojo->stash( uribl => $uribl );
890 +
891 + # For SBLList List
892 + my @sbllist = get_sbllist();
893 + $mojo->stash( sbllist => \@sbllist );
894 +
895 + # For RBLList List
896 + my @rbllist = get_rbllist();
897 + $mojo->stash( rbllist => \@rbllist );
898 +
899 + # For URLList List
900 + my @ubllist = get_ubllist();
901 + $mojo->stash( ubllist => \@ubllist );
902 +
903 + }
904 + if ( $list =~ /^Black List/ ) {
905 +
906 + # Set the template we require
907 + # You could do some logic to either call a template to output the data,
908 + # or alternatively answer a query with some JSON instead
909 + $mojo->stash( contentVar => '_black' );
910 +
911 + # Set the retrieved list name to display it for testing
912 + $mojo->stash( listR => $list );
913 +
914 + # For Black List
915 + my @badhelo = get_badhelo();
916 + $mojo->stash( badhelo => \@badhelo );
917 +
918 + my @badmailfrom = get_badmailfrom();
919 + $mojo->stash( badmailfrom => \@badmailfrom );
920 +
921 + }
922 + if ( $list =~ /^White List/ ) {
923 +
924 + # Set the template we require
925 + # You could do some logic to either call a template to output the data,
926 + # or alternatively answer a query with some JSON instead
927 + $mojo->stash( contentVar => '_white' );
928 +
929 + # Set the retrieved list name to display it for testing
930 + $mojo->stash( listR => $list );
931 +
932 + # For WBL List
933 + my @whitelistsenders = get_whitelistsenders();
934 + $mojo->stash( whitesenders => \@whitelistsenders );
935 +
936 + my @whitelisthelo = get_whitelisthelo();
937 + $mojo->stash( whitehelo => \@whitelisthelo );
938 +
939 + my @whitelisthosts = get_whitelisthosts();
940 + $mojo->stash( whitehosts => \@whitelisthosts );
941 +
942 + my @whitelistfrom = get_whitelistfrom();
943 + $mojo->stash( whitefrom => \@whitelistfrom );
944 +
945 + }
946 +
947 + # Fall through back to choice list
948 + # Not sure how do do an 'else' though !
949 + # my @wblList = ( 'RBL List', 'Black List', 'White List' );
950 + # $mojo->stash( list => \@wblList );
951 + # $mojo->stash( contentVar => '_choice' );
952 + }
953 +
954 + $mojo->render( template => 'main' );
955 +};
956 +
957 +app->start;
958 +
959 diff -ruN smeserver-manager-0.1.0.old/root/usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/smeserver/Panel/useraccountsNew.pm smeserver-manager-0.1.0/root/usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/smeserver/Panel/useraccountsNew.pm
960 --- smeserver-manager-0.1.0.old/root/usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/smeserver/Panel/useraccountsNew.pm 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
961 +++ smeserver-manager-0.1.0/root/usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/smeserver/Panel/useraccountsNew.pm 2018-02-16 00:21:52.000000000 +0100
962 @@ -0,0 +1,1310 @@
963 +#!/usr/bin/perl -w
964 +
965 +#----------------------------------------------------------------------
966 +# $Id: smeserver-manager-add-basic-files.patch,v 1.1 2019/12/15 22:14:17 jcrisp Exp $
967 +#----------------------------------------------------------------------
968 +# copyright (C) 1999-2006 Mitel Networks Corporation
969 +#
970 +# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
971 +# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
972 +# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
973 +# (at your option) any later version.
974 +#
975 +# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
976 +# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
978 +# GNU General Public License for more details.
979 +#
980 +# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
981 +# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
982 +# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
983 +#----------------------------------------------------------------------
984 +package smeserver::Panel::useraccountsNew;
985 +
986 +use strict;
987 +
988 +# Get shot of FormMagick and cgi
989 +
990 +
991 +use esmith::AccountsDB;
992 +use esmith::ConfigDB;
993 +#use esmith::FormMagick;
994 +#use esmith::cgi;
995 +use esmith::util;
996 +use File::Basename;
997 +use Exporter;
998 +use Carp qw(verbose);
999 +
1000 +# This will have to go - where do we need it ?
1001 +our @ISA = qw( Exporter);
1002 +
1003 +# Anything with print is a non starter and should be renamed
1004 +our @EXPORT = qw(
1005 + get_user_accounts
1006 + print_user_table
1007 + print_acctName_field
1008 + print_groupMemberships_field
1009 + print_page_description
1010 + get_ldap_value
1011 + username_clash
1012 + pseudonym_clash
1013 + handle_user_accounts
1014 + modify_admin
1015 + emailforward
1016 + verifyPasswords
1017 + lock_account
1018 + remove_account
1019 + reset_password
1020 + check_password
1021 + print_save_or_add_button
1022 + get_pptp_value
1023 + print_ipsec_client_section
1024 + get_prop
1025 +
1026 + system_password_compare
1027 + system_valid_password
1028 + system_change_password
1029 + system_check_password
1030 + system_authenticate_password
1031 +);
1032 +
1033 +our $VERSION = sprintf '%d.%03d', q$Revision: 1.1 $ =~ /: (\d+).(\d+)/;
1034 +
1035 +our $accountdb = esmith::AccountsDB->open();
1036 +our $configdb = esmith::ConfigDB->open();
1037 +
1038 +=pod
1039 +
1040 +=head1 NAME
1041 +
1042 +esmith::FormMagick::Panels::useraccounts - useful panel functions
1043 +
1044 +=head1 SYNOPSIS
1045 +
1046 +use esmith::FormMagick::Panels::useraccount;
1047 +
1048 +my $panel = esmith::FormMagick::Panel::useraccount->new();
1049 +$panel->display();
1050 +
1051 +=head1 DESCRIPTION
1052 +
1053 +
1054 +=head2 new();
1055 +
1056 +Exactly as for esmith::FormMagick
1057 +
1058 +=begin testing
1059 +
1060 +$ENV{ESMITH_ACCOUNT_DB} = "10e-smith-base/accounts.conf";
1061 +$ENV{ESMITH_CONFIG_DB} = "10e-smith-base/configuration.conf";
1062 +
1063 +open DATA, "echo '<form></form>'|";
1064 +use_ok('esmith::FormMagick::Panel::useraccounts');
1065 +use vars qw($panel);
1066 +ok($panel = esmith::FormMagick::Panel::useraccounts->new(),
1067 +"Create panel object");
1068 +close DATA;
1069 +isa_ok($panel, 'esmith::FormMagick::Panel::useraccounts');
1070 +$panel->{cgi} = CGI->new();
1071 +$panel->parse_xml();
1072 +
1073 +{ package esmith::FormMagick::Panel::useraccounts;
1074 +our $accountdb;
1075 +::isa_ok($accountdb, 'esmith::AccountsDB');
1076 +}
1077 +
1078 +=end testing
1079 +
1080 +=cut
1081 +
1082 +# Errrr ? No FormMagick now.
1083 +sub new {
1084 + shift;
1085 + my $self = esmith::FormMagick->new();
1086 + $self->{calling_package} = (caller)[0];
1087 + bless $self;
1088 + return $self;
1089 +}
1090 +
1092 +
1093 +Routines for generating chunks of HTML needed by the panel.
1094 +
1095 +=head2 print_user_table
1096 +
1097 +Prints out the user table on the front page.
1098 +
1099 +=for testing
1100 +$panel->print_user_table;
1101 +like($_STDOUT_, qr/bart/, "Found usernames in user table output");
1102 +like($_STDOUT_, qr/ff0000/, "Found red 'reset password' output");
1103 +
1104 +=cut
1105 +
1106 +# The whole print_user_table routine can go - we just need get_users here
1107 +
1108 +sub get_user_accounts {
1109 + #my $self = shift;
1110 + #my $q = $self->{cgi};
1111 + #my $account = $self->localise('ACCOUNT');
1112 + #my $acctName = $self->localise('USER_NAME');
1113 + #
1114 + #my $modify = $self->localise('MODIFY');
1115 + #my $resetpw = $self->localise('PASSWORD_RESET');
1116 + #my $lock = $self->localise('LOCK_ACCOUNT');
1117 + #my $account_locked = $self->localise('ACCOUNT_LOCKED');
1118 + #my $remove = $self->localise('REMOVE');
1119 +
1120 + my @users = $accountdb->get('admin');
1121 + push @users, $accountdb->users();
1122 +
1123 + unless ( scalar @users )
1124 + {
1125 + return "No user accounts available";
1126 + }
1127 + return @users;
1128 +}
1129 +
1130 +# Not required
1131 +
1132 +sub print_user_table {
1133 + my $self = shift;
1134 + my $q = $self->{cgi};
1135 + my $account = $self->localise('ACCOUNT');
1136 + my $acctName = $self->localise('USER_NAME');
1137 +
1138 + my $modify = $self->localise('MODIFY');
1139 + my $resetpw = $self->localise('PASSWORD_RESET');
1140 + my $lock = $self->localise('LOCK_ACCOUNT');
1141 + my $account_locked = $self->localise('ACCOUNT_LOCKED');
1142 + my $remove = $self->localise('REMOVE');
1143 +
1144 + my @users = $accountdb->get('admin');
1145 + push @users, $accountdb->users();
1146 +
1147 + unless ( scalar @users )
1148 + {
1149 + print $q->Tr($q->td($self->localise('NO_USER_ACCOUNTS')));
1150 + return "";
1151 + }
1152 + print " <tr>\n <td colspan=\"2\">\n ";
1153 + print $q->start_table ({-CLASS => "sme-border"}),"\n ";
1154 + print $q->Tr(
1155 + esmith::cgi::genSmallCell($q, $self->localise($account),"header"),
1156 + esmith::cgi::genSmallCell($q, $self->localise($acctName),"header"),
1157 + esmith::cgi::genSmallCell($q, $self->localise('VPN_CLIENT_ACCESS'), "header"),
1158 + esmith::cgi::genSmallCell($q, $self->localise('FORWARDING_ADDRESS'), "header"),
1159 + esmith::cgi::genSmallCell($q, $self->localise('ACTION'),"header",4));
1160 +
1161 + my $scriptname = basename($0);
1162 + my $index=0;
1163 +
1164 + foreach my $u (@users) {
1165 + my $username = $u->key();
1166 + my $first = $u->prop('FirstName');
1167 + my $last = $u->prop('LastName');
1168 + my $lockable = $u->prop('Lockable') || 'yes';
1169 + my $removable = $u->prop('Removable') || 'yes';
1170 + my $fwd = (($u->prop('EmailForward') || 'local') =~ m/^forward|both$/) ?
1171 + $u->prop('ForwardAddress') : '';
1172 + my $vpnaccess = $u->prop('VPNClientAccess') || 'no';
1173 + $vpnaccess = $vpnaccess eq 'yes' ? $self->localise('YES') :
1174 + $self->localise('NO');
1175 +
1176 + my $params = $self->build_user_cgi_params($username, $u->props());
1177 +
1178 + my $password_set = $u->prop('PasswordSet');
1179 +
1180 + my $pagenum = ($username eq "admin") ? $self->get_page_by_name('SystemPasswordDummy')
1181 + : $self->get_page_by_name('ResetPasswordDummy');
1182 +
1183 + # make normal links
1184 + my $lock_url = ($password_set eq 'yes') ?
1185 + qq(<a href="$scriptname?$params&Next=Next&wherenext=LockAccount">$lock</a>) :
1186 + qq($account_locked);
1187 +
1188 + $lock_url = "" unless ($lockable eq "yes");
1189 +
1190 + my $where_next = ($username eq "admin") ? "ModifyAdmin" : "CreateModify";
1191 + my $action1 = "<a href=\"$scriptname?page=0&page_stack=&acctName=$username&Next=Next&action=modify&wherenext=$where_next\">$modify</a>";
1192 +
1193 + my $action2 = "<a href=\"$scriptname?page=$pagenum&page_stack=&Next=Next&acctName=$username\">$resetpw</a>";
1194 +
1195 + unless ($password_set eq 'yes')
1196 + {
1197 + $action2 = "<span class='error-noborders'>" . $action2 . "</span>";
1198 + }
1199 +
1200 + my $action3 = ($removable eq "yes") ? "<a href=\"$scriptname?$params&Next=Next&wherenext=RemoveAccount\">$remove</a>" : '';
1201 +
1202 + print $q->Tr(esmith::cgi::genSmallCell($q, $username,"normal")," ",
1203 + esmith::cgi::genSmallCell($q, "$first $last","normal")," ",
1204 + esmith::cgi::genSmallCell($q, $vpnaccess),
1205 + esmith::cgi::genSmallCell($q, $fwd),
1206 + esmith::cgi::genSmallCell($q, "$action1","normal")," ",
1207 + esmith::cgi::genSmallCell($q, "$action2","normal")," ",
1208 + esmith::cgi::genSmallCell($q, "$lock_url","normal")," ",
1209 + esmith::cgi::genSmallCell($q, "$action3","normal"));
1210 +
1211 + $index++;
1212 + }
1213 +
1214 + print qq(</table></td></tr>\n);
1215 +
1216 + return "";
1217 +}
1218 +
1219 +=head2 print_acctName_field
1220 +
1221 +This subroutine is used to generate the Account name field on the form in
1222 +the case of "create user", or to make it a plain uneditable string in the case
1223 +of "modify user".
1224 +
1225 +=begin testing
1226 +
1227 +my $self = esmith::FormMagick::Panel::useraccounts->new();
1228 +$self->{cgi} = CGI->new("");
1229 +print_acctName_field($self);
1230 +like($_STDOUT_, qr/text.*acctName/, "print text field if acctName not set");
1231 +like($_STDOUT_, qr/create/, "action=create if acctName not set");
1232 +$self->{cgi}->param(-name => 'acctName', -value => 'foo');
1233 +$self->{cgi}->param(-name => 'action', -value => 'modify');
1234 +print_acctName_field($self);
1235 +like($_STDOUT_, qr/hidden.*acctName/, "print hidden field if acctName is set");
1236 +like($_STDOUT_, qr/modify/, "action=modify if acctName already set");
1237 +
1238 +=end testing
1239 +
1240 +=cut
1241 +
1242 +sub print_acctName_field {
1243 + my $self = shift;
1244 + my $cgi = $self->{cgi};
1245 + my $an = $cgi->param('acctName') || '';
1246 + print qq(<tr><td class=\"sme-noborders-label\">) . $self->localise('ACCOUNT_NAME') . qq(</td>\n);
1247 + my $action = $cgi->param('action') || '';
1248 + if ( $action eq 'modify') {
1249 + print qq(
1250 + <td>$an
1251 + <input type="hidden" name="acctName" value="$an">
1252 + <input type="hidden" name="action" value="modify">
1253 + </td>
1254 + );
1255 + # if there's no CGI data, fill in the fields with the account db
1256 + # data for this user
1257 + my $rec = $accountdb->get($an);
1258 + my $fn = $cgi->param('FirstName') ?
1259 + $cgi->param('FirstName') :
1260 + ($rec ? ($rec->prop('FirstName')) : '');
1261 + my $ln = $cgi->param('LastName') ?
1262 + $cgi->param('LastName') :
1263 + ($rec ? ($rec->prop('LastName')) : '');
1264 + my $dept = $cgi->param('Dept') ?
1265 + $cgi->param('Dept') :
1266 + ($rec ? ($rec->prop('Dept')) : '');
1267 + my $company = $cgi->param('Company') ?
1268 + $cgi->param('Company') :
1269 + ($rec ? ($rec->prop('Company')) : '');
1270 + my $street = $cgi->param('Street') ?
1271 + $cgi->param('Street') :
1272 + ($rec ? ($rec->prop('Street')) : '');
1273 + my $city = $cgi->param('City') ?
1274 + $cgi->param('City') :
1275 + ($rec ? ($rec->prop('City')) : '');
1276 + my $phone = $cgi->param('Phone') ?
1277 + $cgi->param('Phone') :
1278 + ($rec ? ($rec->prop('Phone')) : '');
1279 + my $emf = $cgi->param('EmailForward') ?
1280 + $cgi->param('EmailForward') :
1281 + ($rec ? ($rec->prop('EmailForward')) : 'local');
1282 + my $fwd = $cgi->param('ForwardAddress') ?
1283 + $cgi->param('ForwardAddress') :
1284 + ($rec ? ($rec->prop('ForwardAddress')) : '');
1285 + my $pptp = $cgi->param('VPNClientAccess') ?
1286 + $cgi->param('VPNClientAccess') :
1287 + ($rec ? ($rec->prop('VPNClientAccess')) : 'no');
1288 + # now that we're down with the 411, let's set the values
1289 + $cgi->param(-name=>'FirstName', -value=>$fn);
1290 + $cgi->param(-name=>'LastName', -value=>$ln);
1291 + $cgi->param(-name=>'Dept', -value=>$dept);
1292 + $cgi->param(-name=>'Company', -value=>$company);
1293 + $cgi->param(-name=>'Street', -value=>$street);
1294 + $cgi->param(-name=>'City', -value=>$city);
1295 + $cgi->param(-name=>'Phone', -value=>$phone);
1296 + $cgi->param(-name=>'EmailForward', -value=>$emf);
1297 + $cgi->param(-name=>'ForwardAddress', -value=>$fwd);
1298 + $cgi->param(-name=>'VPNClientAccess', -value=>$pptp);
1299 + } else {
1300 + print qq(
1301 + <td><input type="text" name="acctName" value="$an">
1302 + <input type="hidden" name="action" value="create">
1303 + </td>
1304 + );
1305 + }
1306 +
1307 + print qq(</tr>\n);
1308 + return undef;
1309 +
1310 +}
1311 +
1312 +=head2 print_groupMemberships_field()
1313 +
1314 +Builds a list of groups for the create/modify user screen.
1315 +
1316 +=begin testing
1317 +
1318 +my $self = esmith::FormMagick::Panel::useraccounts->new();
1319 +$self->{cgi} = CGI->new("");
1320 +$self->print_groupMemberships_field();
1321 +like($_STDOUT_, qr/simpsons/, "Found simpsons in group list");
1322 +like($_STDOUT_, qr/flanders/, "Found flanders in group list");
1323 +$self->{cgi}->param(-name => 'acctName', -value => 'rod');
1324 +$self->print_groupMemberships_field();
1325 +like($_STDOUT_, qr/checked value="flanders"/, "Checked flanders group for user rod");
1326 +
1327 +=end testing
1328 +
1329 +=cut
1330 +
1331 +sub print_groupMemberships_field {
1332 + my ($self) = @_;
1333 + my $q = $self->{cgi};
1334 + my $user = $q->param('acctName');
1335 +
1336 + if (my @groups = $accountdb->groups()) {
1337 +
1338 + print "<tr><td class=\"sme-noborders-label\">",
1339 + $self->localise('GROUP_MEMBERSHIPS'),
1340 + "</td><td>\n";
1341 +
1342 + print $q->start_table({-class => "sme-border"}),"\n";
1343 + print $q->Tr(
1344 + esmith::cgi::genSmallCell($q, $self->localise('MEMBER'),"header"),
1345 + esmith::cgi::genSmallCell($q, $self->localise('GROUP'),"header"),
1346 + esmith::cgi::genSmallCell($q, $self->localise('DESCRIPTION'),"header")
1347 + );
1348 +
1349 + foreach my $g (@groups) {
1350 + my $groupname = $g->key();
1351 + my $checked;
1352 + if ($user and $accountdb->is_user_in_group($user, $groupname)) {
1353 + $checked = 'checked';
1354 + } else {
1355 + $checked = '';
1356 + }
1357 +
1358 + print $q->Tr(
1359 + $q->td(
1360 + "<input type=\"checkbox\""
1361 + . " name=\"groupMemberships\""
1362 + . " $checked value=\"$groupname\">"
1363 + ),
1364 + esmith::cgi::genSmallCell($q, $groupname,"normal"),
1365 + esmith::cgi::genSmallCell( $q, $accountdb->get($groupname)->prop("Description"),"normal")
1366 + );
1367 + }
1368 +
1369 + print "</table></td></tr>\n";
1370 +
1371 + }
1372 +
1373 + return undef;
1374 +
1375 +}
1376 +
1377 +=head2 print_page_description($self, "reset|lock|remove")
1378 +
1379 +Generates the page description for the the somewhat similar Reset
1380 +Password, Lock Account and Remove Account pages.
1381 +
1382 +=begin testing
1383 +
1384 +my $self = esmith::FormMagick::Panel::useraccounts->new();
1385 +$self->{cgi} = CGI->new({ acctName => 'bart' });
1386 +print_page_description($self, "reset");
1387 +like($_STDOUT_, qr/bart/, "print_page_description prints username");
1388 +like($_STDOUT_, qr/Bart Simpson/, "print_page_description prints name");
1389 +like($_STDOUT_, qr/RESET_DESC/, "print_page_description prints description");
1390 +
1391 +=end testing
1392 +
1393 +=cut
1394 +
1395 +sub print_page_description {
1396 + my ($self, $pagename) = @_;
1397 + unless (grep /^$pagename$/, qw(reset lock remove)) {
1398 + warn "Can't generate page description for invalid pagename $pagename\n";
1399 + return;
1400 + }
1401 +
1402 + $pagename = uc($pagename);
1403 +
1404 + my $desc = $self->localise("${pagename}_DESC");
1405 + my $desc2 = $self->localise("${pagename}_DESC2");
1406 +
1407 + my $acctName = $self->{cgi}->param('acctName');
1408 + my $name = $accountdb->get($acctName)->prop('FirstName') . " "
1409 + . $accountdb->get($acctName)->prop('LastName');
1410 +
1411 + print qq{
1412 + <tr><td colspan="2">
1413 + <p>$desc "$acctName" ($name)</p>
1414 + $desc2
1415 + <input type="hidden" name="acctName" value="$acctName">
1416 + </td></tr>
1417 + };
1418 +
1419 + return;
1420 +}
1421 +
1423 +
1424 +=head2 get_ldap_value($field)
1425 +
1426 +This subroutine generates the default field value on the form using the
1427 +parameter specified.
1428 +
1429 +In this case, the default field values come from LDAP/directory
1430 +settings.
1431 +
1432 +If a CGI parameter has been passed that contains an account name, we
1433 +assume that a value has already been set, as we're modifying a user, and
1434 +use that value instead of a default.
1435 +
1436 +=for testing
1437 +my $self = esmith::FormMagick::Panel::useraccounts->new();
1438 +$self->{cgi} = CGI->new("");
1439 +is(get_ldap_value($self, "Dept"), "Main", "Pick up default value from LDAP");
1440 +$self->{cgi} = CGI->new({ acctName => 'bart' });
1441 +is(get_ldap_value($self, "Dept"), undef, "Don't pick up LDAP data if username provided");
1442 +
1443 +=cut
1444 +
1445 +sub get_ldap_value {
1446 + my ($self, $field) = @_;
1447 +
1448 + # don't do the lookup if this is a modification of an existing user
1449 + if ($self->{cgi}->param('acctName')) {
1450 + return $self->{cgi}->param($field);
1451 + }
1452 +
1453 + my %CGIParam2DBfield = (
1454 + Dept => 'defaultDepartment',
1455 + Company => 'defaultCompany',
1456 + Street => 'defaultStreet',
1457 + City => 'defaultCity',
1458 + Phone => 'defaultPhoneNumber'
1459 + );
1460 +
1461 + return $configdb->get('ldap')->prop($CGIParam2DBfield{$field});
1462 +}
1463 +
1464 +sub get_pptp_value
1465 +{
1466 + return $configdb->get('pptpd')->prop('AccessDefault') || 'no';
1467 +}
1468 +
1470 +
1471 +=head2 pseudonym_clash
1472 +
1473 +Validation routine to check whether a the first/last names clash with
1474 +existing pseudonyms.
1475 +
1476 +Note that it won't be considered a "clash" if there is an existing
1477 +pseudonym which belongs to the same user -- it's only a clash if the
1478 +generated pseudonyms are the same but the usernames aren't.
1479 +
1480 +=begin testing
1481 +
1482 +my $self = esmith::FormMagick::Panel::useraccounts->new();
1483 +
1484 +$self->{cgi} = CGI->new({
1485 + acctName => 'skud',
1486 + FirstName => 'Kirrily',
1487 + LastName => 'Robert'
1488 +});
1489 +
1490 +is (pseudonym_clash($self, 'Kirrily'), "OK", "New name doesn't clash pseudonyms");
1491 +
1492 +$self->{cgi} = CGI->new({
1493 + acctName => 'bart2',
1494 + FirstName => 'Bart',
1495 + LastName => 'Simpson'
1496 +});
1497 +
1498 +isnt(pseudonym_clash($self, 'Bart'), "OK", "Existing pseudonym with non-matching username causes clash");
1499 +
1500 +$self->{cgi} = CGI->new({
1501 + acctName => 'bart',
1502 + FirstName => 'Bart',
1503 + LastName => 'Simpson'
1504 +});
1505 +
1506 +is(pseudonym_clash($self, 'Bart'), "OK", "Existing pseudonym with matching username shouldn't clash");
1507 +
1508 +=end testing
1509 +
1510 +=cut
1511 +
1512 +sub pseudonym_clash {
1513 + my ($self, $first) = @_;
1514 + $first ||= "";
1515 + my $last = $self->{cgi}->param('LastName') || "";
1516 + my $acctName = $self->{cgi}->param('acctName') || "";
1517 +
1518 + my $up = "$first $last";
1519 +
1520 + $up =~ s/^\s+//;
1521 + $up =~ s/\s+$//;
1522 + $up =~ s/\s+/ /g;
1523 + $up =~ s/\s/_/g;
1524 +
1525 + my $dp = $up;
1526 + $dp =~ s/_/./g;
1527 +
1528 + $dp = $accountdb->get($dp);
1529 + $up = $accountdb->get($up);
1530 +
1531 + my $da = $dp->prop('Account') if $dp;
1532 + my $ua = $up->prop('Account') if $up;
1533 + if ($dp and $da and $da ne $acctName)
1534 + {
1535 + return $self->localise('PSEUDONYM_CLASH',
1536 + {
1537 + acctName => $acctName,
1538 + clashName => $da,
1539 + pseudonym => $dp->key
1540 + });
1541 + }
1542 + elsif ($up and $ua and $ua ne $acctName)
1543 + {
1544 + return $self->localise('PSEUDONYM_CLASH',
1545 + {
1546 + acctName => $acctName,
1547 + clashName => $ua,
1548 + pseudonym => $up->key
1549 + });
1550 + }
1551 + else
1552 + {
1553 + return "OK";
1554 + }
1555 +}
1556 +
1557 +=head2 emailforward()
1558 +
1559 +Validation routine for email forwarding
1560 +
1561 +=cut
1562 +
1563 +sub emailforward {
1564 + my ($self, $data) = @_;
1565 + my $response = $self->email_simple($data);
1566 + if ($response eq "OK")
1567 + {
1568 + return "OK";
1569 + }
1570 + elsif ($data eq "")
1571 + {
1572 + # Blank is ok, only if we're not forwarding, which means that the
1573 + # EmailForward param must be set to 'local'.
1574 + my $email_forward = $self->{cgi}->param('EmailForward') || '';
1575 + $email_forward =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
1576 + return 'OK' if $email_forward eq 'local';
1577 + return $self->localise('CANNOT_CONTAIN_WHITESPACE');
1578 + }
1579 + else
1580 + {
1581 + return $self->localise('CANNOT_CONTAIN_WHITESPACE')
1582 + if ( $data =~ /\s+/ );
1583 + # Permit a local address.
1584 + return "OK" if $data =~ /^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9\._\-]*$/;
1585 + return $self->localise('UNACCEPTABLE_CHARS');
1586 + }
1587 +}
1588 +
1589 +=head2 verifyPasswords()
1590 +
1591 +Returns an error message if the two new passwords input don't match.
1592 +
1593 +=cut
1594 +
1595 +sub verifyPasswords {
1596 + my $self = shift;
1597 + my $pass2 = shift;
1598 +
1599 + my $pass1 = $self->{cgi}->param('password1');
1600 + unless ($pass1 eq $pass2) {
1601 + $self->{cgi}->param( -name => 'wherenext', -value => 'Password' );
1602 + return "PASSWORD_VERIFY_ERROR";
1603 + }
1604 + return "OK";
1605 +}
1606 +
1608 +
1609 +=head2 handle_user_accounts()
1610 +
1611 +This is the routine called by the "Save" button on the create/modify page.
1612 +It checks the "action" param and calls either create_user() or modify_user()
1613 +as appropriate.
1614 +
1615 +=cut
1616 +
1617 +sub handle_user_accounts {
1618 + my ($self) = @_;
1619 +
1620 + my $cgi = $self->{cgi};
1621 +
1622 + if ($cgi->param("action") eq "create") {
1623 + my $msg = create_user($self);
1624 + if ($msg eq 'USER_CREATED')
1625 + {
1626 + $self->success($msg);
1627 + }
1628 + else
1629 + {
1630 + $self->error($msg);
1631 + }
1632 + }
1633 + else {
1634 + modify_user($self);
1635 + $self->success('USER_MODIFIED');
1636 + }
1637 +}
1638 +
1639 +=head2 print_save_or_add_button()
1640 +
1641 +=cut
1642 +
1643 +sub print_save_or_add_button {
1644 +
1645 + my ($self) = @_;
1646 +
1647 + my $cgi = $self->{cgi};
1648 +
1649 + if (($cgi->param("action") || '') eq "modify") {
1650 + $self->print_button("SAVE");
1651 + } else {
1652 + $self->print_button("ADD");
1653 + }
1654 +
1655 +}
1656 +
1657 +=head2 modify_admin($self)
1658 +
1659 +=cut
1660 +
1661 +sub modify_admin
1662 +{
1663 + my ($self) = @_;
1664 +
1665 + my $acct = $accountdb->get('admin');
1666 +
1667 + my %newProperties = (
1668 + 'FirstName' => $self->{cgi}->param('FirstName'),
1669 + 'LastName' => $self->{cgi}->param('LastName'),
1670 + 'EmailForward' => $self->{cgi}->param('EmailForward'),
1671 + 'ForwardAddress' => $self->{cgi}->param('ForwardAddress'),
1672 + 'VPNClientAccess'=> $self->{cgi}->param('VPNClientAccess'),
1673 + );
1674 +
1675 + $acct->merge_props(%newProperties);
1676 +
1677 + undef $accountdb;
1678 +
1679 + my $status =
1680 + system ("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "user-modify-admin", 'admin');
1681 +
1682 + $accountdb = esmith::AccountsDB->open();
1683 +
1684 + if ($status == 0)
1685 + {
1686 + $self->success('USER_MODIFIED', 'First');
1687 + }
1688 + else
1689 + {
1690 + $self->error('CANNOT_MODIFY_USER', 'First');
1691 + }
1692 + return;
1693 +}
1694 +
1695 +=head2 modify_user($self)
1696 +
1697 +=cut
1698 +
1699 +sub modify_user {
1700 + my ($self) = @_;
1701 + my $acctName = $self->{cgi}->param('acctName');
1702 +
1703 + unless (($acctName) = ($acctName =~ /^(\w[\-\w_\.]*)$/)) {
1704 + return $self->error($self->localise('TAINTED_USER',
1705 + { acctName => $acctName }));
1706 + }
1707 + # Untaint the username before use in system()
1708 + $acctName = $1;
1709 +
1710 + my $acct = $accountdb->get($acctName);
1711 + my $acctType = $acct->prop('type');
1712 +
1713 + if ($acctType eq "user")
1714 + {
1715 + $accountdb->remove_user_auto_pseudonyms($acctName);
1716 + my %newProperties = (
1717 + 'FirstName' => $self->{cgi}->param('FirstName'),
1718 + 'LastName' => $self->{cgi}->param('LastName'),
1719 + 'Phone' => $self->{cgi}->param('Phone'),
1720 + 'Company' => $self->{cgi}->param('Company'),
1721 + 'Dept' => $self->{cgi}->param('Dept'),
1722 + 'City' => $self->{cgi}->param('City'),
1723 + 'Street' => $self->{cgi}->param('Street'),
1724 + 'EmailForward' => $self->{cgi}->param('EmailForward'),
1725 + 'ForwardAddress' => $self->{cgi}->param('ForwardAddress'),
1726 + 'VPNClientAccess'=> $self->{cgi}->param('VPNClientAccess'),
1727 + );
1728 +
1729 + $acct->merge_props(%newProperties);
1730 +
1731 + $accountdb->create_user_auto_pseudonyms($acctName);
1732 +
1733 + my @old_groups = $accountdb->user_group_list($acctName);
1734 + my @new_groups = $self->{cgi}->param("groupMemberships");
1735 + $accountdb->remove_user_from_groups($acctName, @old_groups);
1736 + $accountdb->add_user_to_groups($acctName, @new_groups);
1737 +
1738 + undef $accountdb;
1739 +
1740 + unless (system ("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "user-modify",
1741 + $acctName) == 0) {
1742 + $accountdb = esmith::AccountsDB->open();
1743 + return $self->error('CANNOT_MODIFY_USER');
1744 + }
1745 + $accountdb = esmith::AccountsDB->open();
1746 + }
1747 + $self->success('USER_MODIFIED');
1748 +}
1749 +
1750 +=head2 create_user
1751 +
1752 +Adds a user to the accounts db.
1753 +
1754 +=cut
1755 +
1756 +sub create_user {
1757 + my $self = shift;
1758 + my $q = $self->{cgi};
1759 +
1760 + my $acctName = $q->param('acctName');
1761 +
1762 + my $msg = $self->validate_acctName($acctName);
1763 + unless ($msg eq "OK")
1764 + {
1765 + return $msg;
1766 + }
1767 +
1768 + $msg = $self->validate_acctName_length($acctName);
1769 + unless ($msg eq "OK")
1770 + {
1771 + return $msg;
1772 + }
1773 +
1774 + $msg = $self->validate_acctName_conflict($acctName);
1775 + unless ($msg eq "OK")
1776 + {
1777 + return $msg;
1778 + }
1779 +
1780 + my %userprops;
1781 + foreach my $field ( qw( FirstName LastName Phone Company Dept
1782 + City Street EmailForward ForwardAddress VPNClientAccess) )
1783 + {
1784 + $userprops{$field} = $q->param($field);
1785 + }
1786 + $userprops{'PasswordSet'} = "no";
1787 + $userprops{'type'} = 'user';
1788 +
1789 + my $acct = $accountdb->new_record($acctName)
1790 + or warn "Can't create new account for $acctName (does it already exist?)\n";
1791 + $acct->reset_props(%userprops);
1792 + $accountdb->create_user_auto_pseudonyms($acctName);
1793 + my @groups = $self->{cgi}->param("groupMemberships");
1794 + $accountdb->add_user_to_groups($acctName, @groups);
1795 +
1796 + undef $accountdb;
1797 +
1798 + # Untaint the username before use in system()
1799 + $acctName =~ /^(\w[\-\w_\.]*)$/;
1800 + $acctName = $1;
1801 +
1802 + if (system ("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "user-create", $acctName))
1803 + {
1804 + $accountdb = esmith::AccountsDB->open();
1805 + return $self->localise("ERR_OCCURRED_CREATING");
1806 + }
1807 +
1808 + $accountdb = esmith::AccountsDB->open();
1809 +
1810 + $self->set_groups();
1811 + return 'USER_CREATED';
1812 +}
1813 +
1814 +=head2 set_groups
1815 +
1816 +Sets a user's groups in the accounts db. This is called as part of the
1817 +create_user() routine.
1818 +
1819 +=cut
1820 +
1821 +sub set_groups
1822 +{
1823 + my $self = shift;
1824 + my $q = $self->{cgi};
1825 + my $acctName = $q->param('acctName');
1826 +
1827 + my @groups = $q->param('groupMemberships');
1828 + $accountdb->set_user_groups($acctName, @groups);
1829 +
1830 +}
1831 +
1833 +
1834 +=head2 remove_account()
1835 +
1836 +=cut
1837 +
1838 +sub remove_account {
1839 + my ($self) = @_;
1840 + my $acctName = $self->{cgi}->param('acctName');
1841 +
1842 + my $acct = $accountdb->get($acctName);
1843 + if ($acct->prop('type') eq "user") {
1844 + $acct->set_prop('type', "user-deleted");
1845 +
1846 + undef $accountdb;
1847 +
1848 + # Untaint the username before use in system()
1849 + $acctName =~ /^(\w[\-\w_\.]*)$/;
1850 + $acctName = $1;
1851 + if (system ("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "user-delete", $acctName))
1852 + {
1853 + $accountdb = esmith::AccountsDB->open();
1854 + return $self->error("ERR_OCCURRED_DELETING");
1855 + }
1856 +
1857 + $accountdb = esmith::AccountsDB->open();
1858 + $accountdb->get($acctName)->delete;
1859 +
1860 + } else {
1861 + # FIXME - this should be handled by input validation
1862 + # XXX error message here
1863 + }
1864 + $self->{cgi}->param(-name => 'wherenext', -value => 'First');
1865 +}
1866 +
1868 +
1869 +=head2 reset_password()
1870 +
1871 +=cut
1872 +
1873 +sub reset_password {
1874 + my ($self) = @_;
1875 + my $acctName = $self->{cgi}->param('acctName');
1876 +
1877 + unless (($acctName) = ($acctName =~ /^(\w[\-\w_\.]*)$/)) {
1878 + return $self->error('TAINTED_USER');
1879 + }
1880 + $acctName = $1;
1881 +
1882 + my $acct = $accountdb->get($acctName);
1883 +
1884 + if ( $acct->prop('type') eq "user")
1885 + {
1886 + esmith::util::setUserPassword ($acctName,
1887 + $self->{cgi}->param('password1'));
1888 +
1889 + $acct->set_prop("PasswordSet", "yes");
1890 + undef $accountdb;
1891 +
1892 + if (system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "password-modify", $acctName))
1893 + {
1894 + $accountdb = esmith::AccountsDB->open();
1896 + }
1897 + $accountdb = esmith::AccountsDB->open();
1898 +
1899 + $self->success($self->localise('PASSWORD_CHANGE_SUCCEEDED',
1900 + { acctName => $acctName}));
1901 + }
1902 + else
1903 + {
1904 + $self->error($self->localise('NO_SUCH_USER',
1905 + { acctName => $acctName}));
1906 + }
1907 +}
1908 +
1910 +
1911 +=head2 lock_account()
1912 +
1913 +=cut
1914 +
1915 +sub lock_account {
1916 + my ($self) = @_;
1917 + my $acctName = $self->{cgi}->param('acctName');
1918 + my $acct = $accountdb->get($acctName);
1919 + if ($acct->prop('type') eq "user")
1920 + {
1921 + undef $accountdb;
1922 +
1923 + # Untaint the username before use in system()
1924 + $acctName =~ /^(\w[\-\w_\.]*)$/;
1925 + $acctName = $1;
1926 + if (system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "user-lock", $acctName))
1927 + {
1928 + $accountdb = esmith::AccountsDB->open();
1929 + return $self->error("ERR_OCCURRED_LOCKING");
1930 + }
1931 +
1932 + $accountdb = esmith::AccountsDB->open();
1933 +
1934 + $self->success($self->localise('LOCKED_ACCOUNT',
1935 + { acctName => $acctName}));
1936 + }
1937 + else
1938 + {
1939 + $self->error($self->localise('NO_SUCH_USER',
1940 + { acctName => $acctName}));
1941 + }
1942 +}
1943 +
1944 +
1946 +
1947 +=head2 build_user_cgi_params()
1948 +
1949 +Builds a CGI query string based on user data, using various sensible
1950 +defaults and esmith::FormMagick's props_to_query_string() method.
1951 +
1952 +=cut
1953 +
1954 +sub build_user_cgi_params {
1955 + my ($self, $acctName, %oldprops) = @_;
1956 +
1957 + my %props = (
1958 + page => 0,
1959 + page_stack => "",
1960 + ".id" => $self->{cgi}->param('.id') || "",
1961 + acctName => $acctName,
1962 + #%oldprops
1963 + );
1964 +
1965 + return $self->props_to_query_string(\%props);
1966 +}
1967 +
1968 +=pod
1969 +
1970 +=head2 validate_acctName
1971 +
1972 +Checks that the name supplied does not contain any unacceptable chars.
1973 +Returns OK on success or a localised error message otherwise.
1974 +
1975 +=for testing
1976 +is($panel->validate_acctName('foo'), 'OK', 'validate_acctName');
1977 +isnt($panel->validate_acctName('3amigos'), 'OK', ' .. cannot start with number');
1978 +isnt($panel->validate_acctName('betty ford'), 'OK', ' .. cannot contain space');
1979 +
1980 +=cut
1981 +
1982 +sub validate_acctName
1983 +{
1984 + my ($self, $acctName) = @_;
1985 +
1986 + unless ($accountdb->validate_account_name($acctName))
1987 + {
1988 + return $self->localise('ACCT_NAME_HAS_INVALID_CHARS',
1989 + {acctName => $acctName});
1990 + }
1991 + return "OK";
1992 +}
1993 +
1994 +=head2 validate_account_length FM ACCOUNTNAME
1995 +
1996 +returns 'OK' if the account name is shorter than the maximum account name length
1997 +returns 'ACCOUNT_TOO_LONG' otherwise
1998 +
1999 +=begin testing
2000 +
2001 +ok(($panel->validate_acctName_length('foo') eq 'OK'), "a short account name passes");
2002 +ok(($panel->validate_acctName_length('fooooooooooooooooo') eq 'ACCOUNT_TOO_LONG'), "a long account name fails");
2003 +
2004 +=end testing
2005 +
2006 +=cut
2007 +
2008 +sub validate_acctName_length {
2009 + my $self = shift;
2010 + my $acctName = shift;
2011 +
2012 +
2013 + my $maxAcctNameLength = ($configdb->get('maxAcctNameLength')
2014 + ? $configdb->get('maxAcctNameLength')->prop('type')
2015 + : "") || 12;
2016 +
2017 + if ( length $acctName > $maxAcctNameLength ) {
2018 +
2019 + return $self->localise('ACCOUNT_TOO_LONG',
2020 + {maxLength => $maxAcctNameLength});
2021 + }
2022 + else {
2023 + return ('OK');
2024 + }
2025 +}
2026 +
2027 +=head2 validate_acctName_conflict
2028 +
2029 +Returns 'OK' if the account name doesn't yet exist. Returns a localised error
2030 +otherwise.
2031 +
2032 +=cut
2033 +
2034 +sub validate_acctName_conflict
2035 +{
2036 + my $self = shift;
2037 + my $acctName = shift;
2038 +
2039 + my $account = $accountdb->get($acctName);
2040 + my $type;
2041 +
2042 + if (defined $account)
2043 + {
2044 + $type = $account->prop('type');
2045 + }
2046 + elsif (defined getpwnam($acctName) || defined getgrnam($acctName))
2047 + {
2048 + $type = "system";
2049 + }
2050 + else
2051 + {
2052 + return('OK');
2053 + }
2054 + return $self->localise('ACCOUNT_CONFLICT',
2055 + { account => $acctName,
2056 + type => $type,
2057 +});
2058 +}
2059 +
2060 +=head2 check_password
2061 +
2062 +Validates the password using the desired strength
2063 +
2064 +=cut
2065 +
2066 +sub check_password {
2067 + my $self = shift;
2068 + my $pass1 = shift;
2069 +
2070 + my $check_type;
2071 + my $rec = $configdb->get('passwordstrength');
2072 + $check_type = ($rec ? ($rec->prop('Users') || 'none') : 'none');
2073 +
2074 + return $self->validate_password($check_type,$pass1);
2075 +}
2076 +
2077 +
2078 +=head2 get_prop ITEM PROP
2079 +
2080 +A simple accessor for esmith::ConfigDB::Record::prop
2081 +
2082 +=cut
2083 +
2084 +sub get_prop
2085 +{
2086 + my ($fm, $item, $prop, $default) = @_;
2087 +
2088 + return $configdb->get_prop($item, $prop) || $default;
2089 +}
2090 +
2091 +
2092 +=head1 System Password manipulation routines
2093 +
2094 +XXX FIXME - These should be merged with the useraccouts versions
2095 +
2096 +=head2 system_password_compare
2097 +
2098 +=cut
2099 +
2100 +sub system_password_compare
2101 +{
2102 + my $self = shift;
2103 + my $pass2 = shift;
2104 +
2105 + my $pass1 = $self->{cgi}->param('pass');
2106 + unless ($pass1 eq $pass2) {
2107 + $self->{cgi}->param( -name => 'wherenext', -value => 'Password' );
2109 + }
2110 + return "OK";
2111 +}
2112 +
2113 +=head2 system_valid_password
2114 +
2115 +Throw an error if the password doesn't consist solely of one or more printable characters.
2116 +
2117 +=cut
2118 +
2119 +sub system_valid_password
2120 +{
2121 + my $self = shift;
2122 + my $pass1 = shift;
2123 + # If the password contains one or more printable character
2124 + if ($pass1 =~ /^([ -~]+)$/) {
2125 + return('OK');
2126 + } else {
2127 + $self->{cgi}->param( -name => 'wherenext', -value => 'Password' );
2129 + }
2130 +}
2131 +
2132 +=head2 system_check_password
2133 +
2134 +Validates the password using the desired strength
2135 +
2136 +=cut
2137 +
2138 +sub system_check_password
2139 +{
2140 + my $self = shift;
2141 + my $pass1 = shift;
2142 +
2143 + use esmith::ConfigDB;
2144 + my $conf = esmith::ConfigDB->open();
2145 + my $check_type;
2146 + my $rec;
2147 + if ($conf)
2148 + {
2149 + $rec = $conf->get('passwordstrength');
2150 + }
2151 + $check_type = ($rec ? ($rec->prop('Admin') || 'strong') : 'strong');
2152 +
2153 + return $self->validate_password($check_type,$pass1);
2154 +}
2155 +
2156 +=head2 authenticate_password
2157 +
2158 +Compares the password with the current system password
2159 +
2160 +=cut
2161 +
2162 +sub system_authenticate_password
2163 +{
2164 + my $self = shift;
2165 + my $pass = shift;
2166 +
2167 + if (esmith::util::authenticateUnixPassword( ($configdb->get_value("AdminIsNotRoot") eq 'enabled') ? 'admin' : 'root', $pass))
2168 + {
2169 + return "OK";
2170 + }
2171 + else
2172 + {
2174 + }
2175 +}
2176 +
2177 +=head2 system_change_password
2178 +
2179 +If everything has been validated, properly, go ahead and set the new password.
2180 +
2181 +=cut
2182 +
2183 +sub system_change_password
2184 +{
2185 + my ($self) = @_;
2186 + my $pass = $self->{cgi}->param('pass');
2187 +
2188 + ($configdb->get_value("AdminIsNotRoot") eq 'enabled') ? esmith::util::setUnixPassword('admin',$pass) : esmith::util::setUnixSystemPassword($pass);
2189 + esmith::util::setServerSystemPassword($pass);
2190 +
2191 + my $result = system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event password-modify admin");
2192 +
2193 + if ($result == 0)
2194 + {
2195 + $self->success('SYSTEM_PASSWORD_CHANGED', 'First');
2196 + }
2197 + else
2198 + {
2199 + $self->error("Error occurred while modifying password for admin.", 'First');
2200 + }
2201 +
2202 + return;
2203 +}
2204 +
2205 +sub print_ipsec_client_section
2206 +{
2207 + my $self = shift;
2208 + my $q = $self->cgi;
2209 +
2210 + # Don't show ipsecrw setting unless the status property exists
2211 + return '' unless ($configdb->get('ipsec')
2212 + && $configdb->get('ipsec')->prop('RoadWarriorStatus'));
2213 + # Don't show ipsecrw setting unless /sbin/e-smith/roadwarrior exists
2214 + return '' unless -x '/sbin/e-smith/roadwarrior';
2215 + my $acct = $q->param('acctName');
2216 + my $rec = $accountdb->get($acct) if $acct;
2217 + if ($acct and $rec)
2218 + {
2219 + my $pwset = $rec->prop('PasswordSet') || 'no';
2220 + my $VPNaccess = $rec->prop('VPNClientAccess') || 'no';
2221 + if ($pwset eq 'yes' and $VPNaccess eq 'yes')
2222 + {
2223 + print $q->Tr(
2224 + $q->td({-class=>'sme-noborders-label'},
2225 + $self->localise('LABEL_IPSECRW_DOWNLOAD')),
2226 + $q->td({-class=>'sme-noborders-content'},
2227 + $q->a({-class=>'button-like',
2228 + -href=>"?action=getCert&user=$acct"},
2229 + $self->localise('DOWNLOAD'))));
2230 + }
2231 + }
2232 + return '';
2233 +}
2234 +
2235 +sub get_ipsec_client_cert
2236 +{
2237 + my $self = shift;
2238 + my $q = shift;
2239 + my $user = $q->param('user');
2240 + ($user) = ($user =~ /^(.*)$/);
2241 +
2242 + die "Invalid user: $user\n" unless getpwnam($user);
2243 +
2244 + open (KID, "/sbin/e-smith/roadwarrior get_client_cert $user |")
2245 + or die "Can't fork: $!";
2246 + my $certfile = <KID>;
2247 + close KID;
2248 +
2249 + require File::Basename;
2250 + my $certname = File::Basename::basename($certfile);
2251 +
2252 + print "Expires: 0\n";
2253 + print "Content-type: application/x-pkcs12\n";
2254 + print "Content-disposition: inline; filename=$certname\n";
2255 + print "\n";
2256 +
2257 + open (CERT, "<$certfile");
2258 + while (<CERT>)
2259 + {
2260 + print;
2261 + }
2262 + close CERT;
2263 +
2264 + return '';
2265 +}
2266 +
2267 +sub display_email_forwarding
2268 +{
2269 + return defined $configdb->get('smtpd');
2270 +}
2271 +
2272 +1;
2273 diff -ruN smeserver-manager-0.1.0.old/root/usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/smeserver/Panel/wblNew.pm smeserver-manager-0.1.0/root/usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/smeserver/Panel/wblNew.pm
2274 --- smeserver-manager-0.1.0.old/root/usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/smeserver/Panel/wblNew.pm 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
2275 +++ smeserver-manager-0.1.0/root/usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/smeserver/Panel/wblNew.pm 2018-02-15 23:05:44.000000000 +0100
2276 @@ -0,0 +1,455 @@
2277 +#!/usr/bin/perl -w
2278 +
2279 +# package esmith::FormMagick::Panel::wblNew;
2280 +package smeserver::Panel::wblNew;
2281 +
2282 +use strict;
2283 +use warnings;
2284 +#use esmith::FormMagick;
2285 +#use esmith::cgi;
2286 +use esmith::ConfigDB;
2287 +use esmith::util;
2288 +use File::Basename;
2289 +use Exporter;
2290 +use Carp qw(verbose);
2291 +
2292 +our @ISA = qw( Exporter);
2293 +
2294 +our @EXPORT = qw(
2295 +get_dnsbl
2296 +get_rhsbl
2297 +get_uribl
2298 +get_sbllist
2299 +get_rbllist
2300 +get_ubllist
2301 +get_badhelo
2302 +get_badmailfrom
2303 +get_whitelisthosts
2304 +get_whitelisthelo
2305 +get_whitelistsenders
2306 +get_whitelistfrom
2307 +create_modify_black
2308 +create_modify_white
2309 +email_update
2310 +get_blacklistfrom
2311 +create_modify_rbl
2312 +);
2313 +
2314 +our $VERSION = sprintf '%d.%03d', q$Revision: 1.1 $ =~ /: (\d+).(\d+)/;
2315 +
2316 +our $db = esmith::ConfigDB->open() or die "Couldn't open ConfigDB\n";
2317 +our $wdb = esmith::ConfigDB->open('wbl') or die "Couldn't open wbl dbase\n";
2318 +our $sdb = esmith::ConfigDB->open('spamassassin') or die "Couldn't open spamassassin dbase\n";
2319 +
2320 +sub get_dnsbl
2321 +{
2322 + return ($db->get_prop('qpsmtpd', 'DNSBL') || 'disabled');
2323 +}
2324 +
2325 +sub get_rhsbl
2326 +{
2327 + return ($db->get_prop('qpsmtpd', 'RHSBL') || 'disabled');
2328 +}
2329 +
2330 +sub get_uribl
2331 +{
2332 + return ($db->get_prop('qpsmtpd', 'URIBL') || 'disabled');
2333 +}
2334 +
2335 +sub get_sbllist
2336 +{
2337 +my $sbllistform = $db->get_prop('qpsmtpd', 'SBLList') || '';
2338 +$sbllistform =~ s/,/\n/g;
2339 +return $sbllistform;
2340 +}
2341 +
2342 +sub get_rbllist
2343 +{
2344 +my $rbllistform = $db->get_prop('qpsmtpd', 'RBLList') || '';
2345 +$rbllistform =~ s/,/\n/g;
2346 +return $rbllistform;
2347 +}
2348 +
2349 +sub get_ubllist
2350 +{
2351 +my $rbllistform = $db->get_prop('qpsmtpd', 'UBLList') || '';
2352 +$rbllistform =~ s/,/\n/g;
2353 +return $rbllistform;
2354 +}
2355 +
2356 +
2357 +sub get_badhelo
2358 +{
2359 + my %list = $wdb->get('badhelo')->props;
2360 +
2361 + my @badhelo = ();
2362 + my $parameter = "";
2363 + my $value = "";
2364 + while (($parameter,$value) = each(%list)) {
2365 + if ($parameter eq "type") {next;}
2366 +
2367 + if ($value eq "Black") {
2368 + push @badhelo, $parameter;
2369 + }
2370 + }
2371 +
2372 + return "" unless (scalar @badhelo);
2373 +
2374 +# return join "\n", sort(@badhelo);
2375 + return sort(@badhelo);
2376 +}
2377 +
2378 +sub get_badmailfrom
2379 +{
2380 + my %list = $wdb->get('badmailfrom')->props;
2381 +
2382 + my @badmailfrom = ();
2383 + my $parameter = "";
2384 + my $value = "";
2385 + while (($parameter,$value) = each(%list)) {
2386 + if ($parameter eq "type") {next;}
2387 +
2388 + if ($value eq "Black") {
2389 + push @badmailfrom, $parameter;
2390 + }
2391 + }
2392 +
2393 + return "" unless (scalar @badmailfrom);
2394 +
2395 +# return join "\n", sort(@badmailfrom);
2396 + return sort(@badmailfrom);
2397 +}
2398 +
2399 +sub get_whitelisthosts
2400 +{
2401 + my %list = $wdb->get('whitelisthosts')->props;
2402 +
2403 + my @whitelisthosts = ();
2404 + my $parameter = "";
2405 + my $value = "";
2406 + while (($parameter,$value) = each(%list)) {
2407 + if ($parameter eq "type") {next;}
2408 +
2409 + if ($value eq "White") {
2410 + push @whitelisthosts, $parameter;
2411 + }
2412 + }
2413 +
2414 + return "" unless (scalar @whitelisthosts);
2415 +
2416 +# return join "\n", sort(@whitelisthosts);
2417 + return sort(@whitelisthosts);
2418 +
2419 +}
2420 +
2421 +sub get_whitelisthelo
2422 +{
2423 + my %list = $wdb->get('whitelisthelo')->props;
2424 +
2425 + my @whitelisthelo = ();
2426 + my $parameter = "";
2427 + my $value = "";
2428 + while (($parameter,$value) = each(%list)) {
2429 + if ($parameter eq "type") {next;}
2430 +
2431 + if ($value eq "White") {
2432 + push @whitelisthelo, $parameter;
2433 + }
2434 + }
2435 +
2436 + return "" unless (scalar @whitelisthelo);
2437 +
2438 +# return join "\n", sort(@whitelisthelo);
2439 + return sort(@whitelisthelo);
2440 +}
2441 +
2442 +sub get_whitelistsenders
2443 +{
2444 + my %list = $wdb->get('whitelistsenders')->props;
2445 +
2446 + my @whitelistsenders = ();
2447 + my $parameter = "";
2448 + my $value = "";
2449 + while (($parameter,$value) = each(%list)) {
2450 + if ($parameter eq "type") {next;}
2451 +
2452 + if ($value eq "White") {
2453 + push @whitelistsenders, $parameter;
2454 + }
2455 + }
2456 +
2457 + return "" unless (scalar @whitelistsenders);
2458 +
2459 + #return join "\n", sort(@whitelistsenders);
2460 + return sort(@whitelistsenders);
2461 +}
2462 +
2463 +sub get_whitelistfrom
2464 +{
2465 + my %list = $sdb->get('wbl.global')->props;
2466 +
2467 + my @whitelistfrom = ();
2468 + my $parameter = "";
2469 + my $value = "";
2470 + while (($parameter,$value) = each(%list)) {
2471 + if ($parameter eq "type") {next;}
2472 +
2473 + if ($value eq "White") {
2474 + push @whitelistfrom, $parameter;
2475 + }
2476 + }
2477 +
2478 + return "" unless (scalar @whitelistfrom);
2479 +
2480 +# return join "\n", sort(@whitelistfrom);
2481 + return sort(@whitelistfrom);
2482 +}
2483 +
2484 +sub create_modify_black
2485 +{
2486 + my $fm = shift;
2487 + my $q = $fm->{'cgi'};
2488 +
2489 + # qmail badhelo
2490 + my %list = $wdb->get('badhelo')->props;
2491 + my $parameter = "";
2492 + my $value = "";
2493 + while (($parameter,$value) = each(%list)) {
2494 + if ($parameter eq "type") {next;}
2495 +
2496 + if ($value eq "Black") {
2497 + $wdb->get_prop_and_delete('badhelo', "$parameter");
2498 + }
2499 + }
2500 +
2501 + my $BadHelo = $q->param("badhelo");
2502 + $BadHelo =~ s/\r\n/,/g;
2503 + my @BadHelo = sort(split /,/, $BadHelo);
2504 + foreach $BadHelo (@BadHelo)
2505 + {
2506 + $wdb->set_prop('badhelo', "$BadHelo", 'Black');
2507 + }
2508 +
2509 + # qmail badmailfrom
2510 + my %list_badmailfrom = $wdb->get('badmailfrom')->props;
2511 + my $parameter_badmailfrom = "";
2512 + my $value_badmailfrom = "";
2513 + while (($parameter_badmailfrom,$value_badmailfrom) = each(%list_badmailfrom)) {
2514 + if ($parameter_badmailfrom eq "type") {next;}
2515 +
2516 + if ($value_badmailfrom eq "Black") {
2517 + $wdb->get_prop_and_delete('badmailfrom', "$parameter_badmailfrom");
2518 + }
2519 + }
2520 +
2521 + my $BadMailFrom = $q->param("badmailfrom");
2522 + $BadMailFrom =~ s/\r\n/,/g;
2523 + my @BadMailFrom = sort(split /,/, $BadMailFrom);
2524 + foreach $BadMailFrom (@BadMailFrom){
2525 + $wdb->set_prop('badmailfrom', "$BadMailFrom", 'Black');
2526 + }
2527 + # spamassassin blacklist_from
2528 + my %list_wblglobal = $sdb->get('wbl.global')->props;
2529 + my $parameter_wblglobal = "";
2530 + my $value_wblglobal = "";
2531 + while (($parameter_wblglobal,$value_wblglobal) = each(%list_wblglobal)) {
2532 + if ($parameter_wblglobal eq "type") {next;}
2533 +
2534 + if ($value_wblglobal eq "Black") {
2535 + $sdb->get_prop_and_delete('wbl.global', "$parameter_wblglobal");
2536 + }
2537 + }
2538 +
2539 + my $BlacklistFrom = $q->param("blacklistfrom");
2540 + $BlacklistFrom =~ s/\r\n/,/g;
2541 + my @BlacklistFrom = sort(split /,/, $BlacklistFrom);
2542 + foreach $BlacklistFrom (@BlacklistFrom){
2543 + $sdb->set_prop('wbl.global', "$BlacklistFrom", 'Black');
2544 + }
2545 +
2546 + ##Update email settings
2547 + unless ( system ("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "smeserver-wbl-update") == 0 ){
2548 + $fm->error('ERROR_UPDATING');
2549 + return undef;
2550 + }
2551 +
2552 + $fm->success('SUCCESS');
2553 +}
2554 +
2555 +sub create_modify_white
2556 +{
2557 + my $fm = shift;
2558 + my $q = $fm->{'cgi'};
2559 +
2560 + # qpsmtpd whitelisthosts
2561 + my %list = $wdb->get('whitelisthosts')->props;
2562 + my $parameter = "";
2563 + my $value = "";
2564 + while (($parameter,$value) = each(%list)) {
2565 + if ($parameter eq "type") {next;}
2566 +
2567 + if ($value eq "White") {
2568 + $wdb->get_prop_and_delete('whitelisthosts', "$parameter");
2569 + }
2570 + }
2571 +
2572 + my $WhitelistHosts = $q->param("whitelisthosts");
2573 + $WhitelistHosts =~ s/\r\n/,/g;
2574 + my @WhitelistHosts = sort(split /,/, $WhitelistHosts);
2575 + foreach $WhitelistHosts (@WhitelistHosts)
2576 + {
2577 + $wdb->set_prop('whitelisthosts', "$WhitelistHosts", 'White');
2578 + }
2579 +
2580 + # qpsmtpd whitelisthelo
2581 + my %list_whitelisthelo = $wdb->get('whitelisthelo')->props;
2582 + my $parameter_whitelisthelo = "";
2583 + my $value_whitelisthelo = "";
2584 + while (($parameter_whitelisthelo,$value_whitelisthelo) = each(%list_whitelisthelo)) {
2585 + if ($parameter_whitelisthelo eq "type") {next;}
2586 +
2587 + if ($value_whitelisthelo eq "White") {
2588 + $wdb->get_prop_and_delete('whitelisthelo', "$parameter_whitelisthelo");
2589 + }
2590 + }
2591 +
2592 + my $WhitelistHelo = $q->param("whitelisthelo");
2593 + $WhitelistHelo =~ s/\r\n/,/g;
2594 + my @WhitelistHelo = sort(split /,/, $WhitelistHelo);
2595 + foreach $WhitelistHelo (@WhitelistHelo)
2596 + {
2597 + $wdb->set_prop('whitelisthelo', "$WhitelistHelo", 'White');
2598 + }
2599 +
2600 + # qpsmtpd whitelistsenders
2601 + my %list_whitelistsenders = $wdb->get('whitelistsenders')->props;
2602 + my $parameter_whitelistsenders = "";
2603 + my $value_whitelistsenders = "";
2604 + while (($parameter_whitelistsenders,$value_whitelistsenders) = each(%list_whitelistsenders)) {
2605 + if ($parameter_whitelistsenders eq "type") {next;}
2606 +
2607 + if ($value_whitelistsenders eq "White") {
2608 + $wdb->get_prop_and_delete('whitelistsenders', "$parameter_whitelistsenders");
2609 + }
2610 + }
2611 +
2612 + my $WhitelistSenders = $q->param("whitelistsenders");
2613 + $WhitelistSenders =~ s/\r\n/,/g;
2614 + my @WhitelistSenders = sort(split /,/, $WhitelistSenders);
2615 + foreach $WhitelistSenders (@WhitelistSenders)
2616 + {
2617 + $wdb->set_prop('whitelistsenders', "$WhitelistSenders", 'White');
2618 + }
2619 +
2620 + # spamassassin whitelist_from
2621 + my %list_wblglobal = $sdb->get('wbl.global')->props;
2622 + my $parameter_wblglobal = "";
2623 + my $value_wblglobal = "";
2624 + while (($parameter_wblglobal,$value_wblglobal) = each(%list_wblglobal)) {
2625 + if ($parameter_wblglobal eq "type") {next;}
2626 +
2627 + if ($value_wblglobal eq "White") {
2628 + $sdb->get_prop_and_delete('wbl.global', "$parameter_wblglobal");
2629 + }
2630 + }
2631 +
2632 + my $WhitelistFrom = $q->param("whitelistfrom");
2633 + $WhitelistFrom =~ s/\r\n/,/g;
2634 + my @WhitelistFrom = sort(split /,/, $WhitelistFrom);
2635 + foreach $WhitelistFrom (@WhitelistFrom){
2636 + $sdb->set_prop('wbl.global', "$WhitelistFrom", 'White');
2637 + }
2638 +
2639 + ##Update email settings
2640 + unless ( system ("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "smeserver-wbl-update") == 0 ){
2641 + $fm->error('ERROR_UPDATING');
2642 + return undef;
2643 + }
2644 +
2645 + $fm->success('SUCCESS');
2646 +}
2647 +
2648 +sub email_update
2649 +{
2650 + my $fm = shift;
2651 + my $q = $fm->{'cgi'};
2652 +
2653 + unless ( system ("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "smeserver-wbl-update") == 0 )
2654 + {
2655 + $fm->error('ERROR_UPDATING');
2656 + return undef;
2657 + }
2658 +
2659 + $fm->success('SUCCESS');
2660 +
2661 +}
2662 +
2663 +sub get_blacklistfrom
2664 +{
2665 + my %list = $sdb->get('wbl.global')->props;
2666 +
2667 + my @blacklistfrom = ();
2668 + my $parameter = "";
2669 + my $value = "";
2670 + while (($parameter,$value) = each(%list)) {
2671 + if ($parameter eq "type") {next;}
2672 +
2673 + if ($value eq "Black") {
2674 + push @blacklistfrom, $parameter;
2675 + }
2676 + }
2677 +
2678 + return "" unless (scalar @blacklistfrom);
2679 +
2680 + return join "\n", sort(@blacklistfrom);
2681 +}
2682 +sub create_modify_rbl
2683 +{
2684 + my $fm = shift;
2685 + my $q = $fm->{'cgi'};
2686 +
2687 + my $dnsbl = $q->param('dnsbl');
2688 + $db->set_prop('qpsmtpd', 'DNSBL', "$dnsbl");
2689 +
2690 + my $rhsbl = $q->param('rhsbl');
2691 + $db->set_prop('qpsmtpd', 'RHSBL', "$rhsbl");
2692 +
2693 +
2694 + my $sbllistcgi = $q->param('sbllist');
2695 + my @sbllistcgi = split /\s{2,}/, $sbllistcgi;
2696 + my $sbllistdb = '';
2697 + foreach (@sbllistcgi) { $sbllistdb = $sbllistdb . ',' . $_; }
2698 + $sbllistdb =~ s/^,//;
2699 +
2700 + $db->set_prop('qpsmtpd', 'SBLList', "$sbllistdb");
2701 +
2702 +
2703 + my $rbllistcgi = $q->param('rbllist');
2704 + my @rbllistcgi = split /\s{2,}/, $rbllistcgi;
2705 + my $rbllistdb = '';
2706 + foreach (@rbllistcgi) { $rbllistdb = $rbllistdb . ',' . $_; }
2707 + $rbllistdb =~ s/^,//;
2708 +
2709 + $db->set_prop('qpsmtpd', 'RBLList', "$rbllistdb");
2710 +
2711 + ##Update email settings
2712 +
2713 + unless ( system ("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "smeserver-wbl-update") == 0 ){
2714 + $fm->error('ERROR_UPDATING');
2715 + return undef;
2716 + }
2717 +
2718 + $fm->success('SUCCESS');
2719 +}
2720 +
2721 +#Subroutine to display buttons
2722 +#sub print_custom_button{
2723 +# my ($fm,$desc,$url) = @_;
2724 +# my $q = $fm->{cgi};
2725 +# $url="wbl?page=0&page_stack=&Next=Next&wherenext=".$url;
2726 +# print " <tr>\n <td colspan='2'>\n";
2727 +# print $q->p($q->a({href => $url, -class => "button-like"},$fm->localise($desc)));
2728 +# print qq(</tr>\n);
2729 +# return undef;
2730 +#}
2731 +#;

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